Why hasn't any faggot capitalised on this and made a good game? The source material is rich for a witcher 3 like game

Why hasn't any faggot capitalised on this and made a good game? The source material is rich for a witcher 3 like game.

>good games being made

They made an RPG based on it a few years ago, but it was pretty linear and otherwise forgettable.

The point is that it really doesn't lend itself to interesting gameplay. Swords'n'sorcery is dime-a-dozen these days, and the unique selling point of ASoIaF is the political intrigue, which doesn't translate well outside of grand strategy, a genre not frequented by ASoIaF fans.

The Witcher games are as close as you can get

>book known for complicated polotics and diplomacy
>low level rpg combat
Witcher 3 would be a terrible template.

the problem with all the games is that they're trying to focus on oc characters instead of just telling a story that the show hasn't told. at least the telltale game had some main characters in it.

A Total War-like game would fit the best imo.

Play the Crusader Kings II mod. That's the kind of setting it is. GRRM himself has a few set rules on how the story pans out and just goes crazy with who lives and dies. It's really not a traditional narrative like The Witcher.

Because the story is about clay claims, backstabbing and political intrigue. So the only sensible choice would be a grand strategy game.

I said it once I'm going to say it again. old valyria done by fromsoft

>implying warging isn't a cool mechanic that's easily implemented into games

Nah, Lord of the Rings is a Total War setting. ASoIaF is an intricate political opera, not a series of military campaigns; it's totally a Crusader Kings II grand strategy setting.

The setting itself is not interesting. At all.
It's 100% held up by the characters and the plot. So fuck up with the tw suggestions.

>witcher 3 like game

pls no.

A better template would be Shadow of Mordor. Like, for real, the story of Benjen Stark is pretty damn similar to SoM already.

The problem here would be the fact that the Wights really wouldnt have any personality like the Orcs do.

>That GoT pleb who thinks the fat hack has written anything more than a lurid soap opera hiding behind the veneer of 'realism' and talks shit about LOTR being too simplistic

Go back and play Oddworld

All the living characters are shit though.

Reminder that Stannis did nothing wrong.

game on The First Law series pls.
Glotka helluva character in a game.

Just found this little gem OP, looks like it might be cool.

>tfw the game is officially considered vaporware

That's kind of the point I was making. The overt plot for LOTR revolves around war and defending against invasion and conquest, while GoT is all politics and drama.

>series hasn't been interesting since season 4
>jumped the shark in season 6 with all its rapid conclusions because that fat fuck finally realized his dozens of plot lines are literally going nowhere
>still watch it

Inertia at work.

LOTR IS simplistic compared to GoT though.


The games go through HBO and they have no idea what they're doing. They should make an GoT spinoff of one of the following games.

Total War
Crusader Kings
Mount and Blade
Kingdom Come

>not reading the books
>not knowing that everything from season 5 onwards has been the show's writers' fanfiction that doesn't follow the books
>not knowing that even though the first four season followed the books more or less they basically left out half of the story

I watched some of season 5 and couldn't take it seriously, it's hilariously bad. Jamie is going through a lot of growth in the books and the show completely ignored it for Dorne fan fiction.

Also, the show has no "The north remembers, Ser Davos," which is one of the best moments out of all the books

I really fucking hope that hold the door shit was writer OC and not something Martin told them is in the next book

>Start reading the ASOIAF wiki after last week's episode of GOT
>Find the map
>Read about interesting places like The Sorrows, Asshai, Stygai, and of course Old Valyria
I keep thinking an open-world game where you could visit these places would be nice, but there's no way you'd be able to capture the sheer scale.

asoif is largely developed in noncombat situations. plotting, schemeing, its mostly character development.

You could say the same thing about LOTR yet the best games out of that universe were largely, alright.

The best games most of the time come from an original ip.


I read the books and yes, they're better. I especially don't like their subtle change of some characters in the show. Like Catelyn lamenting her treatment of Jon, trying to make her look less like a cold bitch.

That's nothing compared to the 6th season though. That fucking pep talk of Daenerys on her dragon was the most cringy thing in the whole show. I will be mad as hell if that bitch gets what she wants. But who am I kidding, that's exactly how it will turn out.

For what it's worth, Wheel of Time had a decent FPS based on it.

Granted, it was set 150 years before the events of the books with a new storyline, but it was still a respectably fun game with a neat multiplayer mode involving tower defense.

There are 3 games out. They are capitalizing...

The Lore isn't though. If you want Lore, you go to Middle Earth, if you want politics and drama, you go to Westeros.

