Why are Polygon and Kotaku and Destructoid all praising Overwatch when it's just as "p-p-p-problematic" as any other...

Why are Polygon and Kotaku and Destructoid all praising Overwatch when it's just as "p-p-p-problematic" as any other vidya?

What makes the left image okay but the right one not okay? The person on the left isn't even native American, she's an egyptian.

Why does Overwatch get a free pass? Is it because it has Heavy Tumblr Girl?

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don't question it by their own fucked logic
let it be

In all fairness, I avoid both because I despise pandering and will discard it if I See even a tiny bit of it.

Overwatch is popular. Game on the right is not.

Throwing a popular game under the bus to push your agenda wouldn't be a good idea because popular things have many fans.


>we need an egyptian character
>just slap the eye of horus on their stupid face and call them "Pharaoh"
>but sir, it's a lady.
>"Pharah". Whatever. And put more polygons in Tracer and Widowmaker's asses while you're at it.

But seriously, though. Between Pharah, Lucio, and all the female ass, I wonder why Overwatch doesn't get torn apart more. I mean, the game doesn't offend ME, but it just seems like it's filled with tons of triggerbait.


Anthony Burch actually wrote about how Overwatch's stereotypes are GOOD:


Unrelated, but the ironing of this paragraph fucking slays me:
>Additionally -- and this is a great strength of Overwatch's writing across the board, not just within its more stereotypical characters -- the dialog is not annoying. Characters don't really make capital-J Jokes, and they don't say anything particularly bizarre that would draw your attention more than it ought to. Battle dialog, especially battle dialog in multiplayer games, needs to be frictionless. It needs to convey information, do so concisely, and, above all, not be fucking annoying.

I don't understand why any of this is a problem. Are people really this sensitive.

>What makes the left image okay but the right one not okay
The size of their paycheck.


You need actual gameplay for that, boyo. Not fanservice. If one is present, it instantly overshadows the other.

Lucio is safe because he's black and not a total stereotype. His whole backstory is about how sensitive he is and how he uses his status to tackle social issues. SJWs would like him even if he's a black dancing DJ.

Pharah gets a free pass because SJWs love the shit out of strong females that are brown with a vague race. There's really nothing that bad or stereotypical about her except the tattoo and her name, but even her name is just a call sign.

Pharah is perfect

The one on the left doesn't show any skin.

See, the only people who are offended by things are ugly feminists, and they're only offended by attractive women.

Pharah is covered up. Doesn't matter that she's egyptian dressed as a native american stereotype. Native Americans aren't cool. Ugly women are cool.

Overwatch is western.
Bravely Second is by japs.

Should I get bravely second?

Well, some actual native americans, including people in leadership positions, have been complaining about non-natives using their cultural iconography for other purposes for many years, so this is just a continuation of a very old discussion. It doesn't generally extend to all references, though, just ones that either rely on false stereotypes or use religious elements inappropriately.
Then you have fringe elements who complain about everything, but obviously they aren't in play when you have someone running around dressed up like Bird Jesus.

He's retarded. All you get from making generic characters is a generic game. There are comics and movies but none of the personality shines through in game. It feels exactly like playing Warframe only all the characters aren't overdesigned to the point of being featureless blobs from more than 2 feet away.

But Lucio is literally a black dude spouting slang just shy of saying "blang blang" and "that is whack", and his power is literally dropping phat beats. He's like something out of the Burger King Kids Club. Next you're going to tell me there's some techy gamer character who spouts forced vidya slang and plays Starcraft professionally. Oh wait.

>vague race
she literally has the Eye of Horus tattooed on her face like she's ready to hang with the fucking Suicide Squad.

I ain't even mad, cause I play a ton of Lucio, and I rock Pharah's Anubis outfit because it's so slick. I just want to know why a big triple A game like Overwatch isn't getting dogpiled, but every other game needs a thinkpiece about how they're racist or sexist.

>she literally has the Eye of Horus tattooed on her face
Yeah, but you're forgetting that SJWs are the type who actually believe Egyptians have always been proud black women. To them, she's some vague brown woman and they love the shit out of characters like that.

SJWs also think they already "won" with Overwatch because of Zarya's design and the redone Tracer pose. They're too stupid to realize Zarya is actually a prejudiced nationalistic family woman, and too hypocritical to care that Tracer's new pose is a pin-up pose because they like pin-up models.

