If the Playstation won the 5th gen by a landslide, why doesn't it feel like it won years later?

If the Playstation won the 5th gen by a landslide, why doesn't it feel like it won years later?

You ask people what their favorite games of the mid-late 90's were, you always get Nintendo answers:

>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask
>Banjo Kazooie
>Super Smash Bros

Yes, you'll occasionally hear a "Crash Bandicoot" here and a "Resident Evil" there but nowhere near on the same level. Why was such a successful console not very fondly remembered?

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Nintendrones only had a handful of games so you always here the same answers

>You ask people what their favorite games of the mid-late 90's were, you always get Nintendo answers:
Maybe you should stop asking N64 owners, then? Like where are you getting this from, your own personal experience? That doesn't make up objective reality, user.

This. You just listed the 4 games I had on my 64. I had a shit ton of games on my ps1.

Because people who played the PS1 grew up and stopped playing games, so you don't know them.

Because more people owned it due to its lower price for everything + piracy. For fucks sake there are some people out there who still genuinely think it had better specs than the N64.

N64 owners were the casual nintenfags who didn't even know that other video game companies existed. Their whole vidya experience began and ended with Nintendo

Games looked better on the ps1, all 64 games look like a blurry mess.

Mainly because while it was nice at the time, it was kind of fluff. The system performed poorly and only really won because it was released first. Back then being first meant something because 3D was new.



Games on the PS1 looked like PC games running in software mode.

...user, this is clearly bait but here we go. The texture quality was worse and the models had to become blocky conundrums on ps1.

N64 could handle polygons better and had a few games that pushed early load-free 3D worlds

So their less unsufferable today

>??? PROFIT joke
Damn this image is old.

Yeah, but the recommendations obviously haven't changed so i keep it around.


Shovelware Station had like 3 or 4 good games

>For fucks sake there are some people out there who still genuinely think it had better specs than the N64.

Goddamn it don't get into this shit again, every fucking time you drooling retards start screaming over fifteen year old systems. They both have deficiencies and advantages due to the completely different hardware and system architectures they used. They're not comparable like say the Xbone and PS4 are, you can't just say one is better than the other because it's fucking apples and oranges.

>But hurr the jiggle
>Durr the blur
>Hurr the load times
>Durr the size limits

pretty much the only n64 games I ever enjoyed were spiderman hydro thunder mario64 and goldeneye

ps1 had
>square softs huge library
>rpg's in general really
>better versions of the thps games
>spyro trilogy
>crash trilogy
>armored core

>Dolphin resolution

PS1 has better textures and lighting, N64 has better character models

When it comes to 3D rendering the N64 is the clear winner.

Must be insane or know weird people if you dont hear people mention shit like MGS, FF7 and SoTN.

The PS1 was heavy hitting.

The PS1 does 2d games better though.



It's because all those normalfags are being total mememasters.
>le Zelda xD
>yeah I loooove Pokemon xD PIKA!
>wahoooo, Mario! xD

They never played that shit. They're just memeing as hard as they can.
When you think back to the 90s, only children were playing Nintendo games (which obviously was their target demographic, so it's completely fine) while every person older than 12 played awesome shit like Tomb Raider, Driver, Crash Bandicoot, motherfucking VAGRANT STORY FUCK YEAHHHHH

Disturbing lack of Final Fantasy Tactis. Hands down my favorite PS1 game.

Sony had the highest selling console in a gen or two, but they've never had the best console in any generation

Also their fanbase is retarded and constantly obsessed with Nintendo. Always forgetting that Sega, PC, and Xbox kids hate them too.

They do though.

True winners based on content, hardware, multiplayer, etc

N64 (3D games and Multiplayer) > PS1
Sega Satrun (2D games and Arcade) > PS1

Xbox > GCN > Dreamcast > PS2

Modded Wii > Xbox 360 > PS3

PC > Xbox One > Wii U > PS4

Sony consoles have actually gotten worse as time goes by

>they've never had the best console in any generation

What's it like, being retarded?

Sony consoles are generally terrible. Filled with lackluster, forgettable exclusives that run on shitty, defect ridden hardware.

What's it like being butt hurt? Sony has never had the best console in any generation. Even the PS2. All the best games on the PS2 were available on better systems and PC.

>Also their fanbase is retarded and constantly obsessed with Nintendo.
I think you have it wrong, it's more that Sup Forums is obsessed with Sony and believes they're worse than Hitler and that everyone who's ever owned a Sony console deserves to die.

They aren't terrible.

This image is always true. Always.

Sony is fucking garbage now but the PS1 and 2 were excellent.

>All the best games on the PS2 were available on better systems and PC
Silent Hill 2, Persona 3 and 4, SotC, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, DMC 3, Gran Turismo 3, THPS4, Dragon Quest 8, Final Fantasy 10 and 12, Timesplitters, Ratchet and Clank.

You're an idiot or a troll.

>b-b-but some of those games were ported!
Later or were worse versions.

Because Nintendo is popular, and there are too many normalfags riding their jewcock nowadays.

>sony's fanbase isn't the problem, it's everyone else!

You only talk to nintendrone manchildren in the US

>Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear Solid 2, DMC 3
These got pc ports hombre.

The PS1 had so many good games people inevitably missed over half of them and don't connect to the people that had them.

