What's so bad about Chrono Cross? Not baiting, I'm just curious. I really liked Chrono Trigger and I've heard nothing but bad things about Cross. Is it really that bad?
What's so bad about Chrono Cross? Not baiting, I'm just curious...
Chrono Nigger fags are just mad it's not a direct sequel.
Cross is a fine RPG. Most people wish it had more to do with Chrono Trigger.
In fact it's a near perfect game.
It works the other way around too.
>be me
>play chrono cross
>play chrono trigger
>what the fuck is this shit
Nah, it's just CT and nostalgia fags whining. CC is not perfect but it's still a wonderful game.
It has too many characters and very few double/triple techs but otherwise it's pretty good.
its fine, just shouldve been its own game series or something; the parts with chrono trigger just fucked up the story. Trigger didn't even need a sequel but they..kinda tried.
Also that body switching section was pretty turrible
Otherwise I enjoyed the battle system, character designs, art, music- everything but the wtf story.
It's my favorite game, and I don't understand the hate for it. Disappointment that it's not more like Trigger? Sure, I kind of get that... but it's like savagely hated on so often.
I love both games, and I think they can be very easily loved independently from each other.
>Switch bodies with Lynx
>Get that cool scythe for one battle
>Then you're forced back to Serge's stupid kayak paddle blade thing
It's the ultimate PSX comfy game. When I tried to play Trigger I was put off by its uncomfiness.
Party bloat, shit story, and ruins Trigger's story. Really only the music is good. You'll never find someone defending Cross except here.
It's okay. That's all though.
Why is she so perfect?
It's a good game, but a terrible sequel.
Story rapes the original.
Up your arse. You a cute girl to manhandle you.
kys redditor
everyone from CT is dead in cross.
thats' it. oh, and too many characters, but if you don't like them you don't have to use them, so it's not really an issue.
and people want a break.
The aspects that tie it in with chrono trigger don't coalesce until you're 50 hours into the game. And instead of playing on the time traveler theme of the first game, it plays on multiverses -- but you aren't made aware of this until about 50 hours in as well, when they start making surface connections to chrono trigger. It feels like they developed a different game and then decided it would be a sequel halfway into production.
If you played this first and then chrono trigger it would probably be a more enjoyable sequence.
Pants on head story and mediocre gameplay sums up its problems pretty well
Nothing, it's fantastic.
Its a great game just a shitty sequel
I've been watching Vinny stream it, and it just looks painfully slow, even for a PS1 RPG. The skill system looks needlessly complex too.
Maybe you shouldn't form an opinion on a game based on a youtube personality.
Maybe I want some answers that Ja Rule might not have right now.
The only bad thing is that some characters are not deep enough for triggerniggers taste even though the story is far better and there are more characters with deeper backgrounds than trigger.
It's alright at best.
The battling is interesting, but it's just so slow, makes fighting the same non-boss enemies fucking annoying after a while.
Element system was alright, but a pain in the ass to manage. You either buy/find enough elements for everybody, or you switch elements around whenever you swap teammates, which is a pain in the ass that takes way too much time.
Trapping sucks, too. That shouldn't be in the game. Especially considering how fucking impossible finding some elements to trap is. How would you even know that of all thing a damn dodo would be the one carrying the Unicorn element without a walkthrough? You simply don't come across stuff like that on accident.
I like the big cast, it just suffers from having a lot of characters being simply so shitty they're not worth using at all. Plus the annoyance of having the main character be simply better at everything than everyone else, makes every other character feel pointless when Serge does everything by himself.
Then a couple of other annoyances, like characters permanently missing out on stats if they're dead at the end of a boss fight, who thought that was a good idea?
So like Skyrim
No thanks
Why in the fuck would you keep characters dead during boss fights in ANY RPG?
Honestly it seems to me like only literal mongoloids dislike CC.
Nothing bad about chrono cross, OP. In fact I like it way more than trigger, and it's my favorite game of all time.
Because the boss dies as I try to gain charges for my revive element.
Yes, it happens. Even when it's on the grid at level 1, with a 1 stamina attack. It fucking happens.
At least other rpgs have the decency to not permanently cripple a character when the bossfight doesn't end as cleanly as you would wish. This is still a flaw within CC
Confirmed shit opinion. Only genuine plebs think the story is worse than trigger's
This is the only boss in the game you're allowed to have trouble with.
The Chrono games are pretty much the easiest RPGs made
If the game had ended here instead of the hilariously stupid Schala/Lavos abortion out of no where I'd rate it a lot higher... Seriously ff9s final boss is the only rpg boss pulled further out of someone's ass
No it had a very clear lead up, but that would probably be asking too much reading comprehension out of you.