Because according to SJWs "cultural appropriation" is okay if it is from minority to minority.

>lazy "writer" who recycles memes endorses lazy "writing" that recycles lazy stereotypes
Shock and awe

>Widowmaker's given name is "Amélie Lacroix"

>Left is designed by "OPEN MINDED" probably white male from allmighty Blizzard

>Right is designed by lowlife japan scum who doesn't even understandour proud native american. They also rape children, just so you know

>cultural appropriation
I don't get why SJWs think this is bad? Isn't that the entire point of cultural pluralism/multiculturalism?

Writer who uses capital M memes

Horseshoe theory. SJWs want "safe spaces" now, which is essentially Jim Crow bullshit. Sharing culture is also bad now because you're stealing from the strong black women who invented those things.

cultural appropriation is basically white men taking proud natives culture and having fun

Thread ended here. Not much more to say.

So it should be cultural appropriation when anyone but a white person uses a computer, right?

a large, bullish woman with a deep voice and short, hot pink hair is basically worth one negative Song of the South and far as SJW Currency goes. They can basically say "Hitler was right" and still have enough goodwill to show a lazy Mexican.

>Reaper's Ultimate
I stand corrected

Left: ornamented yet still practical armor
Right: pandering to hormonal teens

one is fully clothed the other is half naked, you daft man beard.

Whites don't have culture

Defend this.

Also, defend Widowmaker's and Tracer's and Mei's and D.Va's spandex asses.

The costume on the left was made by a racially sensitive team of westerners and they are paying homage to a culture they don't see represented enough in games.

The costume on the right is by a bunch of japanese just throwing a cultures traditional heritage in because they think it looks cool without any sense of consideration of that culture. Typical coming from non whites desu

I think it's sad that you think there's a force on the internet that you're fighting against and can actually "win" battles against

the one on the right is a stereotype, the one on the left isnt.

robot made up to look like an eagleisnt a native stereotype. scantily clad girl with feather in her hair is.

you fuckers are so sensitive when it comes to liberals

overwatch is a shit tier waifu simulator with a casual shooter minigame, unfortunately its skill cap is lower than its 20 tick rate

What is there to be defended?

>Unrelated, but the ironing of this paragraph fucking slays me:


Why in fuck is Gamergate still producing pictures with that retarded anime? I can understand hiding in your autism cave and talking about how women set about world war 1 and vietnam to exterMENate all men, but I thought even they realized the anime was too goddamn queer.

>the one on the right is a stereotype, the one on the left isnt.

>lol it has something over it, so it's not naked

how does it need defending, i see nothing wrong with it.

women have asses, deal with it

>defend this

no, attack it first

>Egyptian and Native American are interchangable
>racially sensitive
Brown people are all the same, am I right???

The game on the left is a massively hyped, massively popular game. And if a review site talked out against it, their primary demographic would throw a fit and realize that sometimes reviewers and hype can be wrong. In other words, they would be going against their own fanbase.

The game on the right is a rather niche JRPG. And the average Polygon or IGN reader already hates JRPGs and loves to bash Japanese games. So mocking that fits right into their wheelhouse.

tl;dr: These sites are pandering to what's popular.

not really.

how are you getting the message that they are interchangeable? are you stupid are just overreaching hoping other people are stupid?

Kotaku wasn't against the Bravely Default indian design. In fact, they wrote about how Nintendo fucked up because it was an opportunity to showcase native americans in video games. Even SJWs were against the change.

slinky outfit. Women need to be fully clothed at all times. Anita said so.
Racial and religious appropriation is bad.

Therefore, it meets the criteria as the native american costume in Bravely Second.

There. Defend it.

Indians are brown, brown people live in India too, India is in terra incognita, Egypt is also in terra incognita, therefore Pharah is an injun.

i guess you missed the memo on gamespot's "pc vs ps4" comparison

im sorry but how did you miss the racist ass red native warpaint all over her face

>character is Egyptian
>covered with Native American iconography
literally makes no sense unless you factor in skin color.

Left isn't le slutty Pocahantas college girl Halloween costume

Isn't as ridiculous as OP left, also traditional depictions of Hindu gods didn't have much clothing

You guys are literally career offended same as the SJWs, in before that butthurt masked dude comic

That's not warpaint, that's menses because she is a liberated strong woman and a proud advocate of freebleeding.

