Have you ever tried using a video game attack in real life?
Have you ever tried using a video game attack in real life?
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Yeah I tried to combo a guy with dudely moveset. I did OK but still got my ass beat
No, but I was drunk once and tried to use kamehameha on someone
I shot someone with a gun.
The solar plexus strike actually works. It's like a haymaker, but not.
No, but some times when I grab my shoes off the shelf I'll cross my arms above my head and quietly slam them down to emulate Raging Storm from Garou.
I tried to Stone Cold Stunner a guy during a fight.
Didn't work.
Didn't realize a proper Stunner required the other guy to play along.
I tried mimicking some Hwoarang kicks.
Broke my fucking tailbone
Top fn kek. You ever try the pedigree, that move fucks shit up and it comes out of nowhere. Other person involved thinks your being a fag or being funny until there forehead is in the ground and there concussed. Itt drunk sunday
inb4 the gif where the dude tries to sweep the other guy
>be me, 12 years old
>have a 8 y-o brother (let's call him Simon) who I regularly play SF2 with
>main Zangief
>one day, go with bro to the playground
>that little probably autistic kid comes towards us, carrying a belt (everybody called that fucker Lil Sasha, cause there alredy was an old Sasha living down the road)
>starts chasing after Simon, trying to hit him
>bro nopes the fuck out, screaming
>decide to step in
>"Sasha, how about you stop picking on my brother, he didn't do anything t you you moron"
>hits me right in the head wit the belts metal part
>I can feel the blood bursting from my forehead
>hurts as fuck
>grab his belt and throw it away, Lil Sasha is visually scared
>remember what Zangief taught me
>hug him by his waist
>suplex him into the fucking swingset
Hit someone with a 1 punch jolt counter. Dude was a grade higher than me, put him on his ass.
Not that I was reading Ippo at the time. 7th to 8th, and despite being 6'1 now, he had 3 inches on me at the time.
>suplexing a little kid into a swingset
There is an amateur video about a dude trying to use the shoryuken during the sex act
I can do ganondorf's down air thats it
>during sex
He was about 9 years old at that time
I tried a hadouken and shoryuken IRL
How faded do you have to be to even think that was possible?
I can tatsu.
dual wield!
I'm taking the bait
gonna need a link
It's not bait tho, i'd search the link but im busy right now
>that one kid who spergs into akuma and always tries to do that back-facing victory pose
I once pinned a dude to the wall and wailed on him like Chris did the boulder from Resident Evil 5.
I also started learning some MMA so I could emulate Bruce and Draggy from Tekken.
Me and my step brother loved Smash 64 as a kid and would mimic moves from the game all the time.
I remember that sometimes when I would get in a fight with my step brother, I would spin my hand around like Donkey Kong does when charging the gaints punch and he would get scared. I'm pretty sure if I would've just punched him like a normal 9 year old it would've hurt the same but, I can honestly say that charging it felt like it hurt more when I "released it".
One time I got bullied in high school so I wave shined the guy into a wall and up smashed, he never messed with me again.
DDTs and piledrivers can fuck shit up too if you can get them in the right position
I fucking whipped out dual bb guns and fucked some faggot up who was fighting my friend just because he was searching for wifi hotspots around the neighborhood to play metroid prime hunters and mario cart on the ds.
Good times.
I was that kid that run like sonic
I was drunk at a family get together and one of my drunk cousins tried to pick a fight with me so I tried to Snake Eater CQC him and knocked myself out on a park bench.
>9 years old
>Super Smash Bros released for N64
>go to family reunion
>cousin brings SSB and 4 controllers with his 64
>beat them 3 matches in a row with Mario
>they start whining about losing and parents come over and turn it off
>we all go to bouncy castle outside
>Up+B a kid in the face
>get sent home
When i was young my 3 years older sister would hurt me quite often for fun since she was much bigger than me
One day she had pushed me down to my knees while hitting my head repeatedly
I fell over on all fours and she continued to pound the back of my head
I finally decided to fight back for the first time and open with a leaping uppercut just like OPs pic and perfectly commect with her left eye while she was bent over
Her eye was about the size of an orange within minutes
She never picked on me again
I was 9 at the time
I would say i have used a video game move to defend myself
My first time being drunk we were out at the park with like ten other people, I didn't know any of them cept my one mate. There was an older guy like 26 or so who was your typical reject, boozing up high school kids to be 'cool'. Anyways I was making fun of him all night and eventually he had enough and wanted to fight me, so I went into Xiayou Phoenix Stance and everyone just laughed. Guess it dodged me a fight, but I dunno if I'll ever live it down.
