What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Devs thinking anybody gives a living fuck about the "story" in their games.

But plenty do. Just not so much for shitty trendy-hamfisted memefests by Anthony Burch.

No postgame

It feels like more of a dlc for borderlands 2 than it does an actual independent game. Also written by Anthony Burch.

Short lived, almost non existent post game content, didnt do enough to fix loot

Ya like people said no post game, also no CATCH A RIIIIIIIIIIDE

Anthony Burch is a terrible writer.

The VA had a stroke which is why he wasn't in the game and why they killed him off in Tales.

He did not

The theme gimmicks were all shit. The floaty jumps the air locks the freezing. All ass. Plus it was basically BL2 with almost nothing added to the mix.

He did. Mike Neumann was Scooter's VA and he had a stroke.

>Play B2 for a long time
>Even buy Gaige DLC because she looked so fun
>She is fun
>Get to cap, can't keep leveling because no UVHM dlc
>No money to get it
>Fuck it, let's pirate Pre-sequel
>Can't find a torrent with all the DLC

Can anyone help a poor user out with a link? I haven't even found them separately.

I love scooter, damn man I'm sad...

Is this gonna be a thread about story or gameplay?
imo, I don't give two shits about any of the gay/lesbo stuff. It's hamfisted and one dimensional as fuck, sure. But if they pay then I do my job as a fucking merc and get the client what they want. That's all story though, so take that for what it is.
Gameplay wise: I liked the skill trees the most out of all the playable characters. Low grav combat could have done with a bit more polishing, and I think they really missed an opportunity with NOT letting the player have a way to fly around like one of those beefier bandits.
Least amount of content for the price. Guns still have stupid gimmicks.

Might mean he is officially dead then due to Tales from the Borderlands.

Yeah. I'm glad they killed the character off though instead of getting a replacement VA.

I was guessing if they did another Borderlands game he'd come back in some way, but I said in the post above yours, it's most likely better off leaving him dead than replacing the VA.


The last boss is bullet sponge trash, and it's basically impossible to beat single player.

I miss the "what i played, what i expected and what i got" pic i made.i have to do another one.

Mike Neumann can still talk. He's shitting up the Giant Bomb E3 shows at least once a year.

It available on some private trackers.
kat is pretty much dead.

Never said he couldn't talk. He can't do the same Scooter shit though.

Too many memes

Zero gravity thing was interesting at first but became a chore because the gameplay is essentially Borderlands 2

This guy has it right

>take shitty forgettable boss
>make him a playable character
>make him one of the best characters in the game
Never thought I'd feel bad about killing Wilhelm.

Damn i have no access to any of them, shitty upload speed.
Thanks for the answer though, you're a good user.

There's a relatively live on on TPB

It was made by Australians.