Do you guys like my sprite?
Do you guys like my sprite?
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are those white panties or shorts?
Stop posting this shit
I hope your game crashes and burns
that was a neat thread
enjoy your shitty life virgin
no thanks
What's with her legs? Is she a goat woman or something?
Way to make your game not stand out at all.
I feel like I'm looking at a blur and it's bothering me
>that gap
>50 hours in mspaint
>humanized Applejack
All you really need to do is know how to sprite.
>no, it fucking sucks
I literally laughed out loud
like the way you styled this sprite, user
Breeding Season?
Someone post Garflondo
Also pretty sure someone told you to watch out for contrasting tones and to fix the hair shading
It's an improvment, always room for more though. Keep it up, user!
At least he posted the best one.
Go lewder, OP.
That's not lewd, that's endearing.
Learn the fucking difference. Nudity isn't inherently perverted.
Are you a boy? Or a girl?
>knowing the names an being able to identify colorful horses
you need to leave too
>not posting the superior version
B-but you should know your enemies, user!
the lewness of nudity is entirely measured based on the nude person's own morality scale.
obviously in that image nudity is very lewd.
ha ha i love this meme
>hand drawn assets
>add a bunch of shit filters on top
That's even worse.
It is for Exhibitionists. Public nudity and the risk of being seen is the ultimate lewdity for some people.
>2d platformer
Way to be ironic
Is this hunie pop?
For someone talking about standing out it's really stupid of you to post a picture of the most generic overdone fucking genre with the most overused really lame artstyle and blurry-as-shit filter that you find in 100% of non "retro" indie shit platformers, and even the same le epik computer references UI.
I wouldn't fuck it.
I would
needs more THICC
Here is a site with nice PixelArt tutorials
>Make a 2d platformer because you genuinely like the genre
>everyone thinks you're a lazy indie shitter because of it
not the one who posted early either. Just another dev.
>leaving it blonde
As long as the gameplay is good non-Sup Forumsautists don't care
Well he can either use these critics to improve or go full Phil Fish and tell us to Suck his dick and choke on it
That's even worse, user. Why would i ever make my game to look like I'm not wearing any glasses?
Oh hey, I just started learning game maker because I want more isometric stealth like in Boktai. That website is going to help a whole lot, thanks.
From what game is this?
fuck yeah now we're getting somewhere my nigger
Change the eyes, that green tone is hurting my eyes, or change the to a mild blue
Come on now, it's not gonna be a porn game. What is with Sup Forums's obsession with chubby?
If being a 2d platformer doesnt drive people away then the name of the game probably will simply because it has "Bacon" in it. For instance a few months ago Pax almost didnt let us show our game there just because of the games name. They probably realized that denying a game for such a dumb reason would probably give them bad press though, so the game did eventually get accepted.
Get rid of the boobs. Shorten the hair and make it black. Give her tight red pants.
Its great, I even have done some by myself but I don't have them in my phone, also a little extra tip, ALWAYS look your draw with a mirror, it helps detecting errors that your brain doesn't realized at the moment, and for colours look at the image in black and withe, again for errors and for colours values, you will easily see where is to much light or dark
Much better, that colour of eyes even makes the hair look good
yeah the red hair was just a little too bright so I toned it down.
OP you should be taking notes
you're shit
love you too bud
Its still meh
I like shading but
The nose its to high and looks weird
Again, look it up in black and white, you will see why
I have mixed feelings with the legs
Change the eyes colour or at least the colour value, and the hair too
Nice boobs
Try to fix the hands, look for pixel art references
6/10 might not end in a train wreck
Hol' up, I know exactly what not-indie game this is and I'm eagerly anticipating it
Post some artwork
>Way to make your game not stand out at all.
>implying hand drawn platformers aren't a dime a dozen these days
unless you have a specific vision there really isn't any point in making such games when the same effect can be done with sprites
it'd save you time and money
I'm just a random user that picked up the original and added shading and sandals since I didn't like the original's shadows
I don't know if this a compliment or if you think we're game design vets, but it's flattering either way. um it
s a bit late though and I need to wake up early in the morning. I'll see if I can get some stuff to show tomorrow if this thread is still up or for other ones that are relevant. Its been bothering me seeing a bunch of dev threads show up with no webms or gifs to show. So I got to fix that
Sleep tight, and thanks for all the thickness
>literally hipster-tier indie game sprite
>inconsistent sprite resolution
missing something tbf
That the fat princess from little king story?
I tried. I haven't attempted pixel art is like 10 years.
thanks doc
because why not
gracias doctor
These are good
2Doctors 1 patient
Thanks Doc
>not being able to identify past horses
thanks doc
>pixel-sized edits on a 5x scale sprite
Asides from that it looks bretty gud
bumping for more edits
So we are now making sprites? Sign me in Sup Forums
This sprite is exploitable
Should I do an Rmika or Morrigan edit?
feel free to use this one if you like it
So, we have actual indie game artists now?
shoutouts to this anonymous poster for not being garbage
What, have you not seen the game dev threads? Theres one almost everyday afaik.
Can I get in on making sprites of girls
Thanks. I wanted to pretty up OP's sprite, hopefully I helped a bit with that
Which software should I use? I usually do it with Gimp.
you missed a black pixel just under her right cheek
paint a best
MS Paint or bust
If you're serious see
>That sprite
Oh boy here we go again.
if you wanted it to be pretty why didn't you just sprite yourself bb
I tried that and it looked off to me, but does it bug you that much that it needs to be there?
I try. I actually spent a few minutes on this top though
but you do know that sprite =/= pixelated, right?
>get into thread
>it's already way past my bed time
It was.
Welp... no fun for me tonight.
Alright. Later guys.