Would you wear it, Sup Forums?

Would you wear it, Sup Forums?

vidya clothing thread

Does it come with a trilby

Only if it comes with a mask to hide my face behind.

Hopefully people will mistake it for a football team jacket

I like Soldier 76 but this is honestly ugly as shit. Numbers are a Calgary Flames jersey ripoff and the blue with them is ugly.

Could make a nice motorcycle jacket if the leather was high enough quality. Dainese use to make something similar, but simpler in design since you don't want overly complicated sticking that could blow out in a riding jacket.

I wouldn't wear it myself though

did I become a race car driver at some point?

fightan shirts are the best. a lot of good sites making cool designs.

The shape could pass as a normal jacket but the colors are all over the place, this isn't subtle at all.

No. You became a soldier. We're all soldier's now.

Wouldn't be caught d-DIE DIE DIIIEEEE

Pretty subtle and I like it

I own this.


Looks like something a racer would wear

>you have this picture on your hard drive


Only if I was riding a motorcycle. But something tells me that jacket is actually shit quality.


Maybe if it was a different texture, I do appreciate that it's subtle but not 3DEEP5U enough that even players won't understand it.

I got this hoodie pretty early on in the red vs blue life. It's pretty comfy

You can tell that it's just padded faux leather.

No because motorcycle jackets are for motorcyclists, and motorcyclists are people who don't value their own lives.

years back, Pokemon team up with a designer to make some coool pokemon t shirts. The website and products went down but i plan to eventually copy the designs in to large PNG files to use

I have this

Would you wear it?


Who wouldn't?


Who here wears band shirts?

I'd buy one and hang it on my wall. I don't really wear jackets.

>someone made money off of this

It is pretty /fa/ would wear with some Rafs desu

Maybe on halloween

I wear bane shirts.

I should consider getting a motorcycle then. Thanks user

>user I didn't know you were a Nascar fan! lol


At best I'd wear small faction emblems on plain shirts from video games like planetside.

>I'm not. I'm just a soldier

This picture makes me rock hard every time.

Sorry, I only wear subtle vidya clothing

If it fit well enough and didnt have the ugly gloves sure


I don't think you know what that word means

Why the fuck is it a hump? Its a saddle on his back holy fuck im triggered

It's been pretty humpy for a while.

Ehh, I can't quite argue with you. Once you get on the bike, it's all about going fast. If you crash, at least you were having too many thrills to care.

what terrible shoes

Is there a men's version? That's clearly cut for women.

I have the Club Nintendo "retro mario" t-shirt. It's pretty good. Pic sorta related... couldn't find a good image of it.

only to family reunions and weddings



What is the appeal of this?

>this is posted every thread
>mfw i have no problem with it because the shirt is funny as fuck

i regret not getting this when i had the chance.

It combines my two favourite things, obviously.

No but i like Tracer's bomber jacket.

Were all drivers now.


I bought this shirt. I dig it.
I wear a Reel Big Fish shirt I got from a concert. I think if you got it from a show, you're fine.

it looks wrong

>thinks family guy and minecraft is funny
>uses fallout 4 reaction images

if you truly valued your life you wouldn't be spending it here on Sup Forums


I bought this and like it alot.
But its summer so this hoodie wont such much right now

woops forgot to rotate


I don't watch or play either, I just think the shirt is the epitome of clothing you would see a 12 year old wearing, which is why I find it funny.
I got the pic off of google images.

dam senpai. I have this too.

I also have the 'Is it an order of rabbit' one. I was going to get the Cinderella girls one, but paypal was acting like a cunt and wouldn't process the order.

>play magic
>one day some ~16 year old walks in wearing about 70 dollars of official SAO merchandise
>proceeded to pull out an SAO deck box with an SAO sleeved deck

I want it

>say is bad
>wear shit like

hahahahh fucking cringy weebs

>graphics on clothing
>in 2016

who dis

sure he does