Is being a NEET worth it Sup Forums...

Is being a NEET worth it Sup Forums? Sometimes I just wanna quit my job and be a NEET so I can play video games and be on Sup Forums all day and night. I work a full time job and I don't have time to enjoy vidya. My favorite genre is JRPG and those games a notoriously long and it takes me so long to complete them.

NEETs of Sup Forums, do you like the lifestyle? Is it worth it? I just wanna enjoy video games again

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I find that the more time you have to play vidya, the less you end up actually want to play them.
I get jaded really quickly if I don't have other things to do to break things up a bit.

Humans wither without purpose or conflict. Being NEET isn't worth the slow spiral downwards.

>is doing whatever you want worth it

no keep being a good goy

I've never been more depressed than during the time I was NEET.

How will you support yourself?

No because you'll get tired of it after a month or two. You'll start playing games, not because you want to, but because there isn't anything else you could be doing.

Games will stop being fun, and you'll become an empty shell since you have nothing else. Keep working and cherish the little time you do have with your games so you can fully enjoy them.

Since I heard about how the latest MLP episode supports wagecucks, I decided that the only non-degenerate way to live is to be a NEET.
Feels good mang.

Leeching of my family? I don't know. How do you guys do it?

Be black and collect welfare check.

Interesting, for me it was the exact opposite

>more white people were caught with welfare fraud than black people

But nice try though.

I'd imagine most neets live with their parents.

Just drive an Uber or some shit. There's plenty of easy jobs out there, user.

>memearrows with no source

Nice try kid.

That's kinda pathetic honestly.

No, it's not. You'll get to a point i where videogames become meaningless, and you'll realize you've been wasting your life away. Not to mention all the social isolation, physical issues, lack of money, lack of sex, etc.

>No Education, Employment, Training

Sorry but you are already exempt from being a NEET.

God no, it's depressing as fuck. I recently got a joke, and my mood has changed drastically.

>throwing everything away to the most shitty hobby

> recently got a joke

Pretty good typo.

why don't you study at least ffs

>hate job want to be playing videogames and chill all day at home
>get home think all of it is meaningless and I should get a job

Some people weren't mean to be comfortable, if I had a fucking mansion I'd still want something more or different

>still using the word "cuck" incorrectly like the goddamn fucking tool you are

Makes sense since you're nothing more than a freeloading sheep

Unless you truly believe you have no worth in life being neet will not be enjoyable for long.

I took a semester off and it was fun for the first month but after that I wanted to die so I started doing volunteer stuff. Being a NEET isn't fun unless you have an endless stream of entertainment.

Stop trying to cuck my ability to say the word cuck

OP again. I just feel empty. I mean, I'm thankful I have a job because it feels like I'm doing something with my life but then again I don't enjoy it. I'm happy when I'm playing games and just doing nothing but then I will feel like I'm throwing my life away. I just want to be happy

>be sys admin at uber
>mfw having to deal with all sorts of shit

I make bank doe

You won't be happy ever. Happiness is a meme, even if it does exist it's fleeting. It doesn't last for long.
Happiness isn't something you're meant to feel for extended periods of time.
I don't even know what it feels like.

When will this meme die

How about you get a job, save up, and just tie 6 months off to do that instead? Best of both worlds

I did it earlier this year, well it was only 5 months bust still

>tfw will save like an absolute madman and live like a peasant in the meantime so I can retire early

I hope you dumbasses are aware
blacks are 13% of burgerland's population

Now compare that ratio to the ratio of foodstamps recipients

yes, but find some other hobbies to fill the time. vidya will get old. shitposting here gets old

if you're doing NEET, train some skills, work out, smack people around. good stuff

Uhhh not really, I make usually $1650-$3100 a week when I'm working, so Contribute to a 401k and an annuity for retirement and keep a money market account open for vacation savings, once I hit 30k I either buy something, pay on my house, or take a vacation

These. After a week or a month of freedom, you'll understand how unproductive NEET life actually is.

After that, excessive time playing vidya will only fuel your self-loathing.
You may be able to escape in vidya, but when your concentration strays or you
shut the game off, reality and your worthlessness will sink in over and over in a downward spiraling cycle.

NEETlife is only as good as you make it

If all you do is wake up in the morning and jack off then obviously you'll be slowly dying inside.

Have something to work on, a game or a book, grind art, etc.

It's not worth it for any amount of time. Maybe if you're worn out from work take a few weeks of, but don't quit your job and become a fucking NEET. Trust me on this.

I've never had a real reason to work in my life or even to strive for the things a normal person would (money isn't an issue for me, I don't need to work for it).
I can have almost anything I want, so I never really bothered to do anything with my life. Now I'm at the point in my life where the only thing I want is some kind of purpose, but by the time I realized that, it was too late.
I barely interact with people so I have no friends and no social network of any kind. I've got no real education or skills so I can't get any meaningful job. I've got no goals in life because I've always had everything I've wanted, so I don't even know what it's like to earn something. My only real hobby was video games, I've never done anything creative at all and there is so much in life I've never experienced and just never will.