Wasn't Bethesda asked to make one but they decided to make skyrim?

Also i doubt a game would fit because the most interesting parts of the books were the schemes, revelations and tense moments that didn't revolve around combat in general

In a game you could conquer westeros, free cities, dothraki lands and old valyria in days with the power of valyrian swords with special limited gamestop dlc edition GENOCIDE enchantment

Also every guard would say
Winter is coming
Because arrow meme

The new season looks like video games anyway.

Might as well.

It's been dead for years.

Could work at a mount and blade style game.

Just play the mod for Crusader Kings 2, it's better than any official game could ever be

I just want a sci-fi series with the same level of political shenanigans and plotting. Dune gets close but it's too esoteric at times. Star Trek was close during DS9 but then the writers lost all interest and made season 7.


>I just want a sci-fi series with the same level of political shenanigans and plotting.
I didn't watch it but isn't that basically BSG?


If it makes you feel better, show is finally putting Jaime in his book role by sending him to Riverrun.

Had to remind the audience how powerful Dany was by finding and taming in less than a minute the same uncontrollable dragon that was resting on a hill hundreds of miles five episodes ago... and that they still had the CGI dragons.

I read somewhere that Martin said gave the rough outline as to the hold the door thing, but no details. Someone from leddit asked Martin about the scene and he said it will be very different in the book.

Because the writer doesn't even know what the fuck he's on about.

It's basically a generic fantasy world without the main characters.

Middle Earth still hasn't gotten the treatment it deserves.

>steal LOTR
>make it boring
>be edgy as fuck

And bam! Masterpiece!

Played the first 3 episodes, was good

The choices virtually influence nothing. You might as well just watch it on jewtube.

Literally who? Get your Sanderson garbage outa here

No, BSG was a soap opera where everything ended up being explained as "God did it".

because mount and blade already exists

>winter is coming
>it never comes
>instead here's 500 billion chapters about the worst character in the world, Danerysyeanryersys

We all know Martin is the ultimate troll and is just going to change everything from what he told the TV show because he tries to troll his audience instead of having an actual plot.

People like this character, he dies. They like that character, he dies...

You forgot

>add in sex
>replace interesting vernacular with swear words

Then you've got yourself a bestseller.

This, gaming is in a dark age. The biggest proof being how insistent gaming media is that it isn't. Remember when always online and microtransactions were introduced and journos were shilling for it? It wasn't until everyone hated it that they 180'd and pretended to hate it too. It's the gaming equvalent of Cracked.com making articles about how outrage culture is ruining society. Where do these hypocrites get off acting like they didn't create the situation in the first place?

>The source material is rich
Let me just stop you right there. Lots of description, endless side characters and tons of death does not make something 'rich' or 'deep'. If you think it does, then just go play Final Fantasy.

Based fatman BTFO Racist/sexist Tolkien long ago. Trash like LOTR belongs in a trench, not on your bookshelf

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

>The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Tolkien model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.

>literally who
>names the author in the next sentence
If your goal was to confuse me then you succeeded.

Not him but BSG did have a lot of political shenanigans going on at various times, among many other things. Was pretty soap opera-ish though, I will agree.
God-tier character development

>Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
>muh taxes

Was Stannis popular? I don't really follow fan faggotry. That was the only time I was legitimately mad a character got killed. Everyone else had it coming to them.

>What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

There's literally 2 pages dedicated to Tyrions breakfast when he's on that fucking boat.

Not everything needs to be described and explained, also Martin is shithouse as setting a scene.

Tolkienfags can't even argue against this

What a fucking autist.

He is literally just trolling everyone until he drops dead of clogged arteries

>What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

Why is he critizising this point when his own books completely avoid this theme too?

Dragon Age: Origins already happened.

He goes into taxes and how they finance wars.

He needs all those pages to describe food.

LotR is a larger-than-life mythological tale about heroes and monsters. It's not supposed to be gritty and realistic. It's definitely true that uncreative people used his work as a template for all modern fantasy, though.

>Lots of description, endless side characters and tons of death does not make something 'rich' or 'deep'
it does though

Yeah and his reason is retarded

>btw we own mines for 8000 years xD

Tyrion spends a whole book on this topic. He goes into detail about Littlefingers operation as master of coin and implements the Dwarf's penny tax on prosititues etc.

>call people uncreative for using LOTR as a template
>when LOTR used anglo mythology as a template

When will this meme die?

This. One thing worldbuildingfags aways forget is focus and theme.

Tolkien didnt give a damn to answer those questions because that wasnt part of his greater vision, if he did it would just be wandering off in useless byways.

