Things in gaming that people just didnt care about and faded into obscurity
I'll start
Oh man was pic related awkward. Pretty sure people didnt even notice when it was removed from the WiiU with an update
Things in gaming that people just didnt care about and faded into obscurity
I'll start
Oh man was pic related awkward. Pretty sure people didnt even notice when it was removed from the WiiU with an update
Project Spark for the Xbox One
The infamous game where conker told you that if you wanted to see him in another game so bad you should make it yourself
People didnt even know when it came out and just recently it stopped receiving support
Microsofts Kinect
The E3 they unveiled it at was so awkward.
To this day, I still have no idea how the fuck this was supposed to work.
Still use my Wii U gamepad as a TV remote, though.
that was such a handy feature
probably one of the best features of the WiiU
Or you could just use your smartphone.
The wire that allowed you to connect your GBA to a Gamecube
Great idea, terrible execution. The games that used it FORCED you to use it for mutilplayer. That meant having a wire for each gameboy. Theres alot of great games people would never experience to the fullest
RIP FF Crystal Chronicles and Four Swords for gamecube
But it's always missing, the WIIU gamepad never leaves it's room
My cable doesn't have a thing for using your phone
Kinect sold millions though, casuals ate it up.
This came out?
Not for long
I used the wormlight so much as a kid and recently found my old one and tried it out again
Im just gonna say it now though
How the hell did I use this as a kid? All it does is create a huge glare on my screen
Xbone's TV thing failed too.
Gameboy Printer
The hololens will most likely fail with the 3000$ pricetag.
THQ's uDraw failed so bad it killed the company
pic related
Over 2 years ago
>How the hell did I use this as a kid?
Because nobody knew any better, maybe?
I had one of these too. I have no idea how I didn't go blind from playing my gameboy. I also never owned a GBA with a backlight either.
user, we played the cards we were dealt, and we were goddamn happy to have them.
Holy shit i just looked and, why the fuck is that so expensive, it doesn't even seem so impressive when you can get a vr headset instead
Steam streaming
Steam music
Have you ever wanted to play all your awesome big motion control games on your wii, BUT IN THE CAR?!
well you could endanger your own and everybody elses lives with the wii car adaptor!
it was before we knew about backlights
Did you know Intel made their own controller for PC games?
did you know the base station that made it work was sold seperately and it looked like a double ended dildo?
PS died because it was overpriced as fuck while being extremely limited and came with very few free features.
Imagine if Super Mario maker only has solid ground, bricks, coins, and koopas free and then every other asset you wanted was $5 and each theme was $10.
And then if you wanted to play anyone elses levels you needed to have purchased everything used in their level.
Now drop the quality of the game by 2/10 points and you have project spark.
>And then if you wanted to play anyone elses levels you needed to have purchased everything used in their level.
Holy fuck, is it loke this in PS? What the fuck.
>four swords adventure will never get a re release on the wii u that utilizes multiple game pads or 3ds's for multiplayer
I DESPISE this fucking mess.
It's not just the stupid Zelda or Mario games, those don't matter. Its everything else about this trainwreck of a console that pisses me off.
This thing had 7 YEARS of development time put into it. The people behind it saw the rise of Nintendo and Sega first hand, and had a clear example to follow on How to make a game console RIGHT.
Holy fuck, this. It was such a disaster.
>yfw you got tricked into buying an eReader
Im sorry you wasted so much money buying me shitty videogame things mom
Things the first time I've ever even heard of this.
I don't think the WII U is made to be used with multiple game pads
I bought it just for the Animal Crossing cards.
I regret nothing.
The Kinect itself is good for anything outside of its intended purpose
>re-released with online support to find buddies as well
Nintendo will never do this
PlayStation Home
Vita's Near feature
Wii Speak
Phantom Dust remake
Ironically this so much. There are so many uses for the damn thing outside gaming, it's kinda silly to be honest.
Wow I knew it would be bad but that's borderline corporate sabotage
PS Home had over 40 million users tho.
*This is
I think this is somewhere in the closet in my old room at my parent's house.
Any good will that game had was killed when Conker showed up. I guess they didn't want it to have a sliver of a chance at redemption.
you want to play all the newest and hottest games like Skyrim and the new CoD but dont want to buy an EXPENSIVE new console?
Ouya can (probably) play all your favorite games from any console! catch us outside E3
>Parents suggest to buy one for me cause I played it in the dark and would have to wait to drive by street lights to be able to see
>Say no for whatever reason
>Later regret it because playing at night sucked
It's a relief that it wasn't good then
I still don't see how it got a big as it did initially. Wonder how backers felt about it
>Fuck you make your own fucking game.
God I remember that e3. Like every company was just in full fuck you mode. Sony was like fuck vib ribbon and fuck you for liking it. Nintendo was just fuck you for wanting good games.
What a fucking shit show.
that thing u plug into the super nintendo to play gameboy games
This came out? I thought it was in development for ages until it was cancelled, and that it was never released.
The problem is that people stopped watching TV. And they already have TV channel management anyway in the decoder. It served no real purpose.
as hilarious as miiverse can be, I dont think it really became the huge social media platform that Nintendo wanted it to be
On top of that, all of the consoles support stuff like Netflix.
Fuck you, I love and still use my Super GameBoy.
