Dark Souls 3 thread

Where the Abyss Watchers a nod to Bloodborne?

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Pretty much,
Seeing as how they're to only good boss among other similarities.

That plus Artorias fan service.

They were too squishy
Bosses should be harder desu and they shouldn't be parriable or backstable either.
A few extra fast and damage dealing would be better, they left too many openings.


Probably, best boss in the game imo. Soul of Cinder and NK are right behind it obviously

I thought they were a nod to souls PvPers. All they want to do is fight, but then you bust into their fight club and start fucking things up

it's pretty much just a copy paste of the Lady Maria fight.

wrong, nigger


Artorias homage

They fucking suck anyway. Pontiff and Aldrich piss all over Artorias' story.

>getting so mad you actually made the thread

+8 people already saying they are are.

Are you gonna accept the facts now :^)?

I don't get all the love for Artorias, he was just a jobber.

Pontif and Ivory King are the baddest motherfuckers in the franchise.

Pretty much, I got a huge-ass grin on my face when I saw them.

I didn't even get to play more than ten minutes of Bloodborneeven though I am a massive fucking lovecraftfag and I still got the reference immediately.

Phase 2 had a lot of similarities to lady maria but I doubt it was an intentional nod as much as just rehashing

I beat BB and I don't get it. How's it a reference to BB?

I wish they buffed this boss, it would probably be the best in the series if they did.

>Legion of literal Artorias fanboys with his flip flop attacks and everything
>Is this a nod to Bloodborne?

Spot who hasn't played Dark Souls

>Gwyns right hand
>tamed a giant fucking wolf who loved him so much he guards his grave with his life
>one-upped Solaire and took on the abyss and fucking Mantus with his best friend
>even decayed and hollowed as he is, he still put up a better fight than Gwyn and anyone else

Fighting him in his prime would have been impossible.

The only great bosses in this game were Pontiff (for being actually memorable and intense, and having a fight with multiple entities that doesn't turn into a complete RNG clusterfuck, not to mention fucking awesome lore) and Prince Lothric for having a gimmick that not only hadn't been done before in a Souls game, but also one that was legitimately fun to play against.

Aldrich, Sages, Deacons, Greatwood, Wyvern, Wolnir, and Demon King are fucking terrible trash fires of bosses. Soul of Cinder and Nameless are just boring-as-can-be Gwyn rehashes. Abyss Watchers are just Artorias with a bit of Lady Maria thrown in and are a boring pushover of weak fanservice. Any bosses I didn't list here are so boring that I already forgot them.

Blood and sonyggers are under the delusional impression that they have the same clothes and more specifically the same hat. While ignoring the actual curse gimmick that was ds3's whole thing.

>one-upped Solaire and took on the abyss and fucking Mantus with his best friend
what the hell does he have to do with anything? He was confirmed to be just a rando in ds3. He isn't gwyns son. He's just a crazy guy who loves helping people and is obsessed with the sun for some reason

That's my point.
Arty was just a normal knight.
But while Solaire was preaching determination. Arty actually went out and tried to save a whole city and did what no one else normal could do, with the abyss.

>Gwyns right hand

Not even the most important knight

>tamed a giant fucking wolf who loved him so much he guards his grave with his life

Big fucking deal, he tammed a wolf pup which the idiot took with him into the abyss and almost got the pup killed

>one-upped Solaire and took on the abyss and fucking Mantus with his best friend

And jobbed

>even decayed and hollowed as he is, he still put up a better fight than Gwyn and anyone else

Yeah right, he is only harder than Gwyn because you can't parry him or have pillars to hide, Gwyn is a lot more aggresive, also Manus is harder

Okay /woo/ we get it, but stop misusing that term. Arty is not a jobber.
>not aggressive
He literally can flip-flop at you three times in a row. He's almost as much a stamina murderer as Fume was.

you're as biased against artorias as that guy is for him

>dat flawless music sync

No doubt about it, best boss by a fair margin. That build-up, that intro, that second round. Favourite boss in DS3, maybe even Souls.

He is right though, Ornstein is Gwyns actual right-hand. I was mistaken.

How is he not a jobber?

>Went into the abyss and got his shit kicked in

What did he actually accomplished?

>What did he actually accomplished?

Cucking you out of bragging rights of beating the abyss because "muh intact honor"

Is there anything Roundabout doesn't go with?