I'm sorry you think any kind of complex story is "Pulled out of someones ass".
Maybe RPGs aren't the correct genre for you?
so much bait in this thread, CCfags are aids.
Brudda, I had Lynx spamming Freefalls on my Doc because god knows who decided that he was allowed to use elements from Serge's grid.
Yes, the games are easy enough, but that doesn't stop characters from dying because unexpected things can and will happen.
Also Miguel was a joke once you saw his pattern and knew what Turn elements are.
>What's so bad about Chrono Cross?
it wasnt chrono trigger 2
Better than Trigger.
Its connections to Trigger did more harm than good. They should have made Cross a separate game entirely, that way only the most extreme CT nostalgiatards who hate anything just because it's not CT would hate it.
Daily reminder Kid is the best but Harle can have second place
I haven't played Trigger since launch until about two weeks ago, and honestly I think it's a lot harder than people give it credit for, especially in the earlier parts of the game (Masamune and Magus castle especially so).
Ocean Palace is a little hard if you're not prepared (elemental armour or hypnosis cheesing on Golem Twins). Black Omen is probably a little hard if you don't have Ayla charm all kinds of excessive stuff.
Not saying the game is legitimately hard by any means.
I played Cross a couple of months before Trigger, again not having played that since launch either, and while it's not particularly a bad game the combat was excessively slow. Most of the characters felt pointless.
I'd really like to play a version of Chrono Trigger that isn't necessarily a sequel but played out differently depending on your choices (mostly when you kill Lavos). Killing Lavos in Ocean Palace leading to intervention from Queen Zeal instead of the developer ending. Some kind of scenario where you play as Magus becoming the Prophet. Traveling to 1999 AD and preventing catastrophe. Defending, rebuilding, and feeding 2300 AD almost like Fallout. I just feel like there were too many open directions the game could have gone without hardware limitations. A lot of my ideas are probably shit, but still...
To be fair they're the only two girls in the game who aren't boring as shit
Given an army of extra characters, but can't keep the one that matters.
You dont have to fight non boss enemies. You don't have to switch team mates. You can run from boss fights to trap elements. Unicorns are like super rare. It's supposed to be a sort of secret. Why would you keep characters dead?
>When Harle left I was like meh
>When you leave kid at the orphanage, where's my bucket
>not the secret boss to get Glenn's second sword
Fuck you.
And nothing of value was lost
>Leena sends you off to risk your life for some materials for a necklace
What a bitch. I like that.
Have you ever considered that you might be gay?
Maybe if serge wasn't sleeping in til noon they would have gone together and maybe fucked on some monster corpses.
I'll be honest. When kid got poisoned and was bedridden, I was actually glad to be free of her for awhile.
>generic childhood friend
Maybe for this
Not even close to being a sequel
It's like saying Xenoblade is a sequel for Xenosaga
Right. I like my generic girls though.
The fuck you just say?
Why is there no more good porn of Harle?
>You dont have to fight non boss enemies.
You do. They're in the way, and occasionally you do need the stats, money or items.
>You don't have to switch team mates.
You do. Not only because I like so many of the characters, but because you just need different innates for different sections.
>You can run from boss fights to trap elements.
You can, but it's still a pain in the ass. Trapping could have been handles so much more conveniently, but they chose not to.
Trapping is like playing Pokemon without being able to capture wild Pokemon without first running from the fight, replacing one of your own Pokemon's skills with the pokeball and then fighting again to capture whatever you wanted. And each pokeball can only catch one kind of pokemon, so you have to grind for cash and stock up on everything, just in case.
It's fucked.
>Unicorns are like super rare. It's supposed to be a sort of secret.
There's secrets, and then there's being cryptic beyond any reason.
> Why would you keep characters dead?
I've answered this. SHIT HAPPENS is the short version, sometimes the fight simply ends before you get to revive your character.
And no, your post doesn't excuse bad design. Permanent stat losses for dying in a boss battle is objectively shitty design.
What is that blonde girl laughing about?
because tasteful, well done clown porn, by its own paradoxical nature, is hard to find.
Both are harder than FFVI and FFVII.
It's not fair
Her sexiness is being wasted
i made a God Hand edit for Chrono Cross a few years ago but lost it. If anyone happened to have it saved i would love you more than your designated Cross/Trigger waifu
Nothing besides Gale.
You will gain the missed stats on the next star. Characters at 99* have the exact same stat loadouts and I think also at 50 every time no matter what you do. Why do you post this in every fucking CC thread you goddamn moron?
