If Zhuge Liang is called the best strategist of China, then why does he keep losing most of his battles?

If Zhuge Liang is called the best strategist of China, then why does he keep losing most of his battles?

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Because running away doesn't count for him.

Because retreat is part of his strategy

He sided with Shu

>You completely obliterated my forces, just as planned.

Sima Yi was better, also patient.

Because Liu Bei wouldn't listen to him when he should have. If Zhuge was in employ with Cao Cao, he would have got shitloads more done than Sima Yi.

Cow Cow isn't benevolent, he's not a worthy lord.


why'd you post a picture of just a brick wall?

Because zhuge is playing 3d chess while the rest of the warring states are playing checkers

Ypu fags wouldnt understand


>This guy is in Eiketsuden but not Ding Feng


how come there's no doujinshi of her and Ma Chao


stop making fun of zhuge liang he invented the wheelbarrow


Ding Feng is only relevant in during Jin's time.

You just don't understand his strategy!

Your waifu won't be in Eiketsuden though along with Pang De and Cai Wenji.

>The earliest wheelbarrows with archaeological evidence in the form of a one-wheel cart come from 2nd century Han Dynasty Emperor Hui's tomb murals and brick tomb reliefs.[1] The painted tomb mural of a man pushing a wheelbarrow was found in a tomb at Chengdu, Sichuan province, dated precisely to 118 AD.

Fuck off Zhuge Liang

>t. Ma Su

Long time no see, fellow luka poster

And the rest of the removed characters for Eiketsuden
Wu: Ding Feng
Shu: Bao Sanniang, Guan Suo, Xingcai, Liu Shan, and Yueying
Jin: Zhang Chunhua, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Wen Yang, Jia Chong, Xiahou Ba, and Zhuge Dan
Other: Meng Huo, Zuo Ci, Zhang Jiao, and Zhu Rong

>removing best MILF


It really fun doing that.

yeah it was

>Playing as Wang Yi
>Used her R1 Musou
>I shall vanquish you
>Barely chipped 10% of enemies health

That was disappointing.

This. Even a master baker can't make a feast out of a handful of beans.

Best costume

fuck you i put that shit in there to confuse historians because i'm so humble and shit i also invented the crossbow

checkmate simafag


She can wang my yi


>Tier 1 (God Tier)
Deng Ai
>Tier 2 (Top Tier)
Cao Ren
Guan Ping
Guan Yu
Huang Zhong
Ling Tong
Lu Bu
Xiahou Boulder (Ba)
Xiahou Yuan
Yue Ying
Zhang Fei
Zuo Ci
>Tier 3 (Top Low Tier)
Bao Sanniang
Ding Feng
Lu Lingqi
Lu Meng
Lu Xun
Ma Chao
Pang De
Sima Shi
Sima Zhao
Sun Jian
Zhang Jiao
Zhang Liao
Zhao Yun
Zhong Hui
Zhou Yu
Zhu Ran
Wang Yuanji
>Tier 4 (High Tier)
Cao Cao
Cao Pi
Dian Wei
Gan Ning
Guan Yinping
Guo Jia
Jiang Wei
Jia Xu
Pang Tong
Sun Ce
Wang Yi
Xiahou Dun
Xu Shu
Yu Jin
Zhang He
Zhou Tai
Zhu Rong
>Tier 5 (High Mid Tier)
Dong Zhuo
Fa Zheng
Huang Gai
Jia Chong
Liu Bei
Lu Su
Meng Huo
Sun Shang Xiang
Wen Yang
>Tier 6 (Mid Tier)
Chen Gong
Da Qiao
Diao Chan
Guan Xing
Guo Huai
Li Dian
Ma Dai
Xiao Qiao
Taishi Ci
Sun Quan
Wei Yan
Xu Huang
Xu Zhu
Yue Jin
Zhang Chunhua

>Tier 7 (Mid Low Tier)
Guan Suo
Han Dang
Liu Shan
Sima Yi
Zhang Bao
Zhuge Dan
>Tier 8 (Low Tier)
Cai Wenji
Zhuge Liang
>Tier 9 (Can’t possibly be weaker Tier)
Yuan Shao

Because he can barely keep up with this guy and thats an achievement within itself, you imbecile.

> Archeologists excavated a tomb from the Chu kingdom. In it they found a repeating crossbow from around 400 BC - about 600 years before Zhuge Liang’s time. During the Three Kingdoms era, a new version of the repeating crossbow was developed (it shot three bolts at once and was used in massed formations), but the only evidence we have that Zhuge Liang had anything to do with its creation is…well, he said he did. And it’s not like Zhuge Liang has a history of taking credit for the accomplishments of others…



ROTK Wang Yi is better.

Yu Jin was alright.

>Yu Jin was voiced by the guy who voiced Dojima in the hiimdaisy persona dubs
>English dubs never again because people wouldn't stop complaining about them even though it makes just as little sense for them to be speaking Japanese as it does English

hey m8, I can't hang out all night but I'll leave you with this souvenir. Godspeed

I'm shocked they didn't use him as a character for Guan Yu to beat like Hua Xiong, Yan Liang, and Wen Chou. Based Koei.

>Jia Chong out

Only the Simas and Yuanji matter.

She's good as well.

Thanks. See you user.

Zhuge Liang figured out how to shoot lasers out of his fan. Name a better strategy than shooting lasers at your enemies.

