Was this game supposed to be fun?
I decided to get it after all the hype and after 30 minutes I decided that I got all of my enjoyment out of it. What was the point of this?
Was this game supposed to be fun?
I decided to get it after all the hype and after 30 minutes I decided that I got all of my enjoyment out of it. What was the point of this?
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It takes some effort to find fun levels to play. Some Sup Forums makers have come up with some really amazing shit. Look for a thread on the weekends.
Spend hours putting actual effort into levels only to have people quit after 2-3 tries after dying to the first enemy/hole they encounter.
The completion ratio for levels makes the community look like complete retards that never touched a Mario game before this one. Even for easy levels its low.
Sup Forums players are much better. The average random kid playing your levels will suck horribly.
Well I don't know about completion rates on levels, but one thing that really disappointed me was how little you could do in the game while playing offline.
I don't feel like I would want to invest time into game when the Wii U is likely to be discontinued within a year.
Even Sup Forums players suck to a certain degree. They certainly can make good levels, but very few can handle anything challenging.
play some event levels instead of random ones
go to
and bookmark top rated ones -- there are some really great ones
if you still don't like it -- maybe you just don't like Mario platforming as much as you hoped you did when you bought this game
The best way we can mitigate this is to download as much levels as we can in the mean time. That way we might just be able to squeeze some replay value out of this.
Though I must admit I do like making and playing my own levels, so there is the fun in that.
I guess I could try this, although I've never been someone that enjoys creating content.
Admittedly, I've never been all that into it either. Only times I enjoyed it were when I made levels for Brawl and when I'm making/playing my levels in Super Mario Maker.
I wish Sup Forums still made threads though, those were some fun.
Why would you limit yourself by playing offline? Clearly you have an internet connection, therefore access to hundreds of perfectly good levels. Here, try this shit.
I'm just saying that once Nintendo shuts down SMM servers the game will be useless.
Well, what we mean is when the servers/activity inevitably dies down. We need to be prepared for that.
every day, huh op
But that will never happen!
>Mario Kart Wii is unplayable and only a few years old
By the way, I liked that Mecha Bowzilla stage, real creative. Haven't tried 1408 yet, loved the movie so any reference I think is real cool.
He's posted this before? Did I just get taken for a ruse cruise here?
I fucking hate how much I constantly keep hitting the weight limit whenever I'm creating levels. Holy fuck, why does a weight limit even exist in the first place? STOP RESTRICTING MY CREATIVITY AND LEMME MAKE SOME IMMERSIVE LEVELS N SHIT.
At least we got a few pros on Sup Forums who can handle almost anything.
Those guys I like. They tend to be the most chill and open to trying out anything.
I can handle a weight limit, what I can't handle is levels being taken down for whatever reason. This obviously hasn't fucking helped, as we still get some real trash released on a regular basis.
There are ways to work with the object limits if you get clever. Put enemies in pipes or blasters to get more than if you just put one out in the open. Stretch out semi solid platforms and line the edge with blocks instead of filling up that whole space with blocks. Things like that.
I've heard that playing a fuckton of levels can make you immune to getting your levels taken down.
I guess I better start playing more levels.
Would anybody here be interested in playing a bunch of stages made by an 8 year old?
My little bro made a bunch of little short levels with some neat ideas.
This is the best Sup Forums-made level I've played.
Nicely varied and very well designed. Feels like I'm playing a 2D Super Mario 64.
Aww shit, wrong Ctrl+V. Accidentally pasted link to a level an user had posted earlier which I just bookmarked.
This is the one I'm referring to
>Already beat it
I mean I have like 14 other bookmarked courses to play through, but I like going through Sup Forums's levels