N-new vegas you said?
*Cough Wheeze*
N-new vegas you said?
You'RE games r shit, obsidian did it better
RIP chris
I could probably take Todd in a fight
>Bethesda said they would do quality assurance for New Vegas
>They didn't
>They rushed Obsidian to complete New Vegas as fast as possible
>So much shit got cut
>Bethesda proceed to blame Obsidian entirely for not reaching the Metacritic requirement, despite only missing it by 1, so no royalties for Obsidian
>Bethesda cheated a developer out of their money and also managed to get away with blaming another company for all the shitty stuff Bethesda did
>Obsidian will never create another Fallout game
I'm a bit salty at it all. New Vegas is nowhere near perfect but it's better than 3 and 4 by far.
Hey Todd, how many children do you have? I'll buy more copies of Fallout 4 with the Far Harbor DLC for my friends to help send your kids to college.
Hey, user, I wanna show you these DLC and season passes. I may even release Skyrim HD if you let me in.
I like to imagine todd's life is just like one big fucking sitcom. And he's the Urkle character. I'd watch the fuck out of it.
Urkle? Is that a term for people who lie about their products?
You're making it sound as if there's any hard feelings between the companies. Bethesda have approached Obsidishit to have a hand in a new IP that's totally not Prey 2 but with another name but they said no due to Pillars of Shit.
At first I thought you were joking but fuck me you may actual be a post-millennial kid.
Wasn't my intention to, sorry user. Just really hate the shitty development NV had.
>Play New Vegas
>"This game's okay."
>uninstall to free up some room on my drive
>post in NV threads
>suddenly get the hankering to play some New Vegas
>play New Vegas
And the cycle continues
Skyrim HD already exists though, sorry Todd.
Yeah, had to google who urkle was. Its a sitcom character.
Holy shit, todd, why are you still here?
Yeah, he was the "supposed to be nerdy and comically annoying" character there, and was apparently well liked for that reason. Huh, the more you know...
you're explaining it like the other people here don't get it, but you're only proving that you're underage
It ended in '98 dude, people born in that year are old enough to post here.
Aight i was born in 1997 and I still know who fucking Urkle is like what the fuck. Are you not american? Like how are you so out of the loop on pop culture what
Go to reddit faggot.
I don't care about how old you are, I was just pointing information out to people who didn't know. Calm down user
i know like idk if ur the guy who doesn't know urkle but its just fucked up to me that people had childhoods that weren't exactly the same as my childhood
God I'm old. But still, Urkle is one of the most timeless and memorable characters, if they're too fucking stupid to know who he is, then they can google the fucker for all I care. You're helping nobody.
Did they really have to remove everything that was new from New Vegas from FO4?
I mean, its so fucking childish.
Multiple companions? Gone.
Ammo crafting? Gone.
Decent writing? Gone.
Is there a game in existence that is as good as New Vegas was supposed to be?
It's a Bethesda game, good writing is like poison to those people.
Besides, Valentine is literally the only companion worth a shit in that game so no need for multiple companions
It's weird because it's almost harder to write a story that doesn't make sense than it is to write one that does. Like you'd have to go out of your way to make weird outlandish shit that makes no logical sense than a down to earth story about two tribes who want the Hoover Dam, right? I don't fucking get it
Holy fuck i was born in 98 and even i know who urkle is you fucking retard. Is this your first day here? Literally everyone with half a brain who didn't know who urkle was just googled urkle, you aren't some profit spreading interesting trivial facts literally fuck off
A large portion og channers are not American you fucking nigger.
>og channers
I have no fucking clue what you're trying to say but u sound like a dumb. ALSO we're talking about people who were born in like '98 so hopefully they weren't "og channers"
am i being baited
Why Urkle? I'd imagine him being more like Alex (Michael J. Fox) in Family Ties.
The NCR is a well organized representative democracy that is well on its way to being the dominate force in the wasteland. In addition to power and clean running water, the NCR has a gold standard currency and actual running vertibirds! Their brave army is large and well equipped and the entire populace is behind them on their brave mission to liberate the Mojave from the savagery of the Legion.
We can be one my child, let me into your flesh, you just have to pirchase Fallout 4™ with the Season Pass, just do it.
I think he meant "of channers"
You know f and g are right next to each other, typos happen.
P-PLEASE...stop saying Obsidian™
nver5get Todd is a terrorist enemy of freedoms
>a good companion
toppest keks
Valentine literally only exists to show the player that synths can be good but that's basically undermined by everyone else and their mother saying synths are bad.
you think this is a motherfucking game?
In other words, it's a tribe.
Feed shit straight into my mouth master Todd
>i was born in 98
new TES user-cement on E3
>people born in 98 can now be on Sup Forums
Holy shit
is it just one retard doing this shit meme
>there are people over the age of 20 posting memes on Sup Forums right now
I own Fallout 4, I played it for like, a month. once I stopped I had no urge to pick it back up.
so yeah, Fallout 4 is pretty forgettable. especially compared to New Vegas, or hell, even FO3.
The only important part about Urkle is he ruined the show he was a part of.
If he had birthday on 6th of June or earlier
Okay Todd, I'll go buy 50 Fallout New Vegas copies
Why doesn't the NCR just carpet bomb the legion from their fancy choppers?
>Obsidian will never create another Fallout game
They've stated they would if they were asked to, shut the fuck up.
