
Comfy Nintendo thread
>expectations for E3
>any games you are playing?
>expectations for NX
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?

Also, General rumor discussion

Keep the shitposting to a minimum lads

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I'm really looking forward to Zelda. Where is the best place to watch nintendo's tree house?

Come on they are fun to discuss
Zelda and Pokemon info, heard some harvest moon rumours too. Maybe Pikmin 4?
>games playing
Wolly world and SMM. Going to start SF0 soon
>expectations for NX
Nothing. Just that they keep the name. I hope it's a handheld+console hybrid though
>feel about them recently
A little dissapointed, but I am still hyped for the NX
>upcoming games
Basically everything. Kirby, MH, Zelda, Pokemon etc

Best place?
In your bed, of course

>rune factory 4
>they suck pretty hard
>looking forward to NX news even though it'll probably be another underperforming child's toy designed to drive away third parties

I picked up some Nintendo Vans shoes today. I think this week I'm going to start Earthbound again. I started it a while back, but never finished it because life got in the way. I should have plenty of time now.

Come on they will show something other than Amiibos, and you know it

I just want to see Dragon Quest news. Give me that sweet release date Ninty and you better not make it at the end of the fucking year.

I heard Nintendo is bringing more than Zelda now, but is it true?

exclusive dungeons
locked behind exclusive amiibos

>>expectations for E3

Zelda and Pokemon but i am more interested in Pokemon, I don't feel very hyped about Zelda after all those years in development.

>>any games you are playing?

I'm playing Megaman Legacy Collection and Fast Racing Neo

>>expectations for NX

I just want a good console with decent first and third party support, seems unlikely but i really hope for it.

>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?

Emptiness, feels like they don't know anymore what they're doing.

>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?

TMS, Pokemon Sun and Moon and DQ VII&VIII.

i just want wii u games
it seems i won't be getting

>i just want wii u games
Just download them user

christ even getting that dismal library for free isn't worth the cost of a wii u

Zelda and Pokemon obviously. Hoping that they give release dates for Rhythm Heaven and the last 3 Smash amiibos. Would be nice to see a new 3DS game too I suppose.
Star Fox Guard, 999, Miitomo for the platinum coins
I'm expecting the worst case and probably likely scenario where it's just the Wii U all over again. No 3rd parties, an unneeded gimmick, underpowered hardware, and software droughts.
>what do I feel
Pretty disappointed as of late. No NX at E3 seems like a big mistake and the complete mystery around it isn't helping. And there really hasn't been a Nintendo game that I've thought was really fantastic since Woolly World came out. Paper Jam, Fates, and Star Fox have been fun but they've all been disappointing to some extent, especially Paper Jam with it's neat premise but nonexistent story and NSMB world themes.
>looking forward to
Zelda, Pokemon, Robobot, MHX, Rhythm Heaven, Picross 3D 2 if they ever bring it over to the West. Looking forward to Yooka Laylee and Zero Time Dilemma as well but I might end up getting those on other systems.

>expectations for E3
Excited mostly for Zelda since they've kept quiet on it for so long. Really hoping they show a lot for it. Other games they're presenting I know enough about from them being out in Japan for a while now.
>any games you are playing?
Doom, Twilight Princess HD, and MH4U. The last one on and off.
>expectations for NX
Mostly want a console with good first and third party support. The latter is less likely seeing Nintendo's track record, but I really hope they succeed with the former. Just want something that I look at my shelf and see enough games for that makes me happy I bought it. Also really hope they keep that as it's name.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
Really disappointed with a lot of their decisions on many of their games, treatment of their own franchises, and "localization" efforts.
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
TMS, MHGen, Pokemon Sun and Moon, FFXV, and Persona 5.

To be fair, same is true of all consoles this generation.


>>expectations for E3
Zelda U somehow stealing the show. Maybe a surprise NX teaser.
>>any games you are playing?
Nothing, yet.
>>expectations for NX
Just give me them scroll wheel shoulder buttons and I'll be happy.
>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
NoA still continues to be a shit.
>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Nothing, really.

Wow! What is the was of that now we can all hear for the thread please.

>expectations for E3
>any games you are playing?
>expectations for NX
more amiibo shit and a cringey pokemon related direct
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
beyond shit
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Dragon Quest VII/VII, could've been playing the fan translation if nintendo weren't such kikes.

i agree

glad i bought a 3DS tho

Let me rephrase that. What website can I watch tree house from?

