Are video games art?

Are video games art?

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thicc art

I dunno, but I wouldn't call your pic art. Looks more like skilled craftsmanship.

Yeah. If a film can be art then an interactive film can be art.

No. And never will be.

How do you even do that without chipping the wrong angle and starting over with a new slab?

>Art meme
Might as well ask if video games are good.

statues thread?


Will video games get me laid?

Sup Forums; Overwatch discussion
Sup Forums; Red-dit scare
Sup Forums; minerals
Sup Forums; deep sea
Sup Forums; sexy sculptures

those last 3 are cool though

you can say Reddit now

Give me your definition of art first.

is this the thicc thread?

Guess I have a new fetish now.

Decades of practice and immaculate technique.

It depends on people's definition of art. If art just is "creative things made by people", then yeah, they can be art, and so could anything. At the end it doesn't fucking matter. If you consume media just to appear cultured, you're a huge tool.

holy shit look at that booty

This is a mans ass, I can tell because ive seen plenty in my time

Post the other side of it, faggot. It has a dick.

I recognize that belly!

it clearly has breasts

>video game
>made up of a written story, music, and animated 3d models
>all three of which are considered art on their own
>put them together though and now they're not art

also post more fuckable statues
based greeks

you can clearly see breasts...


That doesn't mean it can't have a dick.

Can statues be video games?

The craftmanship and skill it must have taken to make marble look like wet silk hanging is absolutely blowing my mind man.

Videogames can't be controlled by the shekel mongering fucks that control the gallery scene and therefore they'll do everything they can to deny them while continuing to make millions off clueless rich people desperate to validate their empty lives with something they're told is 'deep and meaningful'

Just think Sup Forums some woman has to sit like this for hours for th sculptor to Chisel this out

Shit, didn't see it.

I thought it was a different statue.

Someone post the trap statue.

Are there any statues of lolis?

>you will never be able to look at a slab of marble or rock and imagine a picture inside of it
i seriously don't get how they do it

By not being a shitter. You don't cut the entire thing with chisel and hammer. You refine it by carving, grinding and polishing.

It's a pun on the Red Scare of the 50's.
Everyone is so quick around here to accuse each other of "being Reddit" it's like calling someone a Pinko or a Commie.


It's the same thing 3D artists do.

What is a message of those statues?

>ISIS would bulldoze this
>Europeans would let ISIS bulldoze this
Its 2016, who are you to oppress their beliefs!?
What are you, some kind of racist!?

>product: item designed with the main intention to make money
>art: item designed with the main intention of invoking an emotional response. Usually implies a high skill in creation
It ain't hard niggas

zelda confirmed oldest videogame

No, but there are many of shotas.

Fun fact: The Greeks found it more gay to lick pussy then to suck a dick.

Not scantly dressed ones as far as I know.

my friend has a body like that. but he's a guy. weird as fuck m8

Why make this thread?

Way to bring something completely unrelated into an already not vidya thread

they have like 10 or more different tools, to get the really smooth complicated parts they spend hours polishing the stone down.

>Sup Forums trying to derail another fucking thread


Don't know how I confused them, fuck.

>The Greeks found it more gay to lick pussy then to suck a dick.
Both are bad to them, same with Romans. They saw mouth-to-genitalia contact as very degrading/submissive and something only prostitutes would do.

we're trying to keep them away, but the only solution we see is to nuke something they have that is similar to that

go away Sup Forums noone even likes you man

A sculptor would have a model and several people who draw the same model from different angles, and then walk around making adjustments for every drawing. Then those would be reference for a clay model. Using the clay model, the measurements are transferred to the medium that you then chisel.

It wouldn't be more than a bit longer than regular live study session.

Stop pretending this thread is vidya.

This statue depicts a 100% real alpha mother fucker. Look how he holds and caresses that supple and soft frame. He asserts his dominance while still showing his protective and caring nature. My god it'll be a sad day when people can't see this stuff

Most art is made purely because rich idiots will buy it no matter how shit it is... just as long as it's in a gallery.

how about this?

>they bulldoze statues and holy sites from other religions
>not related
you realize we've lost tons of history to ISIS already, right?
Pretty much everything from the Assyrians is getting bulldozed.

yet some governments knowingly let them spread, so we can easily imagine what will eventually happen to these relicts in the future.

History is for faggots

I have video games

How about this?

Video games are art and they are not art.
They are forms of entertainment that take multiple artistic elements (music, writing, visual design) to produce an end product.
This is much like movies but the unique aspect is that you have an interactive element. That's the game part in video game.
Here's the thing, would you consider monopoly art? Sorry? Risk? Would you consider a card game a work of art?
Cards have art on them, a card itself can be a work of art.
But the card game? Or the board game? Nope. you never would. Why? because despite the visual elements, the whole package, the game, is not a work of art. Its a work of logic that sets up rules for success and failure and gives the players the means to work within that rule-set towards the goal of success.

Does this mean video games can never be art? No. Because for the same reasons they would not be art and for the same reasons not every movie, music, or visual presentation is art. A good number are just products with the end design goal of mass appeal and popularity.

Art is in the intention. Do you intend to impart some sort of message? Are you trying to illicit emotional responses? Is there some meaning behind the creation other than pushing a product to make money?


>are video games art?
>subtle post art guys thread
>some faggot runs into the thread FUCK MUSLIMS FUCKING LIBERAL KEK EUROS
Just fucking once can you keep your autism in check?


We're not talking about history, we're talking about juicy marble asses.

Most of the stuff they bulldozed was already well documented. I hate it as well, but it's not lost history.

Why is his pee pee so tiny?

>commercialization and an emotional evocation are mutually exclusive
that's not true at all, just because something was made to sell product doesn't mean it can't be well written

not as soft as you :3

Based Sup Forums


It's still destroyed? Doesn't matter if you have a picture of it, the impressive part about it is that it was all old

Because Greeks didn't give a shit about whether or not the woman enjoyed the act.

Because he's not some barbarian fuck with an ass's genitals.

What does this have to do with video games and statues?

Why is the west 100% responsible for the fact that the middle east can't keep their own shit in their diapers?

Fuck them.

>who are you to oppress their beliefs!?
What country recognizes ISIS again? I was under the impression the Syrian regime was against ISIS.

Actually, they considered big dicks barbaric and uncivilised.

>tfw you have civilized genitals

That's why I said "main intention". An object can have multiple intentions

It's cold out.

Are you telling me your cock is hard 24/7?

Every goddamn thread

because it's the USA that is behind every mess they've had, and the west in general supply the areas with weapons.

Pretty sure that's the rape of persephone so the differences were probably highlighted on purpose

I prefer this one, Commodus may have been a narcissistic cunt and a terrible emperor but he sure did love his Hercules cosplay.

Muslims are the reason most of athens is in ruins

>his isn't

Yes, but we already have most of what we could learn from those things anyway. There has been a lot of vandalism in that general area in the past, it was a lot worse when we didn't really know how the vandalized things actually looked before.

On the bright side another super ancient city buried in desert sands could be found anytime now.

Something about people with small dicks being better smart people because they aren't controlled by carnal desires

He's a grower, not a shower.

Now the artist is dead and his skill gone forever.

that doesn't change anything about what I said

You could do like the Greeks and not be insecure about it.


Any observable form of expression is art

pretty sure that's earthquakes
