40m strong in the PlayStation Nation

40m strong in the PlayStation Nation.

You're with us... or you're against us...

Well which one is it?

50 million people can't be wrong, Sup Forums

Only a Sonygger deals with absolute.

i was thinking of getting a ps4

could you please recommend me 10 exclusives that arnt

>clones of other games

i was thinking of getting bloodborn and ratchet&clank but im not stupid enough to buy a console for just 2 games.

why aren't you one of the over 60 million who has joined the cause? #PS4

I will do what I must

70 million people suck cock apparently.

Out of those 50 Million People, I guarantee only about 1 Million even play their PS4 regularly. I do not know a single person who owns a PS4 that plays theirs at all, or didn't eventually sell it. Myself included, but I'm waiting for Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV, and even those look like they're gonna suck.

Current PS4 exclusives:
>Bloodborne + Old Hunters
>Infamous SS
>Until Dawn
>Killzone SF
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Disgaea 5
>Ratchet and Clank Redux
>Driveclub + Bikes (patches fixed all the game's issues, tons of post-launch support)
>MLB The Show
>Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
>EDF 4.1

Upcoming PS4 exclusives (announced titles only):
>Detroit: Become Human
>Ace Combat 7
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Dreams (Tearaway/LBP devs)
>New God of War (mainline title)
>GT Sport
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Bloodborne sequel (confirmed on official Bloodborne FB page)
>The Last Guardian
>Uncharted 4
>Mattterfall (housemarque)
>WiLD (from the creator of Rayman)
>13 Sentinels Aegis Rim (Vanillaware)
>Persona 5
>TLoU2 (confirmed by Nolan North)
>GG Xrd Revelator
>Summer Lesson (VR)
>RIGS (VR, MediEvil and Killzone Mercenary devs)
>Unannounced open-world horror game from Sony Bend
>Deep Down
>Ys 8
>Megadimension Neptunia VII
>NIOH (Team Ninja)
>Toukiden 2
>The Tomorrow Children (Pixeljunk devs and SCE Japan)
>Danganronpa 3
>Dragon Quest Builders
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza 6
>New Valkyria Chronicles
>King of Fighters XIV
>Steins;Gate 0
>Dragon Quest XI
>FFVII Remake
>Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
>NieR Automata
>Star Ocean 5

Also with PC (PS4/PC only)
>Shenmue 3
>Street Fighter V
>No Man's Sky
>The Witness

PC exclusives coming to/already on PS4
>Divinity Original Sin
>Mount and Blade
>Magicka 2
>Cities Skylines
>Wasteland 2
>Crypt the Necrodancer
>Vanishing of Ethan Carter
>KillingFloor 2
>Talos Principle
>Kerbal Space Program
>Ark Survival Instinct
>The Forest

As soon as they verify whether or not they're going to release a 4.5 or not

Shitty game company releasing a new model and locking new games behind it is shitty, whether it's Ninty or Sony.

look, 80 million people can't be wrong

whats that thing on the right side of OPs pic?

considering theres about 3.5 billion women in the world thats a pretty low number.

Save us, Xbox-Juan Kenobi. You're our only hope.

That's silly. Women aren't people.

eat shit
millions of flies cant be wrong

>Being a beta testing cuck

Enjoy the E3 reveal #PS4shits

Are these posts ironic or are people really this out of touch with reality bordering on delusion?

thanks mr.marketer

1. Sup Forums tells me there are literally no games on ps4
2. Sony tells me a gazillion people have ps4

So, 40 mil people in the world sit there with black boxes doing nothing? Well played yellow jews

>could you please recommend me 10 exclusives that arnt

>arnt good

So you want ps4 exclusives that arn't good? I don't think R&C or Bloodborn are right for you then. I hear they're rather decent.

Yeah just look at steam top sellers :)

>I don't know what exclusive means

meant are good, obviously.

but people don't eat shit senpai

You better watch your ass Halo! Haze is about to steal the throne come this holiday season!

PS4 won. It's over.

- BloodBorne
- Dark Souls
- Uncharted
- Chrono Trigger 2.0
-New Valkyria Chronicles
-New Dragon Quest
+hundres of more games

Me I bought an N3DS for pirating but other than that, there's no use buying other consoles or even a "gaming" PC (that you'll have to upgrade in 3 years lol). All of the best games and experience are on the PS4.