>Pic related
I beat a guy WITH a video game once.
What were they even thinking with this stance?
>be 21
>play sf3 all the time
>friend's birthday, we go to a strip club
>pack of dindus on the entrance
>one of them wants to pick a fight
>tries to scare us with his capoeira/sambo fighting moves
>friend tells him to fuck off
>dindu throws a punch at him
>reflex mode on
>parry his punch like Ryu in SF3
>chimps go bananas
>the whole bus clapped
>DDT into a guillotine
every fucking time
Yes I broke a kids jaw doing a akiyama heat move from Yakuza 4
Yeah I was retarded thinking somebody was not going to get hurt.
I think it's 'real' in the sense that some Chinese Kung Fu would use it, but I don't think it would be useful in a fight.
>ywn impress the whole shortbus by fighting your imaginary friend
Life is hard on us non-retards.
>that one time you made fun of that kid
>he teleports behind you and makes you dive 1000 depths
>did tae kwon do when i was young
>showed some friends the stuff i did during training
>realized how fucking retarded i look
Some asshole who was throwing rocks at my dog tried to tackle me when I confronted him, but I grabbed him and did Ryu's back throw, rolling on to my back and kicking him over me. Wasn't trying to replicate the move, it's just how it turned out.
It worked, when he flipped over, his head scraped the pavement first before his back hit the ground, and he fucking bounced. I was able to stand up quickly and he was still down for a while.
>what is bus meme for $300
One time when I was a Senior in High School, my little brother was getting beat up during lunch by two Mexicans because he caught them stealing his ipod out of his locker in Gym Class.
>One was holding him down and sitting on his chest
>The fat one was kicking his head
>Jacob was crying, covering his head best he could
>I ran up, jumped off the picnic table, managed to grab the back of the head of the standing Mexican
>Slammed his teeth into the pavement and broke his nose, a move I learned from Frank West
>Lifted his head up and kicked it like a football
>Pulled the other Mexican off of Jacob
>Jabbed 4 times in a row right at his throat trying to follow up with a right
>totally miss the right swing
>Other mexican gets up and holds me in a full nelson getting blood all over my neck and left shoulder
>get hit 2 times in the stomach before I wrap my legs around the guy behind me, putting him off balance
>Guy was disoriented enough to fall over letting me fall on the other Mexican as well
>Now sitting on the chest of one guy, I hold onto his shirt, pull back my arm as fast as I can, accidentally knock out my brother who rushed to help with my elbow and then knocking out the Mexican on the ground
>Took back my brother's ipod
And then everyone thought I was a racist and a thug and I had to get kicked out of the student council. Really sucked, that was my first and last fight and god. It's kind of scary to say but it was fun.
I used mostly wrestling moves
half nelson slam
chicken wing (bob backlund's special)
boston crab
standing ankle lock
torture rack
And of course the Kinnikubuster
I should have
I also did the giant swing
Same here man.
>mfw I knocked out my cousin with a textbook German Suplex
spinning back fist
>tfw you will never do muscle docking with a bro
why even get in a fight, there's just no point.
You're no real Zangief.
I punched a nigger in the balls the same way Johnny Cage does.
those were used in real fights
when playing wrestling with my cousins and brothers we did it all except fug
nah but I did an rko on my friend once
except he was in the reverse of the usual position so it ended up being a neckbreaker instead of a cutter
I think i saw this about 6-8 years ago.
i did a cqc style hip toss on my cousin
I've never done it, but if you've ever seen Ultimate Muscle and know Kid Muscle's finishing move, the kinniku buster, you'd know how impractical it would be to actually try that in a fight.
