What the everloving fuck was his problem?

What the everloving fuck was his problem?

Daddy issues.

He wanted to be the Orc Jesus.

Thrall forced him to be the leader when even Garrosh knew he wasn't ready and then had to watch all the races that weren't orcs turn against him so he stopped caring about those other races.

Sounds childish. They didn't turn on him, they questioned his actions, like they should for any self-respecting leader.

He was hated by the player base so blizz changed his character and made him a villain at the last moment

Garrosh's goal was "we must make the horde strong"

it's just that he believed the ends justified the means (except nuking tree hippies in Stonetalon, that's a no go)

Not quite it went down like this

>Thrall tells Garrosh to be Warchief
>Garrosh politely declines
>Thrall insists and says others will help him
>Vol'kin and Cairne instantly try to kill him
>Horde goes apeshit that someone other than Thrall is leading
>Garrosh starts proving his a good warchief and even starts conquering and expanding the Horde borders.
>As a result of him being a good warchief, civil war starts and the betas band together to take him out
>Fast forward to Thrall cheating in Mok'gara to beat him.

He's a hypocrite that acted like a puritan without actually solving problems within the horde. After everyone and their mommas got fed up with his shit he got insecure and basically went school shooting to get attention

>Slyvanas literally turning into Lich Queen
>Tauren throw themselves into a fucking Civil War
>Vol'jin is too bust sucking Thrall's dick to realize what Garrosh can really do
>Blood Elves being Blood Elves

He got a triple whammy of shit thrown at him pretty much a week into him getting the job, and even then managed to keep the Horde together enough to beat the fuck out of Ashenvale and Stonetalon.

How do we make the Horde great again?

He went insane.

t. Blizzard

>Without actually solving problems

Cataclysm Horde was expanding to being almost twice as large as it was under Thrall. It took a combined Alliance and divine intervention from TWO Nelf gods to stop him from steamrolling Ashenvale.

being alpha in a game run by betas

Two simple steps.

>Put Saurfang in charge

>Let him work

Horde expanding is not solving problems. It's creating new ones. Think the alliance would just hang back and watch as those that burned their capital cities some fifty hears ago are gaining in strength again?

And since when was not owning the world a problem?

I'm talking actual problems, like your second in command, the tauren, not liking your shit and you doing fuck-all to gain their trust, or the undead not being able to reproduce and, cherry on top, being about to get torn to shreds by rabid worgen.

Nigga you gotta tie your shoelaces before you go out strollin'

Saurfang is the orc leader now since Sylvanas doesn't want to hang out doing nothing in orgrimmar like Vol'jin did.

It was already made great again

Felt like I was on the wrong side the whole time we were fighting the iron horde

I have not played since WotLK. What are the forsaken/Sylvanas up to in the later expansions?

Still trying to plague the world?

The hordes expansion efforts was purely to solve problems they had that just never get addressed in the game.

When Garrosh first took over there was a massive drought and orgrimmar was running out of food. At first he asked the night elves to trade but they refused because of the wrathgate so Garrosh had no choice except to take shit by force.

He suffered from Blizzard writing

Not the guy you are replying to but Horde expanding is what Orcs want. They aren't green humans like Thrall. They want to be thrown up against the enemy, fight it out and die in glorious combat. The demon blood isn't what gave orcs a warrior culture, they were always Spartan ass mother fuckers and WOD did nothing but reinforce this.

The Civil War was a result of his duel with Cairne, try again.

About fucking time.

That man has been through every goddam orc war.

>we're suffering from a drought
>instead of using shamanism and allies we'll attack the nearest country and raze the villages that have no resources in them whatsoever

Typical green nigger behavior, really.

They want to die in HONORABLE combat. To start a meaningless war is not honorable, it's stupid.

>Gets hate before he even do something
>He actually does some cool shit
>Blizz reacts to first impressions and turn him into a villain

>The barrens become lush as fuck, probably becoming able to produce a lot of food
>"I better go invade this faggots on the north, not like they have divine aid or something"

That'd be like the arabs invading Norway because they like their oil better than their own

>meaningless war

This is a very human concept so I don't blame you for not understanding how no war is meaningless to an Orc unless its a war fought without soldiers.

Man, WoD actually happened.

I thought it was just a really horrible nightmare.

