ITT: the worst overwatch character

ITT: the worst overwatch character

Zarya and only Zarya
>Easy fix : change hair color

Why you do dis!?


describe me in 5 words or less


delete this


Roadhog,when he takes you,you dont have escape from him.

>worst character

shit man, she's great to hold down choke points

uses hand to wipe butt


Get your teleporter up, bitch.

poo in the loo

Portal potty online

Literally Indian tech support poo

Do people call her poo in the loo because she is shit?

>50% damage debuff

The problem is he has shit for health and he needs LoS to keep his ball on enemies/allies.

In the right hands, he's one of the strongest damage dealing supports.

Phareet, you must decide where to release your rockets

Pharah is squishy as shit and her rockets do fuckall for damage.

Nice view when watching from spectator mode.

pretty face but smelly ass

r u for real?
Symmetra is indian

Game is trash, why do people play it? Sup Forums really that casual these days?

teleporter to toilet

>Game is trash, why do people play it?
Nobody is going to play your battlestillborn.
Shills somewhere else

soulsfag pls

Pharah rockets suck, laughable splash damage, you have to hit everything head on.
I've never seen a more anemic rocket launcher since Strife.

How to fix pharah:
>remove 200 health
>add 200 armor

Zarya is useless 75% of the time.

What does armor actually do?

git gud. also nice bait.

Shes the queen of king of the hill though.

reduces damage taken by per hit by 5. So it really wouldnt help Pharah because her problem is widowmaker being broken as fuck.

Varying reduced damage depending on the class hitting you

Nah, if you're good at getting direct hits with her rockets she's very powerful.

She does need a little buff though.

Everyone here is wrong, it's this faggot right here.
>150 HP
>no mobility
>no defensive abilities
A gentle breeze fucking kills him

well widowmaker is being nerfed anyways, so the point still stands, armor would make more sense visually and have her get fucked over less by auto-aim turrets that act like AA guns
also the whole widowmaker vs. pharah thing is completely based on who sees who first, if you can take pot shots at widow from the ground while she tries to aim, or flank and get the jump on her you will win 99% of the time, likewise if the widowmaker catches you out in the open/in the air you are done

>got the Siberian skin at level 4
>never have to look at that ugly hair again
Feels good man.

Indians shit on the streets, they have designated shitting streets.

__Poo in Loo__

whats with all the zenny hate? i've gone 26 and 6 with him while supporting the team and I just started playing as him today.


Toss up between Zenyatta,Tracer, and Zarya.

Think Zen takes it though since Lucio or Mercy would be better in his place in pretty much any situation.

>just harass from afar with your slow ass orbs dude

>well widowmaker is being nerfed anyways


When did they say that though?

It's not so much hate as in he really is one of the characters most in need of a buff in some form.

He's incredibly useful but also incredibly easy to take out.

Just give him a passive regen that gets boosted while he has harmony on someone. 150 shields wouldn't hurt either.

Is that Zenyatta's stand?


If you can't aim for shit. Direct hits are 150...

I'm guessing you're hitting the ground near people instead of directly on them.

No it's Genji's master

leave my waifu alone you piece of shit

You mean the best right? good taste

we are never getting a redesign are we

>tfw her dismal rocket splash damage

All I wish for is death.

If her Epic skins changed her hair color I would have no complaints.

>default hair is pink
>all other skins are also pink, except legendaries, which are all hideous

The turret damage wouldn't be knocked down all that much by armor, but it could make her a lot stronger vs 76 who only does 17 per shot.

You absolutely *have* to lead your targets and predict their path. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if her rockets weren't slow enough that enemies could react to their path and dodge most if not all of the splash. I think her splash is fine. It's supposed to be sub par, she is the epitome of a quake fragger. BUT, her rocket launcher I do really think needs a very minor buff to velocity and firerate.

I can't fucking play her seriously


>ITT: Characters I don't know how to play so that makes them bad

Microwave rooms