How do we save it?
How do we save it?
by making good games
>Launch at $100.
>Current high PC specs.
>Free game every month.
>Wii/U/GC backwards compatibility.
>Half Life 3, GTAVI, Final Fantasy XVI, Call of Duty, Street Fighter VI and all future Fifa/Madden games NX exclusive.
And it'll still fail, miserably. People don't associate Nintendo with modern gaming, at best they're distantly behind tablets and smartphones as children distractions.
By letting it die.
>How do we save it?
By making games that look like current gen games?
get rid of the old guys holding Nintendo back
new guys are well capable of making good games still
see DKCTF, Splatoon and Kirby Robo
It's not meant to be successful by Nintendo's own admission. It's just meant to break even so they stop losing money.
Nintendo has admitted that the future of their company is in adaptations, merchandise licensing, and corporate partnerships with companies interested in using Nintendo IPs. They've given up on the video game industry and are not even trying anymore.
We don't know how bad it is yet. A good start would be actual support from first party Nintendo, and that's more than Mario Kart and Smash.
>They've given up on the video game industry.
>By announcing a new video game console.
No gimmicks. Good hardware. Nintendo games with good graphics would be amazing.
But It's already doomed
It's actually the PS4K
Unprecedented partnership coming soon.
Naughty Dog is making the next Metroid
>It's not meant to be successful by Nintendo's own admission.
That's Nintendo hedging its own bets and establishing pre-emptive damage control. They did the same exact thing with the DS, arguing that it would be a "third pillar" but the GBA brand would continue.
Then the DS was wildly successful and they axed the GB brand.
But that didn't save the Wii U.
They've explicitly said they are moving away from video games and that "the future of Nintendo" is in IP licensing. This is according to the CEO of the company.
Marvel still makes comics but that doesn't mean comics are the bulk of their income. All the comics are for is keeping the brand name fresh and relevant so they're worth more as adaptations.
They need to just stop doing silly gimmicks.
They put a lot of people off. Especially kids.
A lot of kids think the WiiU is the kiddie toy console. Most kids don't want that. They want to feel like adults.
Marvel Comics has admitted that they're literally "an IP farm" that exists to keep the Marvel character IPs in use so that Disney doesn't have to worry about their copyrights expiring.
>Nintendo Direct Dec 2016
>The NX is revealed
>standard controller
>no gimmicks
>Better hardware that the Xbox and PS4
>Metroid Prime 4 and Mario Galaxy 3 will be a launch title along with AAA third party games
> $300 at release
> $100 off for previous wiiU owners if they want to upgrade
How do you respond Sup Forums?
>>Metroid Prime 4 and Mario Galaxy 3
You're an idiot if you think sequels will save Nintendo.
It would be great to know what the fuck it is first.
If no back-compat, I dont buy.
If they get their heads out of their asses it will be bought.
If not then nothing of value was lost.
It doesn't need saving.
>Launch at $100.
you really don't understand the economics of running a business do you?
Exactly, Nintendo's games division will be the same way soon.
Fe7+6 remake
>i didnt read the post: the post
>Metroid Prime 4
>standard controller
No thanks.
Stop being the most mysterious game company in the world and tell fans what the fuck is going on.
That sounds terrible.
>3rd person Metroid game in the Uncharted 4 engine.
oo la la
ebin shitpost
>Uncharted 4 engine.
You mean the Uncharted 1 engine they keep half-assedly modifying, which can't handle anything more complex than simple climbing paths and generic gunmen AI. Example: TLoU's zombies being downplayed because they were retarded as fuck.
>Not a handheld
Here are things that would tempt me to buy NX that are not obvious shit like good games, technological standards and good price
>Gaming Tablet system like some sort of super-handheld gaming system also with all the multimedia perks you would get with a tablet
>Unified Library meaning that there wouldn't be a problem with exclusive going either console or handheld
>Something that makes it special while not being obnoxious, I want to a system that makes me think "yea this game would be perfect on NX"
>Drop the mindset that amiibos are fucking games
>a good design that is comfy while not looking like a fucking fisher price toy
-go back to the pre-wii days where the hardware was actually decent
>try to make amends with third parties (the point above will help this)
-update the miis so they don't look so shitty
-initiative to shove casual shit on the handhelds and leave the core stuff on console, there is no reason wii fit should be available on console but fire emblem/MH is subjugated on handhelds
It's already confirmed via a patent to be a home console that splits in two with one half becoming a portable unit that streams from the home unit.
>-initiative to shove casual shit on the handhelds and leave the core stuff on console, there is no reason wii fit should be available on console but fire emblem/MH is subjugated on handhelds
Japanese games like that sell better on handhelds cause Japan prefers handhelds. And something like Wii Fit wouldn't even work on handhelds, at least the way it currently is. MH isn't even a Nintendo series.
pretty sure NX is gonna be revealed at TGS
Yeah, no it isn't.
>standard no gimmick controller: no VR, screens, touchpads, or motion
>bundle it with Zelda NX
>sell whole game collections (like all Zelda games NES to N64) on one disk
Where did he say that? I can't find anything on it.
If MH is going consoles then there's no reason to not go with the more popular Sony consoles.
>Patents being indicative of anything.
yea sadly that seems to be the case
more and more Nintendo seems to be less about videogames
pretty soon
will be the new go to Nintentard damage control
Adding back compat would do it for me. I don't want $100 off because I own a Wii U, that would seriously devalue the NX.
Just make it fucking all standard gaming shit, no second screens and touchpads and waggle. Give it compatibility with Wii & Wii U controllers/ games so devs who WANT that shit can have it, but Nintendo (the only guaranteed dev) won't feel obligated to force it (Starfox).
I wouldn't mind cartridges again either, but that's a little nostalgiafaggy of me.
By having multiplats
The Wii U didn't have good games.
Don't ruin Mario Kart 8's battle mode
Legit 3D Mario game
2D Mario game that isn't NSMB
Port Mario Maker day0
Make something can actually support third party games so people will actually want to fucking buy it.
seamless interplay between the console and handheld, no gimmick otherwise
ship console with two controllers at an economically friendly price point
have a handful of games ready at launch
bw compatibility with Wii u/Wii
more focus on the adult audience, I.e. uncensored versions of chink games available at least digitally
specs on par with ps4/xbone for easy porting, just to expand library with multiplat garbage people want
they won't do any of that though.
From Software exclusives, XSEED ports.
they probably should just become mobage dev's
miitomo has like 13 mil downloads or some shit.
I'm sure animal crossing will be great on mobile.
that's fine
You know. I see shit like this and then wonder why anyone says it's sooo fucking hard for devs to have appropriate models and textures. I'm not saying it isn't work.
But if a very small group of school students can do it in a small and limited time frame then why the fuck can't a massive company with countless artists and model makers do it?
Release exclusive dungeon siege 2 remastered with new classes, spells and adding extra stuff and content.
It really makes you wonder what exactly the NX is when you have Microsoft and Sony suddenly releasing updated versions of their consoles at the same time.
Almost as if they're in a rush to enter some sort of market.
Shut down Nintendo of America and Europe
Cease all western localization of Nintendo game
Make Nintendo products Japan only
Because clearly western gamers don't deserve the Nintendo brand
Eh. Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. Look at what's happening with Sonic. Fans make better Sonic games than SEGA has put out since 1994
They're likely trying to kill off Nintendo for good. And now is the best time to do it.