Everyday I get up, waste time until I can finally fall a sleep, then I sleep.

I remember talking to a woman once who was legitimately concerned about the direction my life was heading. She asked me when I would actually start living. That was like 8 years ago. I still haven't. This isn't a life, I just exist.

Don't become this.

>Foodstamps are actually going to the population who needs it
>White amerifats are lazy bums who want free hand outs

piss off notch

>Had a good paying job but hated it
>Saved up about 3 thousand and quit
>Spent the last 3 months doing nothing but Netflix, videogames, and internet
>was starting to get really depressed and lonely
>just got a shitty job because money was running low
>feel less depressed already, have more self worth, feel more motivated again to get something better for myself

Fuck actually working though, shits ass. Im not used to standing for 12 hrs

being a jobless shmuck who does nothing but play games and jack off all day will make you feel just as empty inside eventually. just accept that life isnt about constant happiness and euphoria - you dont have to enjoy every second of your life to being living well. shut the fuck up and play some games while you have the time, shit bird. one day your arthritis will make it impossible

>tfw quit my job not long ago
Feels great. I don't plan on staying a NEET, but I'm living at home with money in the back to buy vidya and figures until I get a new job.

If you're working a job that isn't making the big moneybux, you can easily replace it with one you don't hate.

Do yardwork fatty.

It's not for everyone.

I'm content being a useless piece of shit, but you may not feel the same way OP.

Leisure feels like work when it's all you have. Filling hours with tasks becomes a chore, even if they're enjoyable or pleasurable on the surface.

True leisure comes as a break from work or creation of some kind, when it's finite, and can be savored. You need both.

I felt like that but doing nice things for people really made the difference for me.
Even if it's only something small like giving a compliment to who makes you a coffe at starbucks or just offering to help out around the house. Just make it something anyway, makes you feel good for the day imo. Like you left a little positive mark on sombody's day

The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes.[1] According to this theory, as a person makes more money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in no permanent gain in happiness.


>This isn't a life, I just exist.
that is all we ever do, but those with wealth have the ability to fill their time with more entertaining and adventurous things.

As someone who came from poverty, hasn't got formal eductation or w
qualifications from a life of hardship, then having to grind in menial jobs for over a decade to make ends meet. Now being a NEET for 3+ years I can say that it is a peaceful lifestyle.
no one bossing you around, no social constrictions, and your time is for yourself to spend how you want.
my only concern is that I will eventually have to stop being a NEET and have to go back to grinding a daily life out just to waste time until I die


Being a wageslave or a NEET are both ways to suck at life.
The true path is hidden, concealed, masqueraded as bullshit by many.
Come user, join us.

I guarantee you, if you started working, after a few months you'd miss your free time.

Recently I became a wagecuck that has me working 7-4 and 8-5 daily through the week including Saturday and I can safely say that it fucking sucks.

The same shit on repeat along with sometimes not having anything to actually do at the job along with having to deal with your boss and co-workers.

Hopefully I can quit at the end of the year when I've bought all the video games I wanted.

Probably because I have no education or skills of any kind. The best kind of job I could get is something like working in a factory or some other such job.

I doubt anyone would enjoy a job like that, but it's the best I could get.


t. Übermensch


babbies first guaranteed replies

Such a cute face too.
What a shame.

how is this possible tho

Make a lot of savings for a year and then quit, your shitty work.

Its not a matter of be useful to society. The think that matters more than anything is yourself. Do wherever you want and have joy doing it, live is too shot to be a goy

short I´ve meant

Not worth it. It will make reentering the real world even harder.

This. Got all the time to watch the shit I want.

[citation needed]

I've been a neet for 7 years, only really liked it for the first 6 months or so. Can't say I really recommend it. But not having any friends makes it a lot worse.

I've been unemployed since December. I tried gaming all day but it got old after a few weeks. I spend my time watching porn, jacking off, watching TV shows I loved, then gaming. The worst part is I've been putting off studying to try to earn some IT certs that I said I'd do. I've been depressed for months now, feeling like shit, eating horribly, not fully taking care of myself. The entire time my partner has been working and keeping us afloat but he's getting tired of my shit and wants me to get any job. In the last few weeks I've been having sex with other men while he's at work. He doesn't know. The jacking off wasn't enough for me. It's weird, from an outsider I'm sure. A few months ago my father died and I got a payout from his life insurance, so I can theoretically be fine for maybe a year+, but I really shouldn't do that. Anyways, it's not worth it for me. After 2-3 months it's a bore.

Nigga you have plenty of free time on 40 hours a week. Being a NEET sucks ass. I was a NEET for a year and it made me depressed.