>expectations for E3
Pretty low, still don't understand why they aren't announcing the NX at E3 since it's coming out in 9 months. Regardless, Zelda U should be good, just worried that the open world is going to be barren or they try to implement some passive multiplayer shit. Hoping for a Mother 3 translation announcement as well, but I'm not sure if an official Nintendo translation would hold a cradle to the fan translation. Not expecting any more announcements.

>any games you are playing?
Twilight Princess HD is the only Nintendo game right now.

>expectations for NX
Don't even know at this point. don't want them to do a complete hybrid-style machine and kill off their handheld line completely. There's too many unique handheld games that, flat out, would not be made without for the inherent design of a handheld system/would be relegated to mobile. Don't think they'll kill their dedicated handhelds completely, especially considering how much money the 3DS made, but I'm still a bit worried. As for the NX itself, they better have a fantastic First Party lineup in store since they're announcing shitall at E3. Hoping the console is as powerful as the PS4 as to attract Western Third Parties to the platform. Games like Destiny and The Division are pretty shit, but they're what sell consoles to normalfags/casuals. If the NX doesn't have major Western Third Party developers on board it's going to be another Wii U-style failure.

>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
Pretty indifferent. The 3DS continues to be my favorite gaming platform and I always enjoy Nintendo's unique games in comparison to the glut of AAA garbage coming out from publishers like Ubisoft, EA, and Take Two, but Nintendo's lineup is still incredibly weak this year, especially on the console side. NoA also needs to stop censoring shit.

>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zero Time Dilemma, Ace Attorney 6, and Persona 5. Zelda U as well but that's not until next year

>expectations for E3
Zelda of course, finally refer to it by its name, I don't care much for pokemon and I doubt they reveal something big this E3 since they the mayor spotlight on zelda.
>any games you are playing?
DKC Returns, I'm not sure about getting the sequel since its almost the same and I just like the music honestly
>expectations for NX
with the whole "delaying its mass production to add VR" I think nintendo wants to have it only as an option like ps4 neo, they seemed ready to announce it at this years E3 but that VR thing could be what made them backpedal on their plans, but I'm escited for the NX nonetheless.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
I feel like nintendo is just hibernating, preparing the NX launch with games that were originally planned for Wii U, I have a 3DS but is almost only for show, don't play with it anymore.
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Yooka-Layle and Zelda.

I hope for Pikmin 4, big fan of that series

One or more of the following:

>new Wario
>new F-Zero
>more unconfirmed 3DS games
>the NX to not be a fucking mistake

>expectations for E3
Besides Zelda and Pokémon, I feel like they have some kind of surprise to show to us. Not guaranteed, but it's a possibility.

>any games you are playing?
Splatoon, The Legendary Starfy, and Planet Robobot.

>expectations for NX
I don't know what to say about this. Maybe if it had a Kirby and 3D Mario game, then I would consider to buy it.

>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
Despite Sup Forums just shitposting and cherrypicking as usual, I'm really confusing and not happy with current Nintendo's behavior, and the main reason is because of Wii U. Such a great console with very VERY big potential to be explored, and yet, for some reason, in the last minute, they decide to abandon it.

>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Currently, none. I have a dream of HAL making 2.5D or 3D Kirby game though.

>expectations for E3
As a non-Zelda and non-pokemon fan, I'm coming in with zero expectations.
>any games you are playing?
Rune Factory 4
>expectations for NX
People are saying it'll be a hybrid and while that sounds rad, I feel like I should come in with zero expectation. But I must say it sometimes feel like it'll only be another gimmicky home console that hopefully is a lil step above Wii. I wish Nintendo will prove me wrong.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
I don't feel much about the company anymore. Sure, I'm still interested enough to go to threads like this, but with the ganes that are relevant (for me) either released months from now or still in "tba" process + how things are going on at Nintendo + Amiboo
I don't feel so good.
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
MHX, ZE3, New Rhythm Heaven, Dragon 7th, Grandpa Phoenix Wright, SMT IV:Apocalypse

>expectations for E3
Zelda is the only one I always cared about. Maybe they announce something else that's good but I doubt it.

>any games you are playing?
Dark Souls III

>expectations for NX
I hope it has GOOD hardware, and no expensive gimmicks to ruin everything again.

>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
They got so bad I built a PC last year. So if they don't get their shit together they'll lose me. I've loved Nintendo through all of my life, but I can't stand their bad decisions lately.

>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zelda, Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained.

>Wow! What is the was of that now we can all hear for the thread please.

being a pokemon fan, it's a pretty exciting week. Coro Coro coming out first and maybe having new info. Gameplay the first day of E3. Game Freak there to be interviewed. Whatever the fuck this Pokemon Special is they're holding on the last day. Really makes up for how empty the rest of Nintendo's E3 feels.