You mean the boss that determines his action based on what you did as a counter that you can easily AI loop?
black plate on the snake princess lady. Congrats, you win.
Games great I've played through it at least 12 times. There's bonus levels if you fight monsters after most stars to boost stats even more,the side quests are fantastic, especially with garai. Story is confusing until a text dump from the "prophet" or whatever he was called. And the element system and field control is a wonderful addition to make combat more engaging and strategic.
Absolutely love it, 9.9/10
A LOT of characters have basically no story.
Fuck nigger you're a goddamn idiot you know that? You post this shit in every thread which is half you being autistic and the other have just being outright wrong.
>and too many characters, but if you don't like them you don't have to use them, so it's not really an issue.
It is an issue when the characterisation suffered from them spreading their efforts too thin, which is why they scrapped Guile's story as Magus.
>It is an issue when the characterisation suffered from them spreading their efforts too thin
There's no evidence to support this claim. The characters they wanted to develop are developed. Which is still more than half the cast and several of them are still optional.
>And instead of playing on the time traveler theme of the first game, it plays on multiverses -- but you aren't made aware of this until about 50 hours in as well
Are you a literal retard? It's immediately obvious after the first warp that you've been sucked into a parallel universe, and if you're too retarded to figure that out then you go off back to the home world to kill the hydra for Kid's medicine all of 8 hours in.
>There's no evidence to support this claim.
You mean aside from the developer interviews where they specifically stated that Guile's story was scrapped because it would've made him too important at the expense of other characters?
its a lot better game then trigger combat system wise. Trigger has more charming cast and story tho. Cross story is really engrossing too I particularly liked lynx really cool character design. Basically a darkside cat man.
I didn't say anything about Guile. What you said also has nothing to do with spreading themselves thin, they just didnt want to stack one optional character too strongly with story.
May as well complain that Red XIII or Barret didn't get enough story because Yuffie and vincent exist but are optional.
Try actually keeping characters dead for a large number of bosses and see if they ever catch up. I've tested enough to see the answer myself.
Also this is the first CC thread I've participated in. I'm not whoever you think I am.
Chrono Cross shit posting is the purest form of shit posting, even though this game is the better of the two
>Try actually keeping characters dead for a large number of bosses and see if they ever catch up
1. Why would I do that
2. They would, the game keeps track of character stats compared to star level and has something of an average it wants each character at by points. It's like this because character stat growth is a seeded RNG and sometimes a character can be dicked over without missing any stars at all. So if it notices a character has super low stats for your star level then that character gets a huge level compared to other characters.
>What you said also has nothing to do with spreading themselves thin, they just didnt want to stack one optional character too strongly with story.
Are you daft? They're directly related. If they'd gone for a smaller set party like CT there would never have been an issue with not wanting to put too much story focus on certain characters because it'd draw attention away from others.
>May as well complain that Red XIII or Barret didn't get enough story because Yuffie and vincent exist but are optional.
That's a stupid comparison. This is a core character being made optional and having their story entirely stripped from the game.
>You either buy/find enough elements for everybody, or you switch elements around whenever you swap teammates, which is a pain in the ass that takes way too much time.
Did you somehow never find the menu options to transfer all elements straight to another character to save you from the trouble of doing this?
So much this, its what pisses me off
user....it IS a direct sequel.
SE shoehorned the Dream Devourer into the DS version of Trigger as a secret boss.
The fact that the game has about 40 characters when half of them are almost completely pointless and literally 3 or 4 of them get any actual development already makes me not like it.
>3Deep5Me story
>everything you did in Trigger was pointless
>the fact that SE INSISTS it is a direct sequel nowadays
>one of the slowest starts in jrpgs
Kid was always a stupid name. I always renamed her Schala because she was a clone. Admittedly, I was too young to know how clones worked.
Pissed shes barely in the game.
It isn't. If anything, I'd say it's much faster-paced than FF7 and FF8.
And the skill system isn't that complicated.
Chrono Cross is literally the fedora of video games
suikoden does the same thing. don't see anyone whining about that. 40 isn't even that much.
I love how in the beginning, the negative answers are the default for Leena. Kinda makes Serge a bit of a jerk.
I remember loving the game as a kid, and recently rebought it, since i was too shit at the game to beat it.
Now I cant manage to force myself to play it, feels so boring.
One of the few old RPGs I used to love, that I cant replay w/o getting bored.
(CT on the other hand, managed to get me addicted all over again, even after having played it through so many times as a kid)