N64 only had a handful of good games that everyone played.

If you believe in the "NeoFAG is the secret death fortress corporate Sony controlled HQ of the Sonygger Shitposter Suicide Squad and they are on a mission to attack every other fanbase in gaming" meme and the "NeoFAG blindly hates anything that isn't Sony despite sucking off Nintendo constantly and supporting all of their recent censorship" meme
Anyone who still believes in the Sonygger myth after the Bloodborne fiasco where the game got shitposted to death even before it was officially announced is a gigantic tool

>You ask people what their favorite games of the mid-late 90's were, you always get Nintendo answers:
Absolutely not. Just asked one of my friends and he replied with Shenmue and Unreal Tournament.

>Sega Saturn
>better than anything
And I say this as the owner of a mod chipped Saturn. It's got some cool niche games, but not that many. PS1 fucking destroyed it and for good reason.

I played PS1 and never had an N64. I still play PS1 games to this day.

Gen 5 was trash as a whole. 9+/10 games:
Paper Mario
Super Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Majora's Mask
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Final Fantasy 7
>b-but those games were amazing
Yes, they were, but they're also the cherrypicked minority of good games. Everything else sucks. I even see people listing things like Ogre Battle 64 and Goemon's Great Adventure to "prove" how great the N64 is. It's pathetic. People do the same thing with the PS1, they list all these shitty fucking games trying to prove how good it is.

The transition from 2D to 3D just didn't go well for most developers, that's why you see all these weird devs on the SNES who didn't survive. A lot of devs around that point ended up either selling their company or they just couldn't make good 3D games and couldn't adapt. So I don't know why so many people worship the N64 and PS1, when it only had a few stellar games.

Pretty much irrefutable.

Your taste is trash.

Nintendo and Xbox consoles are for people who lots of friends, people who are happy and social, people who like playing games with others and having a good time.

Playstation consoles are for angry, bitter loners who hate everyone around them. They sit alone all day in dark rooms playing "press x to get to the next cut scene" games.


I had a ps1 but it was my dad's and we mostly had metalgear solid and tomb raider rated games so I didn't play as much until late of the ps2's release(still have a massive shoebox of ps1 games,I love them to death),I don't have memories of N64 since having only like 4 games like pokemon and mariokart at the time and gaming in generally wasn't on my radar still years later.

I'm sorry about the whole Gamecube disaster but you need to move on.

Outside of niche JRPGs the PS1's library wasn't that memorable or aged well. Hell a lot of their games got ports/remakes on the Gamecube and later systems

>Muh good Crash and Spyro
>A FF7 that won't be casualized and raped by political correctess


They are roughly the same.

The main difference is that the N64 has internal anti-aliasing which gets rid of jaggies.

While this looked good in the '90s it makes the console look worse on modern TVs with upscalers.

Can anyone explain how the the N64 did sound without any specialized chips?

I don't know what its "RSP" is, but how did it handle sound? I'm sure the CPU couldn't do it alone - if it did, then N64 sounds would just be square waves, etc. (not that it was that much of a step above :^)).

Also, did the Saturn have CD sound?

What did you like? Let me guess - Madden 97, Madden 98, and Madden 99?

Decades later in N64 fags are still in denial they lost.

Your friends are low class trash just iike you.

Well, we are on NintendoGAF.

It's pretty sad actually, i don't even know if they are falseflagging or if they are actually serious.

The PS1 sucked. It's no wonder so many people like the N64 better. The N64 sucked too though. Sony's only good console was the PS2 so I'm not sure why you're so eager to worship them.

>The RSP is a vector processor designed for high performance 3D calculations. It handles some audio and most video pre-processing of the Nintendo 64.
>Instead of a discrete sound processor, the RSP frequently performs audio functions, although the CPU can be tasked with this as well. It can play back most types of audio (dependent on software codecs) including uncompressed PCM, MP3, MIDI, and tracker music. The RSP is theoretically capable of a maximum of 100 channels of PCM at a time, but only in a case where all system resources are devoted to audio. It has a maximum sampling rate of 48 kHz with 16-bit audio. In practice, however, storage limitations caused by the ROM cartridge format limit the audio size and thus quality.[5] Some game titles are designed for higher quality audio when storage expansions are available, as with F-Zero X Expansion Kit.

>Also, did the Saturn have CD sound?

I see, so the N64 was actually capable of (better than) CD-quality sound, but it was never utilized, because to store such high-quality audio on the cartridge would be impossible?

user, pls

Yep. The N64 was gimped by its hardware setup (everything using the coprocessor) and the small storage space of solid state media in the 90s when compared to CDs. Also I forgot to mention that while the Saturn has the capability to play CD quality music its audio chip doesn't have any sort of hardware audio decompression which lead to most Saturn ports having awful sound effects.

>its audio chip doesn't have any sort of hardware audio decompression which lead to most Saturn ports having awful sound effects.
Why? Because they had to store all sound effects in large, uncompressed formats, and hence couldn't have as many of them (which in turn meant that the sound effects you heard would get annoying)?

Because autistic Nintendo fans are the only ones who care.

Also, FF7 and Metal Gear Solid btfo of the N64 library in terms of legacy and lasting fanbase. Zelda is the only game that competes.

Shit taste is what you get for asking normalfags or people on nintendogaf