I'm expecting Zelda to be super handholdy and unfun

Im expecting nothing because i will be let down.

>expectations for E3
>one fucking game

>expectations for E3
0 I don't expect anything.

Starfox Zero was a letdown, Paper Mario is being raped and I can't do anything about it, FE Fates was the biggest DLC money grub I've ever seen in my goddamn life, Pokemon has been mediocre since the start of this generation, Metroid is dead, F-Zero is dead. I have lost hope for the first party titles.

Who are you quoting?

>FE fates
>biggest DLC grub
Have you seen battlefront user?
And the DLC can just be ignored. The base game is good enough on itself

>DLC can just be ignored. The base game is good enough on itself
Excuse me, two out of three paths in the game ARE DLC. The whole thing costs fucking 80 bucks.
And to top it off only Conquest is good, Birthright is underwhelming and Revelations, which is the True Ending sold to you exclusively as DLC, is straight up the worst Fire Emblem game in the series if you consider them separate games.
80 dollars for the full game as all 3 games use the same assets, and on top of it more than 30 dollars worth of DLC, and to top it off characters are locked behind Amiibos and you can't get them otherwise.

>expectations for E3
I'm hoping they're trying to set hype low by saying they're only talking about Zelda and Pokemon, and then pushing out tons of new 3ds and Wii u titles, but i highly doubt that's gonna happen

>any games you are playing?
Old School Runescape, Overwatch

>expectations for NX
appeal to graffixfags, since that's all people care about this gen. Also Sm4sh, Splatoon, and Mario kart 8 ports with a second round of DLC

>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
i feel like they dropped the ball on killing the Wii u so early, its a slap in the face to their dedicated fans. if they could save the 3ds, why couldnt they save the Wii U with more 10/10 games?

>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Pokemon Sun/Moon, Zelda U possibly, hard to say since we havent seen shit about it yet. Hopefully USA finally gets Pokemon Snap/ Mario Party 2 on the wii u vc, Also unlikely but Pokemon Stadium with 3ds vc support, or even G/S/C on 3ds

Kirby Air Ride 2 WHEN

>Wow! What is the was of that now we can all hear for the thread please.

>NX bombs because they didnt start promoting it or advertising it untill a few weeks before release

>expectations for E3
more info about pokemon sun and moon
general zelda gameplay
>any games you are playing?
mario maker
mario kart
>expectations for NX
I saw a post about VR today and I thought I'd like that.
I'd also like a console with gamecube controllers for every game.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
I'm glad their consoles are so easy to hack
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
#FE, zelda, pokemon

Can they make a new pokemon stadium and a real successor to final fantasy crystal chronicles on console

>>expectations for E3
Zelda U
Monster Hunter
Bayonetta and Corrin Amiibos
Bayonetta 3 NX exclusive

>>any games you are playing?

>>expectations for NX
They will use E3 to announce that that on the 18th they will have a ND about NX

>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
tye need to purge the SJW withing NoA

>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?

I'm hoping for a Xenoblade Chronicles X follow up to be announced for the NX, but I'd doubt we'd hear about it so soon. I am excited to hear about more about Sun and Moon though.

I dont, unless they add some new big mechanic

>expectations for E3
Lots of good Zelda and Pokemon gameplay. Not much else.
>any games you are playing?
Overwatch. As for Nintendo games, will probably get fates sooner or later, though I'm thinking of just saving up for after the NX reveal to know exactly what I should put my money on Nintendo wise
>expectations for NX
A solid console with a good first party lineup, as all Nintendo consoles tend to be. If it's a powerhouse great, if it has third party support great, but I'm not going to try to overhype myself with stupid rumors, or be disappointed pre announcement by, again, stupid rumors.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
Treehouse is ass, Nintendo's developers are still great. It's just that all of their lead studios (except IS) have been blatantly working on some NX game or another, so the last year has just been their second rate studios releasing stuff.
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zelda obviously, but also Pokemon. Not going to say I'm looking forward to X unannounced game, because it's unannounced.
Oh, and all the Pikmin games have been solid, so Pikmin 4 too, though I'm expecting an NX release there.

>>expectations for E3
Reggie bowing & scraping at the audience, begging forgiveness for being a cuck, and announcing free patches for all 3DS & Wii U games Nintendo censored/fucked the translation on.
>>any games you are playing?
Going through Breath of Fire II again. Otherwise I may finish Bravely Default eventually.
>>expectations for NX
More gimmicks.
>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
NoJ seems to be making decent games. Why does NoA seek to completely ruin them?
>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Not from Nintendo. I've learned my lesson from this generation. They can take a hike. I'm going with platforms that don't cater almost exclusively to young children.
I'm nearly 40 and I'm honestly embarrassed to play Nintendo games anymore.