>call people creative for making a WoW clone
>when WoW is a Warcraft version of Everquest

When will this meme die?


LOTR wasn't an allegory or propaganda, it was a romance, it's simply widely applicable to various meanings. Like this 'war for the fate of civilization' could instead be apply to a war against totalitarian governance, and the ring of power is a metaphor for political dominance. Aragorn and Theoden were inspirational figures, unconstitutional monarchs as Tolkien puts it, not rulers who unjustly tax their people to fund wars. Tolkien described himself as a philosophical anarchist, but this sort of thing goes over the heads of leftist hacks like GRRM.

>But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
Its okay to want to have more development like this. But Martin, you take it to the extreme. Not every single little detail has to be in a story. When Arya is walking through the woods, we don't need to know the color of every single leaf, how the crows sound, the smell of urine on the side of the road, how the wind feels across Arya's face....all of this is excess fat. Ephemera that does not build Arya's character nor does it have anything to do with the destination she is heading to. It is essentially filler. You will call it world building. But you should only give enough description for the reader to paint their own picture. If you end up trying to describe every little nuance ever, then the reader feels like they're just being dictated to. And it starts to resemble reading an Encyclopedia, not a story.

And its really cheeky that you're complaining that Tolkien didn't have enough description when he already did too much himself. You piling on 100x more world building and description, to the point that characters don't even develop over four books, doesn't make your writing better. In fact, I'm going to say it makes it much much worse.

Tolkien stole a fuckton of different mythologies and religious motifs all around Europe, especially Germanic and Finnish people.

>LotR is a larger-than-life mythological tale about heroes and monsters. It's not supposed to be gritty and realistic.

Oh, absolutely. And GRRM acknowledges that. Lord of the Rings are his favorite books of all time. What he's criticizing is everyone doing the same thing, and explaining his sort of philosophy in approaching a fantasy world.

I think it works incredibly well. Despite being fantastic, the world feels real in a way that other fantasy series do not, which increases my stakes in what happens.

GRRM's actual prose is mediocre at best, but the world, characters, and their motivations are incredibly rich and detailed in comparison to other offerings.

>Fought in the war to end all wars
>"by 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead."
>Gets criticized for his depiction of war by a fat fuck draft dodger who's only experience in battle is smashing people aside at the buffet

Characters and political intrigue are all ASOIAF are good for, not things video games do themselves very well.

The point is that art is always derivative of something that came before it. It's called inspiration.

LOTR wasn't conceived in a vacuum and people need to stop pretending it was.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Berserk started off as total Fist of the North Star ripoffs and they branched off into their own things.

>Actual good fantasy books are completely forgotten and will never get a game

None of that went over his head, and GRRM isn't a leftist.

Taking inspiration is not the same as stealing. Tolkien took a lot of concepts and put them into a new land with new characters. Not unlike pretty much every RPG does with Tolkien concepts.

Yeah and bot JoJo and Berserk fans despise FOTNS, so it's only fitting Martin take potshots at Tolkien as par the course

I'd say Berserk was more inspired by Devilman.

>Tolkien invented fantasy

Isn't the purpose of Arya's character simply world-building? She winds up in some of the most interesting places in Westoros, might as well go into detail about the aesthetics.

Which I did not say.

what is this? stargate?

Farcry: ASOIAF Edition
>be a Stark bannerman deep in Lannister territory
>get captured in cinematic/gameplay intro (metro 2033 style)
>Red Wedding happens
>Brotherhood without Banners help free you while the Lannisters are celebrating in beginning tutorial
>someone teaches you about the lord of light and shit
>you raid lannisters and hunt collectibles for the lord of light
>choose your playstyle
>you can be sneaky sneak or go in loud
>bows, crossbows, swords, axes, etc
>game ends with a boss fight against the mountain
you lose

yet he votes for and endorses Democrats and advocates to take in Middle Eastern migrants.

That is your argument, though.

I actually really liked the Game of Thrones RPG. Was a lot like the Knights of the Old Republic games. Even has some actors from the show reprising their roles.

If that's the extent of her character, than it just proves how Martin focuses too much on world building to carry a story. But most readers of the series thin Arya is going to have some big part in the finale. Just like the Dragon bitch who seems to wander around and do nothing as well.

>literally just tits and dragons: the show

wew lad, skyrim already did that one

>GRRM isn't a leftist.

>OP says this book series needs a videogame
>you're talking about a show for some reason

>GoT is the Skyrim of fantasy books
Funny how I can only agree.

Finished the 1st Episode and wasn't feeling it.