If you're a roadhogbro you must post in this thread.
My main is actually D Va but Roadhog is a close 2nd.
If you're a roadhogbro you must post in this thread.
My main is actually D Va but Roadhog is a close 2nd.
I've got 7 hours as him
>tfw making everyone scared to go on that point on nepal with the pits
best feel
>maining in overwatch
how does it feel to be cancer
>roadhog grabs me
>I grab him back
>we fire off a round at eachother
>we both heal even though we don't need to.
fucking pigs.
>hook someone
>they end up behind me 40% of the time
the fuck is this
>Roadhog bro
>Contributing anything to their team
Tell me about Roadhog, why does he wear a mask?
Because Blizzard couldn't afford to have one character be everyone's favorite
Roadhog bro checking in.
Just got Mako for him today and went on a hooking binge. Feels great to 1 shot anything that isn't another tank.
Reminder that Roadhog takes skill
>Shitty collision design means blame the character
Based Blizzard
maining is only bad if your main is an offense character.
so long as the character you gravitate towards is either a tank or support and your team needs one there is nothing wrong with that.
I don't play Overwatch but this character makes me want to buy it.
How far does the chain go?
just buy it. I was on the fence to but its fun. Its only 40 bucks
I thought it was $60?
that's about the length of it
Roadhog is definitely one of the more fun characters
its 60 on faggy consoles but its only 40 on pc. Dont buy it for console
most played with 8 hours. used to be a support cuck, but found tanks to be the funnest class.
Nah man, it goes at least 20% further.
I joined a game already in progress. Looked like the team needed a tank so I just picked Roadhog without thinking about it. The offense's payload was 2.5 meters away from ending the match, holy fucking shit why did I even get put in this game, it's over.
One 17-killstreak later we ended up winning.
That hook can really break apart a team's composition when they're not ready to deal with it. I scattered the healers and the whole offense fell apart. It was so much fun.
thats for the collectors edition
PC players get a choice between 40 or 60, console players can only buy the 60 dollar version
>paying $20 for skins
Either get the non-origins from Bnet or buy Origins somewhere else (physical or key reseller) for $40.
oh I didn't see it was collector's, thanks
The "Origins Edition" is the box with extra shit in it, you retard.
Buy the regular game in the battle.net shop you fuck damn retard.
Roadhog is fun when you hook people and watch them fall down a hole looney tunes style.
nice playerbase, I think I'll pass on this game
chain goes 20 meters.
>get my first legendary after 30 boxes of 3 sprays 1 icon
>its roadhog's islander
>I don't play roadhog at all because he feeds ult to the enemy and reinhardt is straight up better but whatever, its a good skin
>20 boxes later I see another legendary
>hoping for lucio or reinhardt
>it's roadhog's mako
fuck roadhog. I will never play him because of this shit.
I wish you could trade skins in this game because I would give anything for a Mako skin.
your welcome. at 40 bucks its an easy buy. at 60 i would have some trouble swallowing that.
thank you I really appreciate it. glad mouthbreathers like you won't be on my team
how far is 20 meters in freedom units?
yeah it's weird how that 20 makes such a big difference when buying triple a games
is there a vs bots mode I can practice on so i don't flop around in multiplayer?
A bit more than 20 yards.
this, it's certain characters like genji and lucio that always end up in the most fucked up of places
good fuck off faggot pussy you arent wanted
Reporting in.
I don't really main him per se, since that's not the point of the game, but I prefer him,
>liking the Birdie rip-off
how far is 20 yards in redneck measurements. 9 el caminos?
Time to grow up.
Having a main is the universal calling card of a bad player.
Considering the entire game is focused around changing your character, it's terrible no matter what character it is.
that's true if your tank is Rein or Winston, but Roadhog is a very situational tank, and definitely not an effective main tank (relative to monkeymagic and giga kraut)
>D.va main
Im so sorry. Your life must be suffering. I'll bet you're glad about her getting buffed soon, eh?
yes, i use that mode to practice different characters
10 Hours with him and prefer to use the Roadshark skin.
Yeah there's a practice range too.