I was excited to see what Nintendo had in store for E3.
Then I was disappointed to find out that not only were they only going to show Zelda, but Zelda was delayed to next year.
Then I was excited to find out that they are showing other games besides Zelda.
Then I was disappointed to find out that its just games we already knew about, yet Paper Mario Color Splash wasn't spoken of as being one of them at all. I am hoping it got cancelled.
Now I am excited because Yooka Laylee news has been confirmed to be coming to E3.

The NX will pretty much determine if I quit Nintendo consoles entirely or not.

gimmicks are generally what turns away 3rd party devs, so no gimmicks is okay i guess, but i'd rather have an affordable console then a graffix powerhouse, Nintendo did pretty good with how underpowered the Wii u was and most of their games look and run great.


Gamecube support for WiiU Virtual Console, we only get one game and nothing ever again.
>games playing
EO Untold 2: The Fafnir Knight
>expectations for NX
They'll start off by showing us just the controller, again.
>feel about 'tendo recently
They're on autopilot/cruise-control
>games looking forward to
MH Generations, SMT IV: Apocalypse Now, Dargon Quest VII

All im saying is NX better have Smash 5 and a fucking Xenoblade Chronicles X sequel.

>gamecube VC instead of endless Gamecube HD remakes

>Kirby Air Ride and Super Mario Sunshine with GC adapter support will never happen on the Wii U

>nintendrones are so in stockholm syndrome that they have to have a general to jack each other off
Thank god I got off this ridiculous ride.

>That one game they release is Twilight Princess
>They wonder why it doesn't sell, then cancel GCN VC support.

They are doing the opposite.
Nobody can shut up about


People have been talking about it since they first mentioned the codename.

When they finally reveal the specs it will be ridiculous on every website.

>expectations for E3
Gamecube VC stuff for Wii U?
wii ports for new3ds
Mario sunshine HD
>any games you are playing?
Mario World on n3DS/MikuDX/White 2
>expectations for NX
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
happy with my hacked 3ds kek thanks for being shit at security
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Pokemon, Dragon Quest

well that's very different than mom and pop going out to buy a console for their kid. fucking leapster has more name branding than the new Nintendo console, it probably isnt going to be called the NX, and they'll have to pull another Wii situation to not have another repeat failure like the Wii u

All they need to do is target the right spots and those people will find out.

How do you think any game company does it?

They did it with the Wii like crazy.

I don't have expectations for Nintendo anymore and no one should.

All i want is a Skylanders/Mario 3d world kind of game, basically it plays like 3D world, but has a character for every Amiibo. now let's say there's a level where you need to light torches to pass an obstacle, you'd have to scan in a Mario or Charizard amiibo to light the torches and move on. Or characters with swords can cut things, High tech characters can operate machines/hack a locked door, something like that. Have each level have alternate exits (to an extent) so you can beat the levels without having every required amiibo, maybe theres a short route in the base game where you only need 1 amiibo (included with the game) to clear, but there's secret paths that you can only find with the right characters.

just give a fucking use for amiibo, right now they're jsut overpriced collectables

>amiibos and a two generation old zelda game presented in video format instead of a conference
>it will be garbage and full of gimmicks
>they are a disaster and should move to pc/third party

>presented in video format instead of a conference
>he likes light show and robot elephant

Sad, ain't it. They're so browbeat and defeated they don't even respond to criticism anymore. Occasionally you run across one or two zealots, but they can never put forward a convincing argument as to why Nintendo is relevant anymore outside of a cautionary tale for other companies to study and avoid repeating, let alone a leader in anything.

Hell, Nintendo of America IS the biggest joke in the business world. Sacrificing just being in touch with your consumers/potential consumers (let alone understanding, marketing towards, etc.) for a trade-off of a self-made & self-sustaining/destructing brand that does nothing but limit your business, marketing, and consumer opportunities is sheer stupidity.

Unless their plan is to partner with Fisher Price. That's what I expect to hear at E3.

When I go back home from college I'm going to pick up my DS and replay pokemon Ruby, so I'm excited for that.

>tfw activision blizzard and Nintendo will never join forces while regular activision was allowed to have bowser and dk in one of their games
overwatch on the NX would be a good launch title
>implying it won't be dead

>on the right
>no analog sticks
>no camera
>only four buttons
>probably no shoulder buttons or gyro controls
fisher price needs to step their game up


Well, to be fair the Leapfrog in picture came out in 2008 (4 years before the Wii U).

Ah, the wonderful march of progress