Christianity Games

So many games where you have to kill God and/or his followers. What are some games where you are a follower of God and you have to defeat enemies such as heathens?

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Every mainline SMT.

There are plenty of games where you follow a God. Why would you make a game about the christian god though? He's a pretty low tier god.

Dante's Inferno


El Shaddai Ascension of Metatron

Sang Froid is a game made by christians about stopping woodland creatures that have been possessed by the devil.

Dante's Inferno general?


What kind of God would give a man everything and take it all away in a wager with Satan?

Crusader Kings series

He was testing Job's faith

He is though, the fucker barely managed to create ONE planet in an entire week. He even had to rest a day to regain his stamina back.

Think how long it must've taken him to create the entire universe.

I'd play a Christianity themed party-tactics JRPG. Too bad Jesus never killed anyone.

>Believing in a God that damns you from birth cause of dumbass original sin shit

fucking americlaps

The original story was Babylonian or some shit and the guy wasn't YHWH but Marduk or whatever and he was making a wager with another god, and it made sense because gods in those cultures were traditionally huge dicks to mortals. The Jews just stole the story and made it their own, which is why there are incongruities.

>no ultimate messiah/god game
>you start as a kid
>you get to do cool tricks for retard villagers
>you became more popular and get more followers
>you get more powerful the more they believe
>you need to manage that
>you go to war against massive heretic armies
>you see some of then give up because you are holy as fuck
>you became so powerful you can reshape land and create life

he is the god of ALL creation dumbass

>jesus is the good guy

I wonder why his church or any church that defames Satan is famous for being a plague for mankind and absolute cancer and very hypocritical and shittalking, lying people.
They seem to be amidst pretty much every war and bloody happening.

Have yet to see any church that proclaims Satan is the original creator and was never an angel, god being a title and Satan his name. That Satan is good and loving like he truly is and the path to salvation and your actual ally against the evil one.

But no, the only thing I have seen is them jesusbois being a bane to humankind and baptizing you traitorously and forcing their doctrine that they never follow into people as if it was something true.

Fun story: I have an evil spirit here that was shit talking about how much I was going to accept Satan.

Now that I did and see through the lie, this shitty creature spends the whole day arguing the issue and how I totally should repent and how Satan is totally the bad guy.

I've always been interested in this type of concept as well. How do we make a bible game where you actually fight/kill without it ebing blasphemous and going against God's order for us not to kill?

What the hell is the matter with you?

Easy, a strategy game where you have to kill non-believing heretics using various Biblical methods

I don't lie, simple as that.

How is exactly the bible true and how is exactly the people of Satan evil? Or how is it proven that the evil one is called Satan? I haven't seen any idcard or shit like that.

>you must have faith

You mean I must believe a bunch of shitty people that murder anyone who doesn't do what they say if they are allowed?


>Or how is it proven that the evil one is called Satan? I haven't seen any idcard or shit like that.

i don't understand your point

post spurdos

no, you have to beleive the word of god, not a bunch of dumb fucks that think that they kill for god, read the bible and congregate

When I'm doing my number one on the toilet, I imagine doing it on jesus and some other dudes.

Yeah I'm sure of it.
There are abominable creatures that hate Satan even tough he is the benevolent creator that aren't unable to grasp this idea of god being a title and Satan being the name of god.

And of course, the word of "god" is a book that inspires those that murder everyone on sight for any stupid shit and torture them, etc etc.

You don't say, and we better not ask for proof because that's a sin, amirite? That's like... checking out not to be scammed.

There is no order to not kill. The order is to not murder. Killing is just fine, especially killing non-Jews in war. God routinely orders genocide in the OT, Samson kills tons of Phillistines, etc. Plenty of room for it.

again dude, you should read the bible at least once, no true christian would kill for god.

What about a dating sim where Jesus has to choose which apostles to hang out with.

the only decent game is El Shaddai (literally Enoch's Bizarre Adventure)

Look kid, don't bore me because the only time in my life where an enemy of god and mine wanted to leave me alone, whas when I started calling on Satan.

Enemies of god happen to get buttfulstered about Satan being treated as a legit name for the legit good god.

You shouldn't put your hopes on a book that says that believing this or that name you will move mountains and then expect people to keep believing the lie when they see the mountain staying put.

Things that are true happen without fault, such as a formula in how things work: i.e you ask xxx divinity for help and divinity xxx helps.

