What does Sup Forums think of the new cast of Pokemon...

What does Sup Forums think of the new cast of Pokemon? I really hope that they take off as well as the Gen 5 characters did in Japan.

Isnt the same guy from gen 6?
Also, niggerian girl

Better than the gen 5 characters.

>black without the disgusting negro features
God, I love Japan. BASED.

Why do the new pokemon trainers look like fucc bois now? ash and gary from the original games looked badass in comparison

Still the best. Serena and Calem also looked older.

But why the crocs?

They used a simplistic style with everyone. I doubt white people have dots for noses and gigantic circular eyes.

Shit's wet nigga.

There's nothing wrong with niggers in games. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

There isn't, unless you're an easily triggered fag like those SJWs.

Which most of Sup Forums are.

why is anime black so GOAT when real black women are the least desirable

Best girl

>when real black women are the least desirable

I like em. The delicious brown is pretty qt

Because black skin is actually pretty nice. Looks so smooth and chocolatey. It's their disgusting ape-like features that make them undesirable.

If you gave them blue eyes and white skin they'd still be ugly.

I thought it was ok when Japan does it, or is this still SJW?

Male trainer and rival look alright.

Not a big fan of the female trainer. Especially not the chicken hat.

Lillie has a cute design but I have a gut feeling she'll be really fucking annoying in the game.

stop wasting your time

I hope they have customization again. Male trainer's clothes are awful.

This just looks like ugly people. I've seen a few albino nogs who looked attractive.

Fuck you user, I'm sexy! SEXY!

shes nothing like this in the actual game

cant wait to look back at all these tsun/ojoufags getting their hopes up with art like this two years from now so I can have a hearty laugh

Rate them, Sup Forums.

Because black women wanna be Bargain Bin Rihanna and Value Berry instead of being soul sistas and rocking the afro

Honestly I prefer the darker skin tone for the last girl.

I like them all equally.


I never heard such a wrong opinion before...
I can understand people not liking the gen 5 Pokémon, but the trainers are between the best in the series.

Lillie is absolute perfection

I hope she replaces Selena

If she's so perfect then why isn't she the female trainer?

We all do.

Because modern playable Pokemon characters aren't allowed to have a set hair/skin color. Lillie looks the best with blonde hair and fair skin, so ruining that just for the sake of variation would be terrible.

Rosa is literally perfection


I dunno which will bother me more, that all fo them will be utterly inept as shit trainers not even worth fighting, or that the odds are safe the male trainer will have even worse clothing options than he did in x/y

natural black


Nigger, I will FUCKING CUT you!

Alright Sup Forums, give me them headcanon since /vp/ has been shit about it.

>Black Girl
>Not a 300 pound Gorilla

It's missing ORAS version of May.


White people sure got lazy with their racist jokes.
I'm mixed black and I'm not even offended here.

man I miss the old art

where did sugi go so wrong

I don't really like the shorts on the male protagonist and the hat on the female protagonist looks pretty dumb, but other than that I'm fine with the designs I guess.

I really want Gen 7 to get rid of HMs

>White Guy
>Not a 400 pound Weeabo

>decimal scores

>Leaf 6/10

>"I come onto Sup Forums to potentially get offended"

>I really want Gen 7 to get rid of HMs
They're not, since they're meant to represent your Pokemon helping you on your journey.

It's not sugi. It's a new artist they broke in during Gen V.

God Gen V ruined everything. People say Gen IV was the start but it was mostly an extension of Gen III. But Gen V is where Pokemon/Human designs dropped a few hundred pegs.

>we will never have an asshole rival that would be satisfying to beat ever again

>not having autism

Yes, that's exactly what I do.

Jesus I don't think I'll ever get over how awful Nate and Rosa are.
They're seriously the definition of "soiled it" when it comes to being sequel designs.

>God Tier

>Great Tier
Hilda, Lyra

>Good Tier
May, Leaf, Rosa

>Meh Tier
Rosa, Serena

>Shit Tier
Kris, SM

I really hate having to swap out part members I actually want to use just to use something that can use an HM.
They really should just replace them with key items

Silver was bitch tier. Barry actually had a strong ass team.

I feel offended, they can't even make fun of me right anymore.

Black and White was still a good game and made up for the pile of shit Diamond and Pearl was. Some of the Pokemon designs were garbage (literally), but I liked enough of them that I didn't mind the bad ones. I liked Garbodor.

I don't care what the other anons say, your taste is perfect

Except for may
She should be lower

I don't even remember which game the 10/10 and the 0/10 are from, god there have been a lot of pokemon games.


best rival and husband

Silver was just dumb as fuck though, Barry was 10x better and actually enjoyable.

this is pretty correct

>chicken skin
Fucking Treehouse
It's bouncy castle.


It's because they are black from being islanders.

I don't understand why anyone would make a game about okinawa though. Everyone from okinawa might as well be a nigger.

See, I just more feel kind of bad for them, they really think they're going in on us, but it's the equivalent of some redneck yelling "WHERE Y'ALLS WELFARE CHECKS!!"

>>God Tier


You can just FEEL somehow his team is going to be somehow as pathetic as the dancing fat guy's team was in x/y

It's mad shitters who think Kris is attractive, or dumb fuckos who don't see how shitty Leaf is compared to Blue (Whom she is supposed to have been).

I have a bias for May, because when I was like 12 or so my raging hormones picked up on her instinctively thanks to her huge bust early in the anime.

Hopefully they'll get their groove back.

m8, hoenn was already okinawa

who's that shitty cunt on the right?

How Sup Forums Got Her Groove Back

your love interest

I want to see second from the left in a dress.

People are really trying to force this nigger thing on the female MC huh. Not that it matters, she's easily one of the worst girls in the franchise regardless of skin color.

Agreed, but swap Lyra and Serena (seriously, the placings are great except for these 2)

>doing yuri
pick one

Why are Japs so autistic when it comes to matching clothes?

>Lyra in great tier
Nah. Swap her and Rosa
Also you have Rosa on their twice

you sure showed that nigger who's boss

But will any of the starters be as based as Greninja?

Anyone else think the male trainers are more attractive than the females? Like, from an objective standpoint, they'd be cuter traps versus how the girls look normally.

She dislikes me so much.

It's irresistible.

>not recognizing the current year


I was trying to decide between Good and Meh for Rosa, but ultimately decided on Meh since she looks too wonky to be better than that. Just forgot to remove her after I did.

The best ones actually.

Yes mate.

>current year

she's just playing hard to get

I guess I did, since you're so asshurt you're replying to everyone that mentions her skin color.

I like Brendan's dumb hat
Hilbert would be perfect if his jacket was some other colour that isn't fucking blue. I liked how Ethan and Brendan both dressed in red, and Red and Lucas only had blue on their jeans.

Leaf is qtest
Playing dress up with Serena was great fun, I hope the guy has some real options in SM as well

I hope they're not saccharine suck ups like everyone in new pokemon games are. The extreme niceness is approaching sickening levels.

>Black woman has a watermelon purse

When will they learn?