Thoughts on this used in pvp?

Thoughts on this used in pvp?

If it's a caster then it's ok, dont LET them use it, punish it.

Do people actually do this? I mean I wouldn't give a fuck but I wouldn't stop attacking them either

Try and stop them using it, but don't break all "rules" because they did like with a normal estus

If I see them use it, I'm healing.

Casters should be allowed to use estus without the opponent healing, it's the only way they can attack.

Don't spam your magic then.

How's that fair? He's not healing, he's just getting resources to attack. Stamina regenerates, FP doesn't.

>Punish Estus
>In Dark Souls III

Hahahahaha. He'll have chugged the whole bottle and rolled behind you before your swing animation finishes.

you can swing your meme sword all you want, I can only cat last like 5 times before my fp is depleted

I don't mind if they use it at all. If I can, I'll try and hit em as they use it, but it's not even remotely the same as healing.

don't let them stray too far from you, close the gap, kiddo

Then they heal.
You just gave up a fair fight.

So he can just spam one shot spells all he wants from a distance, then when his fp runs out he can, ashen estus and just keep doing it?

Use whatever will help you win, nigga. Do you pvp in those gay ass fightclubs or something?

HP is also a resource needed to attack you know

no he is right you can hit them but you wont actually be able to stop the estus

lets just not pretend the opponent is a retard

You do realize how fast chugging is right?

>dueling someone
>they think its okay to use AshenFlask

Its not as bad but still its a recovering item.


Thank you. Casters should learn to not spam their magic.

go ahead and use it, ima smack that ass in the meantime tho

youll be lucky to find a caster in the first place

i mean you really gotta enjoy being shitty and losing a lot

No, it's a resource needed to LIVE. Stamina is a resource to attack, which mages have a limited amount of.

No spell in this game can one shot. Every single spell is VERY easy to dodge. If they chose to invest stats to let them cast magic then they of course can use ashen estus. If you are doing so often to caster that you want them all to not use ashen estus, then you are just bad m8. Sorry.

>all this bitching about healing in "pvp"

You people are massive faggots.

If the game allows you to use it then it's legal, fuck you honour faggots

*you are dying

Why even post senpai?

You need to live to attack. HP is still considered a resource in games because you need to manage it. Mages need to stop being shitters who spam magic

Healing in invasions is fine. Summon signs it's not.
People summon to get around the host advantages.

Also, mages can use weapons too. If they leave themselves defenseless because they used up all their FP without carrying a useable melee weapon then theyre retarded

I can tell you've never played as a mage before. You don't actually expect someone to have 99 attunement do you?

See, thing is, he's not regenerating that resource, he's just replenishing the resource needed for him to ATTACK you cuck

>Thoughts on this used in pvp?

That's fine. We just disagree. I won't end a duel because they used it. You do what you feel is right.

Use the champs halberd, when people get around half health I charge them down and they don't get away.

I love that thing.

This. It's literally the only way to have a semi-circle mage build.

There is a ring to cut down FP useage. Moonlight GS exists, you can infuse weapons so they scale based on your int/faith stats. Sorry that you are retarded.

> You don't actually expect someone to have 99 attunement do you?
Said no one ever


Jesus Christ, you legit must be afk to get hit by most of the ranged spells in this game. My advice to you is to either roll, or simply walk to the side.

>honorfag starts bowing to me while i am invading
>Drink 2 charge of real estus
>Quickly swap to blue useless flask and show the empty animation
>He empties his heal flask
>I trade hits and heal up. He panics and die.

Thanks, blue estus.

I punish chuggers with UGS' all day. I can't even imagine how much easier it would be with a dexfag weapon.

I want to be a semi-circle Mage

Great trick
If you invaded he deserves it. I never do honorable shit with invaders. Only summon sign invasions.

I'm alright with it, doesn't make casters any less boring to play though

>roll around casting spells
>all are easily avoided
>sip to recover fp
>repeat until they die

I think HP regen builds are the bigger problem. You can get some nice regen and it's really easy to avoid attacks.

Personally I hate it when I'm about to win a fair fight and it happens.
Extra points if the other player messages you with "gg"

Listen, retard. Let me explain to you very slowly the mechanics of dark souls 3. If I'm playing as a caster, guess what I'm gonna do. That's right, cast. If I'm playing as a swordsman, guess what I'm gonna do? Swing. But unlike swinging a sword, which uses stamina, casting spells require FP to use, which unlike stamina, doesn't regenerate.

