How do people justify paying $40 for what is basically a tf2 reskin with three gamemodes and three maps per gamemode? What the fuck is this?
How do people justify paying $40 for what is basically a tf2 reskin with three gamemodes and three maps per gamemode...
Because I had fun in the open beta and felt like I would get way more than $40 worth of enjoyment out of the game
well did you?
It's not your own money, is it?
I don't understand?
not sure, i tried it in the open beta and holy shit
the 20 tick rate just kills all skill, it doesnt care how good your reaction time is
you're still dying, reaction time isnt even a factor, and aiming is so easy on most characters that isnt either, all basic shooters skills thrown out the window to overcasualize the game
into the trash it goes
Hey, its not just a reskin.
It has waifus in it too.
I paid $2.50 for TF2 and I still feel ripped off
What a faggot, am i right?
>I haven't played this game but I fucking hate it because I am a tf2 fag
Probably because they can actually count and know there's 12 maps for starters
Game is fun
Is it nothing like tf2 at all
Already got my moneys worth according to the 1 buck per hour gameplay rule.
Interest is slowly getting smaller but allready sank enough hours into it to justify the price.
Don't know how you measure if i game was actually worth buying but it's probably by how many threads you can make on Sup Forums about it.
Because it's fun?
Why are tf2fags so mad that people actually want to play a video game and not an outdated hat simulator? Is it because they can't afford it and are stuck with the dregs?
TF2 launched with 6 maps.
People only ever wanted to play 2fort.
>he fell for the "overwatch is tf2" meme
This is why I like that Overwatch doesn't let you choose the maps. You always end up on the same ones like 2fort or dust2.
Its the neu male millenial generation that are complacement about playing games with strong female characters.
Anyone starting to get bored of it already?
I played it non stop when it came out, but now i just play it in short bursts once or twice a day.
1) because it's fun
2) because tf2 is old as fuck
3) tf2 has got shit since it became f2p
4) i got tired of gritty dark war fps
5) call it a reskin, but it's a good reskin then. The characters are more than soldiers, they are fuckin super heroes. Being Mercy is x20 better than being Medic, is more fun and badass, and Mercy can do far more. You can apply this to each tf2 character except pyro and spy. There are more Heroes than soldiers, and they are more charming too.
Its fun. I don't know what else to tell you. I have 3000 hours in TF2 and I'm pretty much done with the game since all the new updates are just hats. I bought OW on launch and already have 70 hours in it including beta play, its just an enjoyable experience.
because you don't have to pay for weapons like you do in tf2
TF2 is literally Overwatch's primary influence.
>he doesn't know TF2 used to cost money
Also I've put more hours into Overwatch than I ever did into TF2 because I'm not autistic enough to give a shit about Tf2
>defending lack of choice
if you never played TF2 before it went F2P, you can't comment on it in comparison to Overwatch. It all went to shit by the time they introduced new items.
TF2 was always shit
It's fun for like 1 night of games.
thanks, thats the ONLY honest answer
Anyone who says overwatch is a TF2 redskin has not played it for any good amount of time
I got my money's worth. My interest has waned though, it is genuinely a relatively casual game and there's only so much you can play before you want something more skill intensive.
Don't know if there's much coming out this year in the way of that. Lawbreakers might be good.
Because it's fun.
I've spend more on worse.
>people buy 200+ Dollars knife on a shitty boring game
advertising and gullibility
>How do people justify paying $40 for what is basically a tf2 reskin with three gamemodes and three maps per gamemode? What the fuck is this?
No 6 years old third worlder kids ruining all pubs. Reason enough.
That's like saying Star Wars is a Star Trek reskin.
>people buy 200+ Dollars knife on a shitty boring game
Are you really going to question Valve's way of doing things?
It's all cosmetic shit in CS:GO and Dota 2 with low base prices / F2P for the actual game with all the relevant content.
There's nothing that compels someone to buy a 200 dollar knife other than being a special snowflake and honestly if they can afford to do that sort of thing I don't really think money is a problem for them.
says the knife owner I suppose
>comparing cosmetic items to an actual game
I see logic isnt a stong suit
Unfortunately I was busy finishing my degree when the open beta was happening so I bought it after hearing how good it was.
Everyone said the game was great which it was, for the first week. It lacks so much content
>no singleplayer
>3 gamemodes
>12 maps
Not worth the price of admission.
It's fun
>tfw you actually spent $60 on fallout and still have a hard time enjoying it
I'm okay with spending money on this because I needed a game where I could just sit down and play a match for a bit before going out or going to bed
Plus I get to play AND watch porn with best girl
TF2 costed $30 back in the day, and had far less at launch.
I'm surprised people aren't comparing it to Splatoon.
Shhhh, only newfags from Reddit started playing when it went f2p.
