You hear this behind you. What do you do?
You hear this behind you. What do you do?
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ayo hol up now
I don't know because I never played it
grab the nearest pro player and pretend I'm gud
>bear trap
>giving a flanker a self heal ability
Prepare my anus
Tracer's ass is almost Lightning tier.
that gif makes me want to vomit
I started playing reaper just for his based as fuck reload animation
Same thing i do when they have a Genji or Widowmaker. I switch to Winston.
That is a fucking awful gif
Whoever made it should feel embarrassed for producing such utter shit
I fully understand the reference and that still doesn't excuse how fucking shitty and unnecessary it is
bet u cant make better loll shitemaster
Freak out and hide
ignore her
>mfw I'm harassing healers and squshies all day long as Tracer and raking up kill streaks
See Genji standing still as if he's waiting to do something as you ult as McCree
What do you do?
Either hit my kill bind or pop my ult on her because Tracer is massively overpowered and can only be killed if the Tracer player makes a mistake.
I've gotten a 30 killstreak with widowmaker. No one can top me.
I know that there will be no wedding bells.
pls no delete blizzard
Reaper has started to grow on me, despite my initial reservations about the little edgy fgt.
This collage will never get old.
Tracer a best
Get mad as fuck because Blizzard thinks it's ok for Tracer to kill Zenyatta in one clip
Helix rocket + 1 bullet to the heat. Tactical necessity.
>Not teleporting everywhere while saying cleaning the area
Missed chance.
>Its a "tracer thinks can 1v1 a mercy while her pistol outdamages tracer or catch a lucio"
Just charge up the q you dumb cunts, 150 hp makes you an easy target even with the rewind,
Wonder why the sound effects of my character are being projected behind me.
nerf this
d.va's pistol does so much damage I love it
This D.Va artstyle is worse than cancer.
good show lads
react the first time to determine the skill level of the Tracer
then either ignore completely or cry every time it happens after the first
>tfw you will will never suffocate to death between Tracers and Widowmakers asses
>Playing on Honamura
>Attacking into 2 meis
>They can contest the post infintely until we eventually lose
I have NEVER been so mad at a game in my fucking LIFE.
Kill one, the second comes totting in and ice cubes contesting the point WHILE BEING FUCKING UNKILLABLE. This ALWAYS gives the second mei enough time to pull the same shit when he deal with the first one.
Something NEEDS to be done about Mei, McRee and Widowmaker if they want this game to go anywhere
God damn it, Ahab
>tfw you'll never choke on Roadhogs knob
>Mei heals while in her lmaoicecube
I don't know why they thought this was necessary
-Activates ultimate of McGree-
-Looks Around-
-Dies by the Tracer-
it's too bad shit like that never gets play of the game.
>enemy McGee pops his High Noon.
>literally everyone on my team just hides behind a wall as he slowly walks to try and tag them
Oh man, how terrible does that feel?
What a fucking hero.
I mean, his team coulda just taken cover but whatever.
Nah i did get POTG afterwards, I saved my team from 2 dva ults like that, couldnt afford lose the advantage which was huge.
> get to back line and attempt to take out some people
> every action makes her speak, and everyone knows where I am
I wish her clip size was just a little but bit bigger too
I really need to start using emote's when I think I'm gonna get play of the game
regardless that was funny
But her ult wasn't even going to hit anybody
That roadhog would have died anyway
You smell this behind you. What do you do?
How did this happen? Did Genji deflect it or something?
Wonder why we don't have an actually useful support.
Thats a good way to get his cute spray
Reinhardt chargest and pushed it back in.
Okay, thanks. I didn't know he could do that.
Yeah, Ulting D.Va mech is basically treated like a person. It can still be displaced.
>someone used my gif
fuck yeah roadhog
Dress up as a toilet until it goes away
nice one
I don't get it
Using toilets is a social stigma in India.
>just got two plays of the game for shit plays
>killed two people with Bastion's LMB
>rezzed a reaper and topped off a couple people
i wish reinhardt charging a diva made hurt everyone. Similar to genji deflecting a hanzo ult
>Hear a fag trying to flank me as Pharah
>Blast into the air and bully them with rockets and concussion blasts
Feels good, man.
Sup Forums is a gift that keeps on giving
>play Lucio
>buttfrustrate any and all Tracers that try to pick me off thanks to healing boost
Nice try you zippy little bitches.
whoever did the animation in OP should stop trying
>to give the Covenant back their bomb
You stay. I go. No following.