Dark Souls 2

I sincerely don't understand. Why is Dark Souls 2 so hated?
The gameplay is VASTLY superior to the third. And for fuck's sake THIS is what should matter first in a Souls game.
Holy shit the developers actually put effort into making literally everything viable from offensive miracles to magic to fists and bigass slow weapons.
The areas are not as big or well crafted as DSIII, on the other hand they are far more varied and there are also a lot more of them
Many of the bosses aren't good, but at least they aren't literal gimmicks outside of Executioner Chariot.
PVP is way better as well if you are of those that play for it. Why exactly is there no arena in the third?
Why no npc gravestones? Why no bonfire ascetics thus forcing you to play through most of the game again just for better rings?
Frankly DSIII feels like a major letdown and I cannot comprehend why people love to hate on DSII.
The story and characters are also great with Scholar of the First Sin, although in this case I suppose there's still hope for DSIII through DLCs.
Honestly SM and ADP are the only really bad things about DSII.

DS2 is shit and you know it.

>The gameplay is VASTLY superior to the third
I literally stopped reading there.
How is it better in anyway way? The only thing DaS2 has over DaS3 is the weapon and armour selection. Everything else is objectively worse.

gameplay in 2 is shit compared to just about every game in the series, what the fuck are you on about

the bosses, areas, characters, story, pacing, aesthetic and gameplay are all far better in 3 than 2

A well designed gimmick boss will always be better than a shitty dude in armor boss.

>offensive sorceries works
>offensive miracles work
>big and slow weapons work
>fists/unarmed work

Now let's take a look at Dark Souls 3
>fast weapons work

Going back to it after 3 it feels so much slower and clunkier.

Also, the level designs are way worse. Less open, more focus on enemies ganking you than actually trying to do anything interesting. It being better than any other game in the series is a meme.

Can't comment on DS3 since I'm waiting for the GotY edition, but DS2 feels like they looked at all the problems DS1 had and focused on fixing them but didn't bother implementing all the good things about it.

I use heavy weapons exclusively in DaS3, and I win 99% of my invasions.
Learn how to utilize your hyper amour, and you'll realize that heavy weapons are fine in DaS3

>Why is Dark Souls 2 so hated?

The short answer is a combination of FROM putting out their weakest game with Sup Forums being unable to keep their hype anywhere near in check.

Many aspects of it just lack soul (namely NPC interaction, reused bosses, linear design, lazy areas). They also introduced additional problematic mechanics so you didn't get to celebrate the ones they fixed.

SM and ADP are nowhere near being the only bad things. Nearly every mechanical change from DS1 (outside of dualwielding) is at best arguable, and at worst plain bad.

Dark Souls 3:
>dodging works
>hitboxes work
>weapon durability is not tied to fps, therefore, it works

Dark Souls 2

It's like you forget basic mechanics have to work for it to be a functional game

Heavy weaps made a comeback to counter parry spammers big time. Just have to be a lot more careful with when and where you time a swing. As for PVE, anything works there lol

its a bait guys, and he will continue to sound serious if you reply. there is no one sane actualy thinking 2 had anything better, especially gameplay. well maybe few people on reddit but thats about it...

>Going back to it after 3 it feels so much slower and clunkier.

This, it always felt a bit lightweight and "clunky" to me coming off of Dark Souls. The actual combat I mean, the swinging and hitting enemies, getting hit and rolling. I'll admit of course that the build variety is superior in 2 but that isn't as important to me as the way the fighting "feels."

This is my opinion though, a lot of people clearly praise it for all of the gameplay in general.


Dark souls 3 has problems with
>weapon variety
>too much bonfires
>miracles and magic nerfed to hell
>invasions are fucked.

and it's STILL WAYYYYYYYY BETTER than darksouls 2 . why?

>NPC INTERACTIONS (none of this happy ending bullshit that most characters get in darksouls2)

I know you dark Souls 2 lovers are love it just for the sake of being contrarian as fuck but please just stop defending dark souls 2. It had some nice ideas, but it doesn't stand well next to the rest of the soulsbourne franchise.

Other than the combat is sort of clunky I don't get the hate, either.

>The gameplay is VASTLY superior to the third


working on my ng+ for Dark Souls 2 right now, is there more than one ending? does the ending depend on how you answer that.. blob? things questions at the bonfires?

haven't played Dark Souls 3, but 2 isn't as bad as Sup Forums says (really though, when is anything as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be?) but its certainly after Demons and Dark Souls for me.

I like dark souls 2. but I certainly can say for a fact it's worse than all the other games.

It's better than lords of the fallen. that's for sure.