For all my impatience, Satan helps me.
Jesus neverr did.
And Satan helps me against the enemies of god.

Its not exactly the same but in DCSS you can choose to be a follower of many different gods, some are good, some are evil, most fall somewhere in between.

What is the best denomination?

Satan would help the impatient because you are weak and vulnerable to easy bait, Satan and what he brings is temporary, and God is eternal. Also Satan isn't all things 'evil' per say. Lucifer didn't just decide one day he wanted to fuck all shit up, he just didn't like that God's 'government' and thought he could make something better. (He didn't)

saints row?

>Satan is evil and I'm going to tell you who is Satan and whatnot

I see, do you have evidence other than a book that has as much credibility as a Spiderman issue?

that's not what the book of genesis says tbqh

he made a retarded planet and made the sky out of water

didn't even create the solar system or anything, he just put two lamps on the sky dome

>Creates everything from the simplest to the most complex
>Still dumb enough to put the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden

I don't think someone that STUPID has the ability to create the world, senpai

Do you have any evidence that Alexander the Great was every real other than some books?

>other than a book that has as much credibility as a Spiderman issue?
then why do you believe in satan

What do devout Christians think of games where you kill angels (such as SMT or Bayonetta)?

He put it there to give Adam and Eve free choice, they could do what they want. He gave a warning at what the tree did, and Eve didn't listen and ruined everything.

don't forget
>builds giant twenty foot lizards with gigantic jagged teeth and claws the size of a man
>so they can live a vegetarian life and eat fruit salad in some boring garden

So its like that one south park episode?

>triggered christianfag

I think it's a video game?

You wouldn't ride a dinosaur, user? or snuggle with a raptor if they wouldn't hurt you?

Then don't create Satan. They'd still have as much choice as before, now just not with the single most seductive mind in existence trying to get them to do the bad thing. Accident waiting to happen.

Because Satan has helped me and deceiving people have lied to me about Satan.

This is very simple.

The devil wants me to go to hell, no?

Nothing as easy as: hahaha! I am "nameofgod" and I hate you because I am "nameofgod" and always I do something evil to you "nameofgod" is to blame. Don't forget to pray to god to defend you from "nameofgod".

And remember than you need to be saved from "nameofgod".


You kill god in SMT2 in the Law fag path though

I don't have why to prove shit about Alexander the little or Rita the whore, you're the one making claims, if you want me to believe them prove them, or insert the book up your ass.

Medieval 2: Total War, stacking the college of cardinals with priests from your country, getting one of your boys made Pope, having him turn a blind eye to your shenanigans in the Christian world and calling Crusades when and how you want them.


Satan was before man, he didn't create Lucifer to one day ruin him. Angels and God transcend anything we know of ever existing, Lucifer had made a choice later in his life, he wasn't always bad.


I wouldn't ride or snuggle with vegetarian dinosaurs, that'd be lame as fuck

bitch niggas can ride their boring salad eating lizards

so did you just hear the name satan in your head and get cool satan powers from him or something, or did you read about him in the bible

because i'm assuming you learned about satan either directly or secondhand from the bible, the same book you're saying is completely fictional compared to your headcanon

or did you start learning about him because you heard about him in popular fiction?

Is God not omniscient?

Catholicism, of course.

Does free will exist?


How is it better than Orthodoxy though?

Go back to hell, Satan.

You lost.

Not if omniscience exists.

This, honestly.

Sin, death, and the devil are the only true enemies of Christianity, an Doom certainly covers the devil aspect.

Otherwise, any game where the bad guys are ambiguous dark creatures that don't look even remotely human is a good starting point.

if satan lost why does obamacare exist?
There you go, you can beat Jesus's followers up in this.

no dude, free will is totally a thing but god is also omniscient with the power of the seven archangels and the ability to instantly win any fight and the ability to end the world with his clone son that can come back to life whenever he dies so you cant kill him

This is very simple.

Whore that can use sum magical abilities and shit comes and claims to be something akin to a daughter of Satan according to her.
The moment I ask Satan for help she wants no more trouble, because apparently Satan hates his own and loves his "enemies".

Stupid spirit comes inside my body, starts talking shit about how I will accept Satan.

I do exactly that.

Suddenly Satan is evil and I should repent and I am reminded constantly of how evil is Satan and how much I should repent, but he doesn't seem to get any advantage from me swearing oaths of allegiance to Satan forever.

Son in short: everybody who hates you, tells you Satan is your enemy and claims to come from Satan, but the moment you take the plunge and go Satan, they start short circuiting and failing miserably at being convincing.

