Give your advantages and disadvantages on both games.
Give your advantages and disadvantages on both games
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who cares, smite is the most fun anyway
t. played dota for the last ~12 years
One is actually free the other is kinda sorta freeish maybe basically.
i've played both for 2k hours each and i can tell you they're both shit right now
One is free.
I prefer Smite
I didn't say anything about Smite...
League of Legends:
+Get to spam abilities
+Most abilities are skillshots
+Low learning curve
+Cosmetics are usually well done
-Massive grind for runes/pages/champions
-Riot seems determined to run it into the ground
Dota 2:
+Everything you need is available from the start
+Funner map
+More interesting and diverse characters
+Custom games are actually custom
+Can buy and sell cosmetics with other players
-Most autistic community in gaming
-High learning curve
I have over 5k games in LoL and over 1k hours in Dota 2. I'm pretty much always in the middle of the pack in terms of ranking in both games.
League = smooth gameplay with limited itemization options
DOTA = clunky gameplay with a lot of itemization options, more cunts in the community who constantly complain about other MOBAs
Meh, play whichever you like more
>-Most autistic community in gaming
Someone has not played EVE I see.
>need autism to enjoy
League of Legends
>need autism and a sizeable foxtail butt plug to enjoy
I find the pluses of both games in their playable characters. League for champs like Lee Sin and Jhin, characters you really couldn't make work in Dota. Then we have heroes like Invoker, who couldn't work in League.
Dota 2
>Replay system
>Good client
>Custom games and test environments
>Arcade games never go away
>Balance patches usually come with meaningful changes rather than small tweaks.
>Safe to leave
>Itemization is more interesting, inventory dynamics play a bigger role than just active items
>Snowballs happen, but comebacks are not rarity. Good heroes on capable hands turn the tides of games.
>Hero pool may stagnate, to the point no more heroes will ever be released
>Games take a lot longer than your average MOBA/RTS match
>Entry level skill and knoledge requirement is very high, which means you have to deal with too many unskilled players early on
>Solo Mmr looks broken
>Expensive cosmetics, most of the common cosmetics look awful
>Punishment for small infractions is too severe, punishment for community douchebaggery is often overlooked
>Overpowered heroes depending on the patch
League of Legions
>Dynamic gameplay, everything is faster and feels tight.
>More waifus
>Champions look more slick and cooler than Dota heroes
>You can pick a role and be matched in a team with pre-set roles in one of the game modes, you don't have to go through the hassle of fighting for what you want to play, mostly.
>Skins have better looking art and models, sometimes effects, and it has more consistency, even on common level skins there may be something that doesn't suck.
>Map design is more streamlighted and is more symetric.
>Hero pool is aways growing
>Client is awful
>Bugs galore
>Skins sometimes aren't lore friendly and can give players advantages (minimal bs, but its there).
>Hero and world lore is fucked beyond repair
>Patches are often meaningless
>Games are snowballs, the only way to lose a winning game is through throws, comebacks are too dam rare. Every advantage gained is a set up for a snowball
>Junglers are slaves to their team, its not fun to play them
>Riot refuses to make good quality of life additions to their game
>>Junglers are slaves to their team, its not fun to play them
I mute all if they complain.
>Skins sometimes aren't lore friendly and can give players advantages (minimal bs, but its there).
Only if you're colorblind.
Pros: It's Dota
Cons: It's Dota
Pros: It's not Dota
Cons: It's not Dota
Dota is better than League 9 ways out of every 10.
Like any reason as to why League is better is debatable but OBJECTIVELY Dota has a bunch of features League doesn't. Even having more champions vs heroes isn't all that great when their design is incredibly stale and their viability is much lower compared to Dota.
Like how nearly all ADCs play the same but no carry in Dota really pins themselves the same on what they offer or can do.