I don't even play CS:GO
>I'm surprised people aren't comparing it to Splatoon.
Splatoon is actually challenging and innovative, why would you insult it by comparing it to Overwatch?
nigger those are two different things
People complaining about the amount of content and price not being worth it right now, which is true.
Overwatch is fresh and fun. TF2 died when idling became a thing, the levelling system on OW is perfect because it means absolutely nothing except random cosmetics as incentive for prizes and encourages players to keep playing the game for what it is. Fuck Valve and their fucking Keys that you can't even get for free unless you start getting into TF2s cancerous economy
>complaining about cosmetics rather than gameplay
Why is this shit ever in arguments, it doesn't fucking have any weight.
Mei is bae
>year of our lord and savior 2004+12
>not enjoying vidya
>chooses to shitpost on cuckchan a weeb site for tumblerites and nigger lovers
5 0 % F O R C E D W I N R A T E
I have 58% after 600 games. its okay
no different from overwatch then
It was bundled with the Orange Box. Sold digitally for 20$, then 10$, then f2p.
>people still pushing this shit
Just stop.
I had sub 60-something percent at about 120 games last night, but then I got put on like 10 shitty teams in a row last night. Afraid to look at my rate now.
It was actually only $20, and originally you couldn't buy it seperately from the Orange Box.
someone please buy me the game, or pay £20 into my PayPal (I'll pay the rest for the £10)
Cheers, and we can play together if you want to, too.
theres a fairly good chance blizzard will add new modes, new maps, and possably a world editor for people to do custom game modes.
give it time.
thats what you're doing right now
also Sup Forums hasn't been a weebsite for centuries. we normalfag town now
Sent ;)
but did you get $40 worth of hats?
Tencent Clone games minus shrek
>Never play support
>Want to play it
>Remember why I never play it
>Teammates cant fucking hit water if they fell off a boat
Nice pasta xd
i honestly want to know how maps they'll add per time spent because 3-4 months for 1 map in ow would be awful
How many hours per dollar of value do you need to be considered a good purchase? I think 3 hours per dollar. So I'll need to play 120 hours. Its a multiplayer game so its dynamic and interesting. Some AAA games(60$) have 8 hours and the journos will explain why we should enjoy this. A movie ticket is 8.50$ for 1.5 to 3 hours. Whats the problem?
It's fun.
Someone explain this to me
>mfw not bored of it yet
should have already had a new map or two though
>tfw Overwatch is Sup Forums's new "it's popular so it's bad" game.
The matchmaking isn't designed to make even games, it's designed to get as close to 50% w/l as possible so you will frequently be put into unbalanced, unwinnable games if you ever go above it.
It's much more simlar to TFC
???? TF2 doesn't have dat boi jet set radio wall riding???
I was watching one of the documentaries about how the game was made, and two of the guys at Blizzard were saying how they were both part of the same TFC clan before they ever knew each other irl, or got into the games industry.
Game says I've played for 51 hours. That's more then those shitty single player games Sup Forums talks about
This game has a lot of depth in its movement abilities that a lot of people haven't grasped yet. The other day there was an entire thread on Sup Forums where the majority of people didn't know Pharah could rocket jump.
$40 is not a lot of money to some people
shocking i'm sure
>basically a tf2 reskin
I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you've played neither TF2 nor Overwatch...
>didn't know Pharah could rocket jump.
Do you like TF2? There's your justification. Either go boot that game up, or buy the new one.
I mean, do you ask this question when assassin's creed sequels come out?
Which has be proven false.
Here Along with the lack of "PROOF" that you cry babies have provided.
not that guy but I've already played over 30 hours of the game and have had more fun with it in most games I've played in the last 3 years.
>below $1 for each hour played.
>And the first patch for heroes/maps is not even out yet
Pretty easy to justify, my family~
>join a party of friends for overwatch I usually play with
>everything going normally
>after a bit I can't hear them at all and they apparently can't hear me
>they don't respond to messages asking why we can't communicate
>checked microphone and other parties and voice chat works fine
>the fucking niggers ghosted me in the middle of a game and won't say shit
why shouldn't I just kill myself if I can't even make fake video game friends?
Are you an asshole or the super awkward wannabe comedian? If not then its there problem
The only criticism I have against Overwatch is the 20 tickrate, and even then there's the 60 tick ranked mode that should be out soon. Otherwise there's little reason to compare this to TF2 beyond "class-based team shooter". Like others have said, this is much closer to TFC than anything,
when I joined every single nigga was making fart noises nonstop
I fail to see how I'm the annoying one out
Its not about being the mature one, its about being the odd one out. Maybe they didn't like your inability to have fun
attention autistic TF2 fags:
You game is dead and never ever achieved any where near this level of popularity. Overwatch is by far the better game. Stay mad