But really, let's not forget it's the same people preaching to turn the other cheek when slapped, to give your money away, to die a bored virgin without material posessions.

As if they hated you.

And you better do what they say without making sure if it's true because doubting it is already very evil!

Conception II.

No seriously.

wow lame

i've been trying to contact and get cool satan powers for years but he wont do shit for me, do i need to use a goat sacrifice?

They're nearly the same, Orthodox are not heretics, but there are theological differences.

It's better because it maintains the tradition of the old ways (including Peter's successor being seen as the leading authority of the early post-ascension church) without being fossilized.

The idea is that how can you know anything or anyone ever existed, if the only proof we have is what is written by some literal who in a book. You can take and apply it to most of anything, Alex is just the example I chose. If you can't believe that the Bible is a historical and what happened in it is real, then why can you do that for Alex, or George Washington, or Queen Elizabeth the first and etc. You never actually saw them, so why do you think they are real?

This picture is for you.
It isn't that he didn't know that Lucifer would one day rebel him, it's just that we also don't know why he made lucifer if he knew one day he would be betrayed. Before Lucifer betrayed God, he was a just and holy being that was worthy of all things God sought from his angels. It is believed God allowed Lucifer to be because even with Lucifer's descent, he could use him as a evidence of God's holy plans, that he know what is truly best for all. If he were to just delete Lucifer, other angels if not all might just think of God as a tyrant. If you want to actually know more and not just make me type paragraphs as bait, you should look it up yourself and read the bible, there are many sources outside the bible too.

>They're nearly the same
absolutely not
fuck you and people like you

who cares?
they are both xenos
science should have destroyed religion but half of population are still delusional and retarded enough to believe in fairytales.
both must leave mankind alone.
we make our own monsters and saviors


why wouldn't he just convince people that he's not a tyrant

>then why can you do that for Alex, or George Washington, or Queen Elizabeth the first and etc.
because we have hundreds of reports written by different people we can confirm existed in graves and history with hundreds of reports written about them too

the bible is one source without a concrete author and constantly contradicts hundreds of other reports about history that agree with hundreds of other sources, mathematics being one of them.

Care to explain?

Do you accept that science, while a robust method of learning, is merely a limited view within the larger bounds of philosophy? ie every scientific claim is a philosophical claim, but not every philosophical claim is a scientific one?

Do you consider the scientific method to be the only way to learn about existence?

>they literally are saying "yuo can't kunow" to a guy that has first hand experience

Whats the most powerful God in actual mythology/religions?

First post is best post.

>It is believed God allowed Lucifer to be because even with Lucifer's descent, he could use him as a evidence of God's holy plans, that he know what is truly best for all.
That is very sweet and all, but given that thus decision lead pretty directly to the fall which in turn means that vast majority of all human beings to ever exist will be tortured eternally (narrow path, not all who say "lord lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven, etc) it was either really poor desicion making on his part or unambiguously outright malice.

i'm literally asking what the best way is to contact satan because he never talks to me it's p lame desu

do i need to burn more of my rare pepes

i'm sure you know wtf is archeology and paleography.
archeology didn't find any religious character,but found historical evidence of alexander,george and elizabeth.

But the fall was not predetermined. It happened, but free will means it was not guaranteed.


That's not a spurdo, newfriend.

philosophy deals with the abstract.
science deals with what we can see,with or without tools.
we can't see atoms but they exist because we proved their existence.
science evolves,religion is stuck in time.

>But the fall was not predetermined.
Again, is God not omniscient? Did he create Satan unaware that he was arrogant and persuasive? Did he create Eve unaware that she was gullible?

how can free will exist if god is all knowing and all powerful

Luis de Molina would like to have a word with you

He is not from actual mythology/religion. He is a weeb character.

thats why you should read the bible and congregate dude, you cana sk all those questions to your pastor, there are people that have studied the bible for thousands of years, you should ask those people those questions, not a bunch of fedora fags on a anime forum

Any one else here BIBLE POWER?!


user, you okay?

Just ask, if you are human, he is interested.

Satan is just the name of god, you don't know how to ask things to god?

Oh, I'm actually just shitposting. The answer is always "God works in mysterious ways" phrased differently depending on exactly who you ask. Some people like the "it's not immoral if God does it" angle, others like the "he doesn't WANT to hurt you, you're FORCING him to" angle and so on.