I guess League couldn't deny :D
>techies is a plus
There were cases that several skins gave you a visual advantage, smaler skillshot models but same hitbox, faster animations, big particles that hid key champion elements. Some of these were fixed some weren't, and new ones are bound to happen.
both games are becoming obsolete:
- games are too long, average games are 40 min
- games use items as the method to progress your character power, instead of directly upgrading abilities,
such in games as gigantic, hots and paladins(which is bad, but still more advanced)
- those games use the same map and goal, while other games try new maps and objectives
please just let those games die, and clear the way for change
Cant say anything about Dota but I have 2k in lol.
The game can be fun until the pro players pick up your not so op champion and make him super popular so riot nerfs the shit out of him (hi hecarim).
Instead of nerfing damage riot always prioritizes the champion's combo in order to make him super cluncky because people cant dodge combos (hi rengar, hi zed, hi akali).
Every fucking season they'll add new jungle mobs and items and allow junglers to get some gold and be something else than a second support unless youre an assassin until the pro scene becomes retarded and once again affects the meta and the patches.
Everytime your players want something theyll say they will give it but wont because they are autistic and instead release shitty skins (hi yorick rework, hello soloq).
There is more to be told but i doubt it interests anyone.
Tl;dr angry rengar player hates rito
Evertime THE players*
Lol you're fucking retarded.
>>Champions look more slick and cooler than Dota heroes
LoL is one of the most aesthetically displeasing games I've ever seen. I can't belive anyone can like those abysmal character designs
Just play Heroes of the Storm which omits the stupid gold and xp farming.
Play whichever one you have more friends playing
Don't play either if you have no friends
This is a Dota vs LoL thread dumb HotS shill.
I'm pretty sure that some skin for the guy who looks like Robo had some hitbox weirdness, at least according to some of my friends.
Actually, watching my friends play, league hitboxes seem all over the place.
Some skins do give you a disadvantage
The project skins are a good example. Yasuo players hate the project yasuo because the animations are so clunky and it fucks up how they play
The same is true for Leona in my experience, she's my most played character and I will never touch the skin because the animations for it are just super clunky and I feel like I do way worse than I do on her base splash art of iron solari
dota is 100% free to play
Dota is just very superior in every way if we talk about competitive enviroment.
Also LoL is for casual faglords
>Overpowered heroes depending on the patch
Does League not have OP heroes? Actually curious.
>Games take a lot longer than your average MOBA/RTS match
Are League games longer than Dota games? I don't know.
>>Solo Mmr looks broken
How? Sorry, I don't understand this.
You missed a few very, very important points. 1000% of all Dota heroes are available from the start and there is no aspect of paying or grinding for any tangible advantage.
Also, League heroes are often WAY too similar to one another, that's why the hero pool of dota 2 is going to stagnate eventually. League would never create a hero like Meepo, Techies or Invoker.
>advantages of Dota
It's not LoL
>advantages of LoL
It's not Dota.
not an argument
League certainly tends to have a certain group of champs be dominant at any given time, but they're not exactly gamebreakers. Usually. The Skarner nightmares haunt many to this day.
Also, League matches are typically shorter.
And, yeah, League would never get an Invoker. But Dota would never get a Lee Sin, Kindred, Riven or Zed.
League only has one OP her right now but he's banned in every game.
League just has some current meta dominant hero's but it doesn't matter as much if you counterpick or outplay
>Does League not have OP heroes?
It does, there are certain champions who are just overpowered because their kit is so strong
And patches can turn a champion from being mediocre/terrible to very strong
Though I believe league gets patched more often, so the buffs that make a champion incredibly strong can be lessened But they often overdo it and turn throw that champion into the dumpster
muh egyptian brethren
a pro stable scene against a complete randome scene
That's because LoL champ like Lee Sin would have their role filled already by shot like Earth Spirit who do everything better.
Oh cool a durable fighter/bruiser who gives a fuck. Lee Sin doesn't dish out a billion damage naturally or silence someone for 15 seconds.
Oh look an assassin - Lina could already delete people and she has a stun.
>Hero and world lore is fucked beyond repair
>Skins sometimes aren't lore friendly
muh lore
>and can give players advantages (minimal bs, but its there).
