Have you ever had one of your pranks go awry?
Have you ever had one of your pranks go awry?
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>ironically donating to streamers
what a maroon
That's pretty good.
kek what a fuckwit
Haha. Good. I don't really care for streamers, but seeing a moron being parted from their money for doing stupid shit is always wonderful.
The "troll" can just do a chargeback
that still fucks them over. there's no win situation for the ruse master.
He already tried the chargeback, it was denied
What's worse, donating to streamers or IRONICALLY donating to streamers?
>theres no win for the ruse master
literally a chargeback
Can't the Twitch dude on the receiving in give it back or is he a smart person and fucked off?
I bet it's a girl. Just waiting for this shit website to load.
A "troll" had $50000 on his paypal? What?
Bet the retard gave it to a girl so you can bet your ass he's never getting a cent of it back
like I said, a chargeback still fucks him over. not as bad as owning some twitch slut 50k but still.
>I'm sorry I literally did not mean to type that many zeros
>ok here you go
What a fucking dipshit
>implying it isn't fake or stolen info attached to the account
>implying there is someone this retarded
how so faggot tell me how that would fuck someone over
>le epic trole face
>call bank
>say account was highjacked
>bank cannot refuse
What a fucking retard, he deserves to lose his money.
Is this real?
I ask because everybody that uses paypal for large amounts of money knows that their transactions are unreliable, sometimes they will block your account just because you received a few extra hundreds and there's no kick and screaming, they own your shit.
This type of charge back operation is even more suspicious for them and they may block your account on the spot.
In this case, wouldn't it take the money back from paypal, and not the streamer?
That seems like it would have negative repercussions
Ironically. Definitely ironically. At least normal donors are just idiots that are enjoying shit content enough to want to "be a part of it" or whatever. Ironic donors are wasting their time and the streamer's time by making the already shit stream even shittier by making it about them and their stupid huge donation, and the subsequent elation then anger of the streamer.
He's literally rich, who cares
Knowing the Twitch userbase it could have been $50k he made from CSGO skins or TF2 hats that he sold on 3rd party sites like Opskins.
I will never understand it.
>actually believing clickbait
Oh Sup Forums.
This. Twitch "trolls" are fucking retards
It's literally free money, why would you think the person would even care about the insult?
stupid faggt
Definitely the latter
the truth emerges
>den dey hit me with their wooden spoons
what did he mean by this?
I wish my parents were stupid enough to give me access to large sums of money.
It's the australian method of punishing kids, locking them on the spider house comes after that
>spoiled, borderline underage nonwhite australian who donates to multiple streamers and gambles with his allowance
I, for one, am shocked
because "usually" they can chargeback and it penalize the streamer
>den dey hit
slang for "then i am violently raped"
>me with their
"and my bum has foreign objects shoved up it such as"
>wooden spoons
wooden spoons
What is the fucking point of keeping money in a PayPal account?
>You mean I can tie up a bunch of money in an imaginary bank with no services or dividends for the privilege of paying extra fees and several redundant consumer protections?
Fuck, even if you're using it as a non-member, if you're shopping on a website too shady to give your credit card information to, maybe you just shouldn't be shopping on it.
Oooh please prove your statement to our fragile minds! you omnipresent anime overseer.
I want to see the streamer's reaction to getting that huge of a donation
well they are a massive company so they are probably just worried about money laundering and don't want to get shut down.
This is the most harmless kind of spider you'll ever find on earth, she can't hurt you and just looking it wrong will kill it.
lol u tk hm 2 da bar?
Opiliones aren't spiders though!
This is not really a spider.
Daddy long legs are harmless.
Even cellar spiders are harmless.
>an imaginary bank
All banks are imaginary
It's the primary reason of the market crash of 2009. They don't have all that money actually on hand, it's fractional reserve banking
Also Paypal doesn't charge you fees to pay people, they charge you fees to receive money as a business. You can send friends money and it shouldn't cost either of you anything.
Also it's just really convenient. Being able to pay with paypal means I don't have to go fish for my credit cards when I want to buy something, and there's 1% cash back too
That's just a flawed system then. I assumed donations on twitch are sent as a gift through paypal, so you couldn't chargeback
>just looking it wrong will kill it
well then a flamethrower should work just fine
I don't care if they're harmless or not actual spiders, i'd rather donate 50k to streamers than be locked inside that house
If this kid did a true troll Sodapoppin should be the bigger man and return the money.
It's one thing to fuck over some dumbass troll, it's another to fuck over this retards parents.
Thats scary as fuck
fuck you
If it wasn't his money in the first place his parents shouldn't have a problem getting the money back right?
How does it penalize the streamer?
