Why haven't you bought senran kagura on steam yet?

Why haven't you bought senran kagura on steam yet?


Heh. Thats cute.

I did my part. I bought both it and Onechanbara.

>Steam copy


Because it sucks and you're a faggot kike.

because I bought it 2 years ago when it mattered

Is it 60 fps?
Whats the game about?
About how man hours have you racked up?
Who do I choose?

Haruka is best girl

I did. I never bought a Vita because it was too expensive and I knew a lot of the good shit would be released else where.

Good to see the normie YouTubers playing these games and letting all the kiddies into a world of happy boobs.

considering steam sales will be starting soon and people don't buy games right before them and that it only had 10% off at release, those are decent sales. it will probably sell 50k lifetime at least

when they port estival, it better be the ps4 version, otherwise i'm not buying

Because I already bought it on vita and have moved on to Estival Versus

I did buy it. Now give me an EV port.

I'll buy it eventually, I'm waiting for my new PC to arrive.

>Story rich

it is time to provide the source for your picture user

>vita sales of the first week - 91k
>steam sales of the first week - 20k if they are lucky

PC gaming was a mistake


I pirated it.

But I did.

Holy shit she's perfect, can you play as her in any of the games?

No, she's from a Japan only cell phone game that involves collecting cards.

Shitty game

Because I plat'd the Vita version and have no desire to buy the same game again. Might pirate when decent mods drop I guess.

>only 15k sold
Enjoy the first and only Senran on pc ever

Prisma Illya
Its not porn

>old game released close to major sale event
>expecting it to sell like hotcakes
Granted, 20k is still a pretty good number despite those conditions

i did but it didnt run at 60fps so i got a refund

It came out more than a year after the Vita version. And this series sells more in Japan, where there aren't many PC gamers.

Fuck I'm disappointed...

I thought it was a doujin and it's just the manga
damn me.

>14K copies sold in four days
>26.99 each
>gross income of 388,602.02 to date
>pubs take 70%, for a net value of 272021.41

That's not too shabby. Considering how barebones the port is, that must've broken even at least. However, Japanese games cost upwards of 80 bucks per unit, due to Japan's closed market encouraged price gouging.

"It isn't porn because it's not sold as such".

Prism Illya is literally softcore loli hentai.

What piece of shit do you have that it cant run it at 60fps

i know you're baiting but
1. 2 years late
2. port of a portable game without any significant changes (models, textures or even graphics settings)
3. there's already a newer game released

they should be glad it's gonna make it to 50k or so, especially considering it's also their first pc game and it was probably making money after 5k sold or whatnot

i think she's card game exclusive, which is a travesty because she's definitely the hottest senran

>i think she's card game exclusive, which is a travesty because she's definitely the hottest senran
She's the first one I really like, man I'm mad.

Sup Forums please recommend me more perverted dress-up doll games I can't get enough of the lingerie parade!

Family friendly huh?

>softcore loli hentai

Why would you be a faggot and not just go for the hardcore loli hentai instead?

>shitty console port
>you're a faggot shill
>kill yourself

But I did. It's great

I think you forgot
>4. Summer sale is really close


Breast sliders when?

4670k and 760
wouldnt go past 40fps even when i dropped the res to the lowest it would go

Because it's a modern beat em up therefore shit

>Asuka gets a 3 against 1 boss fight
>Katsuragi fights through a gauntlet of enemies to be the first to face against New Hebijo
>Ikaruga and Yagyu had decent enough levels

>Hibari gets to press X for three minutes

I see why no one likes her.

I have it on Vita a long time ago. buy SK games but I don't like them that much. Not enough to double dip. Though its a decent amount of fun.

I like Oneechanbara but not enough for a third copy. But yeah, its a series I want people to play. I would love to see another one really.

>ahahahahahahaha vita has no gaems
>Fucking weebshit kusoge
>Game gets ported to pc
I love PC hypocrite race


>not Hanzo

What the literal fuck is wrong with you.

probably a bug with nvidia's drivers and fullscreen/window/borderless. someone mentioned in another thread. i don't remember which video setting is the one that causes problems though

haha you forgot hibari my friend

this game seriously needs breast sliders. i want smaller, more-proportionate breasts

i like rin's design too

>three minutes
My clock ran super slow during that part. Most of Hanzo's story was boring but it was worth it to get to Crimson's.

So does everyone else.

Breast mods when? I want to give everyone giant fucking cow tits.

Especially Mirai.

>i want smaller breasts

No I didn't. Ikaruga is pretty good though.

Because it looks pretty shallow, maybe not as much so as your average beat-em-up, but still shallow enough that I won't enjoy it much. If you enjoy it, more power to you, just not my thing.

>15k copies in 1 week for a $27 port of a 3 year old vita game
tell me that's not good

>tripfag having a shitty opinion

Heh. Thats cute.

