Who thought this was a good idea?

Who thought this was a good idea?

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What's wrong with it?

the fucking first chokepoint

Didn't know people find this part of the map hard. The second point is harder to take desu senpai.

They're both hard. That's why the map is aids

the first one is hard, the second isn't, just stop running one by one like retard only to die alone you stupid cod guy. It's a team shooter.

At least there's two routes in. Egypt point A is a meat grinder

Egyptian map is much worse.

why is every map in this game pure dogshit

The first choke is tough, but the second one is only hard if youre playing with randoms who refuse to communicate.

the koth one are acceptable, but jesus every Cp in this game feel like pure hatred toward the human kind.
Tf2 is here since 2k7 for fuck sake, blizzard what the fuck, just take example on GOOD map design.


Are you retarded? If Overwatch made its maps like TF2 attack would be literally unplayable, imagine double-bastions on the final stage of Dustbowl

>he doesn't win Hanamura in under 2 minutes with a competent D.Va

The clan of ninjas whose castle you're trying to invade?

Are you too casual to storm a castle?

>double bastion

is this supposed to be scary? You just started the game right?

Did you read the entire post or do you just not know what stage 3 Dustbowl is

>The 'bastion is balanced' meme

>the first chokepoint
The second is significantly more defensible.

just use the undeground tunnel and spam with based junkrat on the bastion scrublord

you can use 3 different path to take the last, it's way more easy.

>not realizing the second bastion is meant to cover that tunnel to prevent exactly that from happening

Defenders in this game have so much advantage.

and their heroes are actually fun

>going in alone without a reinhardt bro

how does it feel having no friends?

>Pick Winston
Seriously, fucking around with people as Winston on defense is so hilarious.

direct counters to bastion:

bastion aint shit

Anubis is worse. Whoever thought a clusterfuck of pillars, ditches and walls was a good idea should kill themselves.

>the absolute joy of capping a point A on Hanamura or Egypt and immediately gotta go fasting to point B and capping it while all the retards fight in the middle

highly dependent on positioning and his teammates being shit
literally stop firing at Genji
lol no
same as junkrat

tracer is his only good counter since she can quickly get in and Ult him no matter what bullshit is covering him

I'm pretty sure Anubis was made specifically so Pharah could fuck up everything everywhere

Then go Genji and distract the living shit out of those Bastions. Even if you can't kill them, you can set it up so a braindead idiot can kill them

>bastion spamming m1 on a corner to prevent people from coming out
>I just peak with hanzo long enough to throw my arrow
>no more fagstion

and people still think this fag is op

He can be a little more problematic with reinhardt protecting his ass, but what stop you from taking a reinhardt too?

>what stops you from taking a Reinhardt too
the fucking shield

>but what stop you from taking a reinhardt too?

The fact that bastion can destroy Rein's shield is literally 3 seconds

>lol no

Bullshit. He can easily destroy Bastion at range.

I like Hanamura, had some fun games on there. The point capture maps are designed to be defendable. It's a fucking team based game, you need to work with your team in order to defend or attack the point. A coordinated attack is more likely to be successful. If you're playing with strangers, yeah, point capture maps can be awful, but so are the others. You can't excpect the Hanzos and Widowmakers to join you in the capture ring.

I mean : what stop you from having a reinhardt in your team too.

biotic feel deployed

Its actually not that bad on attack as long as think of it as progressively hopping from point to point, house to house as quickly as possible. Helps when you have great distaction sponges like WINson.

Bastion shreds Reinhardts shield, its not a good option, only a short delay of death

And literally any two heroes that aren't dva or mercy can take him out from behind Rein's shield in that time but shitters don't coordinate

>that moment of confusion and impotent fury as the defending team realizes they lost with barely a shot fired

>not playing mei and blocking the line of fire and go into the right building together with your team


>5 winstion + lucio and prey they didn't have 5 reaper waiting for you

You can do a shitload of thing in 3 full seconds.

Like spamming pipe on reinhardt shield while your bastion place himself so he can finish him off and then take care of the other bastion.

It's like if this game was supposed to be played in team!

I thought we was talking about Black Ops 3 here

>complaining about maps based on pub experiences
>when the maps are balanced around team play
>team play
see the problem?
Also attack usually wins in competitive play
You're lucky they're not making it harder

>"""""""competitive""""""" overwatch

oh lord kek



>Arriving at Temple of Anubis
>Prepare to Attack


>put down healing beacon
>fire rocket at bastion
>burst m1
>no more bastion

this strat is free, feel free to use it, m'lady :^)

Dustbowl is the worst map in tf2 and nobody but tards play it.

>3 Torbjorns
>2 Bastions
>1 Reinhardt
>on defense
>tfw on the attacking team


i've never had trouble on anubis desu, there's so many flanking routes and a big health kit right next to the point. volskaya/hanamura is way worse

>there's so many flanking routes
Yeah but good luck making that apparent to your teammates

Nice Dreamcast game, OP.


so no lucio or mercy?

easy match.

>Thought the thumbnail was Suijin from TF2
>mfw I didn't realize what it actually was until I read the thread

Jesus fuck I'm old.

I'll never fall for the Overwatch meme.


To be fair, TF2 is almost 9 years old.

Better than Volskaya, Lijiang, and Gibraltar

I don't see why you wouldn't if you ever liked TF2.

Why don't they just add more pathways to the first part so it's not a straight up chokepoint?

because it's already incredibly easy to take?

>Hating on the best map
How about you get the FUCK off?

>best map

>it's a king of the hill episode
>you have to play the gay music nigger

Ilios is clearly the best map

>Any KotH
Clusterfucks where everyone throws themselves at the point are always bad.