What are some videogames where I can go fast?
What are some videogames where I can go fast?
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>mfw when Quicksilver and Logan were the only good things in the film
Future isn't bright XMEN.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
So Hugh Jackman is in this one too?
What are some video games where sweet dreams are made of this?
Small scene but it was much better than anything else.
Yeah. The kids go to Alkali Base to rescue the other X-Men and Jean finds someone kept in a large cage. They're being chased down so Jean opens the cage. Weapon X is inside and he goes full fucking Wolverine on the entire base.
i fucking hated how no one thanked him afterwards. Bunch of ungrateful cunts
The young cast is mediocre and they not only fucked up Apocalypse himself they fucked up the 4 Horseman
Is this one back in time or forward? I haven't seen the last couple of films, thought I would watch them all in a row.
>4 horsemen have better teamwork despite being together for a 2 days
>X-Men are all over the place and still blow them out
JLaw is such a terrible actress. Why are they pushing her so much?
All they do is make her play the same damn role every movie: no-nonsense, reluctant, strong womyn. She doesn't even have looks to make up for it, her face is incredibly average
new timeline all together
It takes place 6 years after Days of Future Past in the new timeline.
>It's a "FOX apologies for a misogynistic promo" episode
And now there's fuckin Sansa Stark who can't act for shit and doesn't have the hots to play Jean.
Why is this happening.
Fuck, these X-Men movie timelines are annoying
I love how the X-Men movie franchise went through retcons and timelines just like the comics.
it's like pottery user
How was Apocalypse? My sisters are pestering me to take them to the cinema.
I really enjoyed it. It wasn't as good as DoFP, but still good. Stay after the credits for a tease of Mr. Sinister as the villain in the next movie.
Awful. Just total schlock. Not even worth watching to laugh at.
Great. Can't wait to see how bad FOX screws up Sinister.
Why First Class and onwards have such a boner for Mystique? she worked fine as a secondary antagonist during the original movie trilogy but now they're turning her into Lightning.
runman race around the world
beats sonic at his own game
if they are paying? go see it, its a 5-6/10 at most
Also, I don't like the actor they have for her. I think they're pushing her so much though because the lady was in the Hunger Games.
>Why are they pushing her so much
"Academy Award Winner" is nice to put on the poster, she's not getting any work so she's asking for more money, name recognition.
I found it to be very mediocre due to all the storylines they tried to fit in. You never truly get to see Apocalypse until the end and everyone was so fatigued watching by then. You will feel every second of this movie.
She's only blue for like 2 total minutes in the movie because she doesn't want to wear the make up anymore. It's kind of weird how she's leading the X-Men by the end of the movie. She's all these lines that seem weird for the character.
I want to push inside of Jennifer Lawrence
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
The new time-line is stupid but at least Xavier got his babe back.
The wigs they use for Mystique are so bad in these new movies.
>The shitty Cgi like the dog scattered throughout the scene
You can really tell it was made by a bunch of random arts students
Is this new xmen movie worth the 30 minutes of game lag to pirate? and the extra 2+hours of lag of listening to it in the background?
well as far as days of future past goes Mystique was the major antagonist of that story in the original comic so the focus on her there is understandable.
Ballisitcs for the PC. Good luck finding legit copy though. It's an old game.
But the next real Xmen movie won't be for several years if there even is one. Aren't they in the process of doing spin offs like another Wolverine movie and a Gambit one?
yeah, this one was a big let down.
They 100% fucked up by trying to link the first 3 movies to the new line of movies.
Why is she such a joke character?
what the fuck was the point of apocalypse getting the 4 horsemen when all he FUCKING NEEDED WAS MAGNETO.
The other 3 did shit all, and one even betrayed him.
Is Quicksilver only in one scene like DoFP?
needed another excuse to force olvia munn down our throats. can someone kill her already?
why is ivan ooze attack that blueberry?
but she is played by Sup Forums's waifu
well for most of them anyway
The best thing about the movie was the Old Man Magneto and Apocalypse.
The rest is mediocre. Jennifer Lawrence fucking with another movie because muh academy award winner.
