Top tier arcade games

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The first one is still better tho.

>Cormano always taken or broken because of heavy use

Still numero uno rhythm game

Going to be at Round1 a few hours from now.

Looking forward to it.

>no more dancemania and decent license songs




>the allowance taker

Time Crisis 4 > every other arcade shooter

Two words: Fuck Konami
They sued the shit out of the American franchise who tried to pick it up after they discontinued their outdated garbage, bribed the judge, and then did nothing with the IP.

HOT machine but that Bat and mixed sticks overall is triggering me so hard

Pic related along with Smash TV & Total Carnage

That's not Ketsui tho.

It would be hard to pick a favorite between the two but I think I have more of a soft spot for DOJ's ships and mechanics and music
They're both fantastic games though, CAVE peaked on those two games

Is the PS2 port good?

I have no idea, I just play on shmupmame. It emulates really well though

I hope they port House of the Dead 3 and 4 to PS4


Yeah, I didn't notice it until a minute after I posted it. Got me thinking about how much abuse it must have gone through, but it still deserved better

Time Crisis is my fucking jam.


Posting the best one


My biggest dream has always been to own my own arcade machine. This thread revived that childhood dream.

Gonna see if I can find a Sunset Riders or Neo Geo/Metal Slug cabinet out there somewhere.

Used to have this at the pictures a few miles away. Mate and I completed it after seeing King Kong.

Still love me some Silent Scope and SEGA Rally whenever I see them anywhere.


>Played the shit out of this at the local Chuck-e-Cheese as a kid.
>Would go back there for my lil' brother's birthday parties later on just to play it again.

Then the fuckers got rid of it for more glorified "insert token for tickets" machines. I started suggesting Daves and Busters for my bro's birthday parties ever since.

My nigga
Best level is Freak Show

You're going to regret it.

>tfw podracing is dead as fuck
The one police lightgun game where you had to duck and dodge is a close 2nd.

Build your own, it's expensive but it's worth every cent.

Check craigslist and klov/vaps daily
I'm on a hunt for an atro city or egret II

Can't be any more expensive than buying/repairing/maintaining a real one.

this had excellent audio



Don't think I've ever played IIDX, only beatmania five key

In The Groove was so great. I remember getting ITG2 PS2 version with 200+ or something. Their original songs were so great, so much Happy Hardcore.

>no weeb games
fucking dropped

Naw niggers, the 3rd one with shotguns or that other arcade game which had guns where the actual pistols moved when you shot

Of all the places to find this, it was at a local Walmart

Never played it there and I think it's gone

You just need wood, some sort of thing that can emulate and hook up to a TV, buttons, previously mentioned TV and lastly this thing called an IPAC. Oh, and a fuck ton of wires.

HotD 4 says hi

>Go to new arcade in town
>Lots of great games
>Only like 3 light gun games (Carnevil, police trainer, and that aerosmith one)

Their other location has more. Emailed them about getting more if possible. Maybe a miracle will happen and they get this baby

Get cancer.

Quarter eater the machine

Anybody have a good picture of the Tolkentaker?

My niggas.

>tfw you'll never be able to show off your DDR skills in public ever again

Fuck. Can arcades make a comeback already?

More like finger breaker

Found this at Chuck E Cheese last time I went, was a quarter to play

Fuck this game. I wanted to play a game not feel like im doing squats at the gym.

I remember they had this at a cinema. I played it before we went in to the movie, and later that night my fucking hamstrings were so sore.

Aside from the seizures and nightmares, this was actually a pretty ballin' game.

I might, but hey worth a shot.

I currently live in upper florida, where most arcade cabinets are grossly overpriced on craigslist or just broken. (For example, a $1500 Ms. Pacman cabinet.)

I am moving to California in a few months, though. So maybe I can find better selections and better prices there.

Speak of the devil!

I was a fat kid and never feltl ike that.

You mean over-carried tier arcade games.


>artificial difficulty: the game
Five button is patrician.

Fuck these things. They're a bigger casual trap than Stacker.

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

Still wondering why they turned Murtaugh white.

Decent game but the shotgun never felt right.

6 player cab is god-tier.

The only rail shooter more cancerous than HotD2.

Worst fighting game ever made.

Jelly if you mean the AE86 version.

Kek, if you think that's bad, try playing the boxing game that uses the same full body model.


I hope they eventually bring these two games to Steam. Even though I am a little afraid to see visual glitches or anything that ruins the experience.

The 4th House of the Dead has submachines with crazy slide feedback on them. I only barely remember the shotgun cab

God I played that once. By the time you get to the third match your body is a wreck if you don't work out. But it was fun as fuck. I would have loved to have one at home and just work out with it.

Played this few days ago.

Are you talking about the 3P game with the shotgun in the middle, and the pistols could charge a super-shot if you pointed them up?
Because that wasn't House of the Dead. It was more fun, but different. I would rather play it, or even Zombie Raid, than any HotD game.

nice meme

love that fucking cover

HOTD 3 has shotguns. I'm not sure what machine you had, but the one I always played had actual shotguns for the light guns. Some I think use pistols

Oh i remember that one.

>Put two credits in to dual wield the pistols
>If one of the characters died, I dropped the pistol and just used the other one.

It was fun as fuck

Tempted to redownload mame/iso now after seeing that.

Every Capcom fighter


Anyone ever played this?

I never got to play this. was too young at the time and never saw it again. but man 5 coop is a like a fucking dream. not sure how great was it, tried the xmen on xbox live but that was pure shit.


If you're around York PA by chance timeline arcade has it. Or in Hanover there's another one that has it

I did the exact same thing. That shotgun was no slouch either. It felt SO GOOD to pump that thing.
My bro would dual wield the pistols and I'd take the shotty. We had a lot of fun.

Bitter: The post

I still love how those pistols recoiled properly. It made the game so much better.

Since then any arcade shooter I played had to have that feature, or it just wasn't the same.

Best rhythm game right here.

This thing

>introduce the best arcade shooter easter egg ever made: where you get to test the gun's calibration before you put money in
>never implement it again
>no competitors ever implement it either

Fuck I'm so glad I got to play this as a kid with my friends and cousins.
Consoles will never be able to capture the feel of cabinets. It's not possible


This should have the recoil system on the guns

I only got to play this once. Just once, and it became my favorite arcade game ever.

I would kill to get the cabinet in my home.

it does

Namco's gun really was the greatest.
I'd love to be able to play a game with the slide and speaker still functional. Right up there with sliding a VHS into a VCR with shit newfags will never appreciate.

He's right, HotD2 and Jurassic Park are fucking awful

It was the first game I experienced it on after years of forgetting about it existing. I also have gotten way into guns since the last time I played any game with it so it was really cool

>artificial difficulty
u wot m8

or maybe you're awful

>That one guy who aced that shit like it was the easiest thing

To this day, I can't keep up.

I feel like they don't need it because they emulate so well.
I'd rather see SDOJ since you can't emulate that one

Why the hell does no one remember Mappy?

Horror rail shooters should really be a genre of their own.
I'd give my left nut to have a few hours with Castlevania: The Arcade.

Great series. Was on the DS too.

I guess it was Konami games like Lethal Enforces and Crypt Killer that required the Justifier instead of Guncon

You talk like a fag, has anyone told you that?


It's not perfect, but still a hell of a lot of fun.