Oh shit, Kotaku's onto us!

Oh shit, Kotaku's onto us!

no pastebin, this is the whole article.

Other urls found in this thread:


Epic journalism

Back to the good ol' days of being really fucking slow, eh Kotaku?

What a retarded argument, it doesn't need to be real to be an accurate and factual indictment against Kotaku and Gorilla Hernandez.

>"This fake article is as fake now as it always has been."
>caption saying it's a fake article
Hey guys I'm not sure but I think he's saying the article is fake.

Man Kotaku is so shit, they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like they're like asdddddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaeweiwjfieqowvniqnvinaksldkmcdalnksdnlakwqmefmkwefmqklwemlkrtiopeqoejqieropqwer

Are... Are you okay user?

they're trying to troll you, proceed accordingly.

The fact that this article actually fools people should be sign enough to these people that it's time for some introspection.

>it doesn't need to be real to be factual

Why would you post an article that clearly states it's fake?

>implying they didn't just delete the article

I mean you can never trust Kotaku, the article is totally real and not obviously fake, don't believe Shittaku.

Seriously how fucking retarded do you have to be to not get it.

Wait wasn't this a real article? I could of sworn I've read it on their website back when it was first posted.

that one is fake too

Wow, they JUST found that?

Also nice damage control, Kotaku. The fact that you have to tell people it's not real sure says a lot about your shitty rag.

But that isn't actually fake, I remember very distinctly reading it on their site. They must really be suffering to try and bury it like that.

Anyone got any of those old Slowtaku images?


victim bucks

>caring about what other people think

Why the fuck should you care what other people think? I still don't get why there was a whole uprising about this shit, just play the fucking game god damn.

>article talking about a fake article gets deleted


Some classic Patricia
>"I've been raped a number of times, by a number of different people."

What if THIS is the fake article?

It's a Kotaku thread?

This article is real.

Somebody post the, "This article might have been fake but THESE 60 OTHERS BY PATRICIA AREN'T" pic

Congratulations on missing the point of his post

>patricia hernandez

Didn't Hulk Hogan kill Kotaku?

>Satire so effective they had to make an article decrying it

well at least they came clean

this article is real, i repeat this article is REAL

Hogan + a billionaire financing him.

It states in the first sentence that it's been around for years, and they go on to explain why they are addressing it now. Reading is fun user.

Did they only just realize this now or is that article old or even fake?

>mfw gamergate still going strong

loving all this salt from both sides

On the contrary my good friends, Kotaku™ and Gawker© Media are both being attacked by a Trump wannabee for simply reporting the news.

/r/ing the oppression orbs one

Honestly at this point, they put out so many dumb shit that its hard to tell if a ridiculous article is really fake.
Kotaku is the buzzfeed of games.

DUMPING MY COLLECTION (except the abortion one cause that's just gross)

They're still trying to appeal and probably will until they run out of money on their own.
If you actually watched the court cases it's really fun because the Gawker representitive is a grade A cunt and the judge isn't having any of it.
I'm shocked they had the balls to try and appeal again after "joking" under oath that they would publish child pornography as long as the kid is older than 4.



This one is fake. Check the FEB 20, 2013 10:00PM timestamp and compare to


Thanks for pointing out the obvious

>he doesn't get it
are you new?

Why do you have a collection of fake Kotaku articles?

Is it funny that I read undermine as undermeme?

Because someone made a collection, and I downloaded them.


wait what holy shit.

where can i watch?

The fact that people think it's real should say something