Cat Girl or Cat Grill? Choose

Cat Girl or Cat Grill? Choose.

Other urls found in this thread:!Q5YnGTyZ!wV8ysVhxni-1kh_XipUGJgcn_WC_Uv2cXnkEcAUWbMk

I choose a better game that doesn't rely on meme humor.


You can't /thread your own posts Carl

Cat Grill! Uramiko! Yellow teeth! Yes!


Waiting for the tossed salad catgirl

He just did. What are ya gonna do about it fag?

Shark > cat
this is factual and objective, disagreeing with this would legally classify you as a mentally ill individual.

We need some Cat Girl eating cronuts off of bondaged Cat Grill.

I bet cat grill recorded over that tape with naughty things

>puns are memes
How old are you?

>you will never go back to the time where meme didn't mean "anything on the internet"
I see fucking threads saying post overwatch memes and the OP is just some random overwatch comic. Like holy fuck why is there so much new here?

What does Uramiko's sprite look like? I've only seen her portrait so far.

>holy fuck why is there so much new here?

Were you asleep during 2007?

Chef Sephiroth best boy.

No, no, no you're not getting me. There's new but now there's ADVANCED new. Just today someone didn't know what a doom .wad was and thought I was referring to a Doom4 crack. I have never been more sickened in all my time here than today.

>Just today someone didn't know what a doom .wad was and thought I was referring to a Doom4 crack
Loving Every Laugh

>There's new but now there's ADVANCED new
Nope. Just a constant stream of gen z phoneposters coming here every day.


Muh dik


I lost my shit when Aestheticus came up, I had to pause the game.

compliments of a drawfag from a previous thread.

So this is what Wayforward was working on instead of Shantae?

Anyone have a better quality photo of this pose?

Get out, skank.

In related news Half Genie Hero has a release date now.

But why was Aestheticus in the Kawaii Galaxy?



Now how about that art with both of them having cocks and balls?


in them or on them?

>Characters that did nothing wrong.


On them.

within a very close vicinity going at insanely hihg speed

This works, too.

>You'll never get to protect her smile

I want to check this game out and see it for myself. Is there a download link or something?!Q5YnGTyZ!wV8ysVhxni-1kh_XipUGJgcn_WC_Uv2cXnkEcAUWbMk

>yellow teeth
repulsive tbqh

I want to lick her yellow teeth!

This literally looks like if tumblr made a game.

>implying you wouldn't let her bite your duck

>cute girls
>must be tumblr

>women that makes my peepee feel tingly
>no tumblr noses
>no colored joints
>no muh pronouns
It looks like a Wayforward game.

>if tumblr made a game
Nigga what? This is so damn far from what that cesspool would make.

im not sure if you mean it looks just like all the other wayforward games or you don't know they made it.

Flat chest!

>it looks just like all the other wayforward games
it's this one

>It's just using lazy neo-cartoon network art style
The part of tumblr that isn't just what you see on Sup Forums that bitches about muh sjws, the part that is the cancer for Sup Forums which is already cancer

The fuck is this shit, where's the neko

>Neo Cartoon Network
Why are people sticking the word 'neo' to everything? It doesn't make sense half of the time

Best enemy in the game.

Because they want to sound smart, so they say shallow shit that means literally nothing and applies to everything

>From Ancient Greek prefix νεο- (neo-), from νέος (néos, “new, young”).

>playing a shitty porn game

Nigger what, have you even seen tumblr artwork?

What game is this and where do I get it?

Atleast it has art

God tier: Rhythm gun
High tier: RPG gun, Puzzle gun
Mid tier: Sports gun, Platformer gun
Low tier: Pea Shooter
I'm going to intentionally take a hit tier: Arcade gun

>wayforward only need 3 levels to make a GOTY
What a time to be alive

Kaufman's soundtrack for the game is great. Free to download as usual.

>Literally anything is art these days, mate.!Q5YnGTyZ!wV8ysVhxni-1kh_XipUGJgcn_WC_Uv2cXnkEcAUWbMk

No you can't buy it now/yet. Was part of some humble subscription thing that's gone now, download away.

Neo is the correct term you dumbass.

>Arcade gun

become good

Let me rephrase: atleast it has art that looks like it wasn't made in 5 minutes using flash

they're grills you dummy


Just because you dropped out of school doesn't make everyone else "sound smart"

Go make something in flash that looks like that in 10 minutes, I'll wait.


It's weird, this game is "lolsorandumbXD" but it feels kinda earnest in the way it goes about it compared to something like Borderlands or Battleborn where their "lolsorandumbXD" tendencies come across as lazy writing or a desperate attempt to appeal to demographics.

I'll give you 5 hours, fag.

Wayforward puts actual effort into what they make. So everything just seems to have this "it's trying really hard, and I can appreciate that" feeling about it.

Gearbox are just a bunch of shysters who think they're actually being witty and clever. Someone here said it best, Gearbox wouldn't even go in to pitch a game idea without smirking at their own cleverness.

Cat Girl Without Salad

Where's the download

thank you


>Sports gun
>Not God tier

Can you still buy this?


Just played the first 2 levels. Fucking masterpiece. But what the fuck is going on with the humble bundle? Games exclusive to a monthly subscription model is the fucking opposite of "humble"!

No. You literally cannot purchase the game.



It's being touted as a "first taste" and a line at the end of the final boss teases a proper title coming out

they haven't been "humble" in like four years

Humble bundle has not been humble for a long time.


I think it's more of a tease of more episodes coming out via the monthly humble thing as she literally says "coming months".

I expect Wayforward to someday compile them into a full fledged release though.

>Kebako has a heart tail
>Uramiko has a diamond tail
>Future release reveals club and spade-tailed catgirls whose lives Kebako has also ruined.

>first the cronut scandals
>now this
This fucking game's a gift that keeps giving.

>cronut scandals


>kebako pronounces winged like strong bad does

>Due to its limited production and exclusivity, the Cronut spawned a black market in New York City with scalpers buying them for $5 and reselling them for up to $100 each.

People in New York were scalping cronuts.


Next question: what the fuck is a cronut