Last skin with player advantage I've seen was Underworld TF.. and it was fixed several months ago.
>Junglers are slaves to their team, its not fun to play them
Pick carry jungler and win? You don't have to pick slave junglers.
>Riot refuses to make good quality of life additions to their game
>Client is awful
>Bugs galore
>Patches are often meaningless
>Games are snowballs, the only way to lose a winning game is through throws, comebacks are too dam rare. Every advantage gained is a set up for a snowball
Those are true though.
It's not about roles, it's about gameplay. You could NOT have somebody who needs to move like Lee Sin in Dota due to it's clunky nature. Or Riven, just in general. Can't imagine how clunky those dashes would be,
Your argument is shit mate, because you completely missed the point.
Played and loved original dota mod for about 5 years then got into LoL. After a year DotA2 released and I was hyped.
Played it for hour and deleted.
Dota2 is for immature children, LoL is for men and sluts and cute korean traps.
He means league you cuck
>League of Legends
+easy to find friends to play wherever you go, irl or otherwise.
+easy to learn.
+a very forgiving game in general with mana, trinkets, etc.
+more porn.
-meta thats been in place since basically season one, totally stagnant.
-huge grind for basic shit.
-awful client.
-games are basically snowballs or base trades.
-'burden of knowledge.'
>Dota 2
+great client.
+patches dont happen too often, but they're almost always good, full of nice stuff.
+no grind at all.
+no bullshit rune/mastery pages
+custom games
+heroes can change roles or builds completely from patch to patch
-huge learning curve to really enjoy the game
-punishing leaver system
-barely any good porn
unironically kill yourself
That is the most accurate description of these games I have ever seen in my entire lifespan.
League Pros: Lulu
probably the most reasonable person on this thread
>dota porn will never catch up to lol in your lifetime
Questions from a Dota player:
What's wrong with the League Client? Is this just a meme or...? And what does the League of Legends leaving/abandonment system consist of?
We're talking about gameplay not roles.
okayish community
skillshots everywhere
dead meta all the way up to the competitive level
dynamic queue
playing support will make you want to kill yourself
no hero grinding
deeper strategy with more variety
playing a support is way more interesting
worst community ever because of the russians if you're EU and peruvians if you're NA
last patch was shit and didn't bring any interesting meta change
Nothing imo is wrong with the client, some say it feels outdated compared to Dota's but they're almost done reworking basically everything by now.
If you leave a game you get warning, a loss, and eventually suspensions/bans.
It's slow as shit
It crashes frequently
Dodging in champion select will put you on a 5 minute timer to starting another game. Leaving in game will generally get you reported, which will give you a warning and loss, then eventually suspensions from joining queue and finally bans
This is bait.
You wont get your account banned in dota if you type EZ after a game.
Wait does Dota 2 really not have skillshots? That sounds boring as fuck to watch, how do you outplay someone? Item builds? Holy fuck no wonder they've always been behind LoL in popularity
5 minute time penalty in queue for 5 games.
DoTA from a technical view is superior. Better client, much better engine and a much more feature packed and properly thought out system.
Gameplay is pretty hard, and ultimately comes back to its legacy as a sequel from a decade plus ago.
LoL tribunal system is a joke, more grind, really penalizes players for not paying for it. Never really balanced due to Riot making champ changes to keep their pro scene fresh. Coded by a pack of morons who can't get tooltips right, consistently mis reporting damage and effects, basically a game for Weebs if I'm honest.
Also Riot Atlus tried to bang my misses, so fuck him.
That being said I play league more.
It has skillshots, just a lot fewer. They are typically slower moving as well and require foresight. Maybe a third of all heroes have some sort of skillshot, I might say.
Do you really think skillshots are a way to judge skill and entertainment value? Why isn't CS GO the number one Esports game then? Surely, it is all skillshots. Since it is an FPS.
That must be why Starcraft II failed; no skillshots. Fuck you are stupid.
>Wait does Dota 2 really not have skillshots?