>want to get this
>probably get bullied if i do


So your arguments are either

1.People can't buy it for literally 5 dollars therefore giving almost no revenue to the devs
2.It's an old game durrrrr (didn't stop neptunia from selling like hotcakes despite being old on top of a port of a vita game that was also a re-release of a ps3 game remade which is even more aggravating on sales)
3.It sells more in japan (which is flat out false, since it also sells well in america, only flopping in europe for some reason)
4.There's a newer game released (Again, like neptunia, which is lagging behind severy on steam compared to both vita and ps4 neptunias, except that it still sold mazingly)
I work in marketing (not a shill but close, research and commercial management).

All of your points are completely irrelevant and refutable, Senran Kagura is a failure on PC and that is a fact, I'm a PCfag and I do this because I am concerned, not to bait or to falseflag, the possibility of them bothering to port a higher profile title with higher quality assets and development cost like Estival Versus is scarce, do not belittle me as I say that Steam might get the vita port of Estival Versus at best.

whats the appeal of this series? i tried it (read pirated it) the gameplay is pretty simple and repetitive, the camera is the worst part of it and the game is not even that sexy everyone has the same body and one dimensional personalities

I boycotted it because I wanted Estival Versus, not this shitty version.

>she seems sweet but shut off
>she's actually just an asshole neet

wew to think I almost considered her best girl

Are the ages still censored out? No real reason for them to be on PC so I hope Xseed made the right decision.

Spent the steambux in my wallet on Onechanbara instead

More or less for the same reason bought the new DoA game.

Shinovi is far better than Estival.

it's a shitty spin off of the real games that are nintendo exclusives, sonyggers lapped it up as the second coming of christ since the vita has nogaems, you can figure out the rest


It aint in Japan.

THAT's considered good now?
It's not, at all.

estival is fucking shit, aside from looking better it is slower, has a gazillion enemies for no reason (playstation = musou crap according to Takaki ) and it established that it is literally a separate timeline that has nothing to do with the main story of the franchise, lierally confirming it's just a series of bland spin offs for shit and giggles.

You tell me user.

1. You do realize that by reducing the price, they also increase units sold, right? Unlike console games, there is no packaging cost to negate these smaller costs. And speaking of console games, they too have sales on games, often times even LOWER than what Steam offers. Console gamers could also buy the game for 5 bucks used, where they actually WON'T get any money.

2. Neptunia was included in a humble bundle, and only the first one has huge numbers.

3. Most Jap games sell better in the west than in Japan. The fact these PC ports are west only is proof of that.

4. Shinovi is objectively obsoleted by Estival. Neptunia literally reuses the same assets from game to game, comparing SK to Neptunia would be akin to comparing GTA to CoD.

>Console gamers could also buy the game for 5 bucks used, where they actually WON'T get any money.
Source for this?

Because I bought it on Vita back in 2014, and while the game's alright it's not good enough to buy twice, not to mention I have no real stake in the health of the current PC market.

It's 15k of pure profits , you think these weeb bleeding shlock pushers would port a game if it costed more than a few noodle cups?
even if they sell 100k at 5 dollary doos that's a huge gain

How do you enable gedosato with the pirated version

Depends on the cost of the port.

If the game's sales had already tapered off to nothing, and the port was inexpensive, it was basically 15k in free sales, which is a very nice boost for a game past the end of its ordinary life cycle.

If the port was expensive, or the game was a new release, then maybe. But 15k in sales in half a week on a game that was probably averaging 50 units a month on its native Vita at this point in its life?

Wait till you play her EV solo story. She rises to best girl status super quickly there.

She'd need to tell her sister to fuck off and drop the carebear for that to happen

The parts where she talks as Baybay are probably the best pieces of dialogue in the game

That's really bad. Like still really bad.
People assume that suddenly, "holy shit 15k units! That's more than the Vita could ever hope for in a few days" when on Vita it actually sold far far more.
>good for 3 years
It really isn't.

while the gameplay in shinovi might be better, let's be honest here, the anime tiddie factor is VERY important and estival's graphics are significantly better

if xseed added some graphical effects to the port and improved the models, this might've been the definitive senran game (community could've fixed the textures). but they didn't


How much did the original version sell during its first week outside of Japan?

this is a very cheap port. they didn't fix textures or improve character models nor added any special effects or options in the game. it's literally just a port of the old game with steam achievements and a resolution slider. they're making money starting from 5k or something similar

>feel like maybe got hit 2 or 3 times
>hits taken: 500+

Are there uncensored mods?


Estival story is basically nothing, the characters are even more flanderized and I hate those fucking walls.
>Get pushed behind one
>can't hit the stupid fucking cat but she can shoot me

Let me ask you. When GameStops sells used games, do you think they send the publisher a cut of copies sold? What about the guy who sold the game on eBay or a yard sale? Does he send the publisher their cut? Why do you think Microsoft wanted to push DRM on the Xbone? It wasn't for shits and giggles. Hell, even Capcom attempted to block off used game sales for Revelations.

I'm literally never buying a senran game ever again.

People are working on it, there's one that removes light/chibi censors when breaking underwear and light/smoke effectsfrom transformation scenes, but no nipples.

There's also one with nipples but I'd rather not use it yet since it doesn't look that good.

Yes, but it's a barbie nude mod

I have never played a SK game before and I bought SV and mained Miyabi. Did I do good?

Your loss.