Needless to say, I think I witnessed a murder. I saw someone get lifted, saddled on another man's shoulder, and brought down with their neck getting twisted into their chest. I lived in a crazy neighborhood and street fights happened all the time, so I just sort of got on my skateboard and jetted before the cops came.
More related to vidya, I had my friends lift me to psycho crush someone across the street. The guy getting slammed by me and a train of my friends had no idea how to react, but I was afraid of getting kneed in the face or dropped. I wound up getting kneed in the face.
I can do most of Wii Fit Trainer's moves if that counts
>I had my friends lift me to psycho crush someone across the street
Lost it
With the splits?
Me and my friends when we were younger and watched wrestling did the Master lock I think that's what it was called, when you think about it it's a easy move to get out of but I don't know why we had trouble reversing it back then
100 crack fist attack.
No but one time I used "Likewise, creep." to finish an argument, a line I stole from Sonic The Comic
still cringe over it to this day
Did the same thing against a friend. It went horribly because as he went down in pain I got headbutt'd and he broke my nose. Our parents never gave us money to play Mortal Kombat again.
We still laugh about it to this day.
when i was 17 I remember some idiot stumbled out of a bar looking for a fight while I was waiting for the bus outside. I must have had a foot and a half of height on the little ginger fuck, he was completely plastered. I would have ignored him if he hadn't gone calling me Pocahontas and throwing garbage. (town was near a reservation, I had my braids in. A lot of racial tension in that area.)
He couldn't hit me for shit, so I grabbed him and tried to suplex him but he was too fat so I just ended up kind of swinging him around and kicking him into a bench, which he tumbled over. His friends all lost their shit laughing at him and took him home. One of them high-fived me as they left, they didn't care. Fucking Canada.
I also once tried to do Andy's elbow smash on a similar stupid kid in freshman year high school, did it wrong and when my elbow hit him I punched myself in the mouth and got a swollen lip. Didn't get in much trouble because I was the only one visibly hurt.
I was kind of violent when I was younger.
When I was 13 I told a kid I'd rip his head off and shit down his neck.
I even did the Duke voice.
fucking kill me.
I kind of wish there were more autists in the world. It would be so much more entertaining.
I want to walk down the street and see the local golden youths doing rider kicks and failing to do rising tackles, not pulling out knives and running away.
Helicopter splits on dick
Shoulda used this image dude
Third strike ryu donkey kick
No one has ever had fun getting hit with any donkey "____"
how does shoryuken work
This thread just reminded me of this
I hope none of you faggots are this pathetic
Basically a punch to the gut you drag up to their chin
I took kung fu for 8 years, there's figting games that have used my style. All it s is glorified dance for males. i can't defend myself in a real fight, what am I going to do? Get in a gay ass stance while i'm about to be tackled?
He should have done an intense low sweep.
I don't think cr.LK works in real life unless you stepping on the guy's foot or ankle.
Most martial arts are turned in to glorified exercise over time but you can gleam things that actually work
>Accidently knock out my brother
LOL too fucking funny
he should have not hit crouch at all irl nigga
>crouch, walk forward, then punch
>mfw no fireball comes out of my hands
He should have gone for the command grab if he was trying to go low.
he deserves it, you only sweep to whiff punish. your sweep get blocked you eat a full combo
I did that move where I get my ass handed to me and collapse
Dumbass, you have to walk diagonally toward the ground too
I have not, which honestly surprises me because a kid I was both a giant autistic sperg AND got into tons of fights.
>Movie not loaded...
>BR video hosting site
>server not found
I really really want to see this.
My sister would say "shoo fly, don't bother me" and i knew it was from disney channel but i couldn't ever think of a comeback and it pissed me off
Man im lucky I didnt play yakuza until I was older or else I would be tiger dropping kids left n right.
Fist of the north star would've done the same
I learned how to do an elbow lock from MGS3 cutscenes.
A Bugs Life
Tried to Sonic Boom once, didn't go as well as expected.