What are your favorite cosplays?

What are your favorite cosplays?

>it's another "undercover" Alison Rapp thread

Sup Forumstards got mad last thread when they were BTFO

Strike Witches

You got so btfo you resorted to calling names and offered no substance

Really pathetic, to defend internet whores on Sup Forums lmao

>mad that someone called someone meanie names >:(

>u mad

keep it up, neogaf

I like the ones that dont moonlight as whores and blame them getting fired on the corpse that is Gamergate.

Cultural Marxism is a locked useless machine scrapping at the fresh-painted walls of an ivory tower for keys that have rusted and cracked over the years.

Cultural Marxists get their tactics from fiction: They victimize themselves like the girls from The Crucible, They act like every white male is Tom Buchanan from The Great Gatsby, and then they post to their blogs and their Twitter like in Ender's Game. If you ask a Cultural Marxist what their favorite book is, of course they're gonna say it's Nineteen Eighty Four. It's not a lie, it's just that they like the book FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS.

So you tell me, Mr. Validation, Who's in the Orwell, here?

didn't see another thread but I highly doubt they got BTFO in any way related to this chick. She is an escort who made her straight husband work as a gay escort. She got fired when nintendo found out and now makes money on patreon for simply existing with a vagina.

Is she really a prostitute on the side?

cry about it faggot lol

none because no one can be as true as your fucking fake waifus

The only one that's crying is you since we rightfully got here fired for being a whore and how we're ruining your Sup Forums safespace.

Keep crying, jakeypoo

What is babby gonna do? Cry to daddy trumpy? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Grow the fuck up you nigger-loving dickguzzler.

Sup Forumstards are as spineless as fucking tumblrites, holy fuck.

And those patreon rewards are so fucking terrible.

>What is babby gonna do? Cry to daddy trumpy? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

aha, literally an SJW

Holy shit when did Sup Forums become like this?

You know, we've done a lot worse before

>n-no you!


Clearly you're a butthurt cuck that can't handle the bantz, Sup Forums hates giggers btw
Laughing at 'giggers'? Who's the fucking child now?

>I-I know! I'll meme all over him! That'll show him!

Get blacked son

You didnt do shit you fuckwit

Kill yourself


>Sup Forums hates giggers btw

Just like /r9k/ "hates" women.
Sup Forumstards are fascinated with the black cock. Their dream is to get blacked by huge amounts of dicks.

Your Sup Forums is showing. Sup Forums is cancer.

Yes, and an expensive one too.


>Telling other people who they want to be
You can read minds? I too, think train job is hard.

What the fuck even is this thread

Joot needs to nuke this board, holy shit

>I'm cornered now I'll just repeat myself!!

Keep defending internet whores, neogaf cancer. You're just making a fool out of yourself with each post

Bunch of cucked virgins white knighting whores on the internet

>whoops I made a mistake by copying what he said-time to backpedal


Is she still an escort now that she has patreon money?



She escorts her husband around now while she rakes in the ez whiteknight money

Fuck you, faggot! *Poe's Law is induced*

of course

>I white knight whores on the internet

keep being cucked