>Dark Souls fans pre-DS2
>the gameplay is great because you have to think about every movement you do; stamina management is critical and too many mistimed swings can end up getting you killed. Situational awareness is key in order to make sure you're not outnumbered

>Dark Souls 2 comes out
>wow wtf why does stamina cost so much, there are a gorillion enemies everywhere with absolutely no way of fighting back and I can't tank everything with a heater shield

You only get access to the second ending if you acquire all 3 of the crowns from the teleporting shrines.

Das3 threw multiple enemies at you for artificial difficulty too though. And happy endings for sidequests aren't inherently bad.

I uninstalled das2 by the time I reached the main hub but das3 was so disappointing with the actual combat and game balance I might play it again.

>offensive sorceries works
>offensive miracles work
>big and slow weapons work
>fists/unarmed work

How can you say those things don't work in 3? Have you tried them? The only thing I haven't is faith/miracles and I've had no problems, with bosses or PVP.

Do you mean only in PVP against the most meta builds that only those who tie their self-worth together with winning or losing against another player use?

>hitboxes work


I never been outnumbered unfairly in dks3 . There's a difference. There's always a way around that. But in dark souls 2 you need to go through a group. no way around. DK2sotfs was especially worse with that.

>Das3 threw multiple enemies at you for artificial difficulty too though.
Every Souls game does that at least a few times but DaS2 does it way too much.

>Smoother movement
>Abundance of equipment options
>More gameplay options in general,
>More area variety
>Goes good with a sweet vermouth
>Cool covenants that actually work, Das1 has multiple covenants that don't do anything and Das3's covenant system is absolutely pathetic
>best implementation of new game+

Das2 has poise
Das3 does not

Because Miyazaki-senpai didn't make it so we don't like it.

Also Matt told us not to like it either, we are but brainless little sheep and must do what we are told


>>best implementation of new game+
That's not saying much when every other game's NG+ doesn't do anything different besides inflating enemies' stats. DaS2's NG+ at least does something different but it's not that much better.

Explain yourself. Hitboxes on the player at least are fucking crisp.

Durability might as well not even exist in DS3

Well for one thing I liked it more than Bloodborne after playing Scholar. I admit it felt weak the first time I played the base game on release. But since the re-release they fixed the issues that made it bad in the first place.

>b-but you just don't like it because Miyazaki didn't make it!
>b-but you're just parroting matthewmatosis!
>tops it off with a passive aggressive "le hivemind" comment and "le praise da sun"
Like clockwork, DS2 apologists are so predictable

This. Every single time I was outnumbered by strong opponents, I could draw out one at a time, or use the environment to my advantage.

>offensive sorceries work
>offensive miracles work
>big and slow weapons work
>fists/unarmed work

Only after several years of patches.

Grabs, in DaS3, like Das2, like DaS1 are fucky.

Riposte animations can bug the character and force you out of the map, which was never the case in DaS2

Shockwaves also exist in DaS3

DaS2 hitboxes were explained because:

Enemy recovery hurtboxes were still active
B-team implemented ADP to differentiate starter classes and give the player the feeling of being stronger/faster when leveling. Base ADP was still fine if you understood how hurboxes work and were able to time rolls and not spam them like you can in Des/DaS/DaS3

What's DaS3's excuse?
It's suppose to be the return of DaS1 gameplay? And it failed a that.. Mimics got bugged grabs like in DaS2, theyre jump kicks have phantom range, some bosses can hit you on the floor and enemies have poise while you do not.
I've fallen through the map way too many times riposting a demon crystal lizard and abyss watchers

>overly defensive redditor complete with reddit anime image
like clockwork
part 8 is the weakest arc so far

Show me a single encounter in DS3 as bad as this.

>walks past enemies and enters fog gate
Golly that was hard.
They can also be pulled one at a time

No different than the 50 knights in front of incest twins

I've yet to play 3 but it is better than DeS, who was very barebone but had GOTY level design, and DaS.

Now, I'll admit the level design is weaker and the ennemy variety may not be as good but considering the circustance of the game, I'll say it's still a damn good game.

the twins only require you to fight the enemies before them once, and then you are rewarded with a short cut. The above encounter requires you to do that shit every fucking time.

That`s a literally get good spot, i didn`t die once to those guys

There is one thing DS2 will always have over DS3. PvP build variety. Even if you're fighting the memeiest fuck wielding a katana and hexes you could reasonably win with most weapons.

No it doesn't, you can literally run foward and roll through them.

The corridor before alonne, now that's some bullshit.

>Why is Dark Souls 2 so hated?
Because the vast majority of Sup Forumsirgins played it exactly once, at launch, when it was buggy was fuck. It's improved a lot over time with the expansions and SOTFS. I've played it a dozen times across all its iterations and can safely say that while it never reaches the heights of DaS1 and BB, it's never as much of a glorious unpolished clusterfuck as DeS and it's never as unambitiously boring or as poorly balanced as DaS3.

