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8>>>> desu
>one game that isn't out yet
>ps3 ACE game when psp one exists
>at least 3 spinoff games not part of a series
go away
Inquisition was WAY better than DA2.
implying diamond/pearl/platinum aren't the best pokemon games ever.
like how you are using the outdated image
>hating FFVIII more than XIII
You people lost the fucking plot.
Remove RE6, there are far worse RE like Survivor
I just made it ten minutes ago. Yours is the out dated one.
do you have to?
I played Survivor.
RE6 was worse because after several mainline game of improvements, RE6 fucked everything up
yours has bait.
>removed Sonic 2006
>removed MGS2
>removed Pokemon Ruby
>removed Zestera
Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls
You know it to be true.
>"Dark Souls 2 >"
RE6 is better than RE5, and mechanically a good shooter
Survivor is literally garbage
>RE6 is better than RE5, and mechanically a good shooter
I played RE5 and 6 and I think you are full of shit
DA2 was worse that Inquisition
Why is #FE on the list at all let alone twice. It pretty much is it's own thing and it isn't even out.
FFXIII should take the place of VIII but you have two Final fantasy games on the list so you are fucking up bad.
Sonic Boom should replace Sonic 06
Resident Evil has far worse to pick from besides it's numbered games.
ToZ is bad but it will never be as bad as Tempest.
DMC isn't better than Devil 2?
>DA2 was worse that Inquisition
nice try, not falling for it
>and it isn't even out.
in USA. Its out in Japan.
>but you have two Final fantasy games on the list so you are fucking up bad.
mainline and the FFT series.
nope. DmC is absolute shit
shit > 8 > 13
>RE6 was worse because after several mainline game of improvements, RE6 fucked everything up
>Best third person control scheme to date
>Incredible amount of variety with enemies and AI
>Great co-op
Sounds like you just weren't able to get good.
Hitman Absolution
358-2days > Re-Coded
FF8 > FF13
TMS#FE > ?????????
re6 maybe a mechanically good shooter but every other aspect of the game is shit, from level design to boss design.
If they grabbed the mechanics of the game and got a competent developer to do good levels it might end up a good game.
As it is, it's shit.
Are you fucking bonkers?
You've obviously not played the listed games.
06 is a glitched up piece of shit but its nowhere near as offensive as Boom. Boom is completely and utterly unplayable, unlikeable, and the exact same shit the entire game. 06 has a fuck terrible story, but at least it had variety in its playstyle and level design, Boom has nothing.
Fuck off, MGS2 is not a horrible game, it has a horrible story, combat and stealth are leagues above MGS and still enjoyable to this day. Acid is a fucking card game with little to no stealth elements
Gen 3 got remakes, Gen 4 D/P is regarded as the worst set of pokemon games because of platinum. Ruby/Saph still have a point to be played again over emerald, D/P does not.
And this is where you show you're a parroting faggot.
Zesteria is the worst MODERN tales of because of its story and its shitty combat camera, but if you think it tops Tempest's DS 3D-modeled LINE BASED combat system of a FOUR HOUR GAME ABOUT WEREWOLVES AND PRIESTS, YOU ARE FUCKING DAFT.
RE5 is in the middle ground of RE4 and RE6
It doesn't do horror as good as RE4 and doesn't do action shooter as good as RE6
>final fantasy VIII worse than IV and XIII
ya blew it
Remove ME3, add ME2
Remove DmC, add DMC2
Remove MGS2, it's far from the worst even though I don't think highly of it. I'd add TPP if we're just doing the main series.
Remove RE6, RE5 was worse.
Remove Homecoming, Downpour or Origins was shittier
I'd also dethrone Sonic 06 as the worst in the series and put in Boom.
Add Deus Ex: Infinite War, Witcher 2, Hitman Absolution, Far Cry 2, Shadowrun Returns, and Crysis 2
>mainline and the FFT series.
Then FFXII and Vagrant story would be added since they are part of the exact same universe. Ivalice.
So no. Just XIII needs to be on the list.
in USA. Its out in Japan.
And you played it. And it has anything to do with SMT or FE besides cameo character.
It is not part of the FE or SMT series.
>Sounds like you just weren't able to get good.
due to horrid controls, bad AI, and overall bad game design.
Not to mention all those fucking QTEs (before you go "they patched it out, doesn't count lolololol", I played RE6 before the "we fixed it guys, please come back" patch was made)
RE Zero instead of RE6. The world would be a better place if Zero didn't exist.
replace the legend of link with skyward sword
Game is great gameplay wise, just buttblasted fans cant handle anything.
>DA Cisquisition
It sure is better than DA2.
some may argue but i think ME3 is better than ME2. But ME1 shits on top of them both from highest mountain
I honestly liked it more than DS3. Apart from soulmemory cancer.
>RE6 is bad
>Zelda 2 is bad
How reddit can you fucking get holy shit
>Hating Zero
Fuck you, that Spencer lore alone is worth it.
so much bait it's ridiculous
>do action shooter as good as RE6
RE6 did action shooters well?
>Game is great gameplay wise
you call THIS great?
>Worst in the series
Name a worse RE then 6 then. doesnt mean its bad, it means everything else is better, which it is.
what is this, a gif for ants
Chrono Cross seems an odd fit considering there are only two games in that "series".
Drakengard 2 is not worse than 3. they're all shit
Why are there two Megaman Battle Network games on there.
Monster Hunter Generations needs to be added.