To the Orcs, attacking enemies in the back while they are fighting someone else is honorable behavior.

the barrens didn't grow until after deathwing showed up which was ages after Garrosh first took ashenvale

When Thrall was Warchief, he was pragmatic and reflective. Garrosh proved to be the opposite, and the other leaders, with many many many more years of experience saw his leadership to be dangerous, he became even brasher and prouder. The Horde is a collective, and if one part goes rogue and shuns the other parts, the other parts are understandably going to do what they have to do.

>Warchief Varok 'We named him Dranosh' Saurfang
>Warchief Varok 'Solo'd a Fel Reaver' Saurfang
>Warchief Varok 'I am He who watches They' Saurfang
>Warchief Varok 'Honor, young heroes, never forsake it!' Saurfang


Forsaken now use the Val'kyr to rez themselves. Sylvanas also commited suicide at end of Wrath, realized dying for real sucked ass, and started using Val'kyr as +1s since they had nothing better to do. Pretty sure one of the Gilnean nobles also shot her in the fucking face.

>Gilnean nobles also shot her in the fucking face

in the back, actually.

If we are to learn anything from Pandaria, it's that war is inevitable. But a war driven by pride, like the one started by Garrosh and the Kor'kron, is sure to be met with swift justice.

Forsaken use Val'kyr to make more forsaken from old graveyards


How the fuck Thrall didn't pick this guy after all he's done is ridiculous. Saurfang should have been warchief over Thrall anyway.

I guarantee nothing will overturn him besides death.

>Swift Justice
>Pandaren and Celestials were on the verge of letting him live, despite him openly laughing at everyone in Azeroth for not killing him.

Thing is, Garrosh was only later retconned to be a villain by adding a bunch of racism to him. Truth of the matter was that he was supposed to contrast Thrall. Garrosh had the ethics of a second war Orc with none of the corruption. The honor, the warrior spirit the reverence for self. He is what all orcs aspire to be (in lore) and had the name sake to back it up. The selling point of Mists was 'put war back in warcraft' and it was by Garrosh's hand that it got done.

Of course


So he became a generic racist old god pawn GG metzen you caved to casuals

>besides death

Pretty sure the PH achiev for killing him more or less describes

'Do enough insignificant damage to Warchief Varok Saurfang that he pretends to be killed out of pity'

It's PH but that's still great.

Justice != execution.

>Celestials would throw Azeroth into chaos over the fact that nigh everyone wants Garrosh dead, but they wanted to teach a fucking lesson

Yeah, they really assassinated his character by choosing the most nonsensical reason for making him a villain, all the while further cementing that the Horde and the Alliance really shouldn't be enemies.

>Cairne dies
>Horde split in half by civil war
>War across the board
>Alliance capital BTFO'd
>Entire city mana bombed to the ground.

Are Pandas literally the most insufferable race ever made?

>Implying Metzen didn't write him off for being a better Warchief than his OC

Only Taran Zhu and the Shado Pan, since the other Pandaren are more or less happy helping out.

I'm frankly suprised they didn't make him a pedophile too just to make sure everyone hates him

Cairne should've been Warchief

Pandaria did get pretty fucked up. Only Jaina has equal footing case imho

worst part about MoP? Having to kill Kovok


Not really pedophilia, but the way he almost took Ashenvale was by using Magnataur. He used their children as hostages to get them to cooperate, and after things went south, he just had them dumped on the western coast. Naga live of the western coast.

He tried to make the horde great again but everybody is a faggot that wants to suck alliance dick

Thrall thought the Horde needed a war hero everyone could rally behind.
Cairne was the smart choice Garrosh was the popular choice.

Source: The Shattering

Garrosh may not have been the best warchief of the horde, but he's a close second

What's more is that he wanted to do something for Grommash. If he had just wanted a war hero, Saurfang would've still been a better change.

>"Fuck it, let's just make him Orc Hitler"
Poor writing.

You're right, Saurfang does beat him out a bit.

I think Thrall chose Garrosh is because he's younger and more popular.

>hoping for good writing out of Panda expansion

You fucking idiots.

It was actually fairly decent, up until Garrosh nuked a city and a half. Was new and refreshing, with some neat ways to go about it.

Everything except for the pandas was pretty enjoyable, their writing happened to be meme tier 99% of the time other than like two characters. Hozen best race

Has WoW writing been anything but shit?

He grew up as a little dweeb with acne so bad he had to be quarantined in Nagrand.
Then he discovered roids.

Typical Sup Forums -> /fit/ story.

Thrall putting him into a position he wasn't ready for

He cared for his people and wanted to make them the absolute BEST he could make them yet in the end everyone hated him for it. He was the BEST horde warchief desu

I'd be pissed too if I got dismantled.