"The aim is, with the amazing support we've had from fans, to now make Yooka-Laylee bigger than Banjo-Kazooie." -Gavin Price
Do you believe them?
"The aim is, with the amazing support we've had from fans, to now make Yooka-Laylee bigger than Banjo-Kazooie." -Gavin Price
Do you believe them?
I trust the Europeans more than the crooks from America or Japan.
That's not necessarily a good thing, see the bloated piece of shit known as Tooie.
Tooie is literally better than Kazooie in almost every category. Eat shit.
Warp pads and tunnels. The only place backtracking was a problem was terrydactyland.
Clearly you know nothing about its actual faults.
the levels are bigger. but there are only 5 of them
Banjo wasn't that big.
>each world is two worlds in one
d-do we believe them?
>Sup Forums is just now falling for hipster SJW shut like this
What happened Sup Forumsros?
Tooie was better than Banjo in every way like true sequels should be
sounds good. either way it's a day 1 buy
cmon man we're all friends here
>Post YFW you backed this and not MN9
every thread nigga
Tooie was hardly bloated.
If you want bloated, see DK64.
The problem with any of the backtracking is not only were you prevented from finishing the first level until over halfway through the game and the connected levels felt hamfisted at times and that they were trying to push it too hard.
So, you guys know that feel when devs try to upsell their game with hype? Yeah, not falling for it. I'll judge it when it's released.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
>backing any kekstarter
The people who gamble their money on the lottery have a greater chance of winning than you getting a good game from any kekstarter
True, though I only backed it with the $15 tier, so I have a low emotional investment in it.
That being said, given the insane limitations of the N64 vs. today, it would be hard for a game not to be "bigger" than the N64 original.
Honestly, I can trust into their hype.
The core group has in a few cases more experience in making games than I've been alive and that says something considering the fact that I'm 27.
>The problem with any of the backtracking is not only were you prevented from finishing the first level until over halfway through the game
To be fair, all you need to finish Mayahem Temple is getting the Drill Beak from Glitter Gulch Mine, the second level in the game.
>Honestly, I can trust into their hype.
You're no different from the backer of every other kickstarter. Just a different dev. The result's going to be the same: a mediocre experience where you wish you didn't put a dime into it and further root your conscious that maybe giving money to promises isn't such a good idea. Idiocy exists on all levels.
Sure it was pushed too hard, but if you don't understand how their game design worked at that point, then its on you for being a pleb. Anyone after mayhem temple should have been able to explore all the corners of the world and go "whelp, I've done all I can for now."
If anything, it's more euphoric to discover the connected pathways afterwards and connect the dots.
This is the only Kickstarter I've ever backed because it's the only development team I have ever had faith in. They're competent game designers, but they also have business men and industry veterans at the core. They know what the fuck they're doing.
The same was said for Double Fine. And now Inafune.
Who and who?
No. Double Fine was game design sans business sense. Inafune was business sense sans game design. That's why I didn't trust them, but I trust Playtonic.
No, they were all the same devs from an era past who had successful games. Just because your favorite people are now making a kickstarter doesn't make them any better than the previoyus guys
>it's okay. It's someone I care about now, so it will be good!
I'll be there when it gets a 50 or lower metacritic score.
definitely for the best. Getting hyped about collectathons seems like the wrong approach
This game looks like it's going to be E for everyone. Or for ages 6 and up.
Nice fallacy. Now address the points I actually made instead of deflecting.
Oh was it? I haven't played it in like 15 years, I just remember a ton of back and forth and having to skip over things way too much at times.
I'm not saying it's going to be amazing or that I expect anything huge from it. Hell, I don't even really get hyped anymore due to low expectations in general from games.
I just have this rare gut feeling that what I get will at least be enjoyable for the time it takes to finish.
Maybe it's a rare bit of hype, I'll know for sure after getting my hands on the toybox in a few weeks.
I mean, it was neat finding things like that, but I can only remember dealing with the damn train and trying to clean up that pool of water.
You know, I'd think there'd be YL R34 by now.
is this really going to be out in october? I swear this game was just funded
>Our game is 100 per cent funded by the money raised on Kickstarter. The cost of making a game is a lot cheaper when you’re in Burton-on-Trent and not San Francisco.
You didn't make any points. You literally said
>well, those devs weren't like the devs I like!
Well, that is technically correct, since the levels will be technically bigger than Banjo.
That rare feeling is what all nostalgia scammers use on kickstarter. You're not the first person tricked and won't be the last.
Are you the same guy who thought Inafune was the creator of megaman?
>this worries the user
BK was the shit, tooie was a massive drop in quality
Do I believe their aim? Yes.
Do I have faith the project will end up being fantastic, not so much. At least, not yet. Let's wait for release and start shitposting then.
I believe they really want to make it bigger than Banjo, but I also believe the final product will be a shell of what we all want.
>That rare feeling is what all nostalgia scammers use on kickstarter.
I've seen other games that tickled my nostalgia and never felt the desire to back them.
>You're not the first person tricked and won't be the last.
Unless the game takes the MN9 route, as long as I get a decent game from a completely dead genre, I'll be happy.
That sounds like a burn to me
Feels fucking good.
Backed Divinity: Original Sin. No regrets, replayed with EE.
Backed Shantae. No regrets.
Backed Planescape. Can't tell if fucked or not. Waiting for release.
Backed Shadowrun. Disappointed, but got Dragonfall and Hong Kong.
Backed this, no regrets, because the developers actually have something solid to show, just like Divinity OS.
