Name a better game.
Name a better game
Majora's Mask.
Anyone who has MM over anything is a flaming faggot and should kill themselves
In general or in that particular franchise?
B-b-but the game grumps guy told me not to like it...
>better than any 3D Zelda
That's some shit taste, user
>don't open image
>immediately assume its ALTTP
Cry harder, faggot. Majora's Mask has been, and will continue to be, the best in the series.
Zelda games are for children and women in their early 20s
was looking forward to MM after playing the masterpiece that was OOT, couldn't even finish the game because of how God awful it was in comparison
>muh dark atmosphere
ITT: Some retard who doesn't understand that we can see the IP counter remaining the same as he samefags.
>17 posts
>15 posters
>three posts by one person
>three posts saying MM is awful
Fedoras mask.
Ocarina is timeless. The greatest game ever made, absolutely magic. I don't expect millenial faggots to understand.
>A challenger approaches
Link to the Past
OoT was a pretty good game, but I liked Skyward Sword so much better I think Nintendofags need to stop acting like it's a godsend
>Name a better game that OOT
I don't think these posts can fit every other game every made.
If a game is to be a masterpiece it has to be timeless, and it's not. Arcade games like Pacman and Galaga are still fun to this day, OoT is just...clunky garbage.
Fun fact, I feel the same about this game as well.
>not clunky garbage
lmao you play that shit for a half and hour and then never play it again
Dragon Quest VIII
Ocarina of Time is still in my top 10 however.
Final Fantasy XV director.
>Q: Were there any titles that inspired you into making it into an open-world title?
>A: We’ve been inspired by all Western open world-type AAA titles, but the base of the inspiration behind traveling seamlessly in the world comes from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. That’s the best one.
What did he mean by this
I got the chance to play OoT a couple years ago (for the first time). Honestly, it's just okay. Maybe it was fantastic when it came out, but if it released today with brand-new graphics it would not fare well.