I'm considering re subbing to FF.
Stopped playing shortly after heavensward
Should I do it?
I'm considering re subbing to FF
do it
re-sub me on the way too
Have they done anything to address why you left in the first place? If so, go for it, if not then pass. Are you invested in the characters and story? If so then resub and get caught up, otherwise pass.
do it, catch up with what time you have for the next patch, you've only got a few hours
I don't know. I'm actually just lonely and am hoping to meet some people to play with
Well there's a quarterly catch-up patch dropping in about 24 hours so now would be a perfect time to do so.
Wait until Tuesday to sub, servers are down all tomorrow to apply the patch
>I'm actually just lonely
Take your ass to /vg/ please.
Then by all means go for it, just stay away from the /vg/ FCs and cliques.
How many times have you posted this picture today?
Go to Idyllshire and join whatever guild you see on chat that's recruiting. Just make sure they aren't multilingual (especially french).
If they end up being a bunch of shitters who don't even clear content then you can always leave and try again.
I personally found myself a sweet guild with a mansion in Limsa Lominsa this way.
3.3 looks promising. New dungeon, new 24-man raid, beast tribes, relic continuation. I'm probably missing a few things.
>playing with people
Unless you consider mindless raiding and having people scream at you for not DPSing 'correctly' as being human contact, then FFXIV doesn't have any. Its still essentially a single player game with the option to join a free company.
not that kind of lonely, the literally no fiends kind
i've never been to /vg/ anyways, but thanks for the advice. Go figure people from Sup Forums would be POSs
>MFW I resubbed earlier today
I don't know why I keep coming back.
I'm so tempted to make a dragon healslut.
That or a potato tank.
>Play game
>Laugh at my potato summoner
>Actually start to meet a few random faggots in cities
>Start making money
>Buy a house
>Meet neighbours
Game was comfy, shame there's not enough content and weekly quotas aren't the thing for me.
What server are you on? I moved servers due to having the same problem and am having more fun because of it.
I fucking hate this game yet I keep coming back and whenever I do I end up play three days in a row sometimes.
I hate my life.
Lamia, apparently
I also have a level 50 monk that has quest gear on some other server, but I don't recall what server.
I own a PSQuad now and this game has long been on my radar. As someone who has never really played an MMO, is this worth a look?
I'd recommend transferring to a more popular server, it's much easier to meet people on them. MMOs just aren't worth playing without other people around.
Game has enough midgets messing up my positional.
what server(s) would you recommend?
Give the trial a shot. You get to go more than halfway to the level cap, and you get an idea for how jobs actually play.
>have this crazy notion that I want to heal
>start leveling Conjurer
>leveling through dungeons
>level 28 and bored out of my fucking mind
This happens every time I try to heal in an MMO
What I generally hear is,
Gilgamesh or Balmung if you want the absolute highest population and can deal with some cancer
Leviathan or Behemoth if you want a highly populated server with slightly less cancer.
14 days trial.
It's kind of shitty since you can only reach 20 and at that level you use 3 skills at best though.
Apparently 3.3 is upgrading the trial to level 35.
Balmung if you are a degenerate, Gilgamesh if you are a redditor.
Ultros or Leviathan if you are fairly normal.
I just moved to Balmung personally, though I've been avoiding the /vg/ crowd. It's got a real MMO vibe to it what with all the people speaking in public. The stipulation being that it is the unofficial RP server. I've never really had it forced on me.
You have to be up very early in the morning to get into Gilgamesh. I've been trying to get in there for months but just decided it wasn't worth it and stayed in Famfrit.
Nothing's really changed.
Nor will it ever. The reasons you quit are still there.
There is no change possible in this system, but that of numbers increasing.
Balamung or Lev seems good to me, then.
I don't really RP but I don't mind it
Nah, go play Eve Online instead, it's much better.
CNJ is the most boring leveling experience out of all of the jobs, no contest.
Try SCH instead. You have to get ACN up to 30 to do it, but it's worth it.
3.3 lets you go up to level 35, at that point you can get your job crystals.
I'm going to switch to Astrologian when I get WM to 34
Make a dragonslut.
Whm master race is much better.
I play both user. they are so different that they don't really compete with each-other for my playing time.
If I've been unsubscribed since 3.1 what should I do first?
>Tfw I will never get gud at Monk
Is the community still toxic when it comes to end game EX trials and raids? I'm probably never going back.
Do you like to lewd?
Stay unsubbed.
Hit things on back.
Hit things on the side.
Hey i might be looking for someone else to play this game with. Not a fag or an erp retard.
What server were you on and what level range?
Not him but If I'm interested in gifting a sub to a friend how would I go about it
is my character
if i do end up changing servers, does anyone know how much it is?
10$ for server change afaik
Look on mogstation, it should be around $14 or 24.
>Hit things on back
>Press wrong button and fuck up rotation
>Hit things on the side
>Tank moves enemy before attack hits so I miss my positional
no. fuck off shill
Can confirm. As long as you're not sticking around in one place for too long like the Quicksand you won't be bothered and even then..
For some reason, dudes can tell when you're there to quest/level and it's probably in the clothes somewhere. They don't fuck with you unless you fuck with them first.
Does anyone here like elezen...?
>cant remember my squeenix ID
>go to check it
>sends me to password recovery
>get password changed
>still no fucking clue what my id is
Eighteen dollary doos. If you got more than one character then make sure you know who it is so you don't have to spend another eighteen just to get that other character.
One payment gets as many characters as you can carry as long as they are three days old at the least.