It does, but they are rare. Usually you'll have one skillshot hero in a game at most like Pudge or Clockwerk or Mirana and when it happens it's a VERY significant skillshot, as in everybody will be wary of it and try to bait it out because hitting or missing it will determine a teamfight outcome.
I listed skillshots in LoL as a pro because it does make the gameplay feel very arcadey, which is nice.
But on the other hand the abundance of skillshots means they are not that significant. Ezreal hitting a Q isn't gonna determine a teamfight outcome, and he's gonna throw a dozen anyway.
Also I resent Riot for the "lol let's add skillshots" reworks of old heroes.
>how do you outplay someone?
mostly tactically, though there are mechanical plays involving timing or juking too (see heroes like Puck)
>low skill floor, easy to pick up
>Snappy gameplay
>Game looks nice visually
>role system is nice
>Never too many game breaking heros per patch
>Tons of Potential to be a really great game
>Skill ceiling is astronomically high, high elos require so much micro, medium, and macro skill that it's scary to think about
>Riot is determined to kill league within this year
>No Enchantress
>Grind is annoying as fuck
Never again.
>pudge and CW hooks
>AA and mirana shots
>meepo nets
>invoker in general
>nyx and lion spikes, SK spike to a lesser extent
>etc, etc
this was bait, but DoTA2 has far more skill shots than LoL would ever hope to have
>but DoTA2 has far more skill shots than LoL would ever hope to have
basically every hero in league has a skillshot. and every new one has a skillshot as well.
>I listed skillshots in LoL as a pro because it does make the gameplay feel very arcadey, which is nice.
>But on the other hand the abundance of skillshots means they are not that significant. Ezreal hitting a Q isn't gonna determine a teamfight outcome, and he's gonna throw a dozen anyway.
>Also I resent Riot for the "lol let's add skillshots" reworks of old heroes.
Because they're low CD skillshots.
Ults are another thing, Vel Koz for example has 3 skillshots and a pointed ult. If you land all 3 skillshots and then ult immediatly you can win the teamfight yourself.
>>Never too many game breaking heros per patch
You say that like this would be true for dota - which it isnt.
Who the hell cares, MOBAS are dead now that Overwatch has released. In 1 year both Dota and LoL are gonna die and Overwatch will gain the left over players
>If you land all 3 skillshots
that's my point
each skillshot is individually less significant than if he had just one big one
>overwatch already bleeding players left and right
>has to show stats from an open beta for "muh mega millions"
just chalk OW with HotS, Diablo 3, SC 2, and WoD for Blizzards wall of cashgrab abandonware
Did you not understand what I said?
You need to land all 3. Not just one.
Overwatch isn't a a moba or that in depth.
It's basically a class based fps is has no market share at all.
a shooter cant survive with 20 tick outside of the most casual heroes of the storm-tier shit. aka no ones going to play it in the long run outside of retards that dedicate themselves to a casual game like krip did with hearthstone.
>You need to land all 3
which makes each individual skillshot less significant, yes
besides, since everyone has skillshots, everybody is running around left and right in their best semi random pattern all the time anyway
I guess it makes people feel good when they hit, but in reality a lot more is left to chance than players would care to admit
and honestly, even in LoL, your ability to hit skillshots isn't really an important part of what makes your overall skill. There are so many more determining things, even on a mechanical basis
Blizzshill had to try and compare an FPS to a MOBA because Heroes of the Strom is already dead
Like Dawngate hangs our with HoN levels of dead
Was HotS that bad in itself? I never gave it a chance because fuck it I wasn't going to grind heroes AGAIN
>Dota will never have a champion that requires as much skill as Zed
Why would people still play that outdated Dota 2.0 trash?
Its fun for a few hours. The only thing HotS really does great (same with Overbend btw) is the waifu material and porn potential in it.
This is also literally the only thing LoL has over Dota2 - it produces more porn.