>anyone who fails at anything is a jobber
>what did he accomplish
directly allowing you to kill manus and bring abyss walking to everyone else.

Friendly reminder that Alonne > Artorias

But he did help with Manus as well

Solaire didn't exist during Artoria's time. If you meant gwyn's son or even ornstein sure They were prominent figures who didnt do shit, but Solaire didnt exist so he couldnt do anything

What's that music and to be continued from? Some anime?

>wolf pup
>implying Sif didnt absorb Arty to get fucking huge
it is the custom in lordran to do that after all

He didn't just failed at anything, he failed at the most important thing he would be later recognized for

I didn't mean literally.
Just that Solaire didn't actually do anything but help you along the way. if you're a dirty casual summoner

But Arty atleast tried something worthwhile and ended up giving everyone a useful tool to fight the abyss.

But I guess it's not a fair comparison as both had different goals.

You guys know that Artorias being corrupted at Oolacile wasn't his first time fighting the Abyss, right?

>He didn't just failed at anything
>what is New Londo


Hit it until it staggers, then hit it until it stops moving. Serrated weapons that deal blunt damage work best because beast. Dunno about fire, but it's worth a try.

And what did he actually do at New Londo? he only made a deal with Kathee for whatever fucking reason and he obviously didn't took care of the Darkwraith problem or the Four Kings.

For what purpose did he even made the covenant? he didn't fought the kings and you don't even need the covenant to enter the abyss in Oolacile.

Each leg has it's own health bar that will stagger Paarl when depleted

You break his legs and don't let him stand up.


I wish Sup Forums would actually play the games before spewing bullshit in lore threads.


The entire fucking game is a nod to Bloodborne.

I got FRENZIED playing this piece of shit. Nobody asked for that to come back.

If I thought Bloodborne was only disappointing before, I hate it now for fucking Miyazaki in the head and being a blight on the final installment of Dark Souls.


Link to description.

That's demons souls you dumb Sonygger.


Genuine question pal. Only anime I've watched is Berserk and Cowboy Bebop.

The fuck are you on about? I jumped on the series with the first Dark Souls and I sold my Ps4 after finishing Bloodborne the second time, I don't know what I said that triggered you pal.

Forget which thing tells about his sword but that's how it's corrupted
He sacrificed it for the ring and his shield for sif
While sif defends him in death
Deepest lore ;-;

JoJo apparently. I had to Google it too.

Yeah I know that you nignog but what did he actually accomplished at New Londo and why did he made the covenant if he didn't even fought the kids?

JoJo's Bizarre adventure.

>but that's how it's corrupted
I tought sword was corrupted after rape session with Manus.

Ok. The song is Roundabout by Yes and it was used as the ending song in the most recent animated adaptation of the manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Both Yes and Jojo are really popular so it's really weird you don't know either of them. I can sort of understand Jojo if you're not big into anime but not knowing Yes is almost a sin. Are you around 18 years old or something like that?

The covenant was his accomplishment.
And also his sword does extra to dick wraiths.
Cursed and corrupted are two different things in souls

And he made the covenant as a means to eventually destroy the abyss or the closest thing. But didn't get to finish the job because Of Manus's chimp out powers.

So his biggest accomplishment was creating a ring he didn't even use for the purpose it was created since you don't need it to enter the chasm in oolacile and the kids where obviously doing pretty well until you arrived?

Also it seems he didn't do a very good job at genociding the wraiths.

The whole "made a deal with Kathee so he could kill the very things Kathee commands" is nonsense, why would Kathee even strike a deal with Artorias?

His biggest accomplishment was literally defying souls physics and traversing a previously untraversable place by mortals. All while giving everyone else a chance to as well. Not sure why you aren't seeing how big a deal that is.

And that I'm actually not sure about.
My best guess is Kaathe being the chaotic evil Jew snake he is. Was convinced Arty would kill Manus and become his new dark lord.

>why would Kathee even strike a deal with Artorias

He is jewsnake after all.

>some retard whant to kill your cute little babewraithes
>give ring, pretend to be a friend
>meanwhile tell idiots from Oolacile about Manus
>send your new furry friend to Oolacile

According to your headcanon Artorias is sybil.

They're literally the Artorias fanclub, and they completely failed their one job just like Artorias did

Best cosplay ever.
But they are worse than Arty. They obliterated kingdoms, because 'muh abyss'.

Pls, artys lore is some of the more concrete in souls.