Doom is GOTY easily

Doom is GOTY easily

>fun levels with good map design that encourages exploration
>secrets to find
>boss fights
>that fucking soundtrack
>those difficulty options

mutliplayer is whatever but fuck this game is good, havent had this much fun with a console shooter in ages

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I feel like i'm wasting time backtracking through every level before progressing to find all the secrets. Should I just finish the game and then redo levels?

theres an upgrade that lets you find secrets easier but id still look for them imo

argent upgrades for health/ammo/armor and praetor points are the most important though

what type of gaems are you use to playing these days? I like exploring and fiding hidden areas.

I can't when its over the top. Like skyrim I can't spend over 100hrs exploring than just moving the story forward.

I'm managing to find some things naturally, but like...I spent a half hour trying to get the doomguy in the giant turbine room of level 5 and it killed my momentum.

doom guys just get you player models and bios on shit, you dont need to find them

I only wish they released mod tools. Snapmap is fun and all, but after a while all the levels will start to look the same.

I want to be like DoomGuy if I grow up.

Another thing bothering me is the worry that I'm passing secret weapons early or something. Like I heard you can get the chaingun on level 4 but the internet isn't making it easy to check these things.

No point releasing mod tools if they're not going to give us dedicated servers.

The reason we are going to get neither is so that they can sell a $40 season pass for multiplayer no one wants to play.

is the suit growing on anyone else? I think he looks fine, just wish there wasnt a fucking clusterfuck of detail

A lot of the sound options in Snapmap makes it pretty evident they are going to put in outdoor and hell area modules eventually.

They need a lot more Network/Object capacity. Add in a shitload more props too.

You can make the modules feel different but you need props to do it and they take up too much space per prop.

The only complaint I have about the armour is the stubby boots.

Looks strong, like an elephant.

You can get every weapon one level early pretty much.

> Plasma Rifle is hidden in air vents in level 2 (forgot what it's called)
> Rocket Launcher in a hidden room in Foundry
> Super Shotty on an out of the way Cliffside in Argent Facility
> Gauss Rifle hidden in a very hard to find platform that requires jumping down a seemingly fatal elevator shaft (I only found this because my brother missed the jump and managed to land on the platform while I was watching him play)
> Chaingun is in a hidden cave in the first Hell Level.

How long is the campaign?

The Gears of War boots rubbed me the wrong way, too.

>stuck in developer mode hell

Fuckin sucks bros

cant play snapmaps cant into multiplayer, cant get achievements.

I love the game but i cant even play it, too late for refund too.
Anyone else waiting for patch that will never come?

9-10 hours if you play on ultra violence and explore as much as you can.

You fucking useless fags all spent weeks posting dozens of threads a day about how terrible this game was going to be. Fuck you people

I dont know how anyone can talk shit about this game, its so fucking good

post yfw when the hell guard boss fights

Dehyping consumers is a public service.

Judging by how bad all the gameplay videos and the MP beta was can you really blame people? I was almost certain the game would be shit, but it turned out to be great. It's kinda nice to be proven wrong desu. Wish more developers would do it.

They purposely slowed the game down for the E3 build and trailer and I have no fucking clue why

Probably to dehype people so when they played it everyone would be surprised. best song in the game

>hell guard boss fight

It probably was that slow at the time, then during the last few months of development they said "wait PC gamers won't be happy about this" and just ramped it up a bit.

>mfw D44M
>mfw Hard reset redux
>mfw Shadow warrior 2
>mfw Serious Sam 4

>mfw Duke Nukem

>forgot to mention Wolfenstein TNO

Inb4 that copy paste comes in and everyone takes the bait again

Which makes a better tattoo;
"May the blood on your sword never dry & may we never need you again."
"Rip and Tear until it is done."

So, anyone aiming for an ultra-nightmare run?
Died because of some stupid shit on level 3 last time I tried.
It's always some stupid shit.

I hope whoever was in charge of marketing for DOOM was fired. That piece of shit did such an awful job from the initial E3 Reveal, to the absolutely ZERO advertising commercials before the game came out. I'm sure Bethesda is kicking themselves over the potential sales they lost because of poor advertising, considering how the game ended out being amazing and got good reviews.

don't be such a tool, you fucking faggot

So Sup Forums was BTFO in regards to the nu-Doom anti-hype?

Sup Forums was super wrong, but was working off inaccurate info.

the final boss was actually fucking good too, that surprised me the most

final bosses are fucking underwhelming pieces of shit now

>show positive coverage of the game (pretty much how the game ended up)
>fans get overhyped to unrealistic expectations
>game come out and people start saying "it's good, but not what I expected"

>show some minor negative cover of the game (slow movements, and slow takedowns)
>fans get dehyped expecting it to be shit
>game comes out and everyone is surprised

I don't see what's wrong here. I wish more developers would do this.

>not even halfway through 2016
>doom is the best for sure dude

>Boss fights

More like mini bosses with 4 Different type of attacks each, and a second stage that adds artificial difficulty.

I understand what you are getting at but they barely advertised at all after the awful initial reveal. I didn't even know the game was released until seeing a thread on Sup Forums. THATS how bad of a job they did.

I guess maybe they assumed the Doom title would be enough to sell the game.

>play the game
>loved the music, gets you hyped as shit
>try to listen to it while at work
>it's shit and repetitive
Had to stop it after a few, it's really lacking without the game and the dynamic changes.


It's a shitshow but not everything has to be an esport

Map design is soso
secrets? You mean the original doom lvl every now and then?...
Bosses are literal bullet sponges, thats it.
>those difficulty options
How does that contribute to the game being the goty exactly?

>mutliplayer is whatever but fuck this game is good
If a part of a game is "Whatever the fuck" then you can't really consider a game GOTY...