The game is based off Zhao Yun. Jia Chong is way too late for him to be relevant.

stop spreading lies

in fact i anticipated this message in particular in the future and built a robot that would wait until exactly this time before logging onto the internet at a public library and typing out this response telling you to fuck off, you'll probably respond with some inane bullshit and i'll have another robot i built even earlier tell you to fuck off again

nigga i'm zhuge liang, i'm basically god, don't toy with me

Jiang Wei is present despite cutting out Liu Shan and Xingcai

Whoah nigga.

>Play Yuan Shao religiously on every map on the highest difficulty
Still not as bullshit as getting Xu Huang's legendary weapons in 3XL, I never wanna do that again.

Zhao Yun (albeit very old) interacts with Jiang Wei in the main series. What's the problem?

None because all other """"""""""strategist"'''''''''' cant come up something as great as thay.

Truly Zhuge Liang is THE strategist

>Make a new faction that is based off the late Wei.
>Let's cut it down to the Simas and Zhao's Waifu

Why not remove Jin altogether and make them part of the Wei roster?

Wei is the Cao Family, it ends once the Sima's kill Cao Shuang.

I'm sure they thought about doing that.

Honestly even though Jin is kinda small it's something I don't really mind.

I miss Yuan Shao's dumb forward roll attack.

Who would you propose they add to Jin to make it more diverse?

Because he sided with a nation of incompetent retards that couldn't stick to a plan or honor an alliance for shit. He's called a great strategist because he miraculously managed to keep Shu from getting completely annihilated, usually by making them run away before Wei slaughtered them in the field or Wu set them on fire.

Also, he kept Shu alive long enough for the best girl to come into the story. For someone who's father was a drunken idiot that got killed by his own men, Xingcai turned out alright. Best shield surfer in China.

haha i anticipated that you wouldn't respond to me so i built this robot to tell you you fell for my strategy

how foolish you must feel to stand against me

That's because she has best girl's genes.

He was my main for fucking years and I can still somehow win with him in the hardest stages but since the introduction of Chen Gong I adopted a new main.

Yang Hu and Du Yu are obvious choices.

>that feel when spent way more time than I should have trying to see up her skirt

Oh right. Shu's girls were the only thing good about them.

>She was raped


You fell into my trap Zhuge Liang, I had anticipated that you would expect me to not refute you and thus you have given me the perfect opportunity to expose you for the fraud you are.

> Zhuge Liang had literally nothing to do with the battle of Chibi. the various ploys and plots were all the doing of Sun Quan’s advisers, most prominently Zhou Yu. while Sun Quan was gathering up everything he could find to resist Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang was advising Liu Bei to take some of the troops Sun Quan gave him and conquer southern territories so that he would have a place to run if/when Cao Cao crushed Sun Quan. Rather than assisting at Chibi, he and Liu Bei were siphoning away Sun Quan’s resources to build their own territory.

Basically, everything you’ve heard about Zhuge Liang and Chibi? Complete horseshit. Literally everything.

>Play DW5
>Fight her in Bai Di castle
>Beat her, she falls down
>Suddenly black panties

I was in 7th grade at the time

haha you were fooled by my previous robot and now you are exposed for my earliest robot's verbal assault

you are a fool!

beep boop fuck off

Pretty simple, Shu didn't have the numbers that Wei had or the superior Navy that Wu had. Wei and Wu both also had their fair share of talented officers. Zhuge Liang was brilliant, the trouble was that Liu Bei, for all the charisma he had and for his sworn brother, was not such a great leader and he was in charge. Zhuge Liang had his ear but Liu Bei didn't have to listen and sometimes he didn't, which led to some ill-advised campaigns.

Zhuge Liang did the best he could with what he had. Shu crumbled when Zhuge died and when Liu Bei's incompetent son took over.

>tfw will never know what underwear the others wear

Underwear didn't exist back then.

that's what happens when you spike the baby


why does Dynasty Warriors always have such a great soundtrack

I'm afraid to ask what kind of underwear the males wear in DW.

>tfw weebs literally ruined things even though the dub was actually superior and got pronounciations and names correct while the japanese butchered them and had the names wrong

Not enough females in games with chinese clothing.

Shu began to crumble when they got rekt hard at Yiling. Almost everything after that was a failure other than maybe the conquest of the southern tribes which has been highly fictionalised.




I want a chinese dub

Bonus points if they speak different dialects

I never played female characters until Xingcai

>the Nanman climate is affecting troop fatigue!

ROTK13 has one.


Is it the voice acting good?

>that feel when 3 is one of your favorite Musou games because of how terrible the voice acting was

Games in the early 2000s were so great because of the hammy voice acting, why did games have to start taking voiceovers so seriously

So he's like the Wimp Lo of strategy?

hello i'm also a zhuge liang robot but he programmed me to be self aware as well as to tell you to fuck off

fuck off also what is life

fuck that stage.


i love his weapon but the guy himself can fuck off.


>Bile Shitstain and Guanfaggot over Ba

Xiahou Ba is a traitor who died like a bitch, he had literally no reason to defect.

pretty much this

if it helps faggot, his father is my favorite character.

I don't give a fuck, nothing should be under those two. Even Japan hates them.

Link to the sorter?

i hate them too, but i can atleast fap to bao and i dunno how suo got higher then ba.

dw-sorter.tumblr.com/ might take anwhile