>I work a full time job and I don't have time to enjoy vidya.

This is nonsense. I work 10 hour days with 2 at the gym, and can still spare 2-3 hours a weeknight for vidya. 20+ on weekends.

Why can't anyone in Sup Forums manage their time, and why do you fat cunts get tired so easily?

It's only worth it if you have money to support that lifestyle. Living like a NEET without money is just shit.

I know because I was a NEET for 7 years.

>2-3 hours a weeknight for vidya. 20+ on weekends
That doesn't leave any time to mong out on Sup Forums

Same actually.

Been jobless for 2 months before I got a new job and I actually start tomarrow,

a wild Medicham appears

>mong out


You "mong out" at work.

>being a NEET

It's good but you'll never ever get laid unless you go work.

Trust me.

Wrong. Get laid plenty thank to the internet.

I tried it for a year, the soul crushing loneliness made me stop.

If you can get past that, then there's also a chance you'll just get bored. Which happened to me as well, but it was the lesser of the two issues.

Well, if money is no object to you, and you want something to do, mow lawns! Go buy a Scag zero turn and start branching out to mow people's lawns. For bonus points, get a trimmer as well, to get all the spots you couldn't reach with your mower.

Basically do this for 3-4 hours a day every other day; If Sunday is the same as every other day for you, do some Sunday mowing as well. I find that people will be more willing to pay a lot more for Sunday trims.

Nope don't do it, after I graduated highschool I wasted a year doing it and only gained depression and out of shape with a terrible heartrate that will take months of cardio to regain.

What are your favourite JRPGs. Post em.

Being neet sucks. Its boring as hell and it makes you want to kill yourself.

Former neet

You must be a teenager.

You must be jealous.

Her waist is skinny and her face is slim! How the fuck did all the fat go straight to her legs?

But fuck me, I'd love to thrust my hips into that..

You're a functional person, so no. Being a hiki (which is usually what is meant by these questions) is something thrust onto you by circumstance or genetics.
It's not a good life, but it's one that can be tolerated by certain personality types (which are extremely rare, especially on Sup Forums)

Don't do it. I'm currently trying to escape the NEET life, and it isn't easy. It's not worth it.

No, i fucked about 30 women in college. Now I'm 26 and it's hard to get laid when you only make 35k a year. You have fun scraping the bottom of the barrel in okcupid though.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

All this normies in this thread.

At least this guy gets it.

This is from a Japanese English teachers blog but I think it applies here. Good read.

Dying on the Inside
The world in a photograph is saved for a while, but everything outside the photograph is over. You bring it back by thinking about it, a tempting bit of sorcery. It’s why we tell stories about the things that happen. We get to bring them back, think of some meanings, and pass them on to other people. This is the source of pain and the solace from it, the good-cop/bad-cop relationship we have with life.

That’s why sitting still in a room feels a lot like dying. I do a lot of it lately, more than I have at any other time in my life.

I’m living in the space just outside the photograph. No one’s seeing me. I’m not doing anything memorable. I’m not chasing novelty into a story to tell later. I’m sitting alone in a room, trying to be present, and dealing with the idea that I’m losing time.

When it’s time to stop thinking about sitting alone in a room, I’ll stop. I will want to talk to someone about it, but there won’t be anyone to talk to about it.

So perhaps I will run, or cook, or read, or watch TV.

The only way to live a NEET life enjoyably is if you have some kind of income.

Autismbux, inheritance, enabling parents, whatever.

If you're a normal guy, you cannot go NEET.
You will hate it.

NEET is suffering. Video games lose all joy after a month or two of binging, and that's being generous.

If you go NEET, do it to improve yourself. Like working out and learning art, or something. Still a poor decision, but you likely won't yearn for death because of it. Hedonistic withdrawal is depressing as fuck.

Apps bro. Only failures peak.

Ever since I started working out months ago I've been able to enjoy video games again thankfully. People really forget how you don't really appreciate things nearly as much when you have endless free time devoted solely to hedonism. You need some obligations to enjoy recreation.

The best way to have a somewhat NEET lifestyle yet still have income is to sell drugs. If you cant do that then I suggest you just continue working or else you will inevitably become depressed with NEET lifestyle.

Apps like tinder?

Have fun trying to get pussy when you're a 30 year old NEET living with mommy.

I've always had better success in real life than with internet dating. On the internet all the girls get swarmed with messages so they pick and choose the richest most handsome chads. Average fucks are left with fat psychotic whores.

Yeah, Neetdom is totally worth it if you're at peace with yourself and don't have idiotic ideals ingrained within your brain by someone else such as having to slave away your entire life at the expense of everything because a person of authority said it's the right thing to do. Never mind that it's wasting what little time you have left in this world in misery and a road to an early death. Lack of money sucks though and not everywhere can a neet subsist on neetbucks alone.