polygon and kotaku absolutely BTFO
Polygon and kotaku absolutely BTFO
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Can someone without a goddamn vendetta please be put in charge of video games journalism?
Anything worth politicizing gets politicized. Get used to it.
>blocks you for using adblock
why cant someone destroy these journalist fucks, true scum of the earth
I stopped reading reviews ages ago. Heck I can't stand most YouTubers their reviews anymore.
I just watch a bunch of gameplay. Read up on it. And then buy it or pass on it.
>>blocks you for using adblock
Well shilled, kotakudrone
Kuchera is a humongous faggot but there's nothing wrong with the video.
>nothing wrong with the video.
>don't try to fix anything
Whoah bet you got far in life with that philosophy
We got a live one!
There's an Overwatch video now?
I suspect it's subtle micro-shilling.
What the hell would Forbes know about videogames?
Forbes games always been better than everything else.
I honestly feel like this guy is one of us.
>using broken up sentences for bullet points
thats not how it fucking works
As much as Gawker knows about journalism.
>article isn't about how obviously paid off overwatch reviews are
They aren't dependent on the video game industry for ad revenue so they're at least not as biased as other garbage sites.
u wot
>If you can't beat them, join them
Yeah you DO get pretty far in life with that philosophy
"gameplay" is not the only standard by which video games must be judged. it is also important if the games have emotional intelligence and are trans-inclusive
Why is Forbes a better games journalism source than most games journalism sources?
Because they don't get their money from video games.
Because Forbes practices journalism.
because the site is run by MBA white male cis shitlords
>Polygon can't play the new DOOM properly
u wot m8
that bastion is dead
We really shouldn't have to spoonfeed this anymore, just saying
All of the reporters, reviewers, and bloggers under their umbrella don't have to worry as much to appeal to gaming-related (i.e upcoming gaming marketing blitz) advertisers, since they have other groups to ask for advertising.
Just based off of a few of posts I've seen from them alone, reviewers disagree with each other pretty often. So you end up with a dialogue going back and forth between colleagues instead of some horridly crafted echo-chamber which offers no room for nuance or debate.
What the fuck?
I can't think of one reason why this should be at GDC or why Marxism could be good for anyone.
>Implying i've ever seen anything about it before
fuck off commie
It was a graphics comparison of PC and PS4 versions of the game with the PC version on low settings or some shit.
I honestly doubt they did it intentionally but the fact remains that they're incompetent as fuck.
Just switch to uBlock
overwatch has the worst gameplay of any current fps. no one who likes overwatch feels that way because of the gameplay. people like overwatch because
1- waifus
2- blizzdrones
3- it's easy and caters to casuals
literally any current fps is better gameplay-wise than overwatch
That happened sometimes at Gametrailers too, I remember people giving the guy who reviewed Dragon Age 2 tons of shit all of the time.
Its not his fault you are an inept faggot. If you hate it so much be a namefag so we can hate you personally too.
user, not to nitpick, but it being easy and appealing to casuals is in fact a gameplay-related reason people like it.
>he doesn't use ublock origin
They've been posting about video games for years.
Overwatch is like TF2 but with ultimates.
This is a real person who really talks like this and unironically thinks these things?
someone post this to /k/ fast
You better educate yourself user.
Forbes vidya shit is actually the best vidya shit out there. They published an article that called Intimidation Game the "Reefer Madness of our generation" and they have good reviews on a lot of games.
They're less effected by bribes and cliquey bullshit because most of their traffic doesn't come for vidya.
Are different shots limited by cooldowns or ammo?
literally just google polygon doom and look under videos you fucking faggot
And now I'm aware this faggot lives in my city.
>nobody likes it for the gameplay
>they only like it for the waifus
Just because you play senran karuga and shit doesnt mean other people care or get hardons to pixels my friend
I don't understand how these people remain employed.
some are, depends on the class
>Same post in last thread
>still doesnt know how to use ublock
except being easy and appealing to casuals is liking it for a *lack* of gameplay. that is like saying
>"i like cars!"
>>"what is your favorite car?"
>"a boat because it isn't a car"
overwatch is like destiny but worse in every way (except waifus), and that says A LOT
literally everyone who plays overwatch only plays it for the waifus. no one plays it because they enjoy the game itself.
I think they called it a gameplay comparison, not graphics.
Giant Bomb has been saying this exact thing for ages and should not be a surprise to any of you.
>like destiny but worse in every way
Isn't destiny primarily a PvE game where you do shit for new weapons and upgrades?
Imagine being at a place in your life when you play a simple little video game where you shoot at targets on a range and your first thought is to make a political thought piece about how scared you were by it.
Imagine viewing absolutely everything through a lens of a culture war.
