Played all open beta

>played all open beta
>watched streams waiting
>played since release
>today is the day i finally learn that the payload heals you

Wish someone fucking told me.

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You didn't notice that you got health from something? Sure as hell wasn't from the 0 support players.

Now when someone asks for heals you can tell them to get on the payload

Congratulations, you're a casual!

Did you also know that Zarya gets stronger when her barriers get hit?

Is it true the payload moves faster if Lucio is using speed boost?

>Sure as hell wasn't from the 0 support players.
You realise Mercy and Lucio are #1 and #2 most played characters on all platforms, right nigger?

You exclusively play offensive heroes, right?


Why the fuck would I not know that? It says on her skills. Where does it say the payload heals? Where is it even implied?


literally a single google search you lazy cunt.

Wish you had played TF2 instead of posting like a brain dead millenial

I play a wide variety of heroes!

Didn't play much TF2 after payloads came out. But I think it made a much better job of showing that the payload heals. In Overwatch it just gives you the regen with no effect.

So what else have I missed?

Thanks, user. I didn't know that.

Which Mercy skin should I buy?

Aryan goddess

Not surprising when they're the only real healers. Every time the game calls for a support, someone picks those two. Every time some dipshit decides to play offense when there are 4 others already, he has a world of choices to pick between. Being most played doesn't mean much.

But that's in all of her skins

This is just like the people who find out bastion is weak in the back. Or Lucio can wall run. Or you can shoot through Reinhart's shield while he is protecting you.

If you followed every patchnote during beta, you'd know every trick. But, so many people picking up the game don't know any of this shit. Why doesn't Blizzard kind of explain stuff? That tutorial is a joke.

Cure yourself

If you've got the Overbux, get one of the Valkyrie ones.

If not, get Cobalt.

Lucio's wall run is stated in the "hero information" screen though, it's his passive ability.

I guess most people don't use it because there isn't a lot of use to it, bar crossing some specific sections of specific maps.

looks like someone hasn't played the game that is game is a knockoff of

I have 1460 and already have Cobolt

Is there a reason why Basiton's weakpoint becomes his back? Like, I feel like they should keep it up front so you can at least head shot him.

I've been playing TF2 for a while now and it was only till recently I realized that the Medic can heal on his own

Nigger, if you had just played TF2 you would've known any of this shit.

This game has a payload mode too? Is there anything it hasn't ripped off from TF2?

So can Mercy, she has a passive that heals her like 20hps and the game doesn't actually tell you this but it's obvious in game.

A community that isn't just autistic mlp erpers

because his head is his back

The medic was given a damn weapon 8 years ago whose downside was
>Health regeneration lowered by 2 HP/sec
How did you not figure it out?

The game apes TF2 so hard, I'm surprised you didn't just assume.

>using simple google search is autism
Wew I knew the average IQ on Sup Forumseddit was pretty low, but that's impressive.

>play open beta
>playing big robot man (gun version)
>no one pushing the cart because this is a team based game
>wonder if this heals me like TF2
>it does
And then I spent the rest of the day obliterating people while sitting on it until people realized I was a completely immobile target