Just post the video instead if you're trying to make your weak point instead of straining my eyes. Yes DmC was shit, but DMC2 is worse and will always be worse.
>06 is a glitched up piece of shit but its nowhere near as offensive as Boom
boom is playable
06 is literally, in every sense of the word, unplayable.
cherry picking.
game is casual but it is a competent game, 2 is not
that was made before webms but it gets the point across
>Bioshock infinite
Bioshock 2 was much worse, possibly even 1, bioshock infinites story will go down in history as being one of, if not the greatest storys in a game. Nice meme
>not ff3
Thanks for the chuckle.
>RE6 did action shooters well?
There is one battle network game. The other Is starforce. Which any starforce game is worse than any Battle network game.
>Drag on 2
>Not this monstrosity
Good one.
Bioshock 2 is the only good Bioshock game.
not sure two games constitutes as a series, really.
>Name a worse RE then 6
Zero, aka the game that was such a bland piece of shit with poor sales that the series went full action and never looked back
>hasn't updated dark souls 2 to 3
Right back at ya. Memelord.
Replace Tokyo Mirage Sessions with Shadow Dragon.
Replace Dream Team with Paper Jam or Partners in Time.
Replace Zelda II with Spirit Tracks or Triforce Heroes.
>Yes DmC was shit, but DMC2 is worse and will always be worse.
>cherry picking.
No its really not. 06 is very playable, I've beaten it numerous times and while I still hate its guts, its very much playable. Is it good? No. but its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better then the autrocity of a "beat em up" Boom tried to be.
Wait what
Having a single good extra mode does not make the whole game good.
RE 6 apologists, how about you fucking play the campaings of the game you are praising?
>MGS2 is bad
It's been 15 years already, when are we growing up of the "muh solid snake is not there, I hate raiden ladyboy ;_;"
Specially in a world with GZ and TPP
if its so bad, why'd it get an HD remake?
Me 1 you 0.
>Dragon Quarter
>Not the fucking shitty social game that has the audacity to call itself Breath of Fire 6
>beaten Sonic 06 numerous times
Add Starcraft 2, F.E.A.R 3, Far Cry 2 and Diablo 3
>RE 6 apologists, how about you fucking play the campaings of the game you are praising?
one guy told me that the webms showing off RE6's gameplay are from the extra mercenaries mode, not from the main story,
still using that "muh Snake" strawman, MGS2 fanboy?
>>Not the fucking shitty social game that has the audacity to call itself Breath of Fire 6
not out yet
>Advanced Warfare
>Halo 4
I don't believe you. Boom is nowhere near the glitchy mess of 06.
Like, boom is garbage, don't get me wrong, but I could actually play it. But it is not a broken game. It's possible for a non-autist to go and beat the entire game without running into some bug, getting stuck, or running into an unwinnable situation.
boom is just a shitty game
06 is literally broken.
>DMC2 the worst
Just about to say that.
Also Bioshock 2 was worse than infinite
its funny how you can tell the people who made this list haven't played most of those respective series' and just put what one user says. Theres far worse shit then most of the stuff posted here.
Want my Gamertag info as proof?
>Far Cry 2
This is worst games in the series, not best.
Has capcom had a good idea in the last 5 years?
Answer. No.
fuck you. Mario Hoops 3 on 3 was the shit.
then what's wrong with it?
>>hasn't updated dark souls 2 to 3
Why should I?
ignore him, he's shitposting.
>Also Bioshock 2 was worse than infinite
I don't know, user. It's a bit of a toss-up between FF2 and FF3 as to which one is the worst of the series, because they both absolutely hate the player.
Seeing as remember me exists, yes.
Change FF8 to FF2
Add Dynasty Warriors 6
Have you not played DMC2 or something? Or are you underage and hopping on the DmC hate bandwagon?
I don't remember that.
I did play DMC2.
Still better than DmC
>off RE6's gameplay are from the extra mercenaries mode, not from the main story,
And that's true. The mercs mode is fun, sure. The problem is the actual fucking game is not. All the cool moves you can pull off with the "great" mechanics of re6 are completely unnecessary since the game is piss easy.
The game could have been great if it wasn't such a cinematic railroad.
The few times the game let you fuck around and play it properly (leons first level and sherry mansion level) are actually pretty good. Too bad about the rest of the game.
And the boss fights, for fucks sake. I played re 1-6 (no spin-offs or remakes) and I can tell re6 has the worst boss fights of all of them.
>shitting on DA2 is actually considered a troll/bait post
What the fuck.
What the fuck actually happened
>nope. DmC is absolute shit
This might be true (it's not) but dmc2 is actually worse.
Add Gothic 4: Arcania.
Serious Sam 2
Witcher 2
The Adventure of link is much better than Phantom Hourglass, the worst main Zelda tbqh
Wasn't great. Wasn't terrible.
Wasn't something worth remembering.
Not a good idea apparently.
Most of the people who played it got it through PS+ as part of the collection. I played it and I we thoroughly unimpressed.
Zesteria is not the worst.
DS2 is bad but Inquisition was worse and I was calling his post of "Inquisition > DA2" as bait
I agree with most of this but
Trifoce Heroes is objectively the worst. There is no debating.
Fair. I played the PSP 2 and the DS 3, and I hated the 3 way more.
I'm not a MGS2 fanboy, I like the classic trilogy
I just don't get the hate
There is literally nothing wrong with Apollo Justice
>MP3 worse the Other M
what about BEST in the series?
Agree with Witcher 2
>Worst in the series