I bought New Vegas twice and pirated 4. I'm thinking of buying New Vegas a third time to make up for how awful 4 was.
I will never get tired of Todd threads.
I love modding and playing New Vegas, literally no reason for me to play or buy Fallout 4.
New Vegas
>It's Hegelian Dialectics, not personal animosity. How do I put this basically enough? It's a philosophical theory, the kind you might encounter if you took time to read some books. The fundamental premise is to envision history as a sequence of "dialectical" conflicts. Each dialectic begins with a proposition, a thesis which inherently contains, or creates, its opposite - an antithesis. Thesis and antithesis. The conflict is inevitable. But the resolution of the conflict yields something new - a synthesis - eliminating the flaws in each, leaving behind common elements and ideas. The bombs wiped the slate clean. Human civilization descended to a level of ignorance that effectively set our cultural progress back to zero. The NCR has all of the problems of the ancient Roman Republic - extreme bureaucracy, corruption, extensive senatorial infighting. Just as with the ancient Republic, it is natural that a military force should conquer and transform the NCR into a military dictatorship. Thesis and antithesis. The Colorado River is my Rubicon. The NCR council will be eradicated, but the new synthesis will change the Legion as well from a basically nomadic army to a standing military force that protects its citizens, and the power of its dictator.
Fallout 4:
>where's my son?
I know right? These threads are funny as hell haha
Anyone hyped for the next dlc or is it just me?
>pirated 4
>Fallout 4 sold more copies then NV and had higher review scores
New Vegas
>Political and philosophical nonsense that no one could be assed to care about
Fallout 4
>Personal, human struggles the player could relate to and thus get more invested in, making for a better and more engaging narrative experience.
>12 Million copies shipped in first 24 hours
Fuck you Todd it better be fucking good or i swear man
>Fallout 4 appeals to idiots so therefor its better
I'm gonna pirate the DLC even though I have no intention of ever playing them. Deal w/it nerd.
>Fallout 4 sold better because it appealed to idiots
>this will affect future fallout games
oh no
no the user you are replying to but i bought FONV and all of the DLC's on the day they came out
along with gifting about 5 of my friends copies of fallout NV
i pirated fallout 4
and the DLC
Every Fallout 4 and Skyrim copy bought harvests a soul of a beautiful virgin for Todd, essentially making him stronger and possibly immortal soon. We have to prevent this.
You were born after '98.
you know as much as i liked NV
i dont think they have any financial incentive to make an obsidian fallout game
remember the news on how they were 1 point short in their metacritic average from getting some kind of bonus or something?
Why couldn't Caesar realize it would never have worked? History doesn't repeat itself that perfectly, and Caesar vs the Republic was Romans vs Romans - Caesars army was already romans with a cultural and economic tie to the state. The motely crew of savages forming the legion would never have adapted that quickly to NCR life. If he wanted to transform the legion he should have been exterminating their tribal habits from the start, and if anyone disagreed or asked why crucified them.
Fallout: New Vegas will be remembered as one of the greatest RPGs of all time.
Fallout 4 will be remembered as a decent FPS with some RPG mechanics with a shitty story.
You know, reading that it actually makes a lot of sense. Like, Caesar wasn't just a megalomaniac who wanted to rule the world, he saw his oen flaws and wanted to mend them by joining with another group.
Kinda like cultural sex.
> Hegelianism
> Not pure nonsense
The only contribution to society hegelianism have given us was marxism and german facism, and look how that shit turned out.
Of course it will be good, my friend! Have I ever let you down? And if you buy season pass right now, it will be even better, because of your significant contribution to the cause
>personal, human struggles
Yeah, I don't care about playing hide and seek with some virtual child in a game that's supposed to be about a post-post-apocalyptic society. In fact that's probably the most boring thing you can throw at me. No one actually gives a shit about finding Shaun. In fact, doing so would ruin the player's fun as you would then have to be a responsible parent.
New Vegas on the other hand showers you with all this intrigue. Who is this asshole who shot me and why? What is the significance of the chip? Why does this cowboy robot care so much about me? Who is this mysterious second courier? What's the deal between the NCR and the Legion? etc.
Avellone cared more about Van Buren than New Vegas.
These Todd threads are probably one of the only innocent laughs left on Sup Forums.
Anyone used this?
How is it compared to normal JSawyer.esp
>the thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. you may think to yourself that youre happy but you dont really believe it you focus on the petty bullshit or the next job or whatever. its only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like
ITT: Obsidrones getting BTFO
Because a lot of the bad guys in the good Fallout games hold flawed philosophies and morals at the heart of their plans.
So is Avellone legitimately the best game writer? What is he doing now? I read somewhere that he left obsidian sometime ago
I hate how rushed the Legion was. I'm certain Bethesda feared that having different factions with good and bad qualities would be too much for their players so gave made the legion a token evil faction. Yet I love despite this Obsidian can still be extremely philosophical and find things about it that honestly, can be seen as better than NCR. Are there perhaps any mods to make the Legion more like what Obsidian intended them to be?
Here's your reply.
cannot be bothered to go through the changelog for that
i'll probably just stick with JSawyer's original mod since the challenge is satisfying enough
oh shit im sorry
>the thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone. you may think to yourself that youre happy but you dont really believe it you focus on the petty bullshit or the next job or whatever. its only looking back by comparison with what comes after that you really understand, that's what happiness felt like
wow, what a completely original and unique thought that definitely hasn't been expressed in facebook image macros before