At this point unless the streamer knows it's a Saudi Prince, they usually assuming the dude is just going to charge back any amount over $100-$200.
I'm not kidding, you can kill it just by touching it wrong.
>this mad that you are a naive gullible newshit
If you send money to your bro one of you gets charged whether you send or gift it. It only changes who has to pay whether it's the sender or receiver.
Paypal is a scam literally no reason to use it.
Not necessarily. If it was normal fraud then that would be one thing. However the parents are responsible for their child.
Do you not know how paypal works?
If you get a charge back theres a fee associated with it. So if someone donates you 200 dollars then charges it back, he gets his money back and you get nailed with a fee.
How fucking mentally challenged do you have to be to pull something like that?
Isnt this a bannable offence?
Yeah yeah, we've all seen It's a Wonderful Life.
But my non-imaginary bank (a credit union, really) has a convenient thing called 'ATM's and 'loan services' for banking with them.
I also don't have to reach for my wallet to buy shit online since I can remember a fucking 16 digit number.
Does Paypal have any limitations in place to forbid charging back payments that are long past completed?
The parents deserve to be taught a lesson about responsibly funding their child. Fuck the dumbfuck kid and fucj his parents, too.
because of
"processing fees"
They are harmless.
An urban legend claims that the harvestman is the most venomous animal in the world,[9] but possesses fangs too short or a mouth too round and small to bite a human and therefore is not dangerous (the same myth applies to Pholcus phalangioides and the cranefly, which are both also called a 'daddy longlegs').[10] This is untrue on several counts. None of the known species of harvestmen has venom glands; their chelicerae are not hollowed fangs but grasping claws that are typically very small and not strong enough to break human skin.
Chargebacks don't "fuck you over" unless you do it like 20 times a fucking year. I don't know how this rumor spread that I've seen all over the place in various contexts about it having some huge negative impact on you. Banks don't care, they lose nothing by doing a chargeback and unless you abuse it which makes you look like you're doing illegal shit they don't fucking care.
No it wasn't, Paypal denied him, paypal isn't a bank they're a third party like VISA or MASTERCARD, they don't have any ownership of your bank account or whether or not you can get a chargeback. They're just easier to deal with right off the bat if you spend money through them that you want a chargeback on.
Can't they just bitch and say it fits into the below?
PayPal protects the recipient of a PayPal payment made by a customer (the “Payment Recipient”) from the following cases, provided the requirements mentioned under Sections 2 and 3 have been met ("Seller Protection"):
a. Reversals of bank account payments; including all risks of direct debiting (non-sufficient funds, unauthorized access, returns).
b. Chargebacks from credit card payments.
c. Reversals due to unjustified claims under the terms of PayPal Buyer Protection or the PayPal Standard Buyer Complaint Process.
d. Chargebacks from payments not authorized by the owner of the PayPal Account (“Unauthorized Payment”), except for any Unauthorized Payment initiated in
an environment not hosted by PayPal.
Seller Protection only applies if the reversal or credit card Chargeback was issued against you for the reason:
The payment was unauthorized; or
Reversal or credit card Chargeback or PayPal Buyer Protection Claims are due to the Buyer not receiving the item and PayPal receives from you proof that the
item was posted in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 4 below, subject to the further provision of this PayPal Seller Protection Policy
(including, without limitation, the Eligibility Requirements at Section 3).
There is no Seller Protection if reason of the reversal or Chargeback is that the item was not as described.
This. Fuck spiders.
Snakes, on the other hand, super cute.
>Just perform a chargeback on a transaction you enacted
Yeah that's what'll go well with a $50,000 loss, a credit fraud conviction
Has the streamer confirmed that he got 50k?
I doubt it's true otherwise.
>use twitch
>lose life savings
Sounds fair.
>Trolling someone
>By donating 50k
This is retarded on every level.
It actually wasn't 50,000 all in one stream. It was across multiple streams.
its hard to do a chargeback against paypal.
Those are dandy long legs.
Very literally harmless, in every sense of the word. You'd have to actually try to choke on it for it to do any harm, and even that's probably not going to hurt you.
A shed full of baby bunnies is more dangerous and menacing than those
Pic related. If someone's unnerved by those, they should be fucking terrified of these.
That's not even a "prank".
A "prank" is something lighthearted you can laugh about later on with the pranked person. If you can't, then it's just being a dick. There was even some stupid normalfag meme directly related to this.
Hahahaha, that's even better. If it was a lump sum he might have a slim chance, but spreading it out? 100% fucked.
I don't see why people claim the streamer is hit by a fee for a donator charging back. It seems like they would be protected by
Nice try spider. I know your games.
>that guy in his garage
>Using a paypal account with your real information on it
He was practically begging for it.