E3 is 6 days away

>E3 is 6 days away

Other urls found in this thread:


6 days until MS btfo sonycucks

feels good

>P5 news is a few hours away

>E6 is 3 clicks away

>There's gonna be KH3 and KH 2.8 news
>It's probably gonna be a Frozen World


Freaking paedo get out!


What the actual fuck




When and where user.

I'm honestly surprised that's the only other 2.x game we are getting. Squeenix could have done 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 and people would have eaten it the fuck up.

Monday on Ign.

>Scalebound PC confirmed
>Proper Pokemon MMO
>2D Metroid
>Manhunt 3
>Looking Glass Studios reforms to create Thief sequel
>Official Mother 4 / 3 localized
>Socom 2 HD re-release
>EA, Ubisoft and Activision go bankrupt
>Chakan sequel
>Monster Hunter 5 trailer, multiplat
>PS4 online multiplayer free
>Microsoft sells the Rare IPs to literally anyone
>Mr. Bones sequel
>Kirby's Dream Course sequel with online multiplayer
>Final Fantasy XV proven to not suck
>TimeSplitters 4
>Konami sells off all its IPs after going bankrupt
>Splinter Cell returns to its roots
>2D Castlevania
>Metal Gear Rising 2
>Demon's Souls 2
>Troika reforms to create Bloodlines sequel
>Half-Life 3 finally formally cancelled
>VR, motion, F2P or MOBA games aren't shown once
>Legacy of Kain sequel
>Action RPG without glaring flaw announced
>God Hand 2
>Summoner reboot
>F-Zero sequel
>WoW vanilla servers
>Okami 2
>The Legend of Dragoon prequel
>Diddy Kong Racing 2
>Itagaki returns to directing Ninja Gaiden for 4
>Devil May Cry 5
>Digimon World sequel in the same vein as the original
>Digimon Digital Card Battle 2
>Banjo Threeie
>Lily Bergamo renewed
>Another Souls-like spinoff by Miyazaki
>Valve removes all cosmetics from games
>Bullshots ruled false advertising by Supreme Court day before
>Backlog of Treasure developed games get localized
>Dark Cloud 3
>Digimon Re:Digitize localization announced
>Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer
>Creative Assembly promises to stop sucking
>Red Dead sequel
>Resident Evil returns to its roots with Kamiya and Mikami collaborating
>Team Silent returns to develop Silent Hills
>Aisha Tyler dies on stage

who cares?

All I want is Halo 3 on PC. That's literally all I want.

Make it happen Macroshit.

Wait, really? Sauce?

Yeah video games are stupid


>Tfw not a single one of these has a chance of happening at e3
>Not a single one in a giant fucking list

where did it all go so wrong

>Creative Assembly promises to stop sucking
Aren't they the guys who did Alien Isolation? How is that sucking?

Huh, nice.

Honestly I'm keeping my expectations very low this time around. It seems like everyone's going to focus less on new games and more on new consoles and shit we've already seen.

There's definitely nothing interesting about Nintendo besides Zelda; every other game they show will most likely be ones already known to the public (such as Pokemon S/M).

If the PS4K and Scorpio rumors happen to be true, I really hope they don't put 80% of the conferences' focus into those consoles. I want to see new games, not be informed of hardware I may not end up buying.

More like MS BTFO xcucks

>japan will get e3 one day earlier

Better stay out of the internet T-minus 1 day if you don't want leaks.

>Microsoft releases Banjo Threeie to compete with Yooka Laylee
>Nintendo announces NX and it has even more stupid gimmicks, Nintendo fans mass seppuku after 3 failed consoles
>Infinity Ward apologizes and allows you to buy MW remastered separately
>Blizzard goes full FF14, apologizes for the shit state of WoW and deletes the whole game while they remake it
>New and exciting IP's with excellent creative direction and interesting unseen mechanics
>mfw I wake up and that whole e3 was just a dream

no new jet set radio? lame.

>Not sure if this is bait or user is a retard.

>Microsoft releases Banjo Threeie to compete with Yooka Laylee

That is actually happening though

Look up time-zones, moron.

