>Buy dark souls 3
>Never played one before just seen some Sup Forums threads and a few rage videos
>Only died to first boss because learning to git gud after first boss
>Disappointed because thought game was gonna be harder
>Get to abyss watchers
>Get my ass blasted through 7 layers of hell
>Only enemy so far that made me stop playing for a while
>Reading darksouls stuff on forum
>People say that abyss watchers was the last easy boss
>Still haven't beat him, but I can get to the second phase
>Can't git gud
Buy dark souls 3
>Playing Dark Souls 3 before Dark Souls 2
>Playing Dark Souls 2 before Dark Souls
>Playing Dark Souls before Demon Souls
>Never played Demon Souls
>Never played Bloodborne
Why stay alive?
learn 2 parry
I'll try
Because I can
learn 2 dodge
abyss watchers are the training wheels of the game
do you honestly think your fucking sick or something? you do no right that parrying has been made for noobs like you? parrying is so pathetic now, literally you can sparry now and i bet a spastic like you with deluded reaction speeds can parry something randomly hitting you such as a roll poke gotthard. git gud, literally kiddo
a-are you okay, user?
>Being this ass-blasted
Got one-shotted with a hornet ring? Maybe you should git gud and time your attacks better, faglord.
oh look a bloofborne fag. why do you even play ds after playing that shit first? u are the reason this game is shit, the game has been catered to your type (noob). you need to git gud now or kys kiddy mckid
Got five fingers blasted up yours more like, sparrying little bitch oh nice hornet ring joke, what happened user do you like those types of cocks up your ass?
Not my fault you blindly R1 spam like the faggots you are :^)
If you get parried, it's no-one's fault but your own.
OP you should seriously play Dark Souls 1 before 3. You're fucking up the experience f a m
What can I experience from the original game(s)
you do know fag that i have conducted countless tests with parrying? my most audacious test carried out was when i span in a circle so fast and slowly made my way towards the player, and attack randomly after rolling 6 times, however they parry first time or sparry. u kid are idiotic.
Butt fagnon-kun what I told you that I perfectly time my attacks not to become obvious, trick the enemy use multiple strategies while this man will just spam l2 for parry? Oh and ofc backstab him.
abyss watchers is pointlessly easy
you can be greedy as fuck with your swings, the loser will just get staggered every hit until you run out of stamina or he rolls away
as long as you can dodge his basic shit you're fine, he's not like pontiff where there's only 2 or 3 attacks you can safely punish
Do what everyone else does. Over level the shit out of yourself then complain that the game is too easy.
If they spam parry then just jump attack or backstab em you scrub
>jump attack.avi
you must be casul clearly. i dont think you understand something vital here, they can mind read. its true, going for a jump attack is about as stupid as your post. jump attacking results in the enemy instantly getting a crit and stun locking me back down
they just roll away and poke while im mid animation
This is some true patrician smut.
There needs to be more sex-crazed lolis eating semen out of their own vagoos. It's best fetish
thanks for the (You)
but you should give it to the person who wanted it
Played them all, ds3 abyss is the only boss I struggled with everything else was way too easy.