Daily reminder that if you don't wear Manticore armor then you aren't a witcher

Daily reminder that if you don't wear Manticore armor then you aren't a witcher

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Why should armor matter in that game when ALT/Spacebar is the best defense?

>He hasn't played it

I wear some red robes I got in the mansion in the first dlc
It's good :)

Why are you playing with a keyboard and not a controller though?

Viper Armor is the best

He's right though

Sure, he/(You) is right user *wink*

>wearing armor

>had no idea viper was a thing
>tfw started the auction quest with barely any shekels
>couldn't afford the set

woe to me, least I can get manticore

This looks so much better for a warrior. No potion straps to get in the way

>Getting One-shotted by every enemy

Why would I use a controller when I only need Q,ALT,Spacebar,and Left-Click?

Anyone know if I can start a New Game+ with a save that's already beaten New Game+? I'd like to run through the game again to see the alternate choices, but fuck grinding money and materials to make armor and equipment again.

>He has only played at low difficulties
Boost that difficulty bar user, you'll be using a lot more than dodging and left clicking.

>Getting hit
You have so much invincibility frames on your dodges. Even if you messed up the timing and got hit, you can use Quen. Naked run is entirely possible.

loving manticore

You get one shotted either way on deathmarch

I've never played the series, is it any good, also how does the first one hold up?

Yes the series is good, Witcher 1 is a bit of a pain but if you stick with it for a little while you'll get into it.

But Ursine looks too good not to use

Especially with the ponytail

It's at the highest. Nothing changes except the enemies probably hit harder. I wouldn't know because ALT/Spacebar is best shield.

should I fuck her?

I've been using this one in Blood and Wine but my Geralt has better hair

I hate how they added that retarded hood to cat
rip favorite set

Yes, she's bangin af and it's an extra slap in the face to dettlaff

The series (including the books) is one of the best experiences you can ever have. Witcher 1 is alright is you like rhythm games.

>Probably hit harder
You haven't played, what do you gain from lying to us kiddo?

I had a glitch where the clouds didn't show in that area, so we were floating in empty space. They creators did in fact draw a pussy on her which I assume would normally be blocked by the clouds.

Reading comprehension is a skill you need to seriously consider working on annon.

>All these fags wearing edgy black armor
>Le black swords man
Stop self-inserting

Shit so close there bud, go back to shitposting overwatch on funnyjunk

It's worth it

But bear armor is most comfy armor.


I didn't even hate the NG+ chainmail. Even if it doesn't look as good as that original leather jacket, at least it properly felt like the Medium Armour that it is.

Pity I was a light armour alchemy-abusing faggot instead. The +35 or so toxicity was a cute addition to the 250 or something I already had.

What's the best build to capitalise on Manticore? Seems kinda general-purpose for anyone lacking the +Toxicity skill. Crit-fishing melee?

What does the manticore medallion even look like?

Like a manticore

>not relaxing back in your chair or on your couch with a comfy controller

>been using feline armor so wanted Grandmaster feline
>Grandmaster feline looks like "pppssshh nothing personnel monster"

by the way I dont have enough money to make all the GM gear and Vineyard upgrades

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe should stop hoarding stuff

But he's right tho. I played through TW3 on death march and the whole combat is just spamming Alt and Quen. No controller needed.

A manticore

This game would literally be perfect if you could dual-wield in here

>Grandmaster feline looks like "pppssshh nothing personnel monster"
Just like the School of the Cat.

And no Grandmaster Viper Armor is bullshit.

>not hood down feline

>he's right
No need to samefag from your phone user

that is what i've been doing in witcher 2

i just started so I was hoping it would be a little more tricky than that

this shows me that W1's combat system is the best

Take note of everything you'll need to make GM gear, then sells the mats that you don't need (keeping in mind that some mats you'll probably have to use to create mats you don't have enough of). Also don't buy mats if you can create them.

No need to get mad about being wrong.

I bet you wasted 30 hours crafting bullshit potions and other crap when the trash-tier 0/10 combat can be cheesed with the dodge key anyway.

Stay on funnyjunk

Right after you go back to ebaumsworld kiddo

>We deserve a bit of a rest

Never left, faggot


>Instead of showing he isn't samefagging or even denying it he immediately moves the goalposts

>moves the goalposts

But the goalposts weren't moved at all.