Shadow Fiend
Ember Spirit
Earth Spirit
literally take your pick, there's at least 10 more options
Unless you mean Muh ninja so cool shredder shinobi shtick, than yea, you got DotA2 beat
Muh clunky buzzword
>Requiring skill
>Press R on champion
>Roll your face on the keyboard and land point blank Qs and Es
>Press R again to get out of any bad situation for free
>Get kill because splat
ignore this post
>You could NOT have somebody who needs to move like Lee Sin in Dota
Earth Spirit?
Given how he got dumpstered, yeah it's pretty hard to win as Meepo.
They dont understand that turn rates and cast points are literally gameplay and balancing mechanics. There are heroes that revolve around manipulating these things.
But i guess if you are used to shallow turn on a dime gameplay you cant appreciate a sophisticated game like Dota.
League players are natural liars who have practically been indoctrinated by Riot, after all what game made 'toxicity' such a big deal.
Dota is EASIER to learn.
League doesn't have the ability to look at your ally or even enemy abilities, guarantee everyone reads champion stats and abilities on their wikia.
No sandbox or demo mode.
An outdated tutorial.
Luke where do newbies learn the game LOL nowadays?
Dota has fucking insane guides for items and skill builds. Bots, even custom games help people be cause there's no risk and it's real people.
dota 2 requires more overall strategy but for lol requires better fighting tactics and combat is more difficult
Shitty phone autocorrect.
Anyways even the community in Dota is better. Most people think toxicity is fucking retarded especially since League made it popular. It's not secret League has a younger player base compared to Dota.
League suffers from an old problem of streamers encouraging griefers, only chi long qua in Dota is a popular griefer and he's turned a new leaf!
Then you have the surfing attitude where you just play a new account, toss in the referral system which incentives surfing for rewards and what do you get? People with multiple disposable accounts.
Also Dota doesn't ban people, permanently or temporarily, so no surfing here, you get sent to low fucking priority. Where you can enjoy the scum of the earth hope you never return there. Reports are limited so if you were reported enough , you probably DID deserve it. You were the worst guy in recent memory to be worth a couple guys 1 out of 3 weekly reports.
>lol requires better fighting tactics
does it really?
I always was an AP player in LoL and the combat tactic was pretty much "wait for the engage and drop everything on the nearest non-tank target"
LoL combats are pretty chaotic imo
you simplify it to much
>LoL tribunal system is a joke
The tribunal got closed like 3 years ago user, now there is nothing till the new tribunal in like 5 more years
What is Storm Spirit
>game encourages tanks
>tanks in a PVP game
This isn't even far off from today for how old it is. No one likes tabks. They're like bullet sponges - wow im totally fucking outplaying you because I itemized so XD oh and I deal % health as damage man Riot are fucking geniuses.
In Dota this would be like level 7 Timbersaw with max reactive C's fucking Dragon Knight with max Dragons Blood.
Maybe, but in both games you can't really predict how a fight will go anyway so it's mostly about how you engage.
And LoL is very static with its frontline/backline formation, whereas DotA cores have very variable behaviours in a fight.
Dota has actual skillshot with high game impact.
League has skillshots meant for last hitting and annoying people.
Your pick.
Meepo is literally a joke in DOTA. When someone picks Meepo on your team you immediately are sure you are going to lose. Sure there are good Meepo players every once in a while but for the most part he is absolute garbage and should only be picked as a joke
Meepo has a 41% global win rate.
Meepo has a 50% win rate at 4-5k MMR and 53% above 5k.
Fuck off retard.
>how do you outplay someone?
Positioning, better game knowledge, better strategies and tactics, better mechanics. Dodging unit-targeted abilities is usually about proper positioning and game sense, so they don't get to cast them on you in the first place, or proper use of a disjoint ability (most targeted spells lose their tracking if the target blinks or goes invisible)
Also, Dota does have plenty of "skillshots" (meaning skills for which you need to predict an enemy's movement in order to land them, e.g. Pudge hook or Lina's stun)
Finally, I gotta say skillshots are a seriously overrated mechanic in terms of how much mechanical skill they actually bring to a game.