Oh, you wanted less difficulty?

>Go behind the stair, kill the zombie.
>Pull the two spearmens, kill one before the other reach me
>Pull one swordman
>Pull the two oter swordman and kill them easily by putting one in front of the other and not attacking like a retard
>Bait the spearmans and kill them

I just did this m8, the moment right before it, where you have to destroy the tumb before the zombies ring the bell, is harder.

I'm surprised idiots doesn't use shield break on this encounter when these guys are scattered all over Drang castle to get what's up with their moves.

Plus you can aggro them one by one with the standard throwing/ranged weapons so I don't know what this guy is bitching about.

>you wanted less difficulty?
You mean less artificial difficulty? Then yeah.

>artificial difficulty
Oh boy, thanks for letting me know you were a shitposter in advance.

I played SOTFS for the first time right before DS3 released. Try again DS2fag.

>The tumb
Well, the big grave who spawn ghost.

As someone that put alot of time in both 2 and 3, 2 is better.

At least 2 had some replayability. 3, outside of rings and certain boss weapons, has none. I'm already sick and bored of 3. PvP is broken and invading is pointless with the amount of phantoms you can have.

Hopefully a Scholar of the First Sin-like Dark Souls 3 rectifies all the bad points of the game but I'm not holding my breath.

>and then you are rewarded with a short cut
But that stint up the rampart isn't hard, its fucking easy as shit. It makes no sense that a player gets through a group of relatively tough NPCs, gets a shortcut, then goes through some basic mobs and knights that have been so common are no longer threatening.

Ah, I was really just thinking of how you can dodge enemy swings by centimeters with your own attacks and low stance moves without having to dodge at all.

What is up with things going off the map though? It hasn't happened to me the player yet, or happened in regard to ripostes but multiple different highly mobile enemies have just up and disappeared through walls and floors while hopping about, never experienced that before 3.

Last line of defence for king vendrick, multiple knights and his big ass right hand man
>hurr durr that doesnt make sense and is bad design

I don't want to play DS3 yet but I want to ask if lifegem like healing items are back. They are one of the better mechanics that DS2 implemented.

No, and they were shit anyway.

Just to add also liked the idea of limited estuses and slow as fuck estus drinking to punish you.

Life gems are shit but there are so many bonfires and shortcuts there isn't a real worry unless you don't fucking roll or use a shield.

>Enemy isn't hard
>How do we make this difficult?
>Put a million of that enemy in front of the boss fog
The worst part is, it doesn't make it difficult, just extremely tedious.

Speaking of wich, why do people complain about the Thrones Keeper not making senses?

Sorry you can't just walk to the kiln immediately after making a character and beat the game.
Sorry you have to actually have to play the game.


they kinda made sense at first when you only start with one/two estus' but they were too common overall

Gimmicks are not inherently bad. I would rather have 5 bosses that use well crafted gimmicks, than fight the same boss reskinned 5 times.
Weapon viability only came after Scholar. On release your build options were Dark Magic and Dark Magic.
Who cares about variation when everything is utter shit.
PVP is different. Both the invading and defending parties got major buffs and you can now have fights with huge numbers of people. Comparing these vastly different systems is pointless. It's also worth noting that 2 had the worst netcode on launch of any game in the series to date as well as the abomination that is soul memory.

2 also continues to suffer from awful hitboxes, horrible stage progression, and one of the worst Iframe systems I've ever seen in a video game.

>Dark Souls 2 has poise
>wear full Havels
>get stunned by a single Rapier R1

God forbid people actually have to dodge and time their attacks instead of mashing r1

What? Did you think that encounter was fun? You like fighting a million of the same weak enemy instead of fighting a small amount of actually challenging and fun enemies?

I don't know what the fuck you're even arguing at this point.

Putting 7 of the exact same enemy in an open hallway is not good game design.

>das 3 NPCs

Only like two npcs in the game even react to you walking away and not pressing leave, and very few that go to firelink to stay get new dialog from just progressing in the game. Most of them just feel like/are copied DeS/DaS1 NPCs and unmemorable.

Also a number enemies won't try pathfind around walls and can get stuck just trying to attack through it while you can spam any ranged weapon to kill them, its how I dealt with the double dogs near the Aldrich covenant the first time. There are plenty more problems like the explosive arrow hollows at Lothric castle having no level collusion with the level, you can go snipe the fucker to the left of the double dragon bridge and his arrows will ignore everything on the way to you.

Covenants are the worst in the series, and three of them still don't even work for a number of people.