How stressful and pathetic must that be, every single day of your life?
it has a decent pvp
user, your autism inspired hateboner for overwatch is quite impressive.
that ended when Ryan died
No, the other guy was right. Overwatch is extremely comparable to TF2, just sort of an additional rung down on the skill-needed ladder from TF2's already low ceiling.
It's not like Destiny at all, other than both are FPS's.
I love over-exaggerating retards
Holy shit im a pacifist who thinks the gun culture has gotten way out of hand but this guy is just fucking cringey. I was shooting guns when i was 7
The worst part is that Austin is actually tolerable when he's not trying to sound intellectual to all his left-wing twitter friends.
And here I thought I played the game cause I liked it. Thanks for clearing that up user
the pvp is better than overwatch. and the fact that is has a pve campaign at all, let alone co-op pve endgame, puts it pretty far ahead of overwatch despite all its failing.
>telling the truth is autistic
most people would say spending money on a video game just to masturbate to it's characters is autistic
nothing i've said is an exaggertion
it takes most people far longer to realize the truth in their motivations. i've saved you.
its basically a hub mmo but hubs are all quests even on the same planet
Is this what fucking libs sound like when they talk about guns? They sound so weak and pathetic.
Who gives a shit about a brand on lifesupport?
just stick to the west.
if it has east, walker, navarro ,or vinny on it then dont click on it.
Well I mean really, they kinda are weak and pathetic in general.
>the audio was too loud so the gun scared me
They're supposed to be loud and scary.
Not all libs are like that, but everyone who is one of those Ban all guns libs is like this
use umatrix and enable their local domains only. Also you suck at using adblock
Dear god, you can't get more nu-male than this.
JESUS ALL HELL FUCKING CHRIST. highlight this post, copy it and put it as your wallpaper for the remainder of you pitiful existences.
How can you fucks be so retarded as to be unable to get a really fucking good idea about a game just by using Youtube and looking a few minutes of gameplay? As someone who pretty much never used reviews I still never found it hard to find plenty of games that I loved.
>Libs weaker than the party who cant handle seeing gay people kiss
both parties are a bunch of fucking pussies, Conservatives just think that violence makes them strong
>go to practice range in real life
>first weapon is a revolver and never shot anything else in my life
>problem with loud noises
>aim is shit
>scared everytime of pullying the trigger and break my hand or something because i tought i was too weak to handle the knockback
>still had a blast shooting targets
>this guy is scared of shooting a videogame weapon
I feel so good that he will be always more faggot than me
Sometimes I forget that people that work in the video game industry are the biggest bunch of self-absorbed fucktards out there.
Yeah, it's the problem with SJWs and why they're so insufferable because they simply lack any sense of humor or personality
Everything is a culture war, everything is a power struggle, everything is us vs them, everything is problematic
I don't get how anyone can live like that. It's like being a robot
>american """"""""men"""""""
I lived in Juarez for six years, when the violence was at its peak and having certain things happen can affect you a little bit.
From simple things like seeing a group of soldiers enter a store to buy something, all of them heavily armed, police and military trucks with turrets and 8 armed officers on it you have to remember that the federal police and the soldiers at that time had the orders to capture the leaders of the cartels, not to protect the population. To their eyes, every single one of us was a potential enemy, which was a disgusting thought to throwing yourself on the floor when you saw a bunch of hitmen get off a vehicle to execute someone.
Things like that make you uncomfortable of guns.
No, kill yourself.
Yeah when isn't he trying not to sound intellectual and not talking about make believe problems
>Conservatives just think that violence makes them strong
Is that why Liberals attack Trump supporters en mass?
Is that why Trump supporters don't attack them back?
Don't you have a refugee to house before they kill you in your sleep?
Holy fuck what a disaster.
cartel troubles?
The progressive gaming press desperate for respect have become a parody of itself:
That's the fucking editor of Polygon, Ben Kuchera speaking.
>mfw trannies dont want trans-inclusive stuff
>Mfw its just transtrender feminst who go by they pronouns but are just dykes otherwise
The medical trans community is fine but sadly thats not who is pushing the trans "agenda"
Keep up sonny we've discussed this video for an hour now.
Since all the headlines are of Trump supporters attacking others AND each other, it's safe to say he is the candidate of the hyper-aggressive morons.
>mfw criminals before never tried to hurt you and only wanted your money, only if you were a pain in the ass they used guns or knives
>Now even if you give them everything they put a bullet in you just because reasons.
that sounds like g00bergaters too
Back in 2010 Journalist Dan Hsu wrote "The Case Against the Gaming Press" in EGM, highlighting the issue of Press Sleeping with Developers even going as far as to call them "Starfuckers"
Yeah, it was rather common. Worst of all is that sometimes they would get mistaken. This was a very famous massacre that happened, but one time, a cartel got into a party and killed 17 kids, because they thought they were rival hitmen. They weren't, they were highschool students.