I had one of those, but I don't think I ever used it
I surprised no one has mentioned this.
It still sees a lot of use. I think Splatoon helped in that regard.
Remember how when the Wii U was announced, they said that it would support up to two gamepads and you'd be able to buy them separately soon after launch?
I wonder what happened to that
Didn't support my STB.
Virtual Reality and shit.
The N64DD
I was totally prepared to get it as soon as possible.
It's cancellation meant it would lead me to get a Playstation, and become an idort for the first time.
They dropped all progress on dual gamepad support
probably due to low sales for the WiiU because Shiggy was quoted blaming the rapid popularity of tablets in the marker
Was the Gameboy Micro even successful enough to have Sony follow?
I legitimately really liked the idea behind this service but never used it since I don't have cable.
Animal Crossing cards had a code at the bottom so you didn't need the reader.
As someone who works at a not-gamestop-but-basically-gamestop store, I can tell you casuals dropped this thing as quickly as they bought it. All the casuals sold them and now we're fucking swimming in the things and no one wants them
I had fun playing House of the Dead 4 and RE:UC with PS Move tBh.
tho I'm like one of the three persons in the world that did it.
It's a half decent 3D scanner that's superb for it's price.
>make a system variation specifically to combat the rampant piracy on previous models
>before long it ends up being the go-to model for pirates
How do you fuck up THAT bad?
This can't be official.
It's a fantastic microphone, webcam and mocap camera.
So you just bought a paper weight until you found the base? I hope it was at least comfortable, but it doesn't look so.
These were absolutely terrible.
I owned several of them
IIRC, TVii also showed you what was on any streaming service you had on your WiiU. It would probably be handy for someone who was subscribed to a lot of different streaming services. I never used it though because I don't use any of those.
im retarded
pic related
Living in Japan when the DD came out I can safely say outside of the F-Zero X x-pansion kit, and naturally doshin the giant 1 and 2, it was pretty much worthless. mario paint was lame and buggy.
If they'd actually pushed out half the games they had that were like 80% completed at the time (I'm sure someone has the link to that video of the guy with like 800 videos on youtube of a bunch of old beta carts he played on his n64dd dev kit, including paper mario that was well over 75% complete, just missing a few animations and some textural issues), it would have been a much bigger success.
The time was a factor in it's failure but the DD could have still been a useful addition, just like the famicom disk drive. There were tons of things they could have done with the internet capabilities of the n64DD, I mean, doshin the giant 2 was DLC, essentially. It had a disk version but you could download the entire thing if you had the original game.
Fuck so much potential wasted.
the GO was an attempt by sony to test the market for their later phone model the Xperia Play. they're pretty much the same thing, except the analog nub and start/select buttons are replaced by digital trackpads.
in the same vein,
I never understood why you would want to buy UMD movies for your PSP
might also have to do with the fact that the wii u was too underpowered to make them actually run well
I remember when I went to expo in Italy last year there was some kind of futuristic super market where there were Kinects close to every food and if you held your hand near them (or made some kind of gesture, don't remember) they'd give you information about the food.
Movies were fine on PSP. Some companies thought UMD might be a big thing, so they ran with it. GBA shit ran at like 10 FPS and in very muted colors.
I had hackers and advent children on my PSP, I think.
10 for $2 would be a much fairer deal for UMD movies.
this was around the same time shitty portable dvd players with built in screens were a thing
Holy shit, I completely forgot about those. I'm pretty sure I still have one sitting in my basement.
I think I have at least two somewhere. I remember if a kid had one on the bus on the way to a field trip they were the hottest shit around
Why didn't we just get a Four Swords Adventures re-release/remake for 3DS instead of the shitfest that was Triforce Heroes?
Who else was tricked into thinking they'd use the Wii Speak with Animal Crossing?
An absolute piece of shit that deserved to fail.
I only bought a used kinect for an achievement in a game, then promptly ditched it.
because nintendo hates money
>make a system variation specifically to combat the rampant piracy on previous models
Was that really what it was for?
I thought it was cool.
Watch a pokemon episode as a break from vidya on a plane or car ride. Bare in mind this was before iPods. So your best bet was a fucking 15 pound portable dvd player otherwise
These i didn't get. I mean the fucking thing supported downloading, expandable memory and supported fucking MP4s.
Did it even work?
I remember debating so hard on whether I wanted the AC game on wii anyway. I hated it on DS, like I hated the shit out of that game but I still played it to death.
After I while I started actively sabotaging other people's worlds and dropping corrupted seeds that had stores in them, and blocking pathways.
I was an asshole.
iunno i thought it was pretty good fampai
i used this shit two times while playing endless ocean blue world
never again
>Achievement whoring
the battery wasn't removable, I think, and at the time having a hacked battery was the most common way of hacking a PSP.
eventually it got hacked proper and now it's the best handheld out
>Why didn't we just get a Four Swords Adventures re-release/remake for 3DS
They did. Four Sowrds Anniversary edition got a 3DS port (and DSiware, but lets ignore that)
Oh my god I forgot there was a time when people would watch videos on fucking ipods. Like not even touch or anything just the tiny fucking ipod screen and people would watch episodes of tv shows on it what the fuuccckkk
Did any Wii game ever actually use this thing? I think The Conduit used it but I don't know since I didn't own this.