>leaning towards user is a retard but could still pass as bait

>I'm also leaning towards user is a retard

You better not be funnin me boy

going to plan my snacks better this year / pace myself

5kg of squid rings last year was a mistake

You do know the earth isn't flat, right?! Japan is one day ahead.

PHEWW, and here I thought...ok, it's bait. Dismissed, guys.

Who's hyped for Lana pitching some dank new memes?


Positve your a retard now.
E3 is hosted in LA so if Japan is a day ahead they would get news a day later not earlier if you want to use your "haha diff day logic"
See why you are a retard now?


Can't wait

IGN, tomorrow.

I will post this every day until E3
I will cling to the possibility that Color Splash will not be shit.

If they're one day ahead, why didn't they warn us about 9/11? Fucking treacherous gooks

>Half-Life 3 finally formally cancelled

To save our mother earth from any Ayylien attack...?

They did, but since America is the only country to use that fucked up date system you thought it was gonna happen on the eleventh

What's a good youtube channel that streams e3?

It was on the 11th...

the official one

Y'all forgetting Dead Rising 4 muthafuckas

Which is?

Their main franchise, total war.

>>Scalebound PC confirmed

Literally the only thing on that list that may actually happen.

That doesn't kill him, not instantly- the thoracic ganglia functions as a second brain.

Be better than false hope.

Who cares after Dead Rising 3?



What would be the quickest way to humanely kill a crab?

Alan Wake sequel?

Halo 5 sequel?

Who makes this shit

Am I the only one here excited for this game?


>Looks like Indie trash
Not sure why anyone would be excited for it.

No, plenty of people liked what they saw but everybody forgot about it because of no news.

Fuck you mane, Dead Rising is based series, now is its 10th anniversary, this game gon be gud

>Mr. Bones sequel
My nigga.

eleventh month

What I am expecting




You're supposed to throw them in the freezer for a while and then scramble both simultaneously, (they go dormant, prevents them from popping off their claws).

>Less than three years into current console generation and this entire E3 is going to be wasted on "kinda new but not really" consoles already

I want to die.

Don't tug at my heart-strings like this user.

>Resident Evil returns to its roots with Kamiya and Mikami collaborating
out of all the ridiculous shit on this list, this one right here is still the least likely to happen

I will post this every day until E3
I will cling in hope to the possibility that Valve will make video games again.

Seems like it would only be good with a group

>6 days

Time goes by so fast it feels like just yesterday E3 was 365 days away.

>mfw 9 days until E3 2017 is 365 days away

Teaser for Bayonetta 3 on NX.

Literally who gives a fuck about this shit series.

I've given up on kh3 having a release date
Besides ffxv and last guardian, I'd really like more games to merit a bloodborne machine purchase
Smt iv apocalypse is already a thing
Just give me persona 5 and I will buy a ps4 when it goes on sale

Don't forget Sony's gonna brag about sales and shill VR too.

The funniest part is that there are so many KH games that could be paired up to do that differently every time.


Don't forget the Nier Automata release date.

stopped be relevant after 2

Does anyone remember how Microsoft fucked up the Xbone announcement by saying you can't borrow games and how Sony the next day completely BTFO Microsoft?

I wish more fun shit like that happens this year.

Yeah. More technical goofs and awkward presenters too. If we get all that and at least one or two really good game announcements I'll be happy.

Stopped being fun too.

My friends are enjoying the absolute fucking shit out of Warhammer Total War and most people on steam are going cockballs over it.

It might not be Rome or Medieval 2, but is it fair to say they are on the right track to not sucking?

What kind of lies will Sony cook up this time ?

>manhunt 3
>gta vi trailer
>red dead sequel
>silent hills
>vr not shoved down our throats
>free ps4 multiplayer

all great news
which means none of it will happen (other than red dead probably)

>spreading misinformation about a game you don't like

How sad.

>Aisha Tyler dies on stage


I actually think there's a lot of promising looking games on the horizon for various systems, now I just need to wait six days to see how the developers and publishers have fucked them up beyond recognition in the meantime.

Not sure what booze I should get yet.

who cares

What misinformation everything I said was spoton



>Manhunt 3
>actually even considering this
>actually even remembering the name of this game