Smash 4 Sup Forumskend that is actually prepared

Here it is continued from because you guys are slacking tonight and let the thread die with no tourney available:

Tourney ID: 6025-4144-7598-80
Password: rage
Rules: Teams tourney, 6 minutes, 3 stocks, items off, Miis available, no Sudden Death, etc.

And it's already started and it ends at 1AM

Other urls found in this thread:

I was sweatin', my ramen friend. The comeback would've been crazy. gg

Also, we're having a doubles tourney this Saturday. Find a partner, sign under one Challonge account, and have fun! Don't worry about "letting your partner down." It's a game about having fun.
If you're interested, but don't have a partner, trying hitting up one of the people in the catalog or reply with your name and your name to be added to it.

>Not using my main
>Lamato joins the lobby

Don't worry, I'm trying out other characters too.

*name and your main

>keep getting stuck with oddgod on temple


It was too good to be true. I went so far just to get stuck in a net. gg

I..I like temple

Fucking superarmor.

> lamato, dorfbro, and falcon attacking me.
Well shit I thought this was teams

Yeah I just realized, how unattentive of me. Sorry.

Oh yeah.....

GG OddGod. You need to spam bolts vs DDD, and dont stand near the ledge

>11 people


Jesus Christ in hell, what the fuck was with that lag?

So why did we stay on Bayonetta's stage again?

>Let the thread die
That's the point you fucking desperate faggot.

gg? Kek, nah mate I know I'm doing bad haha
Just trying to see what pika's capable of

Gg lamato. Normally I hate fighting puff but I had a good time against yours.

Its a team tourney G&W REEEEEE

Lamato will you be joining the doubles tourney next Sup Forumseekend? :D

You are all confusing me, especially meta knight

GG has lost all meaning anyways

Who are the people who no longer come here? I neeed a list for the dead

Lamato why the fuck did you just edgeguard me twice you retard

>read last thread
>people complaining about edgegaurding
Are you fucking serious?

I uh... forgot again

Fuck off.

Best of 7 killed himself

Thanks for the save when my shield got broken Odd.Bro


I got confused on who my teammate was ten times over.

Ok guys:

this is a T E A M S tourney. Remember your partner when you spawn and stop killing them.

I like smash but ik i'll get rekt anally by you guys.

That's so last month; the thing to do now is post results from the autism tourneys

Where the fuck is everybody?

No problem mate

Watching SSS.

they were getting outskilled by me

That went from being a laggy match to being one of the smoothest matches I've ever played online

>Toss useless partner to Wario for the sick nasty combo on Temple
>Lag immediately hits when he misses
The game didn't want that to happen.

Capita pls

That's in reference to both of you, but with different connotations

Nice work Ayy Lmao


Classic lil mac

>DDD kills himself

>Little Mac kills himself after

Good job Ryu

>it's a ROB gets cucked episode

I'm laughing at how bad our synergy was on that mario maker stage Corrin

fuck teams

Its monday morning and people are sleeping.

Please explain

>Finally have a chance to use the Monado as Kirby

>Completely shit the bed

I'm so sorry, Shulk.

Shit was laggy anyway


My job is done. Yours is just beggining!

Stop hitting me with your electric dick Robin

i tried to hit you lightly so that your unsafe recovery wouldnt get you killed but I killed you by accident

no worries breh

Pit cloud stage is penguin poison

>Smacked your head on a platform that reappeared
>It immediately gets destroyed before you fastfall down air through the cloud when you respawn
That was really funny

What did Spooky do to Best of 7?

I can't believe smash is fucking dead...

Game is boring, options for playing are limited, the ideas anons have to freshen things up get ignored, shit gets stale. And not to mention namefags and overall toxic shit keeping new players away.

what did spooky do to best of 7?

ID: 4593 - 9018 - 7669 - 66
PASS: rage
RULES: ffa Sup Forumseekend

Our Kirby dittos aren't over yet Lamato. I'm not satsified.

You got a good Kirby, Andy.

>KO punch my teammate
>opponent let's me kill him afterwards
I was real confused on whose team I was on

I didnt know it was even teams i was just messing around! Haha

Well that timeout attempt completely failed lol gg Toon Link

Well I pulled that out of my ass somehow

>first week back
>third kirbys appear

Whats with the odd god impersonators

I really wish ICs were in this game. I miss them so much.

We didn't style on that Fox enough TWK

They're Odd.Bros mate


join up faggets

I suppose that's one way to learn how to get the timing down for dark pit's down b. That was a hell of match!

Dangit bobby

Last one from me. Gg guys, fun kirby dittos Lamato.

Cya man, nice Kirb.

Bingus why do you even join these?

>FFA was a mistake

To have fun, not to tryhard

Spamming one move is fun. Gotcha, carry on.

Attacking me while I was taunting was pretty bm, Odd.Bro. Gg anyway.

Good good

Goddamn, I fucking hate Toon Link's bombs so fucking much. They're like my fucking Kryptonite and every Toon Link ever fucking spams them, remove bombs reeeeeeeeeee. Good game, Lamato. Your Toon Link is good, the bomb into down b is pretty clever.

Cloud no

Cloud why

Join our Project M tournament, just for "fun" :)

I've played that game a bit, and honestly I had less fun with it than both Melee and 4. Peach is the only character that feels right.

Sonario lets team

Thats just your opinion, stop shitting on PM for no reason you bitch

>for no reason
>your opinion


Bingus, you would be so easy to beat if you didn't have garbage Internet. Please upgrade and get wired.