Cyclops should be the real leader of this X-Men.
Holy shit this place is filled to the brim with bitter assholes.
I went to see it. It was far from bad. I can't point this to being anything other than the typical comicbros autism.
Now shut the fuck up and post more Jean.
Should've just convinced Jackman to play one of the horsemen. Guess they didn't offer him enough money.
He's prepping her for muffins.
We will never EVER get a video game version of THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE
he helps with the final "fight'
with this gaem u should go fast as hell
I actually really liked the new kid as Cyclops, been a fan of him since I seen Mud, he's a fantastic actor.
Shame I can't say the same about Jean, holy fuck that cunt can't act.
Cause Olivia Munn and her bf fucked a lot of dudes to have her be Psylocke, ruining the character.
>Rose Byrne isn't his waifu
Yeah, I wished they had fleshed out Erik in Poland more. Those were the few scenes with a shred of depth
Not enough Mavel Cinematic Universeā¢ quips.
Magneto willingly joining Apocalypse was weird. In the comics, he would have told Apocalypse to fuck off.
Nah, it definitely deserves a 2.5/5
How the fuck does keep getting popping up? She's like crabs. I don't think she even said anything in the movie.
A better question is why he picked the guy who could fly, a chick with a laser sword that only extends like 2 meters at most, and an Egyptian teenager? Does Apocalypse just make the first 4 mutants he runs into his Horsemen?
>mfw I really like Psylocke but T.V. and movies keep ruining her
them shoehorning his family and their death in the first 30 mins was weird
>Cyclops should be the real leader of this X-Men.
he was a bit of a wimp in Apocalypse.
What's funny is it's fucking Jean who kills him in the end, making all of their bitching moot.
10 years*
DoFP is 1973, Apoc is 1983
muh juvenile dick couldn't handle her. also, the music in this game was sick
that's the interesting part.
Maybe one day you'll get a monkey paw wish where she's the only good thing i a movie.
>no blood or bone fragments despite the fact it severed his fucking spine
>another excuse to force olvia munn down our throats
I'm confused, I haven't seen the movie but according to friends that have, she legitimately didn't have a single line in the entire movie.
How do you feel about upcoming Phoenix movie? You know it's going to happen.
She's pretty cool in MvC2, at least.
>awesome in Days of Future Past
>died in Ultron
Doesn't Xavier send him home before going on the plane? I haven't seen the movie in a while so I may have forgotten
I loved the quicksilver scene again, but I felt that the logan scene was kind of lame.
Hugh Jackman's heart didn't seem to be in it, it all seemed very obligatory
>muh family
>muh Nazis
Red Skull was right, he's a pussy
>Magnetic bullets.
I would Jennifer Lawrence when she was chubby.
Gotta keep it PG-13
>Implying those who are bitching have watched the movie
They don't consume what they bitch about.
Archangel was one of the Horsemen for a bit in the comics.
she just looked like around like she was confused the whole time.
She had a couple lines. 10 words tops.
Still have this boxed up somewhere. Enjoyed it a lot.
Doesn't Apocalypse have people being vaporized, decapitated, sliced up with claws and their flesh being stripped from their bones and all sorts of other fucked up shit and Magneto says "Fuck" despite only being PG-13?
that was DOFP, he helps in Apocalypse because muh dad
>TFW Quicksilver is a 30-year-old neet who lives in his mom's basement
Can we just get a solo Quicksilver movie?
Character-wise though Marvel has a better Quicksilver.
Fucking this, holy shit that was the most ham-fisted thing I've ever seen. Wew suddenly Magneto has a family and is living happily but OH NO WE KILLED THEM 10 MINUTES LATER, don't you just feel depressed and sad for Erik and his dead family who you knew existed for 20 minutes?
Literally only put in there as a plot device for him joining Apocalypse, which he wouldn't have done anyway. Fucking horrendously done.
It might have been acceptable if they had a 2 part Apoc movie, and that happened in the second part after him and his family had some actual development, but throwing it in there in such a rushed way was fucking pathetic.