ITT: you post your most played heroes and others anons try to guess if you are happy or not and why

ITT: you post your most played heroes and others anons try to guess if you are happy or not and why

i'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

You long for a woman to hold you at night.

omg how


its okay buddy



Bastion, Junkrat, and Reinhardt


OP only plays waifus, so he porbably doesn't have a gf, and hence is a lonely loser that is not happy.

filthy weeb who should end it all



>"I will just sit here and kill you"


>babymode no skill no commitment no aggressiveness heroes
Doesn't like FPS and only got overwatch for the hype or peer pressure and hence deep down is not a happy person.

You try to find happiness through your kda you don't have anything fulfilling in you life and look for the easiest way to get kills in game to make yourself feel better.

Closet Homosexual

Decent human being, no gf though


Symmetra: 8 hours
Roadhog: 5 hours
Junkrat: 4 hours
Soldier: 3 hours
Winston: 2 hours
Tracer: 2 hours
Lucio: 2 hours
Mccree: 1 hour
Everything else is under an hour

Chinese = no soul = cannot be happy.

all you causal, overwatch loving faggots, PLEASE play this game forever. I would never want to meet with, or play a game with you ever. Stay in that mediocre cesspit for all time.

I'm really glad i'm not seeing Widow/Hanzo mains so far

Weab faggot, your a neet loser who needs to get a job and move out of your parent's house. You're making them sad.

You like to be the center of attention maybe you don't get much irl

You're a fucking faggot attention whore. Only live to be in the spotlight. It's always your team's fault for losses.

You play what you like, probably a well adjusted adult who jerks to traps every now and then

spy main here, do your worst

All that Zenyatta playtime is literally just to try to get the trophies. Still don't have em'.

>posts GTAV

I hate this game yet i cannot stop playing.


Just a cog in the machine but you accept that. Probably work a 9-5 or go to school full time. You only do what's necessary and will be stuck in a life of mediocrity.

>weab *sic*
you don't get out much do you

Even the Japanese aren't sure about this game.


You're pretty passive irl usually a push over who gets taken advantage of easily

But D.Va is Korean...

Moon runes are moon runes I don't give a shit

Pretty much.


I'm not sure what else I was expecting, but you're right.




break it down

every single one of those translations is made up

You're very unhappy and it's always your teams fault.

I have the most time on Symmetra with Junkrat in close second.

Mine would look like that too except D-VA would be 4th and Soldier 76 5th.

If I had the game.

Don't have screencap on me right now.
From most to least played
High Noon
Everyone else.



Secretly wishes he was a better illustrator so that he could draw art to go with his ZenGen fanficks

>This is not an RPG, it i masturbation. Toriyama is a homosexual Korean

huge risk taker, won't do anything unless it's got a huge payout or will completely fuck him over.

This only work if everyone posting also gives insight on other posters... I'm literally the support of this thread, please thank.

There's nothing wrong with that your a genuinely nice guy

You like to lead in whatever role you're in

You play what you like reguardless of if it's the best choice for others. You're self centered irl

Wannabe badass, think you're cooler than you are

You're your own person you don't follow anyone

You do what you like but at the same time love attention and praise


you like good results but you don't like to work very hard for them

Lucio, 76, Torbjorn, Winston.




Call me mean names

Just bought few days ago

Is awaited in Valhalla.

you are jerk!!



Spot on, I am impress

you wish you were more interesting than you actually are.

you'd rather take the blame for something that would really fuck some one over just so you can hold it over their head later.

>+1 Endorsement

You actually fill roles, but dont want to,

Healslut that plays the meta

Zenyatta is not a sexdoll

Would eat more BBQ if you could

You really like close range combat and are also gay?

21 hrs played

I fucked up, sorry.

my stats used to be more balanced but I feel like my best character doesn't really have any counters outside of Reinhardt. And he doesn't even kill me, he's just annoying.

Reindhart, Winston, Pharah and Torbjorn.

>You actually fill roles, but dont want to,
God you have no idea. It's the reason I play so much zenyatta because we need some kind of healer but I'd really rather play something else and zen is kind of a compromise.


aardvark pays off

How edgy am I?

who /pure/ here?

Please uninstall.


You're a simple man, you don't like gimmicks you just wanna get the job done.
You're the exact fucking opposite, you want to do things through the most convoluted way possible.


Why do you do this to yourselves? Don't you know that Lucio is objectively better as a solo healer on almost every map in the game?

knows that his choices will make him look badly in front of others who only look at him superficially but deep down he's jut out to have a good time and is pretty good at what he does.

I just have much more fun playing her rather than Lucio.

r8 please


every person who plays any character is a faggot

you're fucking satan, you only live to make everyone upset and you can only smile if some one else is literally crying in front of you.



Although junkrat is an annoying cunt, he is fun to play.

You gladly take one for the team and enjoy doing so, probably a decent human being

You try to be the best even if that involves copying what everyone else gets the best results with

You play a lot of mmos or mobas and just got this because of the hype surrounding it

A follower in real life yet you never truly fit in

You do what you can for the team and don't mind staying out of the spotlight

Loves the dick

You're a rager, you don't have anything going on in your life so you take the game hyper seriously. You blame your team constantly. Your hard headed in life and people find it hard to be around you


likes to shitpost and say "lol gg u mad" at the end of every game


Lucio isn't a caring motherly figure, and hes black. So I play Mercy.

;) / 10

Fun stuff.

76, reinhart, reaper, zenyatta.