Healing in PVP just massively slows shit down and turns it from "Interesting" into "can I get my 2.3 billion damage combo off even once?" and "Can I hit him enough times that he runs out of Estus?"
I don't chug unless they do, for two reasons.
1. I don't like wasting people's time unless I've run into them before and/or they act like a faggot.
2. If I can't get them down without using Estus, I don't deserve the win.
>Fight club rules

Any thoughts on this used in pvp?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Shut the fuck up. Chug all you want, estoc all you want. Don't be embered in anor londo tonight kiddo's.

Using it is pretty cheap

Console master race.

>Estoc all you want
Not even once.

>playing on PC


>doesn't even have the one hit kill mod
are you even trying?

Spellcasting builds can be fun but the most effective """meta""" spells are either buffs or boring straightforward projectiles. There are some fun spells like the farron flashsword, sacred flame and lightning stake but all you see are people using chaos bed vestiges, fire surge spam, tears of denial, deep protection etc.

Bleed builds are the new hotness. I can't have one session of PvP without some pleb pulling out sellsword twinblades or the carthus curved sword and buffing it with bleed.

Tenth one m8

Yeah, I'd be afraid too. If you want to be fucked prison style then play on PC with me. We gonna have some fun tonight. I got 4 cd-keys and i'm looking to wreck some of you real soon. *wink*


>One Hit Kill
Doesn't that means everything else redundant?

Casters arent limited to only casting spells. Try being less stupid overall.

>needing to download some malware infested trainer to hack in games
If you can't get good at playing games you should at least acquire script kiddie level proficiency in hacking them

How do you think they attack then you fucking nigger

Spells I'm DS3 is also straight up garbage and if you're having difficulty with magic spam you should just uninstall


Their melee is significantly weaker, and the int/faith scaling is worse than the alternative.

Maybe you can teach us how it's done faggot, since you're so well-informed on the subject. Lel PC master race

You're just proving you're asshurt and suck at dealing with the easiest targets in the game.

Where do you get off ruining other people's fun? Kill yourself dude, like seriously fuck off.

git gud

Only bad players see health as "keeping me alive"
Health in every game is a resource that you trade for damage. As ling as your health isn't 0, you're not dead, and should be spending it as a resource until you can no longer afford to. Obvious exceptions for games where lowered health impairs your character of course.

so what about the chaos blade?

That's what you get for picking one of the most useless builds in the game.

I probably wrecked you in game at some point, why else would you be this mad. Come to pontiff bonfire and I'll do it again. Look for my sign char name is Trainer ON. Come get some fuck boy.

Yeah no thanks. Kill yourself.

Haha. Sure you do, kid.

It's not HP, so it's fine.

top kek

Heh... whatever, kid... *puts cigarette out on forehead*

If it's an item available in the game, I don't see any issue with using it unless you and your opponent have set up rules.

>There is a ring to cut down FP useage
And half your health.

That's dirty, I love it.

Hmmm its as if its uselessness could be alleviated somewhat by casting spells on the regular.

I'm gonna try this. I could use some more fan mail

I got your answer right here, shitter.

*presses L2*
*presses R2*

Heh... Nothin' personnel, kid.

*L2's into the distance*

>Hmmm its as if its uselessness could be alleviated somewhat by casting spells on the regular.

You wish


Ah, the old SF2 troll "don't attack people when they get dizzyed"

Everything is at your disposal. Only winning matters.

Anyone who says anything otherwise is a shitter faggot engaging in the fool's errand of enforcing varying and continually changing community guidelines on strangers.

But it's more fun to have a good duel than an autistic chugfest. That's why fightclubs exist.

>gives one thing that is in favor of casting spells
>immediately switches to weapons
oh you cumguzzling faggot you

also why is magic so shit in this one, it's not even balanced to make up for when it was op, its just fucking awful now

Why couldn't they leave estus chugging the same as DaS2? I feel like half the complaints about pvp would go away in an instant.

hell do i do about roll spammers and runners use a great sword?

>opting to sip instead of finishing them off

I dunno, pyromancy is still pretty fun. Magic is good if you have like 50-60 INT, which is fucking crazy. Dork majick barely exists and miracles suck. Miracles just suck.

Goddamn, look at that chug. You guys weren't kidding, that was fast.

Also on that note, since when can invaders use estus? I've only played up to Dark Souls 2, that sounds like bullshit.

it's not bullshit with you have the host plus 4 butt buddies with him and they all can heal.

10 bucks says you found no success with your dark sword great shield build and decided to start hacking the game. Git gud retard.

Phantoms get half estus whether co-op or invading.

fast fights are unsatisfying

If you're using the sword, offset your timing slightly and catch them between rolls, if they're coming out of it, they take the hit, you're timing for when they totally finish and rope firebombs.
If they're using the Great Sword, Rope Fire Bombs and offset your timing.

too many wakeup frames and most people will roll spam until safely away
Knives help

Too bad the wakeup frames leave you invulnerable against lloyds talismans.