/failed games general/

ITT: Meme games that didn't stick.

You start.



Fucking this


is overwatch dying yet?



My nigger

>4 Posters
>8 post

Some of you are samefagging

Don't get me wrong, i hate the piece of shit game but this is pathetic


Why do people who say correct things have to samefag? Just wait for more people to agree with you.

This guy gets it

Fuck off that game is great, normie slaughter simulator.



>15 posts
>6 IPs

I'm going to funpost here too

Sorry, but you have to be over 18 to post here.

Being a robot is not synonymous with being underage, call me a manchild if you want but that game is great for venting.

That image is clearly fake

do you know what else is good for venting?
cumming in someone
you should try it some time, friend :)

This man speaks the truth.

Oh shit the salt in this thread

Fuck off Norman

Second post best post

fuck off, Robert

Literally this

>27 Posts
>9 IPs

that's sad friendo

Why didn't the thread end here?

Tell em, user.

It's a Battleborn thread.


For its price, it's pretty good.

That said, it could use more options and game modes and improved civilian behavior.

>people post multiple times in a thread


tru nigga tru

All me btw

That game was DoA
Literally no one talking about it

same fag

2true4me m8

Buttbaby cancer's first bait thread?


so shitty I can't even watch the verious webm's floating around without feeling a crippling sensation of cringe and dissapointment.

Can't say I had high hopes for the game but I kind of expected more than a bright and colorful COD tier meme game

>purchase Battleborn
>realize that it's a piece of shit and NEET welfare can't afford Overwatch
>chimp out on Nepalese Spiritual Website

That's you.

He wrote a single word, meanwhile you're going on a rant and making up scenarios of his life and purchasing patterns. If anything you're the on who's chimping out, buddy.

You're overthinking this. Just do a favor and kys, good riddance, leave my board. Also stop samefagging, that's some next level cancer.

Is goat simulator going strong? I remember the space trailer seeming pretty funny but i doubt people play it.


>47 replies
>19 posters

Come on guys

regular fag


based tracer's butt.


its pretty lame

That's where you're wrong.

2 or a max of 3 comments per poster

No. For the price it was it was not worth it.

It's a fantastic twin stick shooter, one of ths best I've ever played.
The setting and theme was there purely for shock value. Not else. Could've been zombies, infected, aliens, Max Payne, a doom twin stick or fucking anything else. But they went with the mallgoth gets revenge on all those that hurt his feelings when he was hula hooping.

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/failed games general/ Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)19:58:10 No.340107841▶ ITT: Meme games that didn't stick.
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)19:59:17 No.340107943▶
You start.
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:00:21 No.340108041▶ (OP)
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:01:22 No.340108121▶ This
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:01:40 No.340108149▶ Fucking this
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:02:23 No.340108230▶ /thread
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:02:40 No.340108264▶ is overwatch dying yet?

>58 posts
>25 posters

so much fucking same it hurts

But it's good though.


I'm literally impressed

Overwatch is babby's first fucking stereotyped mainstream sell-out garbage autismal mediocre low-budget casual low-powerlevel ADHD hardsubs streamfag hyped spoon-fed otaku-pandering objectively bad aspie haremshit overrated DEEP deconstruction NTR cliche trope-filled generic ANGST mary sue underage escapist self-insert PLOT armor beta MC shonen edgy teenager gratuitous shock-value gore broken-powerlevels moeshit corporate product placement weeaboo kawaii uguu~ fetishist suspension of disbelief random asspulls garbage slutty waifu sakurafish Gainax bouncing fanservice NEET-pandering downs syndrome filler arcs beach onsen vapid 4kids dubbed censored episodes WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS cutout sameface 1-dimensional yaoi fujoshitbait characters shipperfag yuri tsundere fanwank braindead insulting and poorly written rushed and atrocious inconsistent convoluted vocaloid pedoshit last-place-on-sale-charts nolstagia googles grimDERP nico-nico 2ch otaku-pandering suffering porn ahegao face consumerist kiddy casual pretentious failed experimental anti-USA nanking-rape denying trainwreck watered-down plothole-ridden homoshit Evangelion wannabe hollywood rip-off unoriginal yandere RAPE RAPE RAPE lol so randum/b/ xD uninteresting anticlimactic DROPPED shallow haircut character development cancerous butchered DEEN QUALITY 8 frames per second mouthflapping powerpoint slideshow outsourced korean putrid soulless CG animation photoshop-filter backgrounds poorly done adaptation hipster entry-level timeskip forced drama cop-out power of friendship deus ex machina predictable tearjerker TWEEST BONES original shit ending with circlejerking delusional and easily trollable flavor of the month general threads imagedumps tripfaggotry sadpanda.jpg vlcsnap shitkaku 4:3 14 inches CRT Mac monitor arrogant retarded Guy Fawkes mask facebook protests cosplayer dubs-obsessed fanbase that's killing the industry.

Go back to fucking Neogaf/Gamefaqs/leddit

Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)18:44:44 No.340112124▶[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k] [s4s] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit][Settings] [Home]
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/failed games general/ Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)19:58:10 No.340107841▶ ITT: Meme games that didn't stick.
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)19:59:17 No.340107943▶
(OP) (OP)
You start.
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:00:21 No.340108041▶ (OP) (OP)
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:01:22 No.340108121▶ This
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:01:40 No.340108149▶ Fucking this
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:02:23 No.340108230▶ /thread
Anonymous 06/05/16(Sun)20:02:40 No.340108264▶

Address acquired, I'm printing this thread and then mailing it to your boss as a signature of self-termination.

Are you a hacker?

k guize that's enough

I like this meme

Know, I am Cuck, leader of the Secret Militant ActiviST terrorist Organization, or SMARTO.