>having a main in a class-based team game
You pick whoever your team needs you faglord.
grow up? or what bitch?
How is he so fun to play?
rad. looking forward to it, been watching streams to learn maps and stuff
At the start of the game, though, it's a blank slate.
>DVa puts up matrix
>Hook her and have the matrix run out
>Shoot her giant hitbox
I have both these skins, which is superior and why?
right, better environmental camo
As Lucio about 80% of the time I get hooked I can get off an alt-fire which pushes them far enough away that I can usually skate outta there. I just spam it everytime I get hooked, do most of you Roadies spam the shotgun after you hook someone or does it take some timing?
right, any other skin for him is trash shit
Agreed. From a distance you'd be suprised how the right skin can make you blend in a little better.
I like the islander one because it covers his belly button.
usually trying to get a shotgun blast off as soon as possible to reduce the chances of heroes like reaper and mei using their shift to escape (they almost always escape though)
correct way to do it is just to walk forwards and hold M1 after the hook connects.
>Blizzard says there are gay characters in overwatch
Please let it be husbando Roadhog.
>play mei
>bait roadhog
>do ice block
>kill them afterwards
every time
It's Pharah.
>tfw you figure out Roadhog's max hook range and know just how far away to always be
>tfw you always bully Roadhogs poking their heads out of the corner
Roadhog was made to be punished
Literally me.
Close enough
Not either of them but grow a spine.
I don't always tank, but when I do I tank as Roadhog.
>defending this kind of behavior
You're part of the problem.
The amount of Mercy that I've hooked almost makes up to the fact that I'm creating ult for the entire enemy team.
why the fuck do kids keep doing this? It loses the game almost every time.
>tfw years of playing rugby paid off to know how far 20 meters is despite being an ameriburger.
as junkrat I intentionally go after roadkills, if I get hooked I throw a c4 at our feet and blow him away while blowing myself in the other direction
How many alts are there for each character?
Do you need me to explain how these things are different?
Something weird happens when I go against another roadhog, whoever grabs the other roadhog always loses. I can't explain what the fuck is going on, but if I grip a roadhog, I end up dying, but if a roadhog grapples my road, he dies. So I just let all roadhogs grab me now because for some reason I always win the trades when grabbed.
Most characters have two different costumes, each with a second colour scheme.
The main costume has I think five or six colour schemes.
Obviously some of the characters have an extra costume from origins edition.
We're all animals
might be because they start firing with the shotgun which i think does more damage. so they get two shotgun rounds off of you while you might get one?
My autism is telling me to get Origins so I can have every costume. Talk me out of it.
Someone threatened to track me down and kill me cause I destroyed their entire team on Volskaya with Roadhog
Here I am, posting.
You get the benefit of a x2 meatshot and melee and he only gets the benefit of one. Think about it. He hooks you, you both meatshot and melee, except after your meatshot and melee you hook him and do another meatshot + melee.
TLDR: Don't ever hook another roadhog.
he's gonna be one of the first characters i try once i get my hands on this game but i would rather get my hands on him
No, you're just a huge pussy.
I wonder if that isn't by design so it's easier to yank widowmakers off their perch.
Good luck user, hope you enjoy it. Roadhog is an anger generator.
Seriously, people on this game get unhealthy mad, its league of legends tier salt.
Defending your poor sportsmanship and behavior by insinuating the other party doesn't have the 'spine' to withstand your carelessness is a bad habit to have.
I'm not affected by insults, I'm affected by people who think insulting is something to casually throw around. I see people every day on the internet telling someone to kill themselves because they don't drink the same soda as them. That's not alright, and not excusable because the person you're telling to kill themself is 'thin skinned.'
Grow up.
Say "Cheese" or Whole Hog, Sup Forums?
That's by design. So you can hook enemies off platforms.
Hey look it's Road Hog's friend that shoots balls
[x]subscribed to tumblr
Whole Cheese
Reporting for duty pls no nerf