And there's no point showing you a screenshot of my Sup Forums tab, you'll just claim I edited the CSS or something like the underage memer you are.

Actually scratch that, you're a paid CDPR shill since you seem so enthusiastic about unironically defending TW3's completely dog-shit combat. Or maybe you do it for free?

There's a mod on Nexus somewhere that as a lowered-hood version. I still think the sleeves and vest are a bit chunky considering what Feline started out like, but y'know, the hood was the real issue for me.

Me too senpai. I went from ~30k after fully funding the runewright and then burnt it all on the house. Then I got that much money again and burnt it all on as set of Grandmaster gear. Those fucking enriched ingots are pricey if you absolutely have to have them NOW instead of chipping away at buying the acid components.

then I went and got a set of Manticore gear because I wanted the old-school look for the portrait. Had to liquidate over 10k in runes and glyphs that I'd been hoarding.

Read here You'll fit right in there with the retarded overwatch shitposters

Not an argument.

>wearing the professors glasses around the countryside

So nice. Feels good wearing a trophy of that monster.


Cool, he's glitched. That's not how the full battle goes.

I wore Manticore throughout the entire expansion except for the Knight for Hire quests, I went straight outta Camelot for those

Daily reminder if you don't turn up every setting to the max and increase resolution to at least twice your monitor's native to take screenshots while the game is running at 10 FPS, you are not Master Race.

What are you talking about?

Daily reminder that the beggar that cursed the woman was O'dimm

>Decide to see the unseen elder.
>All those dead kids
>Can't kill fetal boozehound syndrome vampire


>That file name
Goddammit you made me laugh somehow

Which word was too complicated?

Why would it be him, the girls family didnt make any pacts with the beggar they just refused to make him food, thats not how O'Dimm works

I just don't know what you are talking about? There isn't a single mention of it in the thread. Are you claiming people in the thread are doing it or are you just trying to be ironic?

O'Dimm killed a dude for interrupting him.
I think him cursing some lady for not giving him food is not that far fetched.

It looks like a bitch.

Because if you lift the curse and take her back to your vineyard, geralt initiates a conversation with B.B and during the conversation O'dimms themesong plays. This is pretty big considering almost all of the music in the expansion is brand new so reusing an old song from hos doesn't seem like something they'd do out of laziness.

And I'm asking why. Which word do you not understand? And why do you put question marks at the end of statements?

Wait what curse are you talking about, i thought it was about vivviene, i forgot why she got cursed, remind me pls
Yea he killed a dude because he interrupted him, why would O'Dimm curse a family's unborn daughter because they didnt want to give him food he didnt even need i nthe first place

What level do new characters start out at? I want to wear that armor but the level requirement is probably too high for a Blood and Wine premade character.

But she was a young woman at the time of the curse

Wait, fuck

Are you telling me runewright thing was a good investment?

I have been totally ignoring it

Feline was the best looking until grandmaster soiled it.

I'm talking about the curse that turned the woman into the spotted wight (spoon boss). She was cursed because she refused to give a beggar (o'dimm) any food. It's part of the main quest.

Yeah, i mixed it up with Vivienne's curse

I still dont think thats O'dimm's way of doing things

Fuck no. I think there's a few niche builds that can use some of the runes

ie I run a cannibalised set of ursine/feline/wolf gear to rack up +Atk while keeping higher resistances from higher armour pieces, but still playing my fast-attack/feline build (also dat ursine scarf). I'm pretty sure someone's bound to do something interesting with a signs-build and the sword runes that charge your swords with signs.

but generally, nah. Even with what I had I didn't need the third level of investment.

Both of you are fucking dumb. The theme isnt even the main hint. Theres a note in her house that clearly mentions a vagrant that visited a banquet she was hosting, demanding food. She refused him. Then she writes that the only thing she remembers about him was that he stated that 'he sold mirrors'.

Its great for Dps builds for making certain armors light for the cat school perk

>the reusing O'Dimm's music
>curses with bullshit fae phrasing
>beggar who cursed her sold mirrors
>fucking SPOONS, gaunter's pretty fond of using spoons and cooking terminology

Woah i missed that note, ok it was O'dimm

Unborn? What the fuck you on about? People are talking about the spoon obsessed Wight.