Why are a lot of people here so salty that Overwatch is a critical and commercial success?

Why are a lot of people here so salty that Overwatch is a critical and commercial success?

>tumblr nose


because the sex is good and it makes grown men cry in joy

I think you meant overweight/fat

She's blushing, you giant fag

are there any other games about teenage fantasy high school?

I'm much saltier that A: fat people are allowed and B: people are allowed to be attracted to said fat people.

no user

She's got tumblr nose in game too.

remember back in the 90's when being big and black was attractive?


Everyone I see praises it and hates Battleborn.

What are you talking about OP?

How the fuck did that bitch make her legs bigger than her entire body jesus


what the fuck happened


sitting on her ass all day eating

My god


saying that doesn't have the same impact since hiro doesnt interact with us as much as moot did


But her stomach isn't proportionate to her legs


those are some big hands


Being fat was never attractive to anyone sane.

1) mediocre gameplay
2) further infestation of casual moba/assfaggots into the videogame landscape
3) another example of a game succeeding because of the big name behind it - blizzard - and not because it's good. See also, sc2, hearthstone, diablo 3.
4) Disney animated waifu faggotry. It's not a game, it's a *product*, designed for children- no, designed and created specifically to rip money from the wallets of weeaboos, man children, and general pleb neckbeards.

Never before this game have I seen one so blatantly designed to tick every appeal box in such a sterile corporate way. Everything about it was concocted by a fucking suit in a drab boardroom somewhere with pie charts and bar graphs and fucking shit. Not an ounce of passion to be found in the entire thing. I would like to go on but I fear every character I write further saps my will to live. Fuck the modern gaming industry, I've pretty much given up on it at this point.

There's lots of insane people out there.

>not diet coke

holy fucking shit

that's disgusting but so fucking hot

i'm salty because people think it's a 'competitive FPS' when it's incredibly shallow, people think it's funny and has good characters when it's been focus-tested into a state of blandness so extreme it's more like dreamworks than disney


It's not FAIR
We knew this would FAIL
It was the next TORTANIC

People have fat taken from different parts of their body injected into other parts. Girls inject their stomach and arm fat into their ass all the time now trying to get a Kim Kardashian ass.

anal or go home

she's too comfy

Why can't I play as a fatty?

cos it's fun to troll, but it means shit anyway... in fact, it selling that much pretty much confirms it's shit. Shit games sell a lot, look at the people who buy a lot of games today, look at steam, look at twitch...

game sucks, but at least we get thick threads I guess

Ayo my nigga hit me up with dat source

It's grotesque but hot as hell.

But the whites and japs ain't do it yet, so this is clearly unheard of to the internet.

>ywn rape her belly


Love Randalin. My nigger friend.

Is this unsauceable?

>4) Disney animated waifu faggotry. It's not a game, it's a *product*, designed for children- no, designed and created specifically to rip money from the wallets of weeaboos, man children, and general pleb neckbeards.
Fuck you you goddamn hypocrit, I've been calling the tripe that the otaku eat shit like that for years and I get laughed out and called a sjw and a jealous woman, but now that a WESTERN company does it, you react? Fuck you.

I remember it being more funny more than anything
>Haha big black lady is being sassy, hilarious

Holy moly

Faggots in this thread don't know who the real sexy chubby is!

that's a waterbed.

>Japs on Pixiv are drawing a ton of overwatch stuff.
>Its mostly cute Mei, D.Va and Hanzo.

I can get behind this.

Mei is cute and not as fat as people think.

I'm ok with this development.

>The most anime inspired/Japanese nationality characters get the lions share of fanart from Japan

So that's what Midna would look like in real life.

I pay no attention to Japanese devs since they all started pandering to the west years ago.
Ironically konami with their pachinko machines has stayed more true to the japanese audience than video "let's turn a stealth game into a third person shooter" kojima has.

Would you feel better if I said "you were right all along"?

>SJWs: Mei isn't body positive, she's not fat, it's just her clothes, look at official artwork
>Sup Forums and /vg/: EW 0/10 FUCKING PIG WOULD NOT LOOK AT


Oh we know



It's love.Randalin
She has some horrible disease like lipedima or something, but it won't matter as long as you get that video of her trying to put on a pair of pants.

Like I want to hear empty praise from the likes of you, I have, for years, been reading games hide behind waifus the riot act and for years I was called a filthy sjw for it, I just once wish you people had some iota of selfawareness and realize you are actively perpetuating a massive double standard that is affecting the overall quality of the video game industry.

Nobody thought it would fail. Anyone who did was kidding themselves.
I know you
>Sup Forums just want another tortanic
niggers refuse to actually snap out of your judgement, but seriously. At most, people were saying it didn't deserve the money it was going to get.

She's blushing 'cause she's embarrassed you homo, like lots of people get during intimacy.

>making things unpleasant for Mei

I hate it when people draw her fat.