Sony won for the 4th time in a row. Other consoles are you even trying?

This is an undisputed fact

Absolutely fucking domination


Damn, buying a Sony Playstation 4™ right now!

i do

I'll be with them once Persona 5 comes out

Only really interested in
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Persona 5

Why are console games so dead?

>a different animal eats different food to sustain life


>over 90 million and counting


Probably because you're a jaded weeb fag who only plays animu garbage

playstationfags are basically 90% shitposters. It's impossible to tell if someone is fucking around or genuinely made a mistake.

So proof-read your shit next time senpai.

>Have to upgrade the PC after 3 years

Yeah, you don't have to upgrade your PS4 after 3 years at all.

Against. I love the game selection and console but that god awful shitty controller just ruins it for me. It feels so unnatural compared to the far superior Xbox controller

Yes you don't


If I can find a job soon, I might pick one up. The new SRW game should be fun, lah. There's like two other games I'd want for it too, so it's not as bad as the time I bought a ps3 for Tokyo Jungle.

>PS3 winning last gen

>In the gen where it was outsold by a fucking Xbox

>In the gen where the PS3 lost Sony so much money that it negated all the profits from the PS2

woah....I cant wait to play my exclusives with 90 million other people.....

What is the Neo

Here's you're (you)


console warfare shit is retarded post gameplay you tasteless nigger

why does the PS4 look like a fucking razor blade?

this. I just sold my "gaming" pc for $500. all of it and other shit gear that's included. tired of playing LoL and Hearthstone anyway when there's tons of games to play at the PS4.

And those 100 million can't wait to play with you either, user.

>In the gen where it was outsold by a fucking Xbox

No it didn't

Try harder next time.

real talk. bait or not, there are corporate dick suckers like you everywhere and you are literal cancer. people who get belligerent if anyone talks bad about something they enjoy, even if that person has no personal stake in it. whether its movies, shows, sports, games whatever, fuckers like u belong on the cross

wait let me get this, are there still people denying that PS4 didn't win this generation? no matter how much parroting "PS4 has no gaems" it is still an undeniable fact that PS4 has the best games and if you consider yourself as a gamer it would be stupid not owning one.

oh fucking please. PS3 had the best games and had the most number of rpgs last gen. also gonna need a source on that negation nigger

Well if 110 million people are doing it, I might as well.

Sign me up, user.

Just recently picked up a ps4 with a handful of games and a 55 inch screen. It was mine and my old mans birthday at the end of May. My old man wanted a new golf game and glad we went this route. Been playing everyday for like3 hours. I was going to stick to PC this generation but glad we picked up the PS4 now. Games are cheap.

But no. instead of playing games, or talking about games, you just want to shit post like the meme spouting subhuman you are. Please find a new hobby. take all the causal fuckers with you, and the indie (dont hurt my feelings) trash with you too. PLEASE dilute yourself with stupid hobbies, maybe even substances, until you fucking fade away; hopefully before you have a chance to breed

>implying you know anyone

>Bought one for Bloodborne
>Still waiting for games that aren't about little girls in diapers


mostly multiplats what's your fucking point?

You don't have to upgrade tho since all games will still be designed for original

>Muh 40 gorillian

And you don't have to upgrade your PC though since all games have "low" settings.

Diaper girls? What games?

what's the point of going against sony console? its like bashing your head against a wall, you'll know you'll anyway. ideally its console - sony, handhelds - nintendo. as a gamer that's enough

PC get worse over time, I played a game and had 60fps and decent setting then like almost a year later it was almost unplayable and got 10 fps

This is some low-tier bait.

I like the PS4 but it's not a zero sum game, I also own the Xbone and a computer.

If the Scorpio is really next-gen Xbox I'll probably buy that instead of the Neo since my launch PS4 will still play PS4 games.

If you put it that way, everything you have you're beta testing for the new product.

With. It just seems like a waste of money to spend a grand on a PC to only play 「SOME」 of the games the PS4 already has at a better framerate, while the PS4 has a lot more going for it currently and in the long run.