You're fucking retarded my dude

Must be fun seeing the world through your eyes

>Characters don't really make capital-J Jokes

That Shiva or whatever outfit doesn't look any less skimpy than actual Indian mythology. Why are you so determined to be offended?

Traditional depiction of an Hindu god, plus she has hard light shields.

The difference is that it's cool and profitable to like Overwatch.

You fellow kids should go buy Overwatch! And make sure to buy the special addition, which features additional skins for all of your favorite Blizzard games!

this, someone translate whatever he said into shitlord, so I can understand it.


Been thinking of getting into Overwatch lately. I want freedom from the kids that infested TF2.

Does Blizzard have some kind of mandatory ID system that perma-bans anyone under 18? I might get it if so. I'd be happy to pay 40 bucks for a game that gives a massive middle finger to snot nosed brats that ruin online communities.

Otherwise, no deal.

They all got paid to shill the fuck out of Overwatch.


How the fuck is this comparable, the Bravely Default outfit doesn't even cover the chick's thong you dumb nigger

So, they have zero spine.

Capital A anime is a term used for like, very obvious easy tropey stuff. Like the kind of thing that off puts people.

Capital J joke probably means like, on the nose or in your face. No nuance, no subtly, etc.

aka all of his writing. which is all shit.

I having a hard time choosing between the Knight or Ninja class in Bravely Second. What did you guys pick?

Blizzard isn't going to turn down money from anyone, especially kids' parents.

Bright side is that I barely see anyone using mics on PC.

Probably because Overwatch is has adult women and that weeb shit is full of schoolchildren.

Nope, however you can downvote people you play with so the matchmaker doesn't make matches with them in your future games. You can also upvote people who aren't shitters and it'll try to match you up more.

the japanese can have shit like that in there games
thay cant stop anybody from buying the game how do you think games like mkx and gta still come out

Ding. Complaining about 'problematic' content in Japanese games is just dog-whistle racism among these idiots.

Do you dumbasses seriously not know any of the cases of them attacking popular games?

Congratulations, you've finally learned the secret of the liberal media and only 60 years after everyone else.

But THAT'S racist.


>downvotes and upvotes
So it attracts reditors. That's a major turnoff. I hate redit.

But then why do SJWs complain when Japanese (a non-white) do the same thing? Or are they the only minority exempt from this?

Oh good one of these threads.

It attracts far more 4chanistas. I've heard a lot more squealing about berniecucks and building walls than I've heard praising atheism.

>blaming the liberal media for your small penis


Ninja for dual wield and dodging. It works great with Charioteer.

I know this is just a hugbox circlejerk thread for bitter nerds but the native shit is about a) slutty Pocahantas costumes and b) headdresses, which are the equivalent of military medals and piss them off the same way veterans would be pissed off if military decorations became frosh fashion.

Blizzard was careful to avoid both.

Because left has a cartoony pixar rip off looking aesthetic, allowing them to think it's harmless and quirky.

best native american in vidya right ere

I've been finding it even worse. I ask people to play a different class because they aren't being helpful sitting a mile away from the objective but they all say "I paid $40 so I'm going to play whoever I want". And they do, this one guy played Hanzo 6 games in a row on attack and defense just shooting arrows down the hall hoping someone would pass by.

That's obviously a black or Indian chick

Asians a minority of convenience to SJWs. Sometimes they're oppressed, sometimes they're at the level of white people or lower. Whatever works best to force their narrative.

Game on the right is made by the Japanese
Game on the left is made by the non-Japanese
It is the same reason why they do not like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure despite being filled with the kind of shit they keep asking for.

>Brown people are all the same, am I right???
Well I wasn't going to come out and SAY it.

But they did it with GTAV, MGSV, Undertale, and so on and so forth, all of which are great deals more popular than Bravely Default.

Shania is cool as fuck and I love all her lewd tatoo magical girl transformations.
Naten is really great too. It was really cool to run around fighting American legends to learn sick gun-kata.

Tracer has no ass, are you blind

Would American Aimee still have the Boston accent if she had remained a Native American qt?

>capital-J Jokes
I don't know what that is

My friend was talking about how that's a thing in Bravely Second, where you have to choose which class to obtain during the story. That in turn causes branching storylines.

I am trying to 100% the demo atm, so with no major spoilers what are the better classes to forgo in favor for a good story and challenge?

Are Native American's the most sensitive minority?