I kind of agree with him. BK was a near perfect game, and while Tooie improved on the basic mechanics, I feel like they went a bit too far with expanding the move set and opening up the levels. I never played Tooie on N64, my first exposure to it was the XBLA re-release, and while I did enjoy it quite a bit I ended up getting bored with it around Hailfire Peaks.
There's something to be said for a game being short and sweet. For me, Tooie was just too much.
You got tickled, and now you're at full force because once more nostalgia.
Whatever you say user, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you otherwise.
>the aim is to take everyone's money and take advantage of their banjo kazooie love
Hook line and reel.
I think you're exaggerating a little.
>not KA
you forgot the sinker
do you even fish
So is Yooka gonna be dumb like Banjo? Or will he be a different kind of dumb, you think? I heard someone say they think he's gonna be a dumb surfer dude as opposed to a hick, and I wouldn't be too suprised.
Was Banjo dumb? Maybe naive but I wouldn't say dumb.
It looks about as promising as MN9, 3.3, and Barkley 2 did. I'm not paying anything until it's out.
>the bird says BREEEED
>wasn't trying to get dick
I backed both. And Bloodstained and Shantae. I have confidence in 3 out of 4 of those though.
Tooie was quantity over quality.
The game would already improve a fuckton if they took out the ability to play as Mumbo. Or at least made him fun, all he can do is waddle over to pads and then backtrack back to his house.
Ugh. Bigger levels =/= good.
The limitations of Banjo-Kazooie and Mario 64 were what made them great.
You had small intimate levels that you got to know every nook and cranny.
Even the large levels were actually quite small.
With Tooie about half the levels were too big to enjoy.
Grunty Industries. Terrydactyl Land, Jolly Rogers Lagoon, the mine.
They were all about 3 times as large as the largest BK level.
I prefer compact levels with a few task to do and then you move on.
Sure it may be bigger, it may have excellent level design, good platforming mechanics and charm, but it obviously won't have the characters of BK, I love the characters in BK. I'm gonna miss the Jinjos
Who gives a shit. I would rather have a game that exists that plays even better than Banjo then it not to exist because Microsoft is shit
I don't care, it will be shit like almost every other game that has ever been made.
I don't know man. Maybe I'd like it now, but as a kid it was just to big and overwhelming for my childish mind. Didn't hate it, but I preferred Kazooie's more focused and simple levels. That said I think Yooka laylee's approach might be the perfect blend of both. The level's start off smallish and can be expanded, so it'd be nice to explore a treasure trove cove size level and then master it and then it opens up to tooie size or larger
>Getting hyped about collectathons seems like the wrong approach
Name a genre that delivered more over the course of its popular lifespan.
> it will be a shell of what we all want
Considering that is to recreate the wonderous joys of childhood and not any quantifiable game design choices, yeah Yooka Laylee isn't going to live up to what people want it to do.
If Banjo released today, it wouldn't have the same impact on you that it did back in the day. You can't get back that experience, it was you more than the game. We're all old cynical bastards now.
Hopefully Yooka Laylee will be a great 3D platformer that fans of the genre will be able to enjoy and appriate in relation to the games that made you fans of it (and maybe gaming in general).
Anyone hoping to have the same unbridled joy with this as games they played when they were kids is just setting themselves up for disappointment.
I trust these guys a lot more than the company known as rare to make a 3D platformer.
Same thing now.
We Metroid Prime 2 now?
>Glowing Blue bits on Yooka
Sounds great I'm glad they got all the money. Now won't feel so bad about pirating it.
As long as this game is as good as Mario 64, I'll be happy.
Why the fuck did they choose the most boring protagonists? Why even make two protagonists with the same copy and past ability style as the bear and bird combo? At least with a brown bear and a red bird, it made sense. It seems like the protagonists are literally just shoehorns copycats. It's how I felt about Inafune's game, too. There's no originality going on here and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth along with an omen that this game won't be as good as it's trying to be.
Berry magic. Don't worry about it.
I just noticed in this pic.. yookas red parts glow blue-ish.
That isn't really fair user. You're setting yourself up for devastation.
>At least with a brown bear and a red bird, it made sense
a bear and bird are more popular animals. An iguana and bat are not.
Nostalgia goggles
>Popular animals
Based on what?
Anyone have the one with the cloud where it's just smiling and Yooka's not Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan?
Also with EU consumer protections many companies learned not to fuck with customers as much. So it would be hard for them to pull that off, especially not being a massive company.
It's not that hard to make a game bigger than B-K. Fucking Spyro is bigger than it, you just don't notice it because all the levels are in very small spaces despite having in-depth exploration and hidden areas.
Most of the new moves you get in Tooie don't carry as much utility to them, a lot of them are there to serve key one-time use moments only such as hatching the three or so eggs in the game. Hell both of the new boots are forgettable, Claw Clamber are only used in like three locations and Springy Step is just the same as Shock Jump.
Another problem Tooie has that isn't in Kazooie is the copious amount of minigames that you have to play for jiggies. Only a handful of them are based around the base game mechanics, the rest are braindead diversions like shooting galleries or fucking Stonies shit.
This isn't to say that Tooie has not improved over Kazooie at all. Of course we have the larger worlds with several sections each, but these worlds are also more coherent, being part of the same overall universe and even crossing over in areas. Certain actions in one world affects another, so progress will depend on going back and forth between them.
Except Valve is still getting away with its any consumer policies.
these guys are actually worse than Aonuma
No disrespect but can we just move on user?
They can also transform apparently. Look at the flower flytrap in pic related, that's the pair transformed into a plant.