I quit playing a few months ago. The game is pretty stale and even the new content is nothing special, I doubt I will ever re-sub again.
>could just barely afford to move from Ul'dah pleb housing to Gridania comfy housing after patch
>logical part of me says this is a stupid fucking idea because I could lose everything, and have to hire an extra retainer to even do it
I guess I could try to get someone to pay for my current plot but I have no idea how I'd do that at this point.
Can't wait for my server to feel alive for one week then go back to being dead
Here's my character. i'd resub if i had one or two other people to play with but i'm far from end game. Only really interested in playing WHM though.
Here's my steam if anyone's interested
Are you the Mylen Ploa I see in Limsa a lot? Thats a rare name.
This basically.
Unless you're mentally ill and enjoy only RPing then it gets boring.
Will say I actually had fun leveling and doing what content they did have with people I met on there. The class changing system is great. Housing and Guild housing is also neat.
But the weekly lockouts and pattern bosses just got really annoying. If they didn't have lockouts people would be max geared in a day there is so little content it felt like.
Not to mention the PvP is non-existent, and when a queue does pop it's pretty terrible.
No. The community is shit and the devs don't listen to the players. There is no real endgame and everything is just an endless world boss and fate grind.
I keep getting bored with it but every now and again I go back for catboys.
FFXIV is a great single player game. I'd even go as far to say its the best main series FF game in 15 years.
But as a multiplayer game, it suffers the same fate as all WoW clones. Shitty gear ladders and raiding. With no actual human interaction besides 'heal plz' and 'attack my mark'.
I quit the game 20 days after it launched. Then was suckered into coming back for Heavensward, only to quit before even finishing all the quests. No idea why anyone is playing anymore to be honest.
This game would be 100000x better if they would let you fucking redo story quests for every class you level up.
Having to level up through dungeons and fate grinding for secondary classes is the fucking worst.
>Sephirot 'farm' parties
Tempted to go back to FFXIV, but is Tree of Saviour any good? That's F2P now
Combat is good. But the quests and EXP cards kill it.
it runs like complete trash no matter how good your computer is
Thinking about it that would be the tits. I mean, are you eating though? Are you putting on the ring after level fifteen?
The trick is also to do the duty roulettes because while I don't know how it goes NOW that the level cap is 60, I do understand you're supposed to get fifty percent experience for your secondary classes.
Even then? You get an armory bonus depending on how far away your secondary class is away from your highest leveled class.
There's ways to make the pain less so. If you got alts like me, it's easy to work on something else and then go back to that character and duty roulette for your daily rewards.
Boost leve exp, problem solved.
>have a sub that expired
>cant play the free trial part of the game on an alta indefinitely and join the same free company that my main character is in to talk to my friends
>cant buy gametime with gold
>cant rename my pets
Easiest way would probably be to pick up one of those prepaid cards and give it to them
i love playing heal in ff14 actually. playing dps was much worse in the boredom department
Some people enjoy MMO treadmills like that.
If you want more to do then you should have gone SCH. Hell you could have even gone AST to depend on the Heart of the Cards. I gotta say, I'm leveling up my SCH and it's pretty fun though I'm not looking forward to the micromanaging I'll have to do with my fairy later on during harder content. Looks like we should switch places.
fairy heals by itself even on obey, you just have to manage its minute long cooldowns or micro the heals in specific cases, put on cleric stance and DPS and micro the fairy while casting ruin and you're set
Fat loots from treasure map bonus rounds
Marry me
I can't git gud at healing. Feels like you can't play the class without macroing like every second skill. Or at the very least all your damage dealing spells. And I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if its a connection thing, but my experience with macros in this game have me having to press the skill multiple times to get it to work.
I dont wanna sound like a poorfag (even tough I am), but does anybody has a spare time card?, i wanna get back into the game so bad
I'm only going to level 34 with WHM then switching to AST.
True. But the issue with all these WoW clones is that the people who like those just end up going back to WoW.
MMO developers need to realize that you won't kill WoW by copying it. You need to make an MMO that focuses on everything that WoW doesn't. To capture that huge chunk of people who want to play an MMO, but are tired or WoW raiding/gear treadmills.
I really liked healing in XIV as WHM and SCH. Are there any other MMOs that are similar?
Noted, thank you.
Babysit me!
there's a pretty good guide on the forums listing a bunch of macros for the fairy and creative targeting to make dps and healing easier, google how to train your faerie for it
who Siren here?
>Siren, Shiva, Garuda,etc all have big titties and/or butt
>playable races are lightning tier
what do you think the crystals are for?
I haven't been on in like 2 or 3 weeks. I use to love this game but I got so burned out recently.
What's the word on cactaur server, I can't get a straight answer from the people there about its population and what the community is generally like
Not the guy you were replying to, but I agree with this.
I really enjoy XIV for what it is, but that's mainly because there isn't anything more interesting out there.
When franchises like WoW get as big and genre-defining as they are, they'll never be "killed" by anything else. They'll exist for a long time, and eventually only kill themselves.
Which WoW is doing. XIV has a lot of WoWfugees.
>tfw don't know what furniture to put in my mansion
why is designing homes so hard
>Tfw this game will never again be as good as the first half of 2.0's lifetime
Heavensward was been a piece of shit all the way through. Hopefully 4.0 will fix it but I doubt it.
Now I know how vanilla wowfags feel
I played this for a bit on a free weekend but lost interest, now I hear Triple Triad is in it and I used to love playing TT on a forum back in the day. Is TT rewarding at all for you or your FC in this game or is it just a side game?