Grabs can be and always be fucky looking, because roll animations NEVER get canceled. This means if you get hit during a roll animation but not during the I-frames, you return to where the animation began, which causes the weird tweening we see.

DaS1 confirmed for bad design because Anor Londo, Undead Parish, Izalith, Demon Ruins, Undead Berg, Sewers, Valley of the Drakes, etc

DaS3 confirmed for bad design because Lothric Castle, Farron Keep, etc

Congrats, you just called every game in existence bad game design.

>>NPC INTERACTIONS (none of this happy ending bullshit that most characters get in darksouls2)
But DS3 has the most "'happy' endings". Off the top of my head I can think of Siegward and Anri and if you're not a cunt both end alright with their journeys ending and goals complete.

>God forbid people actually have to dodge and time their attacks instead of mashing r1
irony consider most if not all of das3 pve and pvp comes down to mashing r1

no poise means heavier weapons require more effort to play than faster weapons, this is true in pvp as well

this is why das3 pvp is viewed as the 2nd weakest pvp title, with BB taking the first

Doesn't Siegward die after defeating Yhorm? Haven't actually finished his quest, but I heard he commits suicide. I'd hardly call that a happy ending.

He gets tired and thanks you, then give a last toast before taking a nap. When you go up to Yhorm's throne he dies and leaves his items on the ground. Still a better ending than going hollow and being killed by your daughter though.

>Archdragon Peak

Fuck that whole zone, literally the worst part of 3

Its disputed, he disappears and leaves his armour. But regardless he will get through his quest as long as you do the steps, the only alt path for his quest is if you kill Yhorm before freeing him and he just leaves a second stormruler.

Either way he gets through the game and does what his goal was. He doesn't have a fail-state.

Seigward kills himself.
Anri hollows.
Geirat dies.
Orbeck dies
Yoel dies
Yuria leaves if you're good guy
Yuria is evil with you if you're evil
Sirris kills herself
Pyromancer just hangs out in firelink
Karla stays in firelink because she's not wanted anywhere else
Eygon kills himself
Irina because a firekeeper and secludes herself in a tower.
Firekeeper lives a miserable life with eyes
Firekeeper continues a life of ignorance and bliss without eyes..
Ludeth dies.
Leonhardt kills Rosalina, you kill Leonhardt
Hawkwood betrays you

>happy endings

Because it's fucking boring. It's a game that focuses on quantity over quality.

Anri, Siegward, Eygon and Sirris die once they accomplish their objectives.
It's bittersweet at best.

>Anri hollows.
I thought she was just mad and trying to avenge argh-man.

it was just a trollish meme. morons fell for it.

>Seigward kills himself.
Completes his quest
>Anri hollows.
Completes her quest or you kill her or Horace kills her.
>Geirat dies.
At your desire. You can refuse to let him go to Lothric.
Only after you buy all his stuff
Only if you're beef-jerky
You're right.
After you help her kill a finger and put her grandfather to rest.
He is not a nice person. People from Carim are not nice people. He dies and that is a good thing.
You help her become a Firekeeper like she wanted.
Really dependent on how much of a cunt you are
He was going to die anyway, there is no avoiding it.
He is a cunt so.
He was never really on your side, nor does his betrayal make much sense. It smells of cut content.

The majority of endings have a character having their goals fulfilled to a reasonable extent.

We all know DS2 is shit, but what I don't understand is some people claim it made a lot of mechanical improvements but fucked up in other ways.
What mechanical improvements did it add? Powerstancing and extra ring slots? The combat is way worse. Everything is slower and clunky, you can't cancel cooldown animations so even fast weapons have tons of lag, rolls are stupid thanks to adaptability and the fact that there are only 2 roll speeds, hitboxes are fucking terrible, the tracking is absolutely absurd to the point where NPC invaders doing jump attacks will track onto you the whole way in the air, parries are just absolute garbage and the timing for them is fucking retarded (except with curved swords but then they nerfed that because they actually functioned properly), etc. Everyone shits on the level design and enemy design and all that but the combat is a step back too and I've heard a lot of people say it's better.

Hell I'd argue none in DaS2 gets a happy ending, most of them you just help out in someway but they are still stuck going nowhere in their lives and will eventually hollow. You just bring them some peace or maybe closure, but for most of them their fate doesn't change in the end.

The only character who might have gotten a decent ending is Lucatiel, and just because shes hollowing hard at Aldia's keep but made it past Ava and can help for Burnt King. Also she is remember somewhat still by DaS but as a man.

>change the Alva armor in SOTF sin to give him a happy ending with a waifu supporting him at the end of his hard life
>DaS3 changes it to make Alva's story ends in tragedy, turned him into a weeb, and gave him a weapon that